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Drunk Elevator Creeper

I'm a 21-year-old woman in Maryland. After a creepy encounter with a drunk guy following me to my boyfriend's apartment, we were terrified when he tried breaking in later that night.

By Bhangs CorporationPublished 16 days ago 5 min read
Drunk Elevator Creeper
Photo by Pelin Kahraman on Unsplash

I'm a 21-year-old female who lives in a more urban area of Maryland. I had just gotten out of class and was going to head over to my boyfriend Garrett's house to binge Netflix. He lives in a high-rise apartment building, 14 floors in a penthouse. This building is nice but has a lot of college kids that attend the local university.

You need a key fob to get in if you're a resident; otherwise, you must use this automated machine to call and get buzzed in. Overall, it's always been a pretty secure building because I end up getting stuck outside all the time when my boyfriend isn't paying attention to answer his phone to buzz me in. Because of this, he ended up buying a second fob from the leasing office for me so I could come and go more easily.

It was late, about 10:00, so I couldn't park in the resident parking lot as I didn't have a resident parking pass, which are expensive as fuck. The apartment building backs up to a huge parking garage for the mall that's right behind it. I park there because it's free, and I know I won't get towed. To get back to the building, I must walk down this weird little path that runs out from the garage.

As I'm walking down the path, I catch a strong whiff of alcohol. I look up and see a guy about my age standing there, smoking a cigarette. He sees me and seems to get excited. He shouts, "Hey, gorgeous," and as I walk by, proceeds to follow me. As I've said, the building is home to a bunch of college kids, so I figured he was just drunk, and I didn't get too worked up about it.

He proceeds to follow me up the hill towards the door and tries to put his arm around me. This dude reeks, and he can't walk without wobbling and staggering, and he's slurring his words. As I try to dodge his arm, he says, "Hey, what's wrong? You don't want to be friends? You don't want to be my friend?" Trying to sound firm, I say, "Sorry. I have plenty of friends. I'm not interested. Have a nice night."

I really didn't want to have him follow me into the building, so I'm trying to shake him off, but it doesn't work. "Don't be like that," he whined. "I'm just trying to be a nice guy. We should be friends. Hey, where are you going?" he called after me as I tried to scurry into the building.

Before anyone points this out, yes, I would have called my boyfriend, but since I had been in class all day, my phone had already died. Drunk dude follows me into the building and proceeds to follow me into the elevator, something I kept trying to avoid. He starts smashing the buttons, trying to lean on me and put his arm around me so he could pull me in for a hug. It got to the point where I told him to get the fuck off me and keep his hands to himself. Since drunk guy thought it was a good idea to mash the buttons, the elevator stops on the second floor, and there's another resident standing there, looking confused at the situation. I shoot him a help-me look, and he catches on. He walks into the elevator, which was enough to get drunk guy to finally leave.

I get off two floors below my boyfriend's floor, glad to be rid of the dude, at that point. I get off two floors below my boyfriend's floor, glad to be rid of the dude at that point. I just thought he was a very persistent drunk creep. Nothing too much out of the ordinary for a college-aged girl. I encounter them every weekend when I go out with my friends, and they're usually harmless. Taking up the last two flights of stairs, I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked into my boyfriend's apartment. I told him what happened, and he got livid. So, to calm down, we locked the door and tried to forget about it, making some dinner, watching Netflix, the whole nine yards. After everything that happened, I didn't really feel up to walking back to my car, even though my boyfriend offered to walk with me.

So, I get off two floors below my boyfriend's floor, glad to be rid of the dude, at that point. I just thought he was a very persistent drunk creep. Nothing too much out of the ordinary for college aged. Girl. I encounter them every weekend when I go out with my friends and they're usually harmless taking up the two last flights of stairs. I breathed a sigh of relief, as I walk into my boyfriend's apartment. I tell him what happened, and he got livid So to calm down, we lock the door and tried to forget about it, making some dinner watching Netflix, the whole nine yards after everything that happened. I don't really feel up to walking back to my car even though my boyfriend offered to walk with me.

So, I decided to just spend the night. We're in bed. Sound asleep and at 3:30 in the morning. I hear a loud. Bang on the front door. It. Wakes us both up and we're bewildered as hell. Garrett creeps up to the peephole and Whispers. There's some guy standing out here. What the fuck? As I get up to look, this dude is literally trying to tear the door open rattling. The knob as hard as he can and then he throws his entire body weight up against the door.

I start screaming that that's the same guy from earlier, that followed me into the building. And then he says something that makes my blood run cold. I know you can see me. Come on out and play. We both back away from the door freaking out. Then I start hearing this weird heavy breathing, wanting to see what the hell drunk guy is doing out there. I look out the peephole, and he has his hand down his pants, fondling himself. I jump back and tell Garrett. We ran back into the bedroom to grab our phones, to call the cops. But when we looked at the peephole again, he was gone.

I had to be at work at 8:30, the next day. So, against my better judgment. I told my boyfriend not to call the cops after all part of me. Figured. There's not much they could do. Since the only cameras are at the elevators and it's not like they could have seen him jerking off or anything. As I'm leaving for work, the next morning, my boyfriend's neighbour, who I'm friends with is taking her dog out. I tell her what happened is we're taking the elevator down to the ground floor. Was he a dirty blond wearing khaki pants? She asked that dude was sleeping in the hallway on the ground in between our apartments. My boyfriend saw him when he went to move his car at 6:00.

I don't know how he knew, what floor much less. What apartment I went into. He didn't know my name, nor my boyfriend's, and he was still on the elevator going up. When I got off on the fourth floor. Creepy drunk. Let's not meet again.

Check out my other story :-

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About the Creator

Bhangs Corporation

We are new to writing articles online, so please provide feedback to improve.

We are keenly interested in movies, web series, computer games, and finance so I will write some posts on them with my main focus on horror stories.

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    Bhangs CorporationWritten by Bhangs Corporation

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