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Return of the Con

Getting Our Geek On, Pandemic Style

By Paula ShabloPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read
Me, with James Marsters

It was June of 2019 the last time I set foot at a Comic Convention in Denver. I also attended one in April of that year in Salt Lake City.

I don't do much besides write and take care of family, and the Cons are my fun-time-of-choice. Most often, it's once a year. If I manage two in a year, that's a bonus.

I plan my year around them, make my trip plans and doctor appointments around them so I don't spend too much time away from home, and I look forward to MY time goofing off and hanging out with grandchildren.

I purchased our 2020 Con tickets in time to announce a Save-the-Date in the 2019 Christmas cards of my grandchildren.

There was a great guest line-up. We were excited and really looking forward to it.

Then, Covid-19 happened, and everything got cancelled.

Were we bummed? Oh, my God. So bummed.

The 2020 tickets were exchanged for 2021.

Again, it was cancelled. I recieved a refund instead of new tickets. 2022 was in the planning stages, but nothing was set in stone. The venue was still being used for extra space for pandemic health care.

Imagine my surprise and delight when the venue suddenly became available and a smaller 2021 Con was announced for Halloween weekend! I already had appointments in the city, by some weird coincidence. It felt like fate to me. I jumped in with both feet, invited my grandson and bought our tickets.

I am a cool Grandma.

My granddaughter just happened to grow up and move away. (Impossible! She's just a kid!) This would be the first outing with my grandson without his sister. I was looking forward to it and also worrying that I might bore him to tears.

Ah, bliss! There was no boredom to be found and we had a fantastic time.

Now, great and cool as I might be, I did attend the first night alone, so I could “Fan-Girl” over James Marsters (Spike on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel", among other things).

First, I attended his Q & A.

James Marsters, October 29, 2021, Denver (Author's photo)

I have never gone and lined up to ask questions at a Q & A. I don't know why. I've asked plenty of questions at booth meetings. I guess I don't want to stand up in front of so many people, but it truly wouldn't have been too overwhelming this year.

The Con was a mini, and attendance was decent, but in no way was it a full house.

Next on the bill was Felicia Day, and I enjoyed her Q & A, too.

Felicia Day and Moderator (Author's photo)

And the big deal of my day was a personal meet-up and photo op with James Marsters. He was doing a one-man music show. Eeek!

I had the opportunity to see him doing his warm up and mic check, while he answered questions and exchanged banter with the audience. Then the "unplugged" (sort of) show, which was delightful.

Of course, the chances for selfies are priceless, and that is when I take advantage of a couple of minutes to talk to people. James is very friendly and it is always fun to see him.

Me and James (Author's photo)


Saturday is always THE big day of a three-day convention.

Arriving at the Colorado Convention Center, one first encounters the big blue bear. As you can see, he is really big!

Author's Photo

Ash and I were quite excited to start our day out. We got there in time to attend the Q & A session with Zachary Quinto (Spock)

Zachary Quinto, October 30, 2021, Denver (Author's photo)

I was always a great fan of Leonard Nimoy, and it was great to learn that Zachary Quinto had become good friends with the original Spock. I have enjoyed his performance as Spock in the new movies.

Following that Q&A, we stood in the longest line we’d be in all day—the line for pizza! We worried as we waited—would it be tomato pasted cardboard? Would we break a tooth or suffer gastritis? We needn’t have worried—the line was long for a reason. It was pretty good.

We went next to a Smallville Q & A with Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luther) and Tom Welling (Clark Kent). They were hilarious. My grandson confessed he’d expected to be bored, but he laughed so hard he nearly slid out of his seat and had a great time.

Thank goodness for big screen! (Author's photo)

We hit Celebrity Row after that, and met the guys. I can’t tell you how fun it is to be photo-bombed by Superman. The antics that went on with us over the five-second delay on my phone’s camera—it was priceless.

Michael Rosenbaum, Tom Welling, Me and Ash hiding (Author's photo)

I told Tom Welling that I don’t know how to change that—I don’t! My phone and all its functions are a mystery to me.

Michael Rosenbaum, Me, Ash (Author's photo)

Naturally, we hit the vendor shops after that. One must spend the money, all the money.

Priceless! Asher, the POP! (Author's photo)

Limited Editions! Whoo-hoo! (Author's photo)

I got my collectibles, Ash got a mystery box and then…

He bought me a present!

Thank you, Asher!!

Alice Cooper. Oh, yeah! The Artist is Andrew Sanchez. He did a fantastic job! Find him on Instagram at dirtbagart_aom, on Facebook at 505Dirtbag, and TokTok at dirtbagart.

These crazy-cool prints are the product of Jerry Pesce of PescEffects. Find him at

Jerry Pesce and amazing art! (Author's photo)

Perfect for Halloween, art by Jerry Pesce (Author's photo)

I am so floored by some of the artwork on display, and wish I had taken even more pictures.

No con is complete without some Lego constructions!

Asher and Legos. (Author photo)

Lego Art! (Author's photo)

And before we go, let's not ever forget the fabulous cosplayers!

Check out her "face" mask! (Author's photo)

It's a doll. Really. (Author's photo)

And afterward? Rickshaw! A first for both of us. We just had to take a ride to the 16th Street Mall! Too much fun. But we weren’t crazy about the music.

Pedaling for dollars! (Author's photo)

Did I wear my mask upside-down all day? (Author photo)

All in all, it was a great time! There were no big crowds. Everyone wore their masks except for moments when taking photos or eating and drinking. People were happy and friendly. I'm so glad we had the chance to go!

Also, I can hardly wait to do it again.

What did you do for Halloween weekend?

Eek! (Author's photo)

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About the Creator

Paula Shablo

Daughter. Sister. Mother. Grandma. Author. Artist. Caregiver. Musician. Geek.

(Order fluctuates.)

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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    Paula ShabloWritten by Paula Shablo

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