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The Ugly Truth About Steve Jobs

Being A Cruel And Abusive Boss?

By Amine OubihPublished 2 months ago 6 min read
The Ugly Truth About Steve Jobs
Photo by Md Mahdi on Unsplash

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., was becoming presaged as a visionary whose life mission was to transform the world of technology revolution. He played key role in the development of personal computer, mobile phone, and computerized graphics. The imprints of his efforts on society will last forever. Yet, the legacy shrouding behind the showcase of innovations and success contains a dark side of his persona and legacies.

In his earlier position at Apple, and later years as a technology mogul, Jobs displayed a characteristic of taking verbal and psychological assaults to acquaintances, family members, and even strangers without a reason. There´s no doubt that he was the executive you did not want to meet in the hallway: rude, arrogant, and with no time to listen to your problems. His mood swings from a demon to an angel, from his temper tantrums and public humiliations of subordinates, had become a part of the local folklore, with stories of his explosive outbursts on a regular basis being common in Silicon Valley.

But Jobs was often not a mild person out the office either and he often bullied the staff members. Okay, there were the tweets of him berating and demeaning those in his atmosphere, including his ex, and their daughter. Initials, Jobs, when his daughter Lisa broke out that he was the father and he wanted to support her financially, he initially rejected the proposal. He is portrayed as a selfish and callous man who ignores his own son and even oppresses his own wife. On the surface, he looks to be a real family man and cares for his family but the deeper look reveals how he deep down really is selfish and callous man.

The flaws of Jobs' personality might could be revealed due to his childhood trauma. As for being adopted, he was bullied for that and his nerdy mode amplified the teasing he received. Jobs took these marks with him throughout his life. His insecurity as well as the sense of being left alone contributed to a very powerful desire to control the surroundings and achieve absolute perfection regardless of the relationship cost. It finally made him a success-driven person and even ceaselessly demanding from himself and others.

It was a double-edged sword as Jobs' obsession for perfection and details evoked tremendous success in Apple which was likely at the cost of an unwholesome and scary environment in the office. He controlled every element of the operation, from day-to-day running of business to the outcome by using coercion and manipulation to make things go his way. Under his wing, Apple strove to become an innovative leader in the industry. However, he also established Apple as a place where exploitation and ignoring fundamental ethical standards was just a cost of their success.

Jobs’ legacy however did not escape this stigma bring along the shadow of his personal flaws, claims of business unethicalness, and disrespect to human rights. He ignored the cases of sweatshops and child labor in Apple's abroad manufacturing units as the main issue was a high-profit margin for the company rather than the welfare of workers. This leads to his irrelevance to the poor conditions associated with the supply chain and reduction of carbon footprint needed by Apple, for which he is subsequently viewed as a part of the visionary leaders.

No matter whether want to say than good or bad things about Jobs, it is obvious that up to now, his legacy continues to exert its influence in tech industry. He was one of the first people who dared to stand against the diktat of the authorities; also he broke the borders of the innovation that was admired and reverence by billions of his worshsippers all around the world from different countries. To be sure, he had a dual side in his legacy: on one hand, we have to toil with the confronting reality about his personality and behavior.

Finally, Steve Jobs turned out to be a much more than just a creative person. He is surely a complex but also disillusioned person. In the same way as his accomplishments in technology can not be denied, history is again a reliable instructor of lessons. It teaches us about his mistakes as well as successes. We therefore investigate his life's dark side, through which we gain insight into the complexities, and ultimately responsibilities, of each person who has mastered art and power.

The most perceptive way to give a clear picture of what Jobs of non-platonic nature is to concentrate on exact cases and stories that show his inhumane approach and morally gray deeds.

One of the instances that is still discussed nowadays of Apple's unforgiving dictatorship is about its creation of the MobileMe service in 2008. After difficulty in receiving adequate support for his product line and several hours of addressing technical issues, Jobs lost his balance and addressed with those who made the product with rage. He pounced and in public mocked and blamed them for bringing damage to Apple' reputation and then accusing them for failing to meet his targeted result. This disclosure of his master-service relationship characterized the total autocratic Asamoany attributed to him.

And, like the characters' treatment of the people closest to them, it was equally thought-provoking. This is shown in Jobs’ misbehavior with the people closer to him, such as his ex-girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan, and their daughter, Lisa. Jobs was the biological father of his daughter, Lisa, but the two started off their relationship on the wrong foot since he denied the paternity rights and refused to give the financial aid. His cold and heartless demeanor towards her daughter conveyed an aspect of his greedy and self-absorbed personality, which was a trait that manifested throughout his life in general.

Moreover, their harsh business tactics and the looseness of ethical standards was discussed at length in their rivalries and suppliers. But he is infamous for appropriating ideas from other companies, and of attributing them to inventions which not belong to him. His disagreement method, as well as the example of his long-standing feud with Bill Gates over the compatibility of their main operating systems – Windows and Macintosh – clearly indicate the ruthlessness towards the competition that he was ready to put into practice to protect spreading Apple’s influence over the high tech industry.

Also, what he didn‘t care about was workers welfare overseas and his company‘s own use of the planet‘s resources. Jobs, like most businessmen, makes profit income the priority which comes at the expenses of others. Apple got criticized for many issues related to workers Rights and environment at overseas factories where minors were engaged in unsafe jobs, which ruined the company's image and made people doubt the temporal nature of their business ethics.

Despite the controversies behind his personality and business conduct, Jobs' reputation as a high technology genius and cultural icon has survived. He is still remembered as such today. The current respective of this man in directing and defining inventions, modern society still experiences such strong impact from, as regards living, working and communicating in digital world. Nevertheless, it is important not to approve completely his character, mentioning also the ethical and moral ambivalence in respect of his personality.

Finally, Steve Jobs was a complex man, with multifaceted contributions to the IT industry, but his harsh behavior, unethical business practices and disrespect for social responsibility have somewhat hindered those very contributions. Although the course of history simply cannot be reversed by these terrible acts of the dictator, his legacy as the evildoer apart from all other evils remains unquestionable and everlasting. It is imperative for us to look back on his life and his heritage with a critical mind to see the cloudy image and understand everything clearly about him. Such troubling aspects may contrast with the positive aspects which are associated with leaders. Simplenly this is the only way we can know the luxury of sophistication and the responsibilities of power and influence in the modern world.

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Amine Oubih

🌟Amine Oubih🌟

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Hello,I am a traveler and writer. Whether It's Real Or Fiction, I always find something interesting to write about, and I use this content to spark the desire to learn more in readers.

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    Amine OubihWritten by Amine Oubih

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