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The darkness engulfed all living things, the howling wind combined with the chirping of birds and pigs continuously banged on the door of hospital room number 12, the room located at the end of the 2nd floor hallway.

By Ken DaklakPublished 26 days ago 21 min read

The corner of the room was dark, An sat curled up, constantly rubbing her messy short hair.

The sound in my ears still hasn't stopped, a crackling sound, like the sound of a broken speaker combined with the long, trembling sound of the wind.

"I'm... in so much pain, help... save me, take me out."

An stepped back, pressing himself against the corner of the wall, just wanting to merge into that cold wall, to escape this terrifying obsession.


The crying finally stopped, An slowly pulled down her hands that were rubbing her head, shyly raised her head, her eyes filled with fear.

As soon as she opened her eyes, that terrifying image appeared before her eyes.

On the stone floor, the girl's upper body was crushed, her lower body was swollen as if it could explode at any moment. The deformed eyes were thinly pressed towards her, streaked with blood.


An shouted, the scream echoed in the silent hospital corridor.

Screams rang out, but there was no response. As usual, the people at this hospital were so familiar with that scream in the middle of the night, they didn't care and didn't pay attention. And no matter how much you pay attention, there is nothing here other than mental patients. When the screams ring out, if there is a response, it will only be more horrifying screams.

The half-crushed girl trembled and dragged herself little by little closer to An. From the house where she passed, one could vaguely see a mixture of flesh and blood, and a slimy substance oozing out from the house. My crushed ear... seems to be a human brain.

"Take... me out... take me out."

An was scared, her whole body trembled and continued to step back, but her whole body was stuck to the wall, wanting to retreat was basically impossible.

Those slimy hands continued to reach out, then reached out and continuously scratched An's pure white pants leg, turning it into a dark red, slimy, horrible patch like her body now.

So another night passed in horror...

The door opened. An pushed the nurse down and quickly rushed out the door. His eyes, which had not been exposed to sunlight for a long time, slightly squinted, and his small body ran slowly on the road. Behind her, the girl with her upper body crushed was speeding along the road.

"You want to abandon me... you want to abandon me."

The howling sound rang out, prolonged, trembling, hissing each time. She reached out her half-crushed arm and grabbed An's pale ankle.


An fell face down, his palm rubbing against the road surface was scratched.

"Forgive me, please, let me go."

An clasped his hands and begged, tears falling continuously.

"Auntie, are you okay?" – A hand was placed on An's shoulder, his voice was low and warm.

Meeting the savior, An quickly turned around and grabbed the other guy's hand.

Her whole body froze, her face froze.

"An, why do you..."

Nam looked at the girl in front of him, was this the girl he once loved? Absolutely different. Her hair is now messy, her face is pale and confused, her eyes are dark, she is wearing loose white clothes, and her bare feet are covered in sand.

"Why did you become like that? What happened?"

An blankly looked at Nam, her current appearance was truly embarrassing.

From afar, a group of people wearing white shirts ran towards each other. Looking at the group of people in panic, An was scared and held Nam's hand tighter.

"Get me out of here, please."

Nam hesitated not knowing what to do, but looking into An's eyes, those eyes filled with absolute belief, he didn't think anymore and picked An up and helped her to his car.


In the small apartment, sitting opposite Nam, An's eyes were still filled with fear.

"Why did you become like that?" - Nam spoke, his voice was sad.

Not paying attention to Nam's words, An curled up, trying to avoid the image shining into his eyes.

Noticing An's abnormality, Nam approached, knelt down on one knee, and held her cold hands tightly.

"Tell me, what exactly happened."

"Get out of here, can you get out of here?" – An's voice trembled.

An turned his head to one side, his body trembling intermittently.

Looking at An's attitude, Nam shook his head in confusion.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Over there..." – An's hand trembled as he pointed to the direction Nam had just sat. – "There's someone hanging there, her hair is down, every now and then she raises her head and her tongue sticks out, her whole body shakes back and forth very scary, get out of here, get out of here." ."

An shook Nam's hand, begging him.

Hearing An's words, Nam's spine chilled. He carefully turned his head, looked behind him, then forced a smile.

"Then I'll take you out."

Putting his windbreaker on An's body, Nam helped An stand up.

Sitting in a small restaurant, on the dining table, two plates of fried rice and eggs lay silently there.

"Please eat."

Nam put the spoon into An's hand.

"Then tell me what happened. Why were you locked up in the hospital..."

Nam didn't say it directly, but as he saw today, she must have been locked up in a mental hospital recently. Why did the once intelligent, beautiful, and sharp girl become mentally ill?

"Phuong... is dead." – An said, tears falling, drop by drop, drop by drop. – "A month ago, there was an accident, I was still alive, and he... died, he was run over by a container, his upper body was... crushed."

Images of the accident that day reappeared. In that accident, An was thrown out, while Phuong fell onto the roadbed, was run over by the container, the upper part was crushed, stuck to the roadbed. At that time, she herself witnessed how her closest friend died, how painfully. If it weren't for her, because she drove recklessly because of breaking up with Nam, then Phuong wouldn't have had to die so painfully.

Thinking of this, An reached out again and ruffled his short hair. Tears welled up, salty and bitter.

"A month ago... was the day you said goodbye."

Nam looked at An, struggling to say each word.

Received no answer, only sobbing.

So he was the murderer, the murderer who killed Phuong, the murderer who made the girl he loved turn into what she is now.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault"

A tear fell from the corner of Nam's eyelashes, helpless. This evil cancer forced him to leave An, forcing him to say goodbye to her. He didn't expect that wanting to be good for her would end up harming her.

Nam stood up, went to sit next to An, embracing her in his arms.

"It's my fault, so stop blaming yourself, go back to being the you you were before."

Feeling the warmth she had been waiting for for many days, An wrapped her arms around Nam and hugged him tightly. Only then will the fear in her heart lessen somewhat.

"Don't leave me, please."

In a newly rented room, sitting on the bed, Nam hugged An, letting her lie quietly in his arms. The whole night passed, he just sat like that, watching over her sleep.

Feeling the warmth of Nam's arms, An fell asleep easily.

At the corner of the bed, the girl whose upper body was crushed looked intently at the romantic couple. Her eyes were streaked with red blood, her face was thin and flattened, the upper part of her body was pressed thin and twisted like a piece of paper being shaken in the wind, the lower part bulged out like a balloon being blown up. tension will soon explode.

Nam and An probably didn't know that, when they were alive, Phuong secretly loved Nam, and even loved Nam one step before An. But because of this close friend, she had to be patient and endure. But human jealousy is not small, because of that jealousy, the friendship she had for An was no longer the same as before, and in her heart, the close friendship between the two of them was somewhat broken.

The only peaceful sleep for a month now, waking up, An's mood has calmed down somewhat. She directly asked Nam to visit Phuong's grave with her. A month ago, since the accident happened, Phuong passed away, and she was taken to a mental hospital. She hasn't even been able to light a stick of incense for Phuong. Maybe that's why an illusion was born in her heart. An told himself so.

Nam immediately agreed to An's proposal. After all, he and Phuong could be considered close friends. When she died, he was also very heartbroken.

Standing in front of Phuong's grave, Nam took An's arm, carefully protecting her in his arms.

Since arriving at this cemetery, Phuong has been leaning closer and closer to Nam, her eyes confused and scared as if she was avoiding something. It's the same now, standing in front of Phuong's grave, An keeps pressing himself close to Nam's chest.

"You're so cruel. You're happy with Nam, but I have to die." - A shrill hissing sound rang out. – "Take me out, it hurts so much. I'm really in pain."

An quickly raised his hand and covered his ears. But those terrible sounds still rang out. Phuong's thin and bloody face was close to hers.

"You abandoned me, you're so hateful." - The trembling sound kept ringing, it made An's head feel like it was about to explode.

Noticing An's abnormality, Nam slightly lowered his head and raised his hand to stroke her hair.

"Are you alright."

An raised his head, his pale face trying to force a smile

"Let's get out of here." – Nam was worried about taking An out of this gloomy cemetery.

On the way, An tried to cover his ears tightly. But no matter how tightly she covered it, that terrifying sound still echoed and hissed every time.

"Get me out of here, I'm in so much pain."

"You abandoned me, you're so hateful."

"Why me, why did I die, and you live so happily?"

The voice kept being close to An's ear, making her go crazy.

An pulled his hands away from Nam and shouted.

"I can't stand it anymore, I really can't stand it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Having said that, she rushed out onto the street full of passing cars, her eyes desperate.

Nam panicked, without thinking much, he quickly rushed after An, pulled her back, protecting her tightly in his arms like he always did.

The car was caught by surprise, unable to brake in time and crashed into the couple on the road.

Even though he was hit hard by the car, Nam still persevered and held An tightly in his arms, until they both fell to the ground before letting her go.

On the road, traffic was congested and blood flowed in a long, terrifying line.

On the other side of the street, the girl's upper body was crushed, her flesh and blood were a mess, the corner of her lips curled up in a devilish smile, tears fell from her eyes streaked with red blood.

"In the end, none of us are happy."

The crowd gathered together, jostling each other, curious and fearful looking at the couple in front of them, they competed with each other to comment.

The sound of people huddled in her ears was a human sound, not that scary sound. An weakly opened her eyes. Opposite her, Nam was lying in a pool of blood, eyes closed and silent.

"That girl opened her eyes." – the voice clearly reached An's ears.

Ignore those voices, and the shadow that has been haunting her for a month now on the opposite street. An called softly, his voice filled with love, and even guilt.


Hearing the beloved call, the closed eyes slowly and heavily opened.

"I wanted... to give you... a surprise in the... grass field. It... seems... impossible."

The last smile appeared on Nam's lips, then disappeared, his eyes also closed.

An looked at him, difficult to smile back.

"No, I'll come... I'll accept the surprise."

An leaned on his hands and tried to stand up. Blood flowed down from his forehead, warmly pouring into his eyes. Without wiping away that blood, An staggered down the street, ignoring everyone's warnings.

Winter comes, the cold wind rushes in, each breeze gently blows through An's short hair. Her small, fragile figure floated in the wind, alone...in the middle of an endless grass field. This was the surprise that Nam wanted for her, the grass field was filled with pinwheels. The wind blows, the pinwheel spins, spins forever, spins forever. Putting his arms around himself, An burst out laughing numbly. Laughter echoed throughout the space... then echoed back to her withered heart.

Cold... so cold.

An hugged himself tighter.

"Nam, you're so cold."

But no matter how hard she squeezed herself, the cold still enveloped her... very cold. An's whole body trembled. The grass swayed in the wind as it gently brushed her soft hands. You could vaguely see the scratches where the grass brushed.

"Nam, hug me,... hug me, as long as you hold me, I won't be cold anymore,... will be warm again."

In the field of mayonnaise flowers, the faint shadow of a boy suddenly appeared behind her. His face was pale and bloodless, but there was still a loving smile on his lips. He reached out and covered An's small, fragile body.

Quickly feeling the warmth, a happy smile appeared on An's lips.

"Nam, you're not cold anymore."

At that moment, a gust of wind blew, pulling the boy's faint silhouette away... and disappearing.

An slowly cThe corner of the room was dark, An sat curled up, constantly rubbing her messy short hair.

The sound in my ears still hasn't stopped, a crackling sound, like the sound of a broken speaker combined with the long, trembling sound of the wind.

"I'm... in so much pain, help... save me, take me out."

An stepped back, pressing himself against the corner of the wall, just wanting to merge into that cold wall, to escape this terrifying obsession.


The crying finally stopped, An slowly pulled down her hands that were rubbing her head, shyly raised her head, her eyes filled with fear.

As soon as she opened her eyes, that terrifying image appeared before her eyes.

On the stone floor, the girl's upper body was crushed, her lower body was swollen as if it could explode at any moment. The deformed eyes were thinly pressed towards her, streaked with blood.


An shouted, the scream echoed in the silent hospital corridor.

Screams rang out, but there was no response. As usual, the people at this hospital were so familiar with that scream in the middle of the night, they didn't care and didn't pay attention. And no matter how much you pay attention, there is nothing here other than mental patients. When the screams ring out, if there is a response, it will only be more horrifying screams.

The half-crushed girl trembled and dragged herself little by little closer to An. From the house where she passed, one could vaguely see a mixture of flesh and blood, and a slimy substance oozing out from the house. My crushed ear... seems to be a human brain.

"Take... me out... take me out."

An was scared, her whole body trembled and continued to step back, but her whole body was stuck to the wall, wanting to retreat was basically impossible.

Those slimy hands continued to reach out, then reached out and continuously scratched An's pure white pants leg, turning it into a dark red, slimy, horrible patch like her body now.

So another night passed in horror...

The door opened. An pushed the nurse down and quickly rushed out the door. His eyes, which had not been exposed to sunlight for a long time, slightly squinted, and his small body ran slowly on the road. Behind her, the girl with her upper body crushed was speeding along the road.

"You want to abandon me... you want to abandon me."

The howling sound rang out, prolonged, trembling, hissing each time. She reached out her half-crushed arm and grabbed An's pale ankle.


An fell face down, his palm rubbing against the road surface was scratched.

"Forgive me, please, let me go."

An clasped his hands and begged, tears falling continuously.

"Auntie, are you okay?" – A hand was placed on An's shoulder, his voice was low and warm.

Meeting the savior, An quickly turned around and grabbed the other guy's hand.

Her whole body froze, her face froze.

"An, why do you..."

Nam looked at the girl in front of him, was this the girl he once loved? Absolutely different. Her hair is now messy, her face is pale and confused, her eyes are dark, she is wearing loose white clothes, and her bare feet are covered in sand.

"Why did you become like that? What happened?"

An blankly looked at Nam, her current appearance was truly embarrassing.

From afar, a group of people wearing white shirts ran towards each other. Looking at the group of people in panic, An was scared and held Nam's hand tighter.

"Get me out of here, please."

Nam hesitated not knowing what to do, but looking into An's eyes, those eyes filled with absolute belief, he didn't think anymore and picked An up and helped her to his car.


In the small apartment, sitting opposite Nam, An's eyes were still filled with fear.

"Why did you become like that?" - Nam spoke, his voice was sad.

Not paying attention to Nam's words, An curled up, trying to avoid the image shining into his eyes.

Noticing An's abnormality, Nam approached, knelt down on one knee, and held her cold hands tightly.

"Tell me, what exactly happened."

"Get out of here, can you get out of here?" – An's voice trembled.

An turned his head to one side, his body trembling intermittently.

Looking at An's attitude, Nam shook his head in confusion.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Over there..." – An's hand trembled as he pointed to the direction Nam had just sat. – "There's someone hanging there, her hair is down, every now and then she raises her head and her tongue sticks out, her whole body shakes back and forth very scary, get out of here, get out of here." ."

An shook Nam's hand, begging him.

Hearing An's words, Nam's spine chilled. He carefully turned his head, looked behind him, then forced a smile.

"Then I'll take you out."

Putting his windbreaker on An's body, Nam helped An stand up.

Sitting in a small restaurant, on the dining table, two plates of fried rice and eggs lay silently there.

"Please eat."

Nam put the spoon into An's hand.

"Then tell me what happened. Why were you locked up in the hospital..."

Nam didn't say it directly, but as he saw today, she must have been locked up in a mental hospital recently. Why did the once intelligent, beautiful, and sharp girl become mentally ill?

"Phuong... is dead." – An said, tears falling, drop by drop, drop by drop. – "A month ago, there was an accident, I was still alive, and he... died, he was run over by a container, his upper body was... crushed."

Images of the accident that day reappeared. In that accident, An was thrown out, while Phuong fell onto the roadbed, was run over by the container, the upper part was crushed, stuck to the roadbed. At that time, she herself witnessed how her closest friend died, how painfully. If it weren't for her, because she drove recklessly because of breaking up with Nam, then Phuong wouldn't have had to die so painfully.

Thinking of this, An reached out again and ruffled his short hair. Tears welled up, salty and bitter.

"A month ago... was the day you said goodbye."

Nam looked at An, struggling to say each word.

Received no answer, only sobbing.

So he was the murderer, the murderer who killed Phuong, the murderer who made the girl he loved turn into what she is now.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault"

A tear fell from the corner of Nam's eyelashes, helpless. This evil cancer forced him to leave An, forcing him to say goodbye to her. He didn't expect that wanting to be good for her would end up harming her.

Nam stood up, went to sit next to An, embracing her in his arms.

"It's my fault, so stop blaming yourself, go back to being the you you were before."

Feeling the warmth she had been waiting for for many days, An wrapped her arms around Nam and hugged him tightly. Only then will the fear in her heart lessen somewhat.

"Don't leave me, please."

In a newly rented room, sitting on the bed, Nam hugged An, letting her lie quietly in his arms. The whole night passed, he just sat like that, watching over her sleep.

Feeling the warmth of Nam's arms, An fell asleep easily.

At the corner of the bed, the girl whose upper body was crushed looked intently at the romantic couple. Her eyes were streaked with red blood, her face was thin and flattened, the upper part of her body was pressed thin and twisted like a piece of paper being shaken in the wind, the lower part bulged out like a balloon being blown up. tension will soon explode.

Nam and An probably didn't know that, when they were alive, Phuong secretly loved Nam, and even loved Nam one step before An. But because of this close friend, she had to be patient and endure. But human jealousy is not small, because of that jealousy, the friendship she had for An was no longer the same as before, and in her heart, the close friendship between the two of them was somewhat broken.

The only peaceful sleep for a month now, waking up, An's mood has calmed down somewhat. She directly asked Nam to visit Phuong's grave with her. A month ago, since the accident happened, Phuong passed away, and she was taken to a mental hospital. She hasn't even been able to light a stick of incense for Phuong. Maybe that's why an illusion was born in her heart. An told himself so.

Nam immediately agreed to An's proposal. After all, he and Phuong could be considered close friends. When she died, he was also very heartbroken.

Standing in front of Phuong's grave, Nam took An's arm, carefully protecting her in his arms.

Since arriving at this cemetery, Phuong has been leaning closer and closer to Nam, her eyes confused and scared as if she was avoiding something. It's the same now, standing in front of Phuong's grave, An keeps pressing himself close to Nam's chest.

"You're so cruel. You're happy with Nam, but I have to die." - A shrill hissing sound rang out. – "Take me out, it hurts so much. I'm really in pain."

An quickly raised his hand and covered his ears. But those terrible sounds still rang out. Phuong's thin and bloody face was close to hers.

"You abandoned me, you're so hateful." - The trembling sound kept ringing, it made An's head feel like it was about to explode.

Noticing An's abnormality, Nam slightly lowered his head and raised his hand to stroke her hair.

"Are you alright."

An raised his head, his pale face trying to force a smile

"Let's get out of here." – Nam was worried about taking An out of this gloomy cemetery.

On the way, An tried to cover his ears tightly. But no matter how tightly she covered it, that terrifying sound still echoed and hissed every time.

"Get me out of here, I'm in so much pain."

"You abandoned me, you're so hateful."

"Why me, why did I die, and you live so happily?"

The voice kept being close to An's ear, making her go crazy.

An pulled his hands away from Nam and shouted.

"I can't stand it anymore, I really can't stand it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Having said that, she rushed out onto the street full of passing cars, her eyes desperate.

Nam panicked, without thinking much, he quickly rushed after An, pulled her back, protecting her tightly in his arms like he always did.

The car was caught by surprise, unable to brake in time and crashed into the couple on the road.

Even though he was hit hard by the car, Nam still persevered and held An tightly in his arms, until they both fell to the ground before letting her go.

On the road, traffic was congested and blood flowed in a long, terrifying line.

On the other side of the street, the girl's upper body was crushed, her flesh and blood were a mess, the corner of her lips curled up in a devilish smile, tears fell from her eyes streaked with red blood.

"In the end, none of us are happy."

The crowd gathered together, jostling each other, curious and fearful looking at the couple in front of them, they competed with each other to comment.

The sound of people huddled in her ears was a human sound, not that scary sound. An weakly opened her eyes. Opposite her, Nam was lying in a pool of blood, eyes closed and silent.

"That girl opened her eyes." – the voice clearly reached An's ears.

Ignore those voices, and the shadow that has been haunting her for a month now on the opposite street. An called softly, his voice filled with love, and even guilt.


Hearing the beloved call, the closed eyes slowly and heavily opened.

"I wanted... to give you... a surprise in the... grass field. It... seems... impossible."

The last smile appeared on Nam's lips, then disappeared, his eyes also closed.

An looked at him, difficult to smile back.

"No, I'll come... I'll accept the surprise."

An leaned on his hands and tried to stand up. Blood flowed down from his forehead, warmly pouring into his eyes. Without wiping away that blood, An staggered down the street, ignoring everyone's warnings.

Winter comes, the cold wind rushes in, each breeze gently blows through An's short hair. Her small, fragile figure floated in the wind, alone...in the middle of an endless grass field. This was the surprise that Nam wanted for her, the grass field was filled with pinwheels. The wind blows, the pinwheel spins, spins forever, spins forever. Putting his arms around himself, An burst out laughing numbly. Laughter echoed throughout the space... then echoed back to her withered heart.

Cold... so cold.

An hugged himself tighter.

"Nam, you're so cold."

But no matter how hard she squeezed herself, the cold still enveloped her... very cold. An's whole body trembled. The grass swayed in the wind as it gently brushed her soft hands. You could vaguely see the scratches where the grass brushed.

"Nam, hug me,... hug me, as long as you hold me, I won't be cold anymore,... will be warm again."

In the field of mayonnaise flowers, the faint shadow of a boy suddenly appeared behind her. His face was pale and bloodless, but there was still a loving smile on his lips. He reached out and covered An's small, fragile body.

Quickly feeling the warmth, a happy smile appeared on An's lips.

"Nam, you're not cold anymore."

At that moment, a gust of wind blew, pulling the boy's faint silhouette away... and disappearing.

An slowly collapsed, falling alone in the sea of ​​grass.

"Nam, I can see you now."ollapsed, falling alone in the sea of ​​grass.

"Nam, I can see you now."

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About the Creator

Ken Daklak

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (2)

  • Hoàn Trần15 days ago

    It's great, I hope there will be more articles to come

  • HK Decor18 days ago

    Useful article, thank you for sharing

 Ken DaklakWritten by Ken Daklak

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