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Who hid from us the secret of building the pyramids . . .

Hidden secrets of the ancient world

By Mosap HomaPublished 9 days ago 8 min read

The Japanese came to Egypt in 1977 to try to simulate the small pyramid with the same style and tools as the Pharaohs, and they stopped immediately and returned to Without Raid because the experiment failed resoundingly from the first moment, not because they were unable to lift the stones or even move them or just rinse and trim them, but because they were not They could not even cut it from the mountains surrounding the Mokattam area, using the same tools of the Pharaohs that the researchers assumed !!!!

Your eyes may see what your consciousness does not see, and just as you do not see what is very small and your consciousness does not notice it, you also do not see what is very large and your consciousness will not notice it .

The pyramid is a geometric-shaped building that has always caused mystery around it and made all Egyptologists, astronomers, engineers, and geologists salivate because of the wondrous secrets it contains, and pyramids are found in almost all civilizations of the ancient world, such as the Mayans, Incas, China, and even Japan, which has a pyramid sunk under the sea. Egypt alone has 118 pyramids, not just three or four as most people think .

The three great pyramids in Egypt were always there, and it is recognized that they are tombs for the three kings of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt who told us that they were among the seven miracles of the ancient world and that the Great Pyramid was the first of those miracles . But what is the source of this information taught in schools and in Egyptology ?

The source of all this information is some English paleontologists in the eighteenth century when they saw the pyramids and could not explain their existence, so they assumed that they were tombs because there was no other reason for their existence, and they assumed that they were from the era of the Fourth Pharaonic Dynasty, because they found antiquities close to them of the Fourth Dynasty, and they also assumed that Its age is the same as the surrounding ruins ، Scientists measure the age of antiquities using radiocarbon dating and measuring the half-life period, and because stones do not contain carbon, their age cannot be measured, so they rely on measuring the age of the antiquities around them, and they assume that they are from the same era ! The age of the pyramids was assumed to be 3000 years BC, according to the age of the monuments around them .

These are all assumptions and theories said by a few people in the eighteenth century, and if everyone kept repeating what others said, no one would discover anything new, but in the subject of the antiquities of ancient civilizations specifically, what was written a hundred or two hundred years ago is considered a correct and recognized rule, and others are included in the interpretation of Dementia and astray.

Some facts about the pyramids :

The Great Pyramid, called the Pyramid of King Khufu, consists of two million and three hundred thousand stones whose weight ranges between two and a half and forty tons per stone . These millions of stones are assumed by these scientists to have been cut with primitive copper tools !

These scientists also told us that the pyramid was built in 20 years, if the number of these stones was calculated on 7 days a week, 10 hours a day for 365 days a year, then they must place a stone every two minutes ! But let us wait a moment, the ancient Egyptians were farmers, so they worked in agriculture all year round except for three months, which was the time of the flood, and they decided to build the pyramid during this holiday, so a stone must be placed every two seconds, a stone weighing at least two tons every two seconds ، Therefore, there were no bricks that workers threw at each other from bottom to top, as happens today, unless the ancient Egyptian could throw a two-ton stone 147 meters high so that his colleague at the top could pick it up and simply place it on the building .
How was the pyramid built ? These English thought and made more assumptions: they said that the ancient Egyptians, who had not yet invented the wheel, must have used tree trunks to transport stones - regardless of the time used - which they must have imported from Europe, because if the pyramids had not been noticed, they would have been built in the middle of the desert There is not a single piece of evidence for all of these assumptions to occur, but they were considered axioms and a fact that is studied to this day.

More puzzles :

- There are more than a million hieroglyphic walls in Egypt and millions of papyri, telling everything about the lives of the ancient Egyptians, how they lived, grew, and married, and there is not a single wall on which even a single sentence is written, such as: "And by the way, we built the pyramids ! ". With the Egyptians’ intense love for writing on walls and recording all the details of their lives, there is not a single hieroglyphic wall inside the pyramids that explains or refers to their construction .
There are some texts and papyri that talk about a great building, but they say that those who built it were "the sun gods Sun Gods ". These sun gods were talked about by the Egyptians, Japanese, Chinese, Inca and Maya civilizations, and every civilization had pyramids .

- Not a single mummy was found in any of the pyramids, and I am not talking here about the pyramids of Egypt only, but all the pyramids in the whole world did not bury a single human being in them .

When the Great Pyramid was discovered, it was closed on all sides, so the Arabs were forced to throw a catapult, stones, and vinegar at it so that they could open it. What did they find ?

Inside the burial chamber is this strange coffin carved from a single piece of stone that was not found in Egypt, and its size is larger than the size of the corridors leading to it and the entrance to the room. It was tightly closed with a piece of tile weighing forty tons, and when this coffin was opened, there was no There is nothing inside it .

How did paleontologists explain this ? They said the thieves stole it !
Thieves penetrated the closed walls and lifted a forty-ton stone, then stole everything and returned the stone, then penetrated the walls again and fled!!

Geographical and astronomical secrets of the Pyramids of Giza :

The shape shaded in red is the Great Pyramid, the site in which it was built, making its edges indicate the boundaries of the two branches of the Nile Delta. Indeed, if a thread had been extended from each end to the end of the northern border of Egypt, the two threads would have contained all the branches of the Nile between them, and the only way to achieve this is to see the site. From the sky !

- The Great Pyramid is located exactly at longitude 31 west and latitude 31 north (coincidentally ? ) Ten thousand years BC, there was what was called the one great continent of planet Earth, in fact the pyramid was located in the center of the dry land at that time .

The pyramid, with its four sides, points to the original four sides, north, south, east, and west, and with amazing accuracy, it points to the true north of planet Earth, not magnetic north

The three pyramids, with their construction proportions and distances between them, represent with amazing accuracy the star cluster called "The Three Kings" located in the Orion Belt, as we see in these two images attached to the leaflet . To be precise, these stars were not in those positions in relation to the pyramids in the period in which the pyramids were supposed to be built, 3000 years BC. Rather, they were in these locations with absolute accuracy since 10 thousand years BC, before any recorded date of the existence of humans on Earth .

Indeed, the internal geometric structure of the Great Pyramid matches the celestial signs and stars to contain more secrets of the universe and space .

- There is a giant statue called the Sphenx Sphinx next to the pyramids with the body of a lion and the face of a human . In fact, this statue is found in other places in the world in different sizes, but it still retains the face of a lion. This statue was not built in reality, but was carved from a single piece of stone and was the face of a lion before the face was re-sculpted to represent Pharaoh Ramesses II (in Most theories) In addition to its giant size, there is something strange about this statue, which has factors of erosion due to water that did not exist In this region only 10 thousand years BC and after that it turned into a desert . Rather, it represented the sign of Leo, which is the period Era, which existed 10 thousand years BC according to astronomy .

Engineering facts :

- If you take the circumference of the base of the pyramid and divide it by twice its height, you will get the number 3.41459, which is called the number Pi, with great accuracy until the fifteenth decimal point, which humanity could not calculate until the sixth century AD and for the fourth decimal point only !

The height of the Great Pyramid is 147 meters, representing one billionth of the distance between the Earth and the Sun .

The length of each side at the base of the pyramid is 230.4 meters, yet its base continues to represent a right-angled square with amazing accuracy .

Other facts :

The temperature inside the pyramid is the average Earth temperature of 20 degrees Celsius at all times .

- The meat and milk inside the pyramid do not spoil, and if you put a knife and left it overnight, you would find it sharp the next day .

The pyramids were covered with a layer of shiny stones used in building Cairo when the Arabs entered it. This layer reflected the rays of the sun and stars and collected cosmic rays inside the pyramid .

Sun gods in all civilizations :

All ancient civilizations (which have pyramids) talk about the sun gods, and the Pharaonic myth tells about the so-called beginning of time when the sun gods came in boats from the sky to teach humans construction, agriculture, and laws, and the Pharaonic myths tell about the blue-eyed sun gods with Golden hair, big heads, and great wisdom, but this was the ancients’ interpretation of the wonders they saw. Is this our interpretation as well ?

What do Isis and Osiris carry ? What are these strange-headed creatures ?
Among the pictures there is a picture with which I will conclude this topic, which is of an ancient skull found in the Inca civilization, this skull, which they interpreted as saying that the Inca people used to wear heavy helmets to change the shape of the skull in this way to imitate the shape of the sun gods in their perception . But is it possible to also increase the size of the brain to three times its normal size to fill this void ? Years ago, films and family cartoon series were released whose head sizes mimic the size of this skull.
The question remains: Who built these pyramids all over the globe 10,2015 years ago and who hid this secret from us?

ResearchWorld HistoryDiscoveriesAncient

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    MHWritten by Mosap Homa

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