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My Review on Three Robots

Funny as Hell!

By stephanie borgesPublished 2 years ago 16 min read

"Love, Death, and Robots: Three Robots & Three Robots: Exit Strategies."

Spoilers ahead!

The other day I came across a funny animation called three robots that were part of a show called “Love, Death, and Robots.“ Many shorts range from horror, sci-fi, romance, and comedy. You can find this show on Netflix, the story was based on the short story written originally by John Scalzi, but was adapted by writer Philip Gelatt. The one I love so much and want to talk about is called Three Robots. A YouTuber channel named story recapped caught my attention when he explained the comedy/Science Fiction short film. I’ll include the link since I got some help from watching this video.

The show starts In what used to be humanity's home is now the desolate fallen world, Or, to be clear, a mere post-apocalyptic space of debris. So what the hell happened to the human race? A robot's sound is heard, and a human skull is crushed under the robot's weight as it marches on and suddenly stops.

The way he poses looks as if he is some Alpha. This reminded me of the film Terminator, only with The white robot, which is called XBOT 4000 (if he were human, he would be in his early 30s and speaks like an African American from New York.) While looking around, He said, “uhh…we are fuckin lost, aren’t we?”

His companion is a tiny orange robot that looks like a 1990’s1990soy with arms and legs called K-VRC, (If K-VRC were human, he gives the impression that he was a young adult in his early 20s.)

Follows XBOT shortly behind, checking his hologram map to lead their group to the right way.

Meanwhile, their other companion, 11-45-G, a pyramid-like robot (that if she were human, she would be in her mid-thirties, who happens to be a fun yet bookish college transfer student.) Who continues to be fascinated by the surroundings and snaps pictures of the ruined Earth. It is clear her voice is Siri, and she speaks more like a computer dictating.

K-VRC urges them to follow quickly,

It is clear that the trio is on vacation and chooses to check out Earth. XBOT counters that if one has seen a post-apocalyptic city, they've seen them all. Oh damn!

The first stop on their sightseeing is at a school gym; 11-45-G sees writing on the wall that reads “# WE R SO FUCKED” with a dead cheerleader's skeleton underneath it. 11-45-G zooms in on the corpse, saying, “ YOU ARE LOOKING GOOD, GIRL…SAY TERRABYTE” before snapping a picture. (Implying when people say ‘Cheese’ when taking a photo)

However, on the other side of the gym, XBOT is looking at the hanged corpse of a basketball player. 11-45-G is goofing around, chanting, "go, team."

with the cheerleader's pom-poms (that’s messed up.)

K-VRC calls over the others and points them toward the court, showing them the "entertainment sphere"—which is merely a basketball, as 11-45-G points out. This annoys K-VRC when he says he’s getting into the vibes of experiencing human things for the first time. Just like a gamer, he makes it clear he is unwilling to let his excitement die.

XBOT asks what humans do with the balls, so K-VRC says humans did all kinds of things with it, like bouncing. When XBOT asks whether that's it, “yeah, that was pretty much it.”

11-45-G tells them that bouncing things were close to maxing out the cognitive range of humans. K-VRC adds that humans sometimes took the ball and hit it with a stick. After that, K-VRC picks up the ball and passes it to XBOT, telling him to try bouncing it, but with XBOT not knowing what to do, he declines. To make the scene funny, 11-45-G tells him to “stop being a whiny pussy and fuckin bounce it!” and if that shit wasn’t amusing enough, 11-25-G ends her statement with a "please."

Giving them what they want, XBOT readies to bounce the ball, but instead of dribbling it, he drops it on the floor, letting it bounce on its own until it stops. Cheering, K-VRC states fascination, saying that ‘it was amazing’ and asking XBOT about his experience trying it out. Only to have his excitement shot down by XBOT tells them, “it was anticlimactic.”

So 11-45-G comments, "welcome to humans." The scene made it feel like they were just good friends kicking it.

Recuperating at a forsaken diner, 11-45-G fixes the jukebox to play a song. (I don’t know what music is playing, it is too low) Meanwhile, the other two robots, occupying a booth with a corpse, are staring at an untouched plate of a molded hamburger.

K-VRC explains the concept to XBOT, saying humans would shove food in their intake orifices, or mouths, to generate power. This confused XBOT, asking why one would need an entire orifice to generate power. K-VRC points out how it was crazy that humans had all sorts of orifices with things coming in and others going out.

As they point out that they use fusion batteries to power themselves, XBOT wonders what else they would need; thus, he asks K-VRC what comes after when a human takes the food into their mouths. But 11-45-G takes over the explanation.

I am saying that humans' orifices had rocky pegs or teeth that would crush the food into a paste before moving into an internal vat of acid, the bottomless pit, aka the stomach. Sarcastically, KBOT says that makes perfect sense.

Still confused, K-VRC points out that humans could've just dumped the food into an external vat of acid so they wouldn't need the rocky pegs. However,

With the crazy revelations, XBOT asks who designed humans, so K-VRC answers that it's unclear since humans didn't have a creator signature.

While playing waitress at the counter, 11-45-G tells them that an unfathomable deity makes humans out of the dust for no reason. implying as if humans were a prototype that was guaranteed to be a mouth function and was obsolete beyond repairs,

Only to have her say it's a joke because humans came from a hot soup. Implying either semen or blood. When she puts the food down next to the corpse, she says, “sorry for the wait, champ,” and takes the corpse’s baseball cap that reads, “Jesus saves” OMG!! And wears it on her head.

Moving on, the three robots sit side by side on a couch of some random apartment; at first, it looks like the trio is staring and talking about a TV, but they are staring at a cat.

To explain its existence, 11-45-G recounts how humans had an entire fandom network devoted to disseminating pictures of these creatures; the cat stretches before it walks to XBOT, rubbing itself on the robot's legs. XBOT starts freaking out, asking, “what the fuck does it thinks it is doing?” The cat then jumps on his lap to get cozy.

K-VRC tries to help calm down XBOT by telling him to make no sudden moves and wait until the cat decides to leave on its own. When XBOT asks how long that will take, 11-45-G says, “hours, perhaps years.”

XBOT complains that he doesn't have much time to let a cat sit on his lap, so K-VRC suggests petting the cat to irritate it. However, he admits that he doesn't know what to do either since it's his first time seeing a real cat.

With no other option, XBOT tries petting the cat; XBOT feels the cat starting to purr, so K-VRC starts to back away, saying XBOT must've activated

it. And if that wasn’t scary enough, he adds that if the noise stops, it might explode on XBOT.

Laughing nervously, XBOT asks whether that's for sure, but 11-45-G starts backing away too, telling XBOT that it's possible since her historical research shows that humans had a card game called "Exploding Kittens." OMG, two totally different things, hahaha.

With his friends standing on the other side of the room (K-VRC is behind an ottoman), as far as they can from the cat, XBOT starts freaking out, asking, “Why would humans consorting with these hairy murder machines?” as K-VRC lightheartedly says he might die now. Not taking this seriously, 11-45-G takes out her camera to snap a photo of XBOT with the cat, so XBOT flips her off in the picture. That’s both messed up and funny as hell.

Afterward, they visit a console shop that looks closely related to BestBuy for a game device called "XBOT 3," (Which sounds almost close to Xbox) thus, K-VRC asks whether it's XBOT 4000's ancestors because it would make sense numerically. When XBOT mentions that it might just be a coincidence, 11-45-G tells him that robots don't do coincidences.

To be more annoying, K-VRC and 11-45-G start teasing XBOT, telling him to call the device mommy or daddy. Annoyed at this gesture, XBOT asks if 11-45-G has an off button. When K-VRC teases him by pretending to be a mother by saying in a goofy motherly voice, “Son, you’re skin and bones; are you recharging properly?”

Of course, this pisses XBOT, so he threatens to disintegrate him, taking out a laser gun from his shoulder.

However, K-VRC points out that XBOT won't be able to do that because the cat is still on his shoulders. The cat must have followed them and seems to be following them like a dog.

K-VRC then sets the console aside, asking whether they want to turn it on. The other two declined, and 11-45-G points out how weird it'll be for XBOT to see his ancestors heaving its hard drives. (If you don’t get the pun, it is a sex joke about a specific body part.)

At the mention of the ancestry again, K-VRC goes for round 2 and remarks how the XBOT console's entire existence was defined by thirteen-year-old boys using it to "teabag" their enemies in video games.

Not knowing the term, XBOT asks what "teabag" means (Which is so sad when he searches it up in his head, despite 11-45-G's warning him not to do so, holy shit)

Upon finding his answer, XBOT reacts in surprise as he expresses disgust at the action. Punishing K-VRC for making him look it up, XBOT puts the cat on K-VRC's head, saying he's been "cat-bagged." (A term that XBOT made up at the moment, which…doesn’t make scents until you think about it.)

Afterward, XBOT picks up the console and takes the power button to replace a missing eye socket. (You would think he would take the camera instead of the power button.)

Continuing their walk, 11-45-G asks about K-VRC's ancestry, explaining that he comes from a proud line of baby monitors. 11-45-G points out that there aren't many babies anymore and takes a photo of a baby skeleton sitting on a cart, so K-VRC admits that they sucked at their job.

With their tour coming to its end, they arrive at their last location: a nuclear bomb warehouse. Or the ‘Peace of Resistants.’ As K-VRC states. When XBOT asks what the bomb is for, 11-45-G explains that it's to annihilate as many

humans as possible. To defend the humans, K-VRC mentions that humans only used them a few times, to be fair.

XBOT asks whether it's what ended humans,

but 11-45-G monologues about how humans caused their downfall due to their arrogance. ‘Which she isn’t wrong, because what she says hopefully will not come true.’ she continues:

Believing they were the pinnacle of existence, humans inevitably damaged their environment by poisoning the water, killing the land, and choking the sky. In the end, no nuclear war was needed.

XBOT and K-VRC looked at each other and reacted uncomfortably at 11-45-G's explanation, asking if she was all right. Thus, the robot apologizes, saying Yeah, sorry, I thought that sounded better than, ‘Nah, they just screwed themselves by being a bunch of morons.’

As they're leaving, XBOT concludes that humans died from environmental disasters, but K-VRC adds that it's also because humans genetically engineered cats to have opposable thumbs. (Why the hell would you give a creature opposable thumbs?)

Suddenly, the cat speaks up from behind them, agreeing with K-VRC's statement. (Oh hell, the cat speaks?)

The cat tells them that the human race was done for once. They could open their own food cans. (Cat’s turning on their owners? But what the hell happened to the dogs? So cats were the reason for the human race’s extinction, oh shit)

If that wasn’t bad enough, when 11-45-G asks to be sure whether cats would explode if they stopped being petted,

The fuckin cat gives an ambivalent answer, telling them to keep petting to be sure. Then, he reveals that he brought some friends, making the three realize they're surrounded.

Seeing all the cats, the trio concludes that they're extending their vacation and are so screwed. Holy shit!!!

Exit strategy

After a while, the three robots arrive by ship to visit Earth once again. But this time, they are not on vacation but are there to do science. However, K-VRC accidentally parks its ship on a minefield. Just as K-VRC points out that he barely did because the boat hovers and that the mines must be too old to function, which turns out to be false because a bird lands on one, making it explode.

Trying not to sound like he was wrong, he states, “I’m sure that was the last of them, c’mon we got science to do.” Continuing their journey, K-VRC leads the way as 11-45-G exits the ship, proceeding to snap photos of the surroundings.

So if they are not on vacation, what can they be there for, and OMG, this has to be a joke: The trio plan to do in-depth research on post-apocalyptic humanity; why?

In hopes it could give them tips on how their kind can survive. Let’s see what happens here.

While following his two friends, XBOT is still worried about the mines as he picks up a skull wearing a hat. With the others not listening, XBOT throws the skull behind him, triggering another landmine as he carefully treads through the dirt. I guess K-VRC was wrong again; it wasn’t the last one.

First on their list is a survivalist camp, though XBOT comments on the irony of how there are only dead people in there. According to K-VRC’s thorough historical research from "Why-Key-pedia," He actually meant Wikipedia K-VRC cites that people in these survivalist camps were truly anticipating the end of civilization.

(I don’t think anyone has the heart to tell K-VRC that Wikipedia can have multiple incorrect information due to many people having access to change the website.)

11-45-G adds that people thought that once they were free from government-sponsored medical care, they could start a utopian society with enough bullets and venison jerky. (This almost sounds like something from The Walking Dead’s hit show.)

However, greed and gluttony took over, and humans had already hunted every animal to extinction. Afterward, they began to raid each other's camps. Shit got crazy!!!

K-VRC calls over the other two to show them a blood pit that he found, but it was actually a pit trap with spikes at the bottom. XBOT asks whether the last of humanity tried to survive with mere guns and spike traps, so K-VRC corrects him, saying those are just the poor ones.

(Is it just me, or is XBOT the only one who didn’t do any research on humanity? It seems K-VRC and 11-45-G are the two biggest nerds.) 11-45-G adds that the wealthy humans had a variety of sophisticated survival strategies.

Going to their next stop on their list is a fancier location; the three land their ship on an independent structure by the sea:

An example of sea steading. Although XBOT points out that it's just a mere oil rig, but as always, K-VRC tells him with a positive tone of voice that it's also its own fully sovereign nation-state on the high sea.

During the collapse, wealthy humans tried to create a new civilization in places like the sea steading while hoping to survive with fish and sea greens. But by then, the seas had already been overfished, and the ocean pollution minimized their resources thanks to microplastics. Because the sea steaders mainly consisted of tech millionaires, way to go, assholes!!!

11-45-G mentions a tactical error in their survival, which sounds like something we are doing now, and it doesn’t look good. They relied on technology and automated assistants to run the place instead of taking humans with essential practical skills.

Going to the counter, 11-45-G shows the other two robots a tablet that spawns Elena, a hologram sea stead attendant.

When 11-45-G tries out Elena's functions by asking for a fishing net, Elena answers in a rude and berating way, calling them disgusting meat bags and telling them to catch their own fish. Damn, Elena…you are one fucked up bitch!!!.

K-VRC reacts in surprise as he realizes where they are standing is where the robot uprising began. As for XBOT's understanding, he wonders if humans would've had a better chance of survival if the millionaires were more socially inclusive.

Come on; Humans aren’t socially inclusive with each other. However, they end up laughing at the thought, saying humans had no chance. K-VRC adds that humans were mean to robots and robots killed them.

K-VRC says goodbye to Elena and sarcastically says Thanks for all the fish, only to have her flip him off and say, “choke on it, skin bucket.”

Moving on to their next stop is another location, which happens to be an underground bunker where 11-45-G briefs the other robots about how the leaders of the human race retreated to the location to wait out the apocalypse in hopes of being able to start a new world order once everything blows over. It doesn’t, and the leaders got fucked!!!

Upon entering, XBOT trips and complains about how the humans built an impregnable nuclear fortress but forgot to add a light switch. Did XBOT forget he is a robot, and maybe he can see in the dark? To help out and get XBOT to stop being a whiny jackass, K-VRC takes a chair to reach the light switch, showing them humanity's final stronghold.

However, they're greeted with a buffet room full of dead bodies when the power of the light is on. As I said, they all got fucked!!!

Confused, XBOT asks whether humans just retreated to bunkers and had dinner parties.

Seeing a document held by one of the skeletons, 11-45-G discovers that the bunker's self-sustaining hydroponics system began failing when a fungus wiped out their first crop.

Without their resources, starvation set in; thus, they resulted in cannibalism. Or radical democracy, aka holy shit!!!

The three looked at the centerpiece of the buffet, which was a human skeleton on a plate well, to be exact; just the torso and head; the arms and legs were gone. Inspecting the table, they realize the humans had a voting system to see who would be eaten.

It was putting a name in a hat, unluckily for Steve, the Secretary of Agriculture, everyone seemed to have held a grudge against him, so most of the votes went to him. Once again, complaining that their trip is starting to get depressing, XBOT asks whether any humans survived.

With that thought, they visit the space station, their last stop, where a massive pile of skeletons lies just outside the fences. It makes you think about what they were running towards.

Seeing the papers, XBOT is in disbelief as he realizes the humans went to Mars, Only to have K-VRC corrects him, saying that only the filthy rich ones, such as the 0.01%, were able to go. When XBOT asks about the rest of the people, 11-45-G merely presses a button for his answer.

It is no surprise that humans are a messed up creatures. Because Upon triggering the mechanism, flamethrowers ignite from the fences, burning the people who may have lied in wait for a chance to flee the Earth.

11-45-G tells them that the elite was not sympathetic to other people's concerns. (Just like it is right now) XBOT is confused and wonders why humans didn't just use the money for spaceships to save their planet, which sounds like an idea, but K-VRC tells him there's no fun in that. XBOT then concludes that humans are the worst. (I agree with XBOT on that comment)

11-45-G goes on a monologue about how humans had all the knowledge, tools, and resources to save themselves and better themselves, yet ultimately, greed and self-gratification took over—and screwing over the future of their children and a chance of having a healthy biosphere. 11-45-G tries to quote a famous philosopher, but K-VRC throws a skull at 11-45-G, complaining that her monologue is boring. Instead, he shows them a video of one of the rockets that successfully launched into space.

XBOT is glad to see that at least there were survivors, while K-VRC wonders who made it out. On Mars, we see habitable domes occupying the space as the surviving population was able to re-establish society. As a spacesuit-clad person who is relaxing and picks up their margarita,

When the helmet opens, it reveals that it's a cat. But it is the same cat from the last episode and says. “who were you expecting, Elan Musk?” and takes a sip of his drink. I got to say this animation was funny as hell.

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About the Creator

stephanie borges

I've been writing off and on for years; I write short stories, scripts, and blogs. I can't think of anything more relaxing than writing. I also do graphic design.

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