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11 Versipellis Drive

A Christmas Tale

By Valentine VampirePublished 7 months ago 42 min read

Part 1:Valentine

“As we prepare for our final descent into Billings Montana. Please make sure all carry-on items are properly stored under your seat and your tray tables are put in the upright position. It’s been an absolute pleasure serving you this evening I just want to thank everyone for flying with angel airlines and without any further ado welcome to great sky country and happy holidays ”

The faint whispers of light trickle in from an empty plane to the back of my window where I sit. Pitch black as the midnight sea. Curious and mysterious as it as well. I’m heading to my new job today. It’s an on-property position in a little town outside of Billings Montana, Valentine. The job entails changing light bulbs and windmill maintenance. Although it sounds like an easy job it’s not for the faint of heart, coming with a list full of dangers, potentially life threatening I'm used to working like this. Back in Ohio, I did a lot of similar work. Long hours. Little sleep. Decent pay, and free boarding. I don’t think Montana will be that much different from Ohio. Didn’t have much in Ohio to start with anyway…

I'm going to rent a car until I can find my own. The only thing left on the lot was a busted-down Chevy with snow graffitied into the teal paint.

It will do.

The drive to Valentine is about 2 and a half hours north of the airport. Probably will end up being a three-hour trip with the fresh snow newly de-iced off the road. The visibility is horrible, much like Ohio, I’m used to blizzard levels of snow, and freezing fog, but not the lack of light. This is something I will need to get used to.

Didn't do much research on Valentine wasn’t much to research to do. All the town’s history is summed up on half a page, and only about 100 people live in the actual town itself, that would bother most people, but I prefer it that way… Small towns Help me get acclimated to my surroundings faster if I know who I'm sharing the air with.

Let's check out what I’m working with here. A road atlas and a compass. Phones don't work out here unless you are in a bigger city like Billings. Even then the service for phones is not very convincing. That doesn’t bother me much though. Other items were in the car, emergency items such as blankets, extra fuel, and road flares. The car even came with a radio which despite my efforts did not seem to have any other channel but static. I looked in the middle compartment to place my cigarettes and my hat when to my luck 4 CDs were waiting for me to find.

A homemade CD titled in red sharpie “Martha Raye's Greatest Hits!” with each song labeled on the casing of the CD.

“Vs.” by Pearl Jam

“Good news for people who love bad news” by Modest Mouse

And lastly

“Portrait of an American Family” by Marilyn Manson

An eclectic group of music nonetheless. All albums I love. Except for Martha Raye. I have no earthly idea who the hell “Martha Raye” is, but I’m open to new music. So I popped open the cracked plastic CD and placed it in the CD player.

“Those were the days” played through the dated speakers. Her voice along with I believe was Carol Burnett. I only know this because my mother loved Annie, and she would constantly have the music on so me and Carol Burnett are well acquainted. Listening to the song. It brought back old memories. I remember my mother listening to the Mary Hopkins version. She loved this song, however, something about the way these two women sang in their version was much more daunting. It made me reminisce about a time I tried to forget.

My mother passed away 5 years ago. She was putting up her Christmas tree on a ladder and slipped, fell, and broke her leg. I told her she should have sued the Christmas tree company, but she was a good woman and would never try to get anyone in trouble who didn't do anything wrong. She went to rehab for a while making great progress. So much so that she was sent home to finish recovering. A care nurse was supposed to check in with her every day to make sure she was okay and fed, but with the holiday season, I think they had an issue with the schedule. No nurses showed up and my mother broke her hip and fell out of bed. “She was in immense pain,” the coroner told me. She layed on the floor in agony from her hip and hunger pains. They also told me her vocal cords were severely damaged from screaming for help. For anyone to hear her…. I was coming to visit for the Christmas holiday, I was working a job much like the one I’m about to start. No cellular service and no way to receive or make calls.

I was the one who found my mother’s body. I try to block that memory out of my head. Which can be difficult when a whole season reminds me of what happened and what I couldn't do for her.

As I continued my drive to Valentine. The lyrics to that song haunted me

“Just tonight I stood before the tavern

Nothing seemed the way it used to be

In the glass, I saw a strange reflection

Was that lonely woman really me?”

Now my musical wanderings took me to “Vs.” by Pearl Jam. According to the road atlas, I should be about 15 minutes away from Valentine. As I headed down the mountain, the dark black sea had changed its appearance. For the sea was illuminated with flashing crimson lights. Far as the eye can see. Hundreds upon hundreds upon thousands of these lights were placed across the land. These are the windmills…

I'm meeting my boss at the property. Roxanne is her name I think. She owns all of this incorporated windmill land. Practically the whole town. I'm going to be living out here for about 14 months, maybe more, maybe less. Depending on how fast I'm able to change the light of each bulb. It takes about 8-10 hours depending on the weather.

I should slow down the road marker says that moose and bears roam around these parts. Plus the road should be close by in the next couple of miles.

I turned up the radio as “Go” played.

I sang along a bit

“Once fastened servile now your getting sharp!

Moving oh so swiftly with such disarm!

I pulled the covers over him shoulda' pulled the ala- OH SHIT!"

Punching the breaks to my dismay was an abnormally large moose. At least 9 feet tall.

“Holy shit that’s a huge fucking animal. It’s gotta be inbred.”

I kept the car stopped and turned the radio down. Moose are highly aggressive animals due to this one’s particular size. I did not want to aggravate it. So I waited, but it was just gawking at me so peculiarly. So off-putting. Like it was analyzing me. Observing me, just as I was observing them. Maybe it’s the headlights that are bothering them. I turned off my lights, hoping it would feel safe enough to continue on its journey.

It went black again except for two glowing ruby shaped eyes looking back at me. Opened wide. Bewildered looking. Like they were beaming through me into the seat. The gaze of the red eyes got closer to the car getting brighter. Getting wider.

“What the fuck” I turned my headlights on, startling the moose perching on its hind legs and letting out a loud horrific screech. So ear piercing I covered my ears in fear of damage. I looked up to see it dashing back into the wilderness. The sounds trickling faintly behind them and into the air

“Montana is fucking weird”

“11 versipellis drive”

This seems to be it. I pulled into the heavily wooded driveway and drove down for at least a mile before the trees opened up into a clearing. Revealing the windmills on a grand scale. The closest one being no farther than 25 feet away. On a lesser scale compared to the windmills was a small log cabin cottage. With an old-fashioned chimney that even had smoke coming out from the top a small lantern-like light could be seen in the window. In the driveway was a 1996 Ford Bronco. I pulled next to it. There seemed to be nobody in the vehicle. I walked to the door and knocked

“Hello! It's me Cillian!”

The door creaked open but nobody seemed to be inside. The layout was cozy nonetheless. The staple of the room was the large fireplace. I wonder if it works. All the interior was wooden design. With a full-sized bed on a wooden bed frame that had to be at least 40 years old. Also in the room was a small television with an antenna and a portable radio next to it. The kitchen wasn't bad either. A fridge, stove/oven, sink, and a microwave. Everything I could ever need. Next to the kitchen was a small table and 2 wooden dining chairs, then of course the bathroom

“Put your hands up!” a female nervous voice demanded.

I put my hands up and turned around slowly.

A 5’6 freakishly skinny, bugged-eyed, dishwater blonde, woman in her 30s had her sights set on me as well as her pump action. She looked as if she was not too familiar with how to handle such a weapon as she shakily handled it.

“ You’re Cillian, right? You're here for the job?” her voice was scurried as if she was double-checking who I was

“Yes mam, that's correct.”

She put her shotgun down and put it by the door as well as taking her coat off and placing it on the chair.

“I’m sorry about that. We don't have many people come up here so I’m always cautious of who comes through this place. I’m Roxanne Beau, Roxy for short”

She placed her hand out for me to shake. Her demeanor changed. Her confidence was back in her voice and the bugeyness of her eyes had gone back down.

“No sweat. It’s good to meet you”

She shook her head in an awkward silence.

“Yeah, well let me show you around the place and we can sit and talk about your daily activities. You want some coffee?”

“No mam I’m okay thank you though. I’m already awake”

“Sure, no problem… well as you can see you have a bed. Don't be fooled by its looks it’s actually pretty comfortable. Our carpenter is an older man and he has been doing this since longer before I was born. His name is Wallace. He hangs out at the bar up in town. Which is really the only thing to do for fun up here. That is if you like to drink and shoot the shit with the town bar rats. They aren't too bad though.”

I could use a drink right about now

“You will have to tell me the directions to the bar. A drink would sound great.”

“Yeah for sure… Well, there is a fully functioning kitchen here, and the water is hot, in the tub as well. So you won't have to boil your bathwater. Everything is pretty up to date on repairs and functionality. The fireplace is fully functional as well. I was just about to light it before you got here but you beat me. I went ahead and stocked the fridge for you so you have the necessities. Meat, eggs, milk, bread, cereal, and some other little snacks in there to hold you over until you can go grocery shopping. Everything here is locally grown and raised so I hope it will be to your liking”

“Yeah, that's kind of you. I really appreciate that. I haven't eaten all day so I’ll make full use of those groceries”

“Let me think if there is anything else I should tell you about this place… Oh yeah, so I’m sure you researched that this is a remarkably tiny town. So our options for entertainment are very limited. In town, we have our bar, the grocery, a one-room movie theater that only plays Brad Pitt movies, and the gas station, The Emerald Belle, but that’s about a mile down the road, from the festivities. Most of the citizens who live here live in the square itself. Only me and a few others live outside of the town, but I’m sure you will run into them as well.”

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a walkie

“I'm sure you have noticed that the service is bad. The walkie is a direct line to me. So if you get stuck up on those windmills then just go to channel 3 and start talking. Our closest police station is in Roy so if you need urgent help I could probably get her faster than them. I always have my walkie on me so I’ll answer.”

She paused. Clicking her tongue. Making sure she had given me the full rundown.

“Alright, I think that should be it. Let me mark the town on your map. It’s pretty simple you come out this road, take a left go all the way down for about 6 miles, and then there is the town. You can’t miss it.”

“Thank you, Ms. Beau. I appreciate your hospitality”

She shook her head again with that awkward silence

“I’ll come by here around 11 Am tomorrow and give you a tour around the land when it lights out. Give you the weekend to rest and then you’ll start work on Monday.”

“Sounds good. I’ll walk you out”

“Here is your house key and as a welcoming gift… keep the gun. This is the wilderness, Mr. Crow. If it ain’t the people it’s the animals. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Welcome to Big Sky Country”

She got into her truck and headed back out the driveway and onto the main road. I watched her up until I couldn't see the headlights. I headed back inside the house. Kicked my shoes off and took a bath.

Let's see what I can make in the fridge. “Turkey sandwich” that's dinner.

I ate my humble sandwich and managed to turn the fireplace on. I hopped into the bed that was right next to the window facing the windmills. Rustling around, The red flashing light was visible through the curtains. Watching me sleep. Hopefully, that's the only thing watching me sleep…

PART 2: Bar Rats And Pretty Women with Ushanka Hats


“Cilian are you awake? It’s 11:30…. I made some breakfast bagels come on get dressed and meet me in the truck. Don’t need to be fancy”

Shit already. I feel like I just laid down. Well, I guess it’s that time.

“Thank you! Yeah sounds good let me throw something on!”

I threw on my sweats and a basic forest green shirt, work boots, grabbed my Keys, and headed out the door.

Roxy stood propped up next to her truck. I was able to get a better look at her in the daytime. She was kinda cute in a forest witch way. Her blonde hair was laid down beside her, she wore a white ushanka hat, and black-washed blue jeans with similar work boots to mine. Almost identical, and a puffer jacket with a turtleneck. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold.

“Nice boots. I feel like I’ve seen them somewhere.”

She looked down and then looked at my boots

“Yeah they aren’t too shabby” She smiled and handed me my sandwich wrapped in a paper towel

“I hope you like bacon” It’s fresh too. none of that Walmart shit. Well, let’s talk and eat. I’ll show you around.”

I took a bite of the breakfast bagel. The flavor of it was absolutely incredible. The eggs and bacon felt so clean. And the cheese. Oh god, the cheese. It was the best pepper jack cheese I’ve ever had in my mouth. Melting perfectly with the bacon and eggs. Girl knows how to cook.

Scarfing down the bagel, We headed west of the house to our closet windmill

“So I’m not expecting you to change more than 3 a day. Asking more than that I feel like is unfair. Come on we will go in”

We walked up to the 34-story tall wind turbine as it majestically stood in front of us. Roxy handed me a funny three-prong key

“So this is your skeleton key to get inside all of the turbines. This unlocks and locks the doors. I recommend when you get inside to lock the door behind you as animals like to wander inside and birds and such. Are you ready to climb it?”

“Let’s do it”

We walked inside. It was cozy. About the size of my wingspan. Directly in front of the door was the ladder that would lead us to the top. Next to that was a small cabinet with the climbing gear. She handed it to me. As she strapped me in. I looked around at the small enclosure.

“What’s that?” I nodded my head down to a small trap door below the steps. It looked handmade. I’d never seen trap doors on windmills. Not from the ones I’ve worked on at least.

“Oh, that’s nothing important. Those are in all the windmills. It’s extra emergency supplies. The backups for the backups. So it’s about 300 step climb. The hook here will help you if you lose your grip. Just tell me if you need a break if you lose your grip it can be quite painful when your hands slip.”

“Sounds good” I shook my head at her.

Up we went up the small capsule-sized tunnel to take us to the top. It took about 20 minutes before we reached the top. She opened the small person-sized latch and we climbed into a significantly larger room.

“Okay, this is the generator room. Each turbine has a pack of 6 light bulbs. Just in case one of them has a short or just isn't working. Here take this.”

She handed me a small drawstring bag and opened the latch on the top of the generator room. Immediately the wind hit me aggressively and assaulted my ears.


And just like that the bulb was changed.



Going back down was the same as going up 20 minutes up 20 minutes down.

We unhooked our gear and put it back into the little storage box

“Not too difficult huh? You may be able to get 3 or 4 done in a day but don't hurt yourself trying to do more. Don't worry about doing more today. I just wanted to show you how it was done. I wanted to give you the rest of today and the weekend to get acclimated. Go up to town and introduce yourself. Folk around here like seeing new faces”

“Yeah yeah, I’m still looking for that drink. You are more than welcome to join me if you would like” I offered her.

“Oh thank you I got some business to handle, but I’ll take you up on that drink soon. I have a guy delivering a golf cart to you on Monday so it’s easier to get to and from each turbine. I gotta run but I hope to see you around town Cillian” she smiled.

When we got back to the cabin she dashed off in her vehicle and waved out the window of her car. Cool chick. I checked my watch to see it was a little past 4 o’clock.

I went inside to shower. I suppose it would be a good idea to go check out the town. I put on my nice dress jeans and a The Doors shirt with a red and pink flannel.

I started up the car and headed down the way she marked on the map. The land cleared out again so I was able to see the town once I got on the main road. She wasn't wrong. It’s a cozy little town with small houses surrounding the square. I pulled into the bar. It’s about 6 o’clock now and dark. A few lights were illuminating the town but outside from that you would have no clue what awaited the outside.

There were 3 other cars along with mine. All had to be older than 2003. It was freezing outside too. At least 30 degrees. Everything is decorated for Christmas in a couple of weeks. The bells rang behind me as I opened the door. A long bar table that sat about 6, was two 2 older men, and to the right were 2 booths where 2 younger gentlemen sat. The bartender was an older lady. Probably mid-60s. It was nice. The room was filled with pictures of singers and a jukebox. that faintly played Christmas music. It smelled like whiskey, cigars, and a hint of desperation

Everyone in the bar looked at me with greeting smiles and laughter fresh off their teeth.

“Well well well. So this is the sorry sap Roxys got working up on Versipellis Drive. Shit if anyone needs a drink it’s gonna be you, my name is Charlene! What are you drinking darling ?” she said

“Rumple please,” I asked.

“Rumple, that’s a sissy’s drink. Charlene get him a Jameson and put it on my tab” said the man with the foot-long black beard.

I sat down next to this gentlemen

“My name a Wallace. Born and raised here. Gonna die here too. Not before Charlene lets me slip in her bed warm at least once heheheh”

“Yeah keep porking that wooden doll you made of me and call me when you get the splinters out of your dick” Charlene said taunting him

“Some call that foreplay Charlene I know you’re not used to that”

Wallace and the other gentlemen cut up

“Where are my manners, this is my oldest bastard friend Russel. We are both sex addicts. Well, I’m a sex addict. Russel hasn’t got any cat in at least 6 winters” Wallace and Russel erupted into laughter and in a very thick John Wayne sounding accent Russel spoke

“I wait for the real thing. Wooden sex dolls don’t count” The two men and bartender all let out a laugh”

“And uh what about you? Let’s see Roxy told us your name. What was it? Christopher, Charles?”

Bouncing around with them I play. They are like my great uncles in Ohio so this type of talk Doesn’t bother me much

“Ciilian, but maybe if it was Charles I’d have better luck with the women. you know how it is. Can't stand to be with them. Can't stand to be without em” I joshed with them.

“Boy if that ain't the truth” blurted out Russel as we all joined in on a laugh together

“I wouldn't be talking so much shit considering there is a divine goddess who controls your bar tab” Charlene said as she raised her eyebrow to us.

Wallace and Russell looked down at their drinks and murmured indescribable chatter under their breath.

Charlene gave us our drinks as we cheered at my arrival

“Here’s to the new addition to Valentine!”

Our glasses clinked, even the other 2 gentlemen raised their glasses to cheer

Burning fire is what that drink was like as it scorched the back of my throat

“Let me tell you about this town Cillian. You've already met us three. Those 2 other gentlemen are Roxy’s boys. Dakota and Samuel, They work for her and help to tend to any unwanted visitors that try to mess with those turbines out there at night. That includes where you are staying at. They don't do no harm just a bit of that anti-social, but harmless nonetheless.”

The two boys tipped their drinks to me

“Jade runs the grocery next door. She is an elderly woman so when you buy your grocery give that poor lady the exact change. Steve runs the theatre. Right now he is showing that “interview with the vampire” if you are interested in a film like that. I can’t get past that stupid ponytail. Shit looks so stupid.

Russel picked up the back of Wallace’s ponytail and hit him in the face with it.

“Can’t be anymore stupid than your ponytail” Russel laughed

“The difference is I make mine look sexy. Brad Pitt just looks like a damn tool” Wallace scoffed and took a drink of his what I suspect was beer. “Hush now I’m trying to think if we have missed anyone.”

“You said Steve and Jade and Dakota and Samuel. I think that’s it” said Russel

As quick as lightning the bar doors swung open low a younger gal about the mid-20s dressed in fur boots, a matching red ushanka hat much like roxys but red, a little pink skimpy skirt with dangling little pink puffballs, and a fur coat. Topping it all off with larger than life crimson-red hair to match her look

“Oh yeah and that’s Ruby, She is the town slu-

Quickly interrupting Wallace’s impending insult

“SLAVE… I’m the town slave because I can't seem to get out of here faster”

The boys awkwardly sipped on their drinks and rolled their eyes sarcastically Ruby fixed the hair from her face and put on the sweet innocent bar girl, Marylin Monroe “I don’t know what you talking about mister” voice

“Well hello there handsome. My name is Ruby. You look like someone who has seen a lot of fucked up shit in their life. Is that true?” She twsited her gum with her fingers playing with it.

“Aw shit Ruby! Let the man enjoy his damn drink. Shouldn’t you go check on your grandmother”

“That’s actually what I’m over here for Wallace” she barked rolling her eyes at him and turning her gaze to the bartender.

“Charlene, can I buy 2 cases of your PBST Blue Ribbon and 2 bottles of Captain Morgan?”

“Of course, baby I’ll just put it on the groceries tab”

“Thank you, Charlene. I know I can count on at least one person in this fucking town”

She scooped up the bottles and proceeded to head out the door. I could see she was struggling to hold the door open so I being myself and hearing my mother telling me to “be a gentleman” I offered to help her

“Here let me help you with that” I offered

“Oo why thank you. Maybe there is a gentleman left in Valentine and I think Cupid struck his arrow into me. See you later you old boot lickers!” she stuck her tongue out to them

I kicked the door open for her and escorted her to the grocery

“So was I right?” she asked me

“Pardon me”

“You look like you’ve seen a lot of fucked up shit. Am I right?”

“You wouldn’t be wrong let’s say that”

“Oh, I see. You are one of those mysterious types. Don’t like to say much till you are ready. That’s okay. I won’t pry, but I am curious why someone like yourself would willingly come to a place like Valentine”

“Roxy offered me a hell of a deal I couldn’t refuse in my situation”

“Do you do drugs? I mean not anything hard like heroin, but like ketamine? I have some if you want to do some with me after we make this delivery”

The truth was I’d love a fix. Any type of liquid, powder, or pill to get me through the day. After my mother died. I blew through all the inheritance money she left me destroying myself. Alcohol and drugs, anything I could get ahold of, I’m still an addict at heart, but I want a fresh start, but temptations like these are hard to say no to, and that’s what kills me. I guess I was silent for longer than I thought. Ruby interrupted my thoughts.

“Yeah well think about it. We can have other types of fun besides that.” she winked at me “Here it is!”

Ruby went along skipping to the grocery. Humming a song that was all too familiar to me

“Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

La la la la…”

I started to feel queasy as Ruby still went on chirping

“I love Martha rate! Did you know she is from Montana? Yup born and raised before she made it big in the city. That’s what’s gonna happen to me. I’m going to get the fuck out of this flat-nosed town and go to Hollywood. I love to dance. My gran always tells me I should be a professional dancer”

My body felt quite numb and my reality quickly became dissociative as the world around me went blurry. Slowly losing my footing. Like I took a hero's dose of shrooms, acid, or some other kind of drug. The world began to spin. Ruby's skipping looked like 20 legs skipping all at once. She turned around and her eyes were glowing red. I don't remember much after that…..

Part 3: Trim That Bush Often?

“Shhh hush baby. I’ll take care of you.”

Ruby’s voice echoed around the room. My eyes still prancing around the back of my eyelids, I slowly opened them.

Ruby turned on the radio where Martha Raye’s “Those Were the Days played loudly through the room.

“Where am I?”

“Why you are at home silly. Can’t you recognize your own home? Look around you.. See!? You’re in your bed” she said in that annoying tone of voice. “We were on the way to my grans when you did pass out cold. Spilling all those bottles of booze on the side curb, but that’s okay Gran don’t need any more to drink. She will forgive you. Me on the other hand. I think I know a way you can repay me for saving your life” she said with a flirtatious chuckle

“My head is killing me,” I told her.

“That’s why you need to sit and relax. Let Ruby take care of that nasty headache of yours”

“Can you turn that down” I demanded, annoyed.

She turned the radio up even louder and began dancing more. She pulled out a small baggy with white powder She took her fingernail to scoop the powder and then snorted it. An instant jolt electrified her body. She started Slipping her jacket off in a seductive manner moving her hips back and forth hoping I was looking at her. To the melody of the song, she started to undress herself. Taking off her tights and her top. Leaving her in just her undergarments.

“Ruby come on get dressed i’m not in the mood for this. Get dressed and I’ll take you home. Or I’ll call Charlene to come pick you up.

She then stopped and looked at me. Not turning the music down but moving her dance number in front of me. She took off her red hearted panties revealing the biggest bush I’ve ever seen on a woman. She took off her matching bra to reveal her breasts. She had a very natural look to her. Much like a mountain wild woman. She placed my hand on her breasts and proceeded to get on top of me.

“Do you like what you see Cillian?”

“You're a very beautiful girl Ruby i won't deny that, but please turn the music off. It’s making my head ache much worse”

She looked at me smiling, but quiet. A shocker. Not blinking

“Sure Cillian I’ll. Turn the music down” She walked over to the radio and turned the music off. She also grabbed the baggy with the mystery drug. She took a scoop from her nail again. I watched her every move as she inched closer to me. She put it on her tongue and proceeded to kiss me on my lips. Inserting the drug inside my mouth. I resisted and spit it out immediately.

“Ruby what the fuck!?”

Laughing now, kissing on my neck, She leaned close to my ear. Her voice changed from that soft annoying voice, down to a sinister, dark, and nonhuman voice. Sending shivers down my spine and cold chills through my hair follicles

“Why didn't you save your mother?”

To my horror, I pushed her off of my body. She began to profusely laugh on the ground as I got up.

“Ruby you need to get the fuck out now! Get your shit and go!”

Quickly her head spun to face me in that distorted voice

“What's wrong Cillian? You don’t wanna fuck me?”

Aggressively more she laughed skewing her head to the ceiling and cracking her bones. She must have snapped her neck with how suddenly and quickly she moved. She opened her mouth making a familiar sound of that god-forsaken moose. I immediately grabbed the shotgun that Roxy had given me and my keys. I ran to my car before being trampled back down to the ground. It felt like a ton of bricks was crushing my arms and legs. I let out an agonizing scream of pain. I opened my eyes to see that it was that giant moose crushing me. With those same glowing red eyes, it opened its mouth. I prepared myself for the horrifying screech

“I heard you like moose knuckles?”

“What the fuck?!” it laughed loudly in my face spitting its gunk all over me.

The creature bent and cracked its bones back down the size of Ruby. Transfiguring its body to look like hers. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. It stunned me. Her strength was beyond what I was capable of fighting.

“Hi lover boy. Like me better like this?” her voice cracked in and out of her regular tone and the nonhuman voice.

Still holding my hands down. She hopped on my face with her bare vagina now placed in my mouth. She aggressively began to ride with that disturbing low voice.


In a quick reflex, I bit down as hard as I could on her, causing blood to trail down the sides of my mouth and the sides of her thighs. She recoiled from me, bleeding. I scurried for my gun as she stood in horror screaming about her new circumcision.

Her mouth contorted and contracted to show her freakishly large moose teeth. She was morphing again getting ready to attack me. I knew this would be my only shot at getting an advantage over her.

With much fear in my body, I gripped the shotgun, Cocked it back, And shot.

The poping sent my ears in rings

I took one more opportunity to shoot dear Ruby to her demise.

Barley catching my breath I found the courage to stand up and observe her body before me. It twitched like it was glitching. Her eyes were completely shot off as well as her nose.

The body continued to shake until it started to move. Seemingly growing and changing shape.

Expanding nearly 9 feet tall and 4 feet wide, the body grew grass-like hair on every pore turning brown and then quickly to an ash grey. The creature although still mutilated, i could still make out the face of the creature with the mouth of a moose, the glowing red eyes of an owl, and the nose of a goat. Topping it off with large elk ears.

I took my shotgun and blew one final blow into the creature’s face. Giving it one more recoil and tiny screech before losing the light in its eyes.

I went into the car to start it and head into town. Taking my walkie out and calling Roxy with panic in my voice

“Roxy! Are you there? There is something out here!”

“Cillian? What’s going on?”

“It’s not safe at the cabin right now, I’m heading to the town bar. I need you to meet me there now!”

“Sure’ll take you up on that drink”

“Just meet me there quickly. We need to talk NOW!”

I turned the car on and backed over the body of the creature before taking off down the road. About 500 feet down the road I hesitated before looking back into my rearview mirror. Making the silence in the car incredibly still…

The body was gone.

Part 4: Those Were The Days

I drove as fast as I could; snow now began to plummet down onto my windshield.

I saw the faint lights of the town and drove even faster nearly crashing into the light pole. I didn’t see Roxy’s car. Better to be inside than outside. I grabbed the gun and headed inside. It was the same crew of people from when I first visited the bar.

Charlene, Wallace, and Russel, and the 2 men towards the back. I sat down next to them.

“Well look at that! I say the boy got his red wings ahahahahah”

I forgot my mouth was covered in Rubys blood..

All the members of the bar began to laugh in sync.

“Has Roxy been over here? I’m looking for her”

“Boy, oh boy you sure move on fast. 2 in one night? Slow down their fellow your halfway from being ran through all the women we have here”

They started to laugh louder

“What the fuck is wrong with this place”

“Now calm down son, Christmas is tonight. Let me get you a drink and we will wait for Roxy with you. Girl’s always late anyways”

Wallace put up 2 fingers to the bartender as she poured us two drinks and sat them in front of us.

“Drink up son. Need something to keep you warm. It looks like a heavy one out there.”

I stayed looking at my glass. Focused on talking to Roxy and potentially getting the fuck out of here.

“So, since it’s Christmas I wanna give you a welcoming gift to ole Valentine. I’m the best steelman in all of Montana. So come by tomorrow. I’ll give you the directions, it aint far, and I’ll let you pick from my collection”

“Hell that’s a pretty good Christmas gift to me!” said Russel

Just before I took a drink. I stopped. Now shaking as I held my glass. Putting it down and looking at the smiling and laughing faces. The next words that left my lips were some I dare say I knew I would soon regret.

“I thought you were a carpenter?”

An abrupt silence fell across the room. The only sound is static from flickering bulbs, and the song “Carol of the Bells” playing through the bar. I looked up to see every face in the bar looking in my direction. Right into my eyes.

“I guess no Christmas gift then huh?” why do I gotta be a smartass?

Their bodies began to convulse and their mouths opened wide the same as Rubys back in the lodge.

That same awful screech broke all the glasses in the bar. Ducked down. I peeked up seeing glass shot into Russ’s eyes, Charlene’s back, and all over the bar. They all continued to convulse.

I did not want to see what would happen next so I dashed out of the bar as fast as I could. The sounds were still loud behind me. The snow had at least grown a foot. My car was covered in the white death.

“Start damn you! No avail”

I looked beside me to find my gun.

“FUCK!” I banged my hands on the wheel.

A large pop went off towards the car. Breaking the glass.

I opened the door fast to get a look at my peruser through the thick white blizzard. It looked to be one of the 2 younger men in the back shooting at me. I trekked through the snow as fast as my legs could take me.

The screeches continued behind me. Louder than the gunfire. Confusing my brain about where they were shooting.


I felt the hot bullet graze my shoulder. Slowing me down for a moment. Lucky for me it looked like the men ran out of bullets anyway. Except now they were beginning to transform into the creature from the cabin.

I nearly accepted my fate, until Headlights in the distance got remarkably closer. A bright white light of getting the hell out of here.


The car sped up and a door opened


I didn't have any time to question her. I jumped into the car as she peeled off leaving the snow to pile up behind the wheels. I looked back at the two moose men who were now with what I assumed were the other members of the bar. Instead of two pairs of glowing red eyes, it was now 5.

I looked at Roxy. I didn’t need to say anything. My gaze said everything I was feeling.

She frantically looked at me. The road. Then me. Then the road.

“What happened back there?” she asked.

“Wallace doesn’t work with steel. I’m starting to doubt he even did woodwork”

“So now you know….” she said. Like she was waiting to just come out and say it.

“Just tell me what the hell we are up against. I don’t care for your explanation. Just how I survive this”

She took a big breath and sighed

“They’ve been here longer than us. Longer than the oldest person you know. They survived by hiding amongst large animals. Taking on their shape and size. Even going as far as being able to mimic them. They stayed in the wilderness for a while, watching. Studying, but they got cold and angry when they saw us with warm fires and soft blankets. They envy us. They want to devour our very self and take on our lives”

“And you had me come out here to change windmill lightbulbs?” I said sarcastically

“I needed help! I needed someone strong to help me to save this town! I have Dakota and Samuel, but now they are gone too. I needed someone to help me get the word out” I could feel the passion in her voice.

“Kinda hard when you don’t have any cell service to call Fox News” once more a smartass.

“LOOK! The passive-aggressive comments about our situation aren’t going to do anyone favors. For all I know you could be one of them playing a trick on me”

“How do I know you aren’t? I barely fucking know you and you brought me out to a town where YOU knowingly AND willingly knew there was some crazy shit going down. It’s not looking too good for you, Roxy”

“You don’t have to trust me, but please help me help us…. I’m taking us to the windmills. Each one has a built-in radio that connects to other surrounding stations around the entire tri-state area. We get there. We get help. We get the fuck out of here”

“You really do owe me a fucking drink after this shit”

“I’ll owe you a whole lot more if we get out of this”

The rest of the drive was silent as both of us were heavily on our guard of what was peaking outside in the blizzard. No glowing red eyes, but the glowing red of the windmills. She drove deep into the clearing at least 5 miles away from the first one to get some distance.

“Okay, let’s go” she exclaimed

We got out of the car and headed to the entrance door. As she looked for her keys to open the door I looked around and the snowy wasteland. I didn’t see any of the creatures. Not yet. I still don’t even know if Roxy isn’t one of them.

“Come on let’s go inside” She shut the door, locking it “Hand me that metal bar and those chains”

I grabbed the items and handed them to her. Her hands shook as she put the chains and bar over the door.

“Are we going up? I asked her.

“We don’t have much of a choice if we want to get a good vantage point and get to the radio in the generator room”

We put the gear on and headed up the ladder. I looked down. The trap door below was buckling. Like something was trapped inside.

“LETS GO!” I yelled

We climbed to the top getting to the generator room. Roxy placed more chains on the lock of the door and closed it shut.

“I have 2 guns up here and in every windmill. Here take this one. If they break through we wont be completely defenseless”

She headed to the radio and began to fondle the buttons and microphone

“Hello? It’s Roxy! Coming from Valentine Windmill lot 7, windmill number 225. We are stuck up here and in need of some assistance. We are surrounded by unknown pursuers of many. Maybe hundreds. PLEASE it’s a matter of life and death!”

She fondled with it more but nobody was picking up. Just static and the sound of the feedback from the mic. She must have been at it for 20 minutes. Repeating the same phrase. Hoping someone would answer. Anybody to answer? She tried until she threw it back down in frustration

“Fucking shit!”

She breathed heavily to herself. Choking on her words

“I’m sorry about this Cillian I am… I know what I’m about to say won’t mean much, but let me try to explain myself.” she got silent again before gathering what I suspect was the courage to tell me her story. “I tried to save as many as I could in this town, but these creatures. They are like a plague. Who knows what other towns like mine they have taken over, I’ve heard they have already taken over the world. I don't know what to believe anymore. You know…. I’ve lived in Valentine’s my whole life. Everyone here is like close family even if we aren’t blood. We take care of each other. It’s never been a lot but it’s a humble life. An honorable life. A life I’m proud of and feel good about the way I’m leaving it for the future generation. My family came here for cheap land and to grow roots, back then the town was bigger believe it or not. Something about 500 people. We had hope for our future, but then They came. One by one they started picking people off, only we didn’t know it at first. Little cracks in their character showed us who was the real deal and who wasn’t. They even took my mother and father.”


“It was a normal Thursday night. The three of us knew about the creatures. We knew to be aware that not everyone was who they said they were. We were just about to sit down for dinner. Mama fixed up some cordon blue. That was my favorite dish. She called me for supper and I sat. My mama is a prideful woman. Always took pride in the details of things even if they were small. She always set the table. Always. Even if it was cereal. She always set the table. This particular night. She came to the table with nothing set. She just walked over with her plate and began to start eating before we had even said grace. Me and Papa looked at each other…. In a way, I think we already knew. “Your plates are on the kitchen counter,” I asked her what "was wrong?" And she looked at me so peculiarly and told me “What do you mean dear? I always serve dinner like this” My bones shriveled up, and it knew that I knew. It could see it in my fearful and surprised eyes, it let out that awful screech. My father went to grab the gun he kept in the Cupboard but he wasn’t a spring chicken anymore like I’d been telling him. The creature stood up with its freakishly large hands, grabbed his head…. And split him completely in half….. I stood there. Frozen in fear. Covered in my father’s flesh particles and blood. I was so scared I pissed myself. After just looking at the horrific scene in front of me the creature devouring my father. I couldn’t snap myself out of it. I couldn’t escape this moment. I wanted to die right there along with him and my mother, but I knew they would never forgive me if I did that, So, Eventually, I found the strength, came back down, and grabbed the gun. I shot at it. I pulled that trigger so hard and aggressively that my hands were bleeding. I had to have shot it 6 times before being injured enough to limp back into the woods facing me as it backed up with those red eyes they slowly disappeared into the wilderness”

She sat there silent for a while. Like she was back in that exact moment. Reliving every detail she told me.

“I don’t trust anybody. Not anymore. My mother always told me “You always have to look at the cracks. Nothing on this earth is a perfect replica even if it claims to be one” ….. When I saw your application for the job, you seemed like you know how to handle yourself and I figured you would be able to help me help the town…. I’m sorry about this….I can’t promise you will make it out of this alive Cillian and I’m truly sorry for that.”

I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. She just wanted to save her people. I can’t blame her for feeling responsible for these people; Wanting to save who she can. I wish I could have saved my mother….

“I don’t blame you for trying to save them. It’s a noble thing what you tried to do. I regret not being able to save my mother, so if I can help you help this town… well I got nothing to lose anyways

She smiled at me. Tearing up some. It got silent again as we sat in the generator room

“What happened to her… if its okay to ask….”

I sat there too. My mother was heavy on my mind at this moment as well. She would have liked her.

“Yeah, it’s okay it has been 5 years now to this day actually. My mother’s name is Annabelle Crow...it’s odd to say her name out loud. I feel like I haven’t said it out loud since she passed…it was around 2 weeks before Christmas. I was out of town on a job similar to this one besides, shapeshifting mind-reading creatures… My phone didn’t work out where I was staying, but I was coming home for Christmas so I thought nothing of it. My mother broke her leg putting the Christmas tree up. She went to the hospital and was making a really good recovery too. She got out of the hospital a few weeks later, just in time for Christmas, a nurse was supposed to come by every day to make sure she was fed and bathed, but nobody showed up. She got hungry, thirsty, and began to panic. She tried to get up and walk to the kitchen. She had already had a few accidents in the bed so she was desperate. When trying to get up. She fell out of the bed and broke her hip. She crawled and screamed. She screamed so loudly that her vocal cords were cracked and bruised. She tried For anyone to hear her, But unfortunately nobody did. And she died of starvation just before her favorite holiday, and she died by herself…”

Roxy looked down

“I was the one who found her when I came back on Christmas day. She had maggots feeding on her eyes and mouth.”

Roxy put her hands in mine.

“I’m sorry incredibly sorry to hear that about your mother. She reminds me of mine, and I know what it’s like to lose someone you deeply love who deeply loved you”

We looked deep into each other’s eyes. Feeling the pain each other was feeling

Large clattering and banging interrupted the moment.

Roxy shot up. She opened the hatch looked down and closed it fast.

She looked at me with horror and tears coming from her eyes

“They made it through”

I looked at her equally horrified

“Let’s go to the top. That’s our last line of defense until help comes” she said

We pushed the gate to the top open although we were met with some resistance from the blizzard, but with some force, it opened, and a bucket of snow hit our faces.

She yelled for me


I latched the gear onto the hook and managed to stand up. I looked down. There was a natural light across the land as the snow made for a nightlight. Among the blanket of snow were what looked like, hundreds of crimson eyes standing in unison looking up at our windmill. I looked around to see more of the creatures cascade out of the other windmills. Like they were living in there.

The red lights flickered. More silence. Until horrifically “Those Were The Days” played loudly through the speakers of every single windmill in a 30-mile radius

“What the hell”

I looked up at Roxy who was now staring at me blankly

“Roxy? What’s going on?”

In calmness and stillness in her voice

She paused and looked down at the creatures below us with a soft smile.

“What makes a family Cillian? Your blood? DNA? What if our loved one could live longer than us? Continue our work past when we are gone? Mine do. They are below us. They are my family Cillian! Each person from this town is apart of my family is out there. You can be a part of it too! It’s not too late. Don’t reject them, and we can live here forever protected! As a family. Don't you want to see your mother again Cillian?! Here you can! They know what we are thinking! They know what we want! They can be that amongst many other things, you couldn’t even imagine! You can hear her again! Touch her again! And she would never have to die ” She shouted this absurd speech across at me.

“ Then the busy years went rushing by us

We lost our starry notions on the way

If by chance I'd see you in the tavern

We'd smile at one another and we'd say”

The music played but Roxy was silent

I’d lie if I said I didn’t stand there for what seemed like an eternity thinking about what she told me... Getting to be with my mother again, getting to see her kind face and tell her how sorry I was and how much regret I had for not being there with her when she died, and tell her how sorry I was for making such a mess of my life since she died, but… it wouldn’t really be her, and my apologies wouldn’t mean anything. I would just be talking and looking at an off-brand copycat version of who they think my mother was and I can’t play make-believe. That’s not my mother and that’s not what she would have stood for.

Roxy walked closer to me, but I backed away from her. Pointing the gun she gave me at her. She continued to press forward despite the gun pointed at her head.

“It doesn’t have to be this way! DON’T BE A FOOL! They want to be a part of us! They want to live lives like ours. Come on Cillian! DON’T BE STUPID! I was even hesitant at first! But they showed me we could live together and they could be whoever we want them to be! They want to be loved like us and they love us back!”

She inched closer to me getting within arm’s distance.

“Your family is just as dead as mine and I’d rather die than play pretend with you” my voice colder than the snow that fell on us.

She looked at me emotionless and unclipped our hooks

“Then die”

She reached out and pushed me off the windmill. Tumbling down to my death. At this moment everything is slow, Time, the music, Even the snow that fell to the ground with me. Looking up I can see Roxy looking down, but in the glimpse, I also see my mother. Falling with me. Wrapping her arms around me. The blinking lights of the windmill looked just like the lights on my mothers tree.

“Cillian. I’ve missed you so much. You don’t need to worry now. I just hung the tree up. Come on! Let’s spend Christmas together”

With tears flooding out of my eyes and freezing on my face. I closed my eyes and swiftly I-

“Those were the days my friend

We thought they'd never end

We'd sing and dance forever and a day

We'd live the life we choose

We'd fight and never lose

Those were the days, oh yes those were the days

La la la la…”

An authoritarian voice echoed over the music to the family below


The glowing of their eyes looked up at Roxy and in their distorted deep inhumanly voices they called back to her


The music played proudly as the family tore apart Cillian’s body. Ripping him limb from limb. sucking the blood from his intestines. Bobbing his eyes in and out of their mouths playing a seemingly new Christmas game. After feasting for hours. Each member of the family proceeded to head back into their lair inside each glowing, blinking windmill.

Roxy drove back to her secluded home in the woods. She turned on her fireplace and layed on the floor next to it. Her feet swung in the air like a child. Her “Father” sat in his chair in front of her smiling down at her.

“Here you go dear” her “mother” handed Roxy a glass of hot chocolate “Be careful dear. Don’t burn your tongue.”

“Thank you, Mother. I love you”

In unison, the mother and father replied as their eyes flashed red

“And we love you Roxy I’m setting the table now. Dinner will be ready in 5”

Roxy smiled at her mother as she kissed her on the cheek. Sipping carefully on her made with love hot chocolate. She opened her laptop to find the returning email of Reece Macready. A married man with a family of three from Louisiana looking for a “Remote Country Getaway”

“We are heading to the airport now. Me and my family are stooked for this week! See you soon!”

Roxy smiled, took a sip of her beverage, hummed “Those were the days” and shut the laptop.

psychologicalurban legendmonsterfiction

About the Creator

Valentine Vampire

A collection of poetry and short stories :3

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    Valentine VampireWritten by Valentine Vampire

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