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Madgaon Express Ending Explained: A Comedy Drama Worth Watching

Is Madgaon Express Worth Watching

By Ayush VermaPublished 3 months ago 13 min read

Today we are going to explain the recently released comedy-drama film Madgaon Express. After a long time, Bollywood has come up with a film that has proved to be fun for comedy-drama lovers.

When I went to watch this film in the theater, there was hardly anyone who would not laugh or enjoy watching it.

Now let me tell you that there are spoilers ahead on the topic, so proceed with caution.

Madgaon Express Ending Explained

So in the beginning of the movie, we are shown a child named Pratik Goradia, who is quite innocent. Pratik's nickname is Pinku. The farewell party of his class is going on, and he is sitting with the girls of his class. Then all the girls together make a plan to visit Goa, but Pinku refuses to go with them because Pinku knows very well that her parents are not going to give her permission to go to Goa.

Now let us show Pinku's friend, Ayush Gupta. Well, my name is also Ayush, for those who don't know. Well, back to the topic, Ayush mixes alcohol with Pinku's cold drink so that Pinku can enjoy the party freely.

Next we see Dhanush Sawant, whose nickname is Dodo, who enjoys dancing tremendously in his class' farewell party. After the party, all three friends, i.e., Pinku, Ayush, or Dodo, sit together and talk and plan to go to Goa.

When all three of them ask their parents about going to Goa, their parents flatly refuse them because all three of them are just kids.

Then in the story, a scene is shown a few years later when Pinku, Ayush, or Dodo have grown up and come to their college farewell party. After the party, they again plan to go to Goa.

And now they don't even need their parents' permission.

Now, as soon as all three are leaving for Goa, they meet with a serious accident in which all three get injured and are unable to go to Goa. After a few years, Ayush goes to New York, and Pinku goes to Cape Town with her family, but sadly, Dodo is left alone in Mumbai and is feeling quite lonely.

Then Dodo creates a social media profile to make himself happy and sends friend requests to his friends, after which Dodo comes to know that Ayush or Pinku is very happy abroad and is living a very good lifestyle, but Dodo is in his old house without any job.

Now Dodo starts posting some of his edited photos on social media so that his friends feel that he is also successful.

In the next scene, Dodo's father starts getting angry at him because he does not have any job, and then Dodo tells his father that he will do some work soon.

Then, as soon as Dodo goes to his room, he gets a video call from Pinku from Cape Town, and Pinku says that he and Ayush have plans to come to India.

Dodo had turned off his front camera when he was talking to Pinku because Dodo had told his friends that he lived in a big villa, which was a lie.

Now, when Ayush joins Pinku or Dodo's video call, Ayush or Pinku decide to visit Dodo and make plans to hang out, and Dodo gets worried because he has lied to his friends about everything.

Then Dodo gets an idea, and he calls his friends to Mumbai. After a few days, Dodo meets Pinku. Pinku has changed a lot. Dodo talks to Pinku a lot. Then, after some time, Ayush's flight also arrives. And after a long time, all three are together.

Dodo has told his friends that he has many luxurious cars, but he takes them in a taxi. Then Dodo tells his friends that he wants both of them to experience the locality of Mumbai.

Then all three eat Vada Pav on the way, and then Dodo tells his friends his plan: they will go directly from here to Goa and fulfill their childhood dream, but Pinku refuses because he has important work, but Ayush convinces Pinku.

Now the scene changes. Dodo and his friends were standing at the railway station while Pinku or Ayush were thinking that they would go to Goa by flight. Pinku makes it clear that he will not go by train because he is allergic to dust, but somehow Dodo manages to convince his friends to travel by train, and Dodo has booked their second-class seats.

Pinku goes somewhere aside and is talking to his mother, and his red bag gets exchanged with another person, which contains all his medicines. After this, Ayush, Pinku, or Doda leave for Goa by Madgaon Express.

During the way, Pinku comes to know that her bag has been exchanged for someone else's bag, and then all three get shocked after seeing the things present in the bag because there was a lot of money, guns, or a key in that bag, seeing which Ayush and Pinku get very scared but Dodo is feeling very happy inside.

Then all three decide that they will throw that bag somewhere along the way so that they do not face any legal problems. Dodo takes on the responsibility of disposing of that bag.

In the next scene, all three reach Goa and leave for the beach. On the way, Pinku takes his medicines so that if he is allergic to dust, he can take help from the medicine.

After some time, the three friends reached the beach, but they were not enjoying anything there because there was nothing in Goa like they had seen on TV.

Dodo goes to buy beer for his friends, then a drug addict gives Dodo a pill and forgets. Dodo gives those pills to his friends, due to which all three of them feel a strange kind of feeling, and they enjoy themselves a lot under the influence of the pill and party all night.

Then the next day, when Ayush opens his eyes, he sees that he was sleeping with the girls. Dodo also wakes up from his sleep and sends all the girls after paying them; they are actually prostitutes whom Dodo had called.

Ayush gets angry at Dodo about this.

In the story, we see that a key falls from Dodo's purse, which was the same key that we all saw in the bag containing money. Then Dodo says that he had thrown away the gun or the bag, but he kept the money and the key so that he could have fun in Goa.

During arguments, Dodo or his friends fight, and all three beat each other a lot. Then Dodo throws Pinku hard on the bed, and in reaction, the bed itself breaks, and then a lot of powder gets spread there, which had come out of under the bed.

Ayush tastes the powder, and then all three realize that it is not a powder but a drug. Now all three get very nervous, after which Pinku starts having some reaction to the drugs because they have gone into her mouth.

Then suddenly someone stops at the gate, and upon checking, Ayush finds out that a woman named Kanchan Komdi has come. Actually, Kanchan Komdi is a gangster who has a gang.

Now Kanchan has asked Ayush to come to her house.

At the same time, we see that Pinku's health conditions are not good as he is having issues due to remedy, and then Dodo and his other friends run away secretly because the women of the comedy gang were stationed outside their room.

Now Dodo, Pinku, or Ayush secretly escape from the trouble called Kanchan Komdi and focus on taking Pinku to the hospital, as he was behaving very strangely due to drugs.

Ayush or Pinku are sitting together, and Dodo goes to call someone for help. Here, Pinku, under the influence of remedy, tells Ayush that his real reason for coming to India was to meet his girlfriend Mariam, with whom he has been talking for a long time, but because of friends, Pinku could not meet his girlfriend Mariam.

On the other hand, Dodo asks people for help, and then he meets a girl named Tasha, with whom Dodo falls in love. Dodo asks Tasha for help for her friend Pinku, and Tasha agrees.

Now the scene changes, and we see that Dodo, Tasha, Pinku, or Ayush are at some place, and a doctor named Danny is giving injections to Pinku so that he can come back to her normal stages.

Now, the story takes a sharp turn when Mendoza Bhai, a powerful figure from Goa, shows up. We find out that the thing Dodo, Pinku, or Ayush found actually belongs to him. Mendoza Bhai is now on a mission to track it down using all his strength, smarts, and money.

Here, Dodo, Pinku, and Ayush return to their hotel, and Tasha asks Dodo about those remedies, but Dodo does not say anything. Then, as these three enter the hotel room, there are no drugs present there, and the police come there.

All three have to run away immediately.

When the three friends are running away from the police, a man named Ganpat follows them to the hotel to collect his goods, where the police are also present. Then we come to know that the person with whom Pinku had exchanged the bag was actually Ganpat.

Ganpat throws away Pinku's bag because it was of no use to him, but there is a phone in Pinku's bag, and Ganpat keeps it to himself.

Dodo and his friends run to the beach, then Pinku looks at her hands and sees that they are swollen because he is suffering from allergies. Pinku or Ayush now start blaming Dodo, saying that everything is happening because of him because Goa's plan was Dodo's.

Then Ayush figures out that Dodo has been lying to him all along. He tells Dodo that they haven't gone to his house as planned and are just wandering around Goa like poor folks.

Dodo now tells Ayush or Pinku his real story: he has nothing and is living in poverty, and he was doing all this so that he could match the level of his friends; otherwise, his friends would consider him inferior, and no one gives respect. 

Then Pinku says that all these are useless talks; you are our friend, after which everything becomes fine between the three friends.

The next day, we see things unfolding regarding the Komdi gang, which was being run by a lady named Kanchan Komdi with the help of her friends. Actually, in the initial phase, Kanchan was in love with Mendoza Bhai, who was a goon and still is.

But Mendoza Bhai had pushed Kanchan away and arranged his marriage with someone else, after which the anger that arose in Kanchan caused her to become a hooligan.

Kanchan added some girls to her and formed her own team, through which she completely competes with Mendoza Bhai and does illegal work.

In the next scene, we see Kanchan, who has come to her base, and then we learn that the remedies that Dodo, Pinku, or Ayush had got were stolen by the Komdi gang, and their next plan is to sell that stuff and earn money.

Here, Dodo and his buddies are trying to escape from Goa. Suddenly, they discover that the police have plastered posters of them everywhere. To make matters worse, there are police blockades all over, making it impossible for them to escape Goa, even if they try. 

Tasha now calls Dodo, then Dodo tells Tasha about going out of Goa, and Tasha says that she can help them in this matter.

And as soon as Dodo and his friends reached Tasha, Mendoza Bhai was already present there.

Mendoza Bhai now catches Dodo and his friends because he believes they have his belongings.

In the next scene, Mendoza Bhai holds Dodo, Pinku, or Ayush captive in the swimming pool. Then all three tell Mendoza Bhai the truth about how they got their stuff and say that now they have nothing.

The Kanchan Komdi gang took away all that stuff.

Mendoza Bhai now orders Dodo and Pinku to bring his belongings back from the Komdi gang at any cost; otherwise, he will kill Ayush or Tasha.

Now the scene changes, and we see that Dodo or Pinku has become a woman. I would like to tell you that the applause I gave in the theater for this scene was fun.

Now back to the topic. Actually, Mendoza Bhai's plan was that Dodo or Pinku would take the form of a woman and go to the Kanchan gang's base and steal stuff from there and hand it over to Mendoza Bhai.

Now, as soon as Dodo or Pinku reach the gang's base, no one recognizes them, but both of them get scared when they see some women with weapons and smuggling work going on.

Here the focus of the story comes on Ayush, or Tasha, who is in the captivity of Mendoza Bhai, and because Mendoza Bhai's people are sleeping, Ayush unties his rope and is able to free himself.

And seeing Tasha in this scene, it seemed as though she had started liking Ayush.

So after freeing himself, Ayush also frees Tasha from captivity, after which both escape from there.

On the other side, the women at the gang's base come to know that Pinku is a bribe box, and then they try to kill Pinku. Just then, Dodo shouts from Kanchan's secret room that the police are coming. Everyone gets distracted, and Dodo fills the bag with stuff.

As soon as Dodo is running away with stuff, Kanchan comes there, and here we get to see a fight scene between Dodo and Kanchan, and at the same time, Pinku was also fighting alone with all the women.

Then a guy named Danny attacks from outside, and then all the women of the gang together try to take down Danny, who had probably come to steal their things.

Amidst all this, Dodo or Pinku run away with stuff, but Danny is after them, and he wants not Dodo or Pinku but the goods they have. Danny tries his best to take things from them, but fails.

Here, Mendoza Bhai also tells Pinku or Dodo on the phone that if you have found my belongings, then bring them to me; otherwise, he will kill Ayush or Tasha.

Pinku replies, Do whatever you want, and disconnects the phone.

Then Mendoza Bhai comes to know that, without his notice, Ayush or Tasha have escaped from his place. Now Tasha goes to Danny's house with Ayush.

Let me clarify that this Danny is the same person who had previously attempted to steal from the Kanchan gang's hideout and had also tried to take belongings from either Dodo or Pinku.

Danny meets Tasha and says that he can help Dodo or his friends, but in return, he wants stuff or evidence. Then suddenly, Dodo hits Danny on the head and renders him unconscious.

Now we see that Dodo or his friends are going in the car with Tasha, and then Ayush and Tasha are very close to each other, which makes Dodo feel jealous, and he tells Tasha that Ayush also has a girlfriend with whom he loves a lot, after which Tasha's attitude changes towards Ayush.

Pinku gets a call from Ganpat that he has kidnapped Pinku's girlfriend, Mariam. In return, he demands drugs from Pinku; otherwise, he will kill Mariam.

Now at night, Dodo and Ayush talk to each other, and then we see that Pinku is crying a lot, after which they decide to save Pinku's girlfriend by giving that bad stuff to Ganpat.

Then the next day, Dodo or his friends were waiting for Ganpat under the train, and suddenly Mendoza Bhai came and snatched the bag from Dodo. Then Kanchan also comes there and snatches the bag from Mendoza Bhai and tells everything: How did this bag travel around and finally reach here?

After some time, Ganpat also comes there with Mariam and hands over to Pinku and tells them that he had stolen this stuff from Mendoza Bhai, and after stealing it, he had hidden it in the hotel, and then by mistake, the stuff went to Dodo and his friends.

And then Kanchan, Ganpat, or Mendoza Bhai—all three of them point guns at each other. Then Dodo says, Check the bag once to see if there is stuff in it or not.

Then, as soon as Mendoza checks the bag, there is no stuff in it, and as soon as Mendoza Bhai is about to shoot Dodo, the police reach there and surround Ganpat, Kanchan, and Mendoza Bhai, saying that whatever they said was recorded so that the police can get solid evidence against them.

Now we are shown the scene of a day before where Ayush had informed the police and told everything, so Dodo or his friends called Mendoza Bhai or Kanchan and lured them with stuff, due to which they were caught.

The police have now put Ganpat, Kanchan, and Mendoza Bhai in jail.

After a few days, Pinku goes to Cape Town with his girlfriend, and as Ayush is going back, Dodo tells Ayush that the girl he talked to while thinking that he was his girlfriend was none other than Dodo's fake ID. Then Ayush angrily slaps Dodo and leaves from there, but then Ayush comes back and hugs Dodo because no matter what happens, they both are friends.

Now, fast forward to a week later, when Dodo discovers he has won the lottery. He had bought the ticket at the railway station on his way to Goa, which means Dodo is now incredibly wealthy.

Pinku also now introduces his girlfriend to his mother. Pinku's mother becomes very happy after meeting him, and Ayush also gets a friend request from Tasha. Then suddenly, Ayush's doorbell rings, and on seeing it, he comes to know that Dodo was at the doorstep, after which the movie ends here.


Overall, Madgaon Express is one of the best comedy drama pictures; there is no doubt about that. It stays true to its genre; the movie has amazing characters, a gripping screenplay, and the actors have done a great job. You will get hooked on it from the very first scene.

Kunal Khemu's directorial debut with "Madgaon Express" is a pleasant surprise. I highly recommend giving it a watch, even if you're not particularly into comedy dramas. Regardless of your preferred genre, "Madgaon Express" promises entertainment and is definitely worth experiencing.

Have you also seen the Madgaon Express? If yes, then definitely tell me. I would love to hear people's opinions, and if there are any shortcomings here, please tell me so that I can improve.

So that's all for today. I am going to sleep. Take care of yourself.

See you.

comedyreviewpop culturefan fictionentertainment

About the Creator

Ayush Verma

Nothing is impossible; the world itself says, "I' am possible!" - Audrey Hepburn

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    Ayush VermaWritten by Ayush Verma

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