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Tale of night

The night never dies

By Candra EriPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

In the heart of a small town nestled among rolling hills and whispering trees, there was a legend that lingered like a ghost in the minds of its inhabitants. It spoke of nights that never truly surrendered to dawn, where time seemed to stand still and the darkness held sway long past its allotted hours. This legend was whispered about in hushed tones, passed down through generations like a cherished heirloom. And at the center of it all was a peculiar phenomenon known only as "These Nights Never Die."

Now, let me tell you about Sam, a carefree soul with a knack for adventure and a heart as wild as the open sky. Sam had grown up hearing tales of These Nights Never Die, but like most folks in town, they brushed it off as nothing more than fanciful folklore. That is until one fateful evening when curiosity got the better of Sam.

It was a warm summer night when Sam decided to embark on a midnight stroll through the outskirts of town, guided by nothing but the soft glow of the moon overhead. As they wandered deeper into the darkness, a sense of unease began to gnaw at Sam's insides, but their curiosity urged them onward.

Eventually, Sam stumbled upon a clearing bathed in an eerie silver light. At the center of the clearing stood a gnarled old tree, its branches reaching out like skeletal fingers against the night sky. And there, beneath the tree's twisted canopy, stood a figure cloaked in shadows.

"Who goes there?" Sam called out, their voice trembling slightly.

The figure stirred, turning to face Sam with eyes that gleamed like coals in the darkness. "I could ask you the same question," came the reply, a hint of amusement lacing the words.

Sam's heart pounded in their chest as they cautiously approached the mysterious stranger. "I'm just... curious," they admitted, unable to tear their gaze away from those mesmerizing eyes.

The stranger chuckled softly, a sound that sent shivers down Sam's spine. "Curiosity can be a dangerous thing, my friend. Especially on nights like these."

With a wave of their hand, the stranger beckoned Sam closer, offering them a glimpse into a world beyond the realm of mortal understanding. And as Sam stepped into the circle of moonlight, they felt a strange sensation wash over them, as if the very fabric of reality was shifting beneath their feet.

For hours, Sam lost themselves in the strange and wondrous sights that unfolded before their eyes. They danced with shadows, conversed with spirits, and soared through the night on wings of pure moonlight. And all the while, the stranger watched with a knowing smile, as if they had been expecting Sam all along.

But as the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, Sam's newfound euphoria gave way to a creeping sense of dread. They realized with a sinking heart that These Nights Never Die came with a price, one that Sam wasn't sure they were willing to pay.

With a heavy heart, Sam bid farewell to the stranger and made their way back to town, the memories of that fateful night burning bright in their mind. And though they knew that the allure of These Nights Never Die would forever linger in the depths of their soul, Sam also knew that some mysteries were best left untouched.

From that day forward, Sam lived their life with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and wonder that surrounded them, knowing that even in the darkest of nights, there was always a glimmer of light waiting to guide them home.

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Comments (1)

  • Test4 months ago

    Well done!

CEWritten by Candra Eri

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