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That's Why People Don't Fly to the Moon! What Astronauts and Scientists Are Silent About

Many years have passed since the last astronauts landed on the Moon and it is still unclear why NASA has frozen the project of flights to the Moon? Mysterious flashes, unidentified objects, mysterious anomalies on the Moon that cannot be explained - what are astronauts and scientists hiding, have they found UFOs and traces of aliens on the back, dark side of the Moon?

By Vitalii PetrovPublished 8 days ago 6 min read

The public has yet to receive clear explanations as to why people stopped flying to the Moon. The lunar programs developed by both the Americans and the Soviet Union were closed in the early 1970s. While the Soviet Union, after the successful flight of the American spacecraft Apollo 11 to the Moon, simply admitted its defeat in this critical race, the Americans unexpectedly and sharply abandoned further flights, brushing off questions with a rather primitive response, claiming they saw no significant scientific value in Moon missions to justify the enormous budget expenditure. But then why do people not even plan to go to the Moon now? After all, technology has advanced so much that Elon Musk, with his MCT program, plans a manned mission to Mars with a surface landing as early as 2025.

There is even a theory that there was no Moon landing at all and that it was a global hoax, but that topic is worthy of a separate video. Enthusiasts still argue about what NASA managed to discover on the Moon that made them abandon further flights. Too many strange and mysterious circumstances surrounded the Apollo project. But let's break it down step by step.

As you already understand, after Gagarin's great flight, the Americans were eager to show up the Soviet Union, and the lunar program was perfect for that purpose. Over eight years, more than 40,000 NASA employees worked on this super project, and the U.S. government did not spare tens of billions of dollars. By that time, Sergey Pavlovich Korolev, a key figure in Soviet space exploration, had passed away, and it is not surprising that the Soviet lunar project began to lag more and more behind the American one and eventually stalled.

What about the Americans? In December 1968, the Apollo 8 crew became the first to orbit the Moon, and six months later, on July 20, 1969, the crew of Apollo 11 became the first people to set foot on the lunar surface. By December 1972, the Americans had landed on the Moon for the sixth time. NASA had officially planned three more missions, but something went wrong. These missions were abruptly canceled, and the lunar program was completely frozen. But why? Let's delve into all the oddities in more detail.

After the first Moon flights, people from all corners of the world noticed that something strange was happening on the Earth's satellite. For several years, astronomers worldwide reported that numerous unexplained phenomena could be observed on the Moon. From their accounts, it became clear that near the Moon's surface, in different locations, bright flashes appeared briefly, glowing in various hues, varying in size and duration, and moving in different directions.

Moreover, enthusiasts noticed strange shadows on the Moon that constantly moved. The most incredible testimonies claimed that bright unidentified objects of considerable size were taking off from the Moon's surface, orbiting part of the Moon, and then landing again. Naturally, considering the project's cost, NASA could not ignore such strange natural anomalies on the Moon and had to study all possible problems before the flight. Therefore, in 1965, an entire scientific society was created to research these anomalies, and in 1968, NASA released a chronological catalog of lunar event reports. Over years of research, the total number of strange phenomena reached 579. Among them were moving luminous objects, colorful elongating trenches, giant domes changing their color, disappearing craters, geometric shapes of various colors, and much more.

It is worth noting that geometric figures were mentioned by the British astronomer William Bird in 1871 in his own catalog of lunar mysteries. For instance, in 1958, Professor Kozyrev, working at the Pulkovo Observatory, reported that for several hours, the central part of the Alphonsus crater was covered by a large red cloud. The assumption of volcanic activity was immediately dismissed because, according to scientists, such activity on the Moon ended over a billion years ago. What it was remains unclear.

When it came time for the flight, it is needless to say that almost the entire world watched the human journey to the Moon. When the Americans launched the Apollo spacecraft with a crew on board, many radio amateurs worldwide followed the events. There were live broadcasts of the astronauts' communication with the base in Houston, and many noticed the unusual messages from the astronauts who were the first to fly to the Moon. People could not help but notice the strange tone and restraint of the astronauts at key moments of the flight, as if the crew was deliberately withholding something during the live broadcast.

Ten years after the first Moon flight, one of NASA's former employees, Maurice Chatelain, who was one of the creators of the radio equipment for the lunar program, published a book titled "Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space." In it, he claimed to have been present during a communication session when Neil Armstrong spoke of small unidentified objects he saw at some distance from Apollo. Later, the Moon reports mentioned some stone blocks located near the landing site, and another astronaut, Edwin Aldrin, claimed that some of these blocks emitted some kind of glow. Although the glow was almost colorless and insignificant, such reports were subsequently refused to be commented on not only by NASA but also by the crew members. Astronauts could not openly talk about it because they had signed non-disclosure agreements.

But all this can still be considered speculation. Let's move on. There is evidence that the Apollo 12 mission, the second lunar mission, was accompanied by unidentified flying objects. This fact was established by ground observatories; two UFOs were seen flying near the American shuttle, signaling with lights. One UFO was behind Apollo, and the other was in front. It is clear that by that time, the Americans knew that something unexplained was on the Moon. It is possible that new missions were conducted to unravel this mystery.

Now let's move on to the most important part. Dozens of witnesses, including astronauts, testified that NASA was not just hiding secret information about the Moon landing but deliberately concealing unique photos and footage taken on the lunar surface. One key witness, Bob Dean, who served as a NATO Intelligence Analyst at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, stated that most footage from the Moon landings was systematically destroyed. NASA specialists kept only those frames from the Apollo missions that could be shown to the public. Therefore, now, even if someone wanted to conduct their own independent investigation, it would be impossible. According to Bob Dean, the destroyed archive consisted of several thousand individual frames and 40 video clips. The reason for this purge was simple: the footage could have been too socially and politically unacceptable. Understandably, Bob Dean's statements, without corresponding documents, do not count as concrete evidence. However, the retired NATO Major made a scandalous statement for the sake of truth, risking his reputation, and he was not alone.

Another witness, perhaps the most important in this case, was Apollo 14 crew member Edgar Mitchell. He became the sixth person to land on the Moon. Mitchell is known for openly declaring the existence of extraterrestrials and their visits to our planet, confirming, among other things, the facts of the UFO crash in Roswell. Moreover, he communicated with many reputable military witnesses of UFOs, leaving no doubt about his objectivity. Mitchell is convinced that extraterrestrials not only visit Earth but have long been in contact with the right people. But back to his statements about the Moon landing. In all official interviews, Mitchell elegantly avoids direct claims. Mitchell, like other astronauts, signed a non-disclosure agreement. However, according to journalists, in confidential interviews, Mitchell stated that he, like other astronauts, personally saw unknown objects on the Moon that he could not openly discuss.

Former American astronaut William Rutledge, who was supposed to participate in the Apollo 20 mission, made a truly fantastic statement. Allegedly, the last three missions, which NASA officially canceled after 1972, actually took place in strict secrecy. Rutledge, who participated in the secret Apollo 20 mission, said they discovered a huge cigar-shaped object on the far side of the Moon, about five kilometers long, which apparently had crashed on the Moon centuries ago.

So why don't people fly to the Moon anymore, even after so many years? If we assume that all 25 astronauts personally saw unidentified objects and unexplained phenomena during the missions, this would explain a lot. It makes sense that if NASA specialists found such objects on the Moon, they would have to keep it a secret from the public and come up with any explanations for all the strange phenomena to hide the truth about the Moon. What exactly did the Americans discover on its surface? This remains unknown to this day.

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  • Sweileh 8888 days ago

    Thank you for the interesting and delicious content. Follow my story now.

VPWritten by Vitalii Petrov

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