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The Use of Magic and Supernatural in Modern Warfare

Exploring the Unconventional Means of Winning Wars

By TestPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

In order to win a war, one must be willing to do whatever it takes. The use of threatening words and brute force are all necessary in winning battles, but to achieve true victory, you need to go the extra mile. If you look at our history of modern warfare, you'll see just how much science has had a hand in the victory of one military force and the defeat of another.

From coming up with the most effective means for gathering intelligence in times of conflict and fragile peace, developing weapons of mass destruction to put an end to a devastating global war, and asserting a powerful and influential empire, it cannot be denied just how much military groups have benefited from the bright minds of scientific experts.

But even in our supposedly technologically advanced and scientifically enlightened world, you might be surprised to know just how far our modern armies have gone all in the name of victory. Some have even approached magicians and illusionists for tips and tricks in the art of deception, while others have attempted to expand the abilities of the human mind beyond the boundaries of conventional science. Others have even sought out the rumored ancient items mentioned in myths and legends that promised unlimited powers to those who managed to find and possess them.

So we're going to talk about some cases when modern armies and governments have tried to resort to magic and the supernatural in order to win real wars and achieve supremacy over their enemies.

The British Government and the Use of Astrology

World War II was not an easy time for either side of the war effort, and every military strategy was explored, even the most absurd ones. It would have been easy for the British government to defeat the Nazis had they known everything that was running in Hitler's unpredictable mind. And so they actually tried to do so by hiring an astrologer to write horoscopes for Hitler and several other Nazi leaders.

In 2008, declassified documents released to British National Archives catalogs revealed that the British forces assigned an astrologer named Louise de Waal to create fake astrological reports about the Nazi leaders and distribute them throughout Nazi Germany in order to demoralize the public. However, Waal took a step further by offering his services to actually divine what Hitler's advisors would tell him before they were acted upon. And so Waal typed out a report titled "A Survey of 1943," which was a seven-page of guesswork of when Hitler's nature attacks would take place and the possible fortunes of important figures from both sides of the war.

The US Army and Remote Viewing

The US Army is not a stranger to the paranormal. In fact, it was reported that during the Cold War, the US Army was conducting a secret program called "Stargate" that explored the possibility of using psychic spies to gain an edge over enemy forces.

The program was based on the concept of "remote viewing," which is the ability to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means. The program was said to have started in the 1970s and was shut down in the mid-1990s, as it was deemed too costly and ineffective.

The Nazis and the Occult

Perhaps the most well-known case of an army using magic and the supernatural to win a war is that of the Nazis and their fascination with the occult. The Nazis believed that they could harness the power of the occult to gain an advantage over their enemies.

They even established a research institute called the "Ancestral Heritage Society" which was tasked with finding and studying ancient artifacts that were believed to possess magical powers. One of the most famous of these artifacts was the "Spear of Destiny," which was believed to be the spear that was used to pierce Jesus Christ's side during his crucifixion.

In conclusion, while the use of magic and the paranormal in modern warfare may seem absurd, it cannot be denied that it has been attempted by various governments and military groups throughout history. Whether or not it has been effective is up for debate, but it is clear that the desire to gain an edge over one's enemies has led some to explore the most unconventional means possible.


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