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How to start

Effort, energy, consistency, determination, motivation

By real JemaPublished 3 days ago 3 min read

Every worthwhile endeavor is going to require a combination of; effort, energy, consistency, determination, motivation etc. Even for something as mind-blowing as winning the lottery will still require a combination of these elements. The bigger and worthwhile the endeavor, the greater each of these elements will need to be in order to achieve it.

Unless you are the luckiest person on earth who doesn’t need to lift a finger to get what they want, we all understand that there is a minimal level of these elements that need to be applied in order to get any results. I don’t know what you have in your mind and figuring that out isn’t the point of this article. However, no matter what you have in your mind, we both understand that in order for you to obtain that, you will need to get started putting in the effort to obtain that.

I think for the early part of our lives, it's our parents who have guided us towards the worthwhile endeavors, education, morals, ethics and any other form of accomplishment. When we get to a certain age and maturity, we now have to take the reins and walk on a path of our own. It's easier done for some than for others, for some people they are pushed into a specific path, while for others they are attracted towards a certain path.

Right now many are striving to work their way out of poverty and thus pushed into specific paths which promise them that end result, meanwhile others through their passions are attracted to other paths in quest for that satisfaction.

Understanding the forces at play here

Depending on whether you are pushed or attracted, the experience can be very different. Our passion and the force of attraction makes it easier to get started because each and every action of ours produces a certain level of satisfaction. However, when we are pushed into a path, it can be a struggle because we might have no affinity with that path.

Think about a person with no programming skills forced to learn programming just because it's a lucrative field. Getting started is easier when we have a passion for what we are doing. The law of attraction makes it easy for us to get into it, but when we are pushed into that field, it's quite difficult to get into it because we are either attracted by something else or repulsed by that.

Only the strength of the pushing force is going to take us through. It seems I am speaking enigmatically, let me break it down. You can only learn and enjoy programming only if you are passionate about it from the start. Or if the reason you need to is much stronger than your attraction to something else or the force of repulsion you have for programming.

Getting Started

Once you understand the forces now you have to decide which is stronger and this makes it easy to do. Some people find pleasure in watching movies all day, while others enjoy working all day because it generates a lot of income for them. The reason each of these persons enjoy doing any of these activities is because the forces of attraction are strong enough for each of these activities. These forces can be created and amplified, find a way to make yourself attracted to the job you want (or need) to do, build that link between you and that role.

Once that force is strong enough, then you will do it with ease. The harder you work, the more you earn, the happier you get not necessarily in terms of finances but more in the sense of doing the things you like and enjoy.


The reason you are having a hard time starting isn’t necessarily because that activity is difficult to do, but rather because of the attraction (or passion) you have towards it. If you are honest with yourself you will realize that you don’t really want to do that, you are just pushed to do so, maybe because of the financial incentive or maybe there is just nothing better to do. The real things you are passionate about come really easy, and you don’t even have to think that hard about getting them done, but unfortunately they might not be that worthwhile in the end.


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real Jema

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    real JemaWritten by real Jema

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