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Dear Diary - Part 2

Follow on from Dear Diary (Top Story November 2023)

By KelPublished 8 months ago 11 min read
Dear Diary - Part 2
Photo by Noemí Jiménez on Unsplash

If you havent read Part 1, I have provided a link for you. I hope you enjoy :)


November 3rd

The following day started off somewhat normally. Sarah and I decided to explore the farmhouse in search of any hidden secrets or clues about the mysterious events of Halloween night. The old house had a labyrinthine layout, with dusty corridors and creaky floorboards, which only added to the eerie atmosphere.

We began in the attic, where I had found that unsettling journal. We dug through old boxes and crates, but all we found were vintage clothes, dusty books, and faded photographs. There was nothing that directly connected to the haunting melody or the graveyard.

We then moved to the basement, a dim and dank space with a maze of shelves and cobweb-covered corners. As we investigated, Sarah stumbled upon an old, weathered map tucked away in a corner. It seemed to be a hand-drawn map of the forest, with a marked location that caught our attention. It was the same spot where we had found the hidden graveyard.

Our curiosity piqued, we decided to follow the map and see if it would lead us to any answers. Armed with flashlights, we ventured back into the forest. The sun was setting, casting long, eerie shadows through the trees, and the atmosphere was heavy with tension.

Following the map, we reached the marked location, and to our astonishment, we discovered a concealed entrance to a subterranean tunnel. It was barely large enough for us to squeeze through, but our determination drove us to explore further.

The tunnel was dark and damp, and we could hear the faint sound of running water echoing through its depths. We proceeded cautiously, our flashlights illuminating the way. It felt like we were on an adventure in some kind of horror movie.

As we ventured deeper into the tunnel, the air grew colder, and the walls seemed to close in on us. I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding, and I knew we were getting closer to unraveling the mystery that had plagued us since Halloween night.

Eventually, we emerged into a cavern, and our flashlights revealed a startling sight. In the center of the cavern, there was an old, worn-out tombstone, partially covered in moss and dirt. As we approached, we could make out the inscription, which sent shivers down our spines. It read, "Here Lies the Musician."

The implications were chilling. Had the figure we saw on Halloween night been the restless spirit of this "musician"? What had driven them to play their violin in the graveyard and torment the farmhouse?

We were about to leave the cavern and head back to the farmhouse, but that's when we heard it – the mournful violin music, coming from somewhere deep within the tunnel. The same eerie melody that had haunted our dreams and driven us to this place.

Fear washed over us, but we couldn't bring ourselves to go back the way we came. The tunnel felt like a trap, and we had no choice but to follow the music, hoping it would lead us to the answers we so desperately sought.

The music grew louder and more haunting as we proceeded further into the darkness, our hearts pounding with a mix of dread and anticipation. We couldn't turn back now, not when we were so close to uncovering the truth.

Dear Diary, I'm not sure what awaits us in the depths of this tunnel, but one thing is certain – the horror of Halloween night is far from over, and we're on the brink of discovering the terrifying secret that the farmhouse has kept hidden for so long.

Yours in trepidation,


November 4th

I can barely believe what we uncovered in that tunnel, Diary. The events of the past few days have shaken me to my core, and I can't help but wonder if we've stumbled upon something that should have remained hidden.

We followed the eerie music deeper into the tunnel, and it seemed to go on forever. The walls grew increasingly damp, and the air became colder with each step. The music was our only guide through the labyrinthine passages.

Finally, the tunnel opened into a massive underground chamber, and the sight that greeted us was beyond anything we could have imagined. The chamber was filled with an otherworldly glow, emanating from countless bioluminescent fungi covering the walls and ceiling. It created an eerie, surreal ambiance.

In the center of the chamber stood a grand, ornate tomb, unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was adorned with intricate carvings and strange, mystical symbols. And there, beside the tomb, was a figure, the same hooded musician we had seen in the graveyard on Halloween night.

The musician was playing the violin with an intensity that seemed to transcend the earthly realm. Their hollow eyes were fixed on us, and that same skeletal grin adorned their face. It was as if they had been waiting for us.

Sarah and I exchanged terrified glances, but we couldn't move. We were trapped in the thrall of the music, unable to tear ourselves away. It was haunting and beautiful, drawing us closer to the musician.

With each step, the ground beneath us seemed to transform. The chamber's floor was a mosaic of old tombstones, each one bearing a name and date that sent shivers down our spines. These were the resting places of countless souls who had been drawn to this unholy chamber.

We finally reached the grand tomb, and the musician's music reached a feverish crescendo. As if guided by some unseen force, we opened the tomb, revealing a void of darkness within. It felt like we were staring into the abyss.

Sarah and I shared a look of silent understanding, and we knew we had to confront whatever lay within. As we peered into the tomb, the music seemed to swell to a deafening roar, and it felt like the entire world was collapsing in on us.

Before we could react, the musician stopped playing, their eyes locking onto ours. In that moment, we felt an overwhelming presence, a force that transcended the boundaries of life and death. It was as if the very fabric of reality was unraveling around us.

Suddenly, the chamber and the musician faded away, and we found ourselves back in the farmhouse. It was as if we had never left, and there was no trace of the underground chamber or the musician.

We were left in a state of shock and confusion, wondering if it had all been some kind of shared hallucination or a dream. But the overwhelming sense of dread that had gripped us in that chamber was all too real.

Dear Diary, I don't know what we experienced in that underground chamber, but it was beyond anything I could have imagined. The horror of Halloween night has taken on a new dimension, and I can't help but feel that we've uncovered a terrifying secret that should have remained hidden.

Yours in disbelief,


November 5th

The events of the past few days have left Sarah and me in a state of constant unease. We can't shake the feeling that we stumbled upon something beyond our comprehension, something that defies the laws of the natural world.

We've spent the last day researching the history of the farmhouse, the forest, and any records that might provide some insight into the underground chamber we encountered. But our efforts have been in vain. There is no mention of the chamber, the musician, or the strange occurrences that have plagued us.

Sarah and I have come to the conclusion that the farmhouse holds a dark secret, one that has been carefully hidden from the world. It seems as though the musician's presence is tied to this place, and their music is a siren's call that draws unsuspecting souls to their fate.

As we discussed our next steps, a sense of dread settled upon us. We realized that we couldn't simply leave the farmhouse and pretend that none of this had happened. We needed to confront the mysteries that lay within, to uncover the truth and put an end to the haunting presence.

We decided to perform a more thorough investigation of the farmhouse itself, searching for hidden passages, clues, or any remnants of the musician's presence. It was a daunting task, but we had no other choice.

Our search led us to the attic, where I had found the journal that initially piqued my curiosity. As we combed through the dusty old boxes and forgotten relics, Sarah stumbled upon a small, ornate wooden box, hidden behind a stack of tattered books.

When we opened the box, our hearts nearly stopped. Inside was a violin, unlike any we had ever seen. It was ancient and adorned with intricate carvings, matching the symbols we had seen on the grand tomb in the underground chamber.

It was as if the pieces of the puzzle were coming together. The violin was undoubtedly connected to the musician and the haunting music that had tormented us. But why had it been hidden away in the attic?

As Sarah examined the violin, she noticed a small compartment at the bottom of the box. Inside, there was a worn piece of parchment, barely holding together after years of neglect. It was a letter, addressed to an unknown recipient.

The letter detailed the origins of the violin, describing it as a cursed instrument with the power to summon otherworldly forces. It had been created by a reclusive, enigmatic figure who had vanished without a trace, leaving the violin behind. The letter warned of the consequences of playing the cursed instrument and the potential for unleashing supernatural horrors.

The truth became clear – the musician had been drawn to the farmhouse by the cursed violin, an instrument that had been hidden away to prevent further harm. It seemed that the violin was the key to understanding the haunting presence that had plagued us.

Our next step was to decide what to do with the cursed violin. Should we destroy it to break the musician's connection to the farmhouse, or should we try to lay their tormented spirit to rest? The choice weighed heavily on our minds, and we knew that whatever path we chose, it would come with its own set of risks and challenges.

Dear Diary, the horrifying mystery of Halloween night has deepened, and we are on the verge of confronting the supernatural forces that have taken hold of the farmhouse. Our journey is far from over, and the darkness that surrounds us remains as potent as ever.

Yours in determination,


November 6th

The decision weighed on our minds like a dark cloud, and we spent hours debating the best course of action regarding the cursed violin. Destroying it seemed like the most logical option, but we couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for the musician's tormented spirit. In the end, we decided to try to lay the musician's soul to rest and end the haunting once and for all.

We began by researching methods for performing a spiritual cleansing, seeking guidance from old texts and online resources. It was a daunting task, as we had no experience with such matters, but we were determined to find a way to free the musician from their eternal torment.

Armed with the knowledge we had gathered, we returned to the attic with the cursed violin in hand. We lit candles and arranged them in a circle, creating a makeshift sanctuary for the ritual. The air in the attic grew heavy, and we could sense a palpable presence as we prepared to begin.

With trembling hands, Sarah began to play the cursed violin, and its haunting melody filled the attic. The music was mournful and ethereal, echoing through the room. I recited the incantations we had discovered, calling upon the spirits to aid us in our quest to free the musician's soul.

As the music played and the incantations continued, we felt a shift in the atmosphere. The candles flickered, and a cold breeze swept through the room. It was as if the boundary between our world and the supernatural had grown thin.

Then, in a moment that sent shivers down our spines, the musician's form materialized before us. The hooded figure, their hollow eyes fixed on us, stood in the center of the candlelit circle. The music grew louder, and it felt as though the musician was sharing their pain and sorrow through the haunting melody.

Tears welled in our eyes as we continued the ritual, offering our empathy and a plea for release. The musician's spectral figure seemed to waver, as if caught between worlds. It was a moment of profound, otherworldly connection, as if we were experiencing a shared understanding of their suffering.

With a final, sorrowful note on the violin, the musician slowly faded away, and the attic was left in an eerie silence. It was a bittersweet moment, as we felt a mix of relief and sadness for the musician's fate.

The haunted presence that had plagued the farmhouse seemed to dissipate, and the atmosphere lightened. We had succeeded in our quest to free the musician from their torment, and the curse of the violin had been broken.

As we left the attic, the weight that had been on our shoulders for days had finally lifted. We knew that the farmhouse would no longer be a place of fear and horror, and that the musician's spirit had found peace at last.

Dear Diary, the journey that began with Halloween night has come to an end, and the darkness that once consumed the farmhouse has been banished. We are left with a profound sense of closure and the knowledge that we have faced the supernatural and emerged victorious.

Yours in relief,


November 7th

The farmhouse is different now, Diary. It no longer carries the oppressive atmosphere that once plagued it, and the sense of dread has lifted. Sarah and I have been able to find some semblance of peace, knowing that the musician's spirit is finally free.

We decided to leave the cursed violin in the attic, hidden away and out of reach. It serves as a reminder of the supernatural forces that we faced, a warning to any future occupants of the farmhouse. We hope that no one else will have to endure the horror that we experienced.

As we prepare to leave the farmhouse behind, we can't help but reflect on the events of the past week. We ventured into the unknown, faced our deepest fears, and ultimately found a way to bring peace to a tormented spirit. It was a journey that changed us in ways we could never have anticipated.

Dear Diary, our Halloween horror story has come to an end, and we can finally put it behind us. The farmhouse, once a place of darkness, is now a symbol of our resilience and the strength of the human spirit in the face of the unknown.

Yours in closure,



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Comments (2)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran8 months ago

    Oooo, a cursed violin! Glad they managed to sort everything out. Loved your story!

  • Atlantica8 months ago


KelWritten by Kel

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