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Electronic Signatures, not as Perfect as it Seems

Remote signing has been made easier by electronic signatures. Electronic signatures allow individuals and businesses to sign contracts more quickly. However, there are some risks and drawbacks that should be considered.

By Umesh PalshikarPublished about a year ago 6 min read

This article will explore the world of electronic signing and their advantages and drawbacks. We will first describe the core concept of electronic signatures and then discuss their advantages, such as increased efficiency, reduced costs, and greater access.

We will also look at the security risks associated with electronic signatures such as data breaches and cyberattacks. Although electronic signatures offer enhanced protection, they may still have vulnerabilities.

We will discuss how individuals and companies can ensure the validity and security of their electronic signatures by using encryption or two-factor authentication.

This article provides a thorough overview of and electronic signatures - their benefits and limitations as well as the measures that can be taken to make them more secure and effective.

Types and Uses of Electronic Signatures

Knowing which electronic signature best suits your needs will help you find the right solution. We will explore the characteristics of each electronic signature.

Basic electronic signature

Basic electronic signatures are a simple form of electronic signature widely accepted. They entail digitally representing signatures such as those created with stylus, using scanned images, or stylus drawings. These signatures are legal in many countries such as the US and Canada.

Advanced Electronic Signature

AES is a sophisticated electronic signature that adds an extra layer of security to meet specific legal requirements. AES is based on public-key encryption and ensures each signature belongs to the signer alone. It cannot be altered or manipulated in any way.

Qualified electronic signature

The highest level of electronic signing, a qualified electronic signature (QES), meets the strictest legal requirements in terms of authenticity and security. A QES is based on a digital signature issued by a trusted service providers (TSP). It also conforms to the EU's eIDAS Regulation.

Biometric signature

Biometric signatures are electronic signatures that rely on unique physical traits of the signer. These include their fingerprints, facial features or voice. They cannot be forged because they rely on unique physical traits. These signatures can be considered very secure because they are based on unique physical characteristics that cannot easily be replicated.

Click to Sign Signature

Click-to-sign is an electronic signature which involves the clicking of a button or a checkbox in order to signify agreement with terms and conditions of a particular document. This signature is often used in online transactions, such as software licensing or e-commerce.

Benefits and Uses of Electronic Signatures

Electronic signatures have many advantages over handwritten ones. This section examines the benefits of electronic signatures, including how they can increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve accessibility.

Improved Efficiency

Signing documents electronically can be a much faster process. Digital signatures allow documents to be signed without the need for physical signatures. This saves time and reduces delays in completing transactions or agreements.

Reduced Costs

Businesses can reduce costs by using electronic signatures. Businesses can reduce printing, shipping and storage costs by replacing paper-based systems. This is especially true for large organizations that handle large volumes of documents.


Electronic signatures have several advantages to paper signatures, including accessibility for those with disabilities and geographically dispersed individuals. They allow people with internet access the ability to sign documents electronically without having to physically meet or sign paper documents.

Increased security

Electronic signatures provide greater protection than handwritten ones. They encrypt documents during transmission and storing and include authentication measures such as passwords or biometrics to confirm the signer's identity.

Environmental Benefits

Electronic signatures offer many environmental benefits by reducing the amount of paper and emissions generated from paper-based systems. Businesses can reduce their carbon footprint by replacing paper solutions with electronic ones.

Legal Implications for Electronic Signatures

Electronic signatures are becoming a popular alternative to traditional handwritten signatures. They offer convenience, speed and cost effectiveness. Their use has legal implications, which must be carefully examined to ensure that signed documents are legally valid and enforceable. These legal issues will be discussed in this section.


Validity and enforceability are two of the most important legal considerations for electronic signatures. Electronic Sign must satisfy the requirements of its legal authority to be valid and enforceable. These may vary depending on circumstances, but include:

Identification: A signature electronic must be linked to the signer's identity and unique.

Intention of Signing: The signer must have intended to sign the document when signing.

Consent for Electronic Business: In order for an electronic signature to be valid it must have consent from the signer.

Retention of Records: Each electronic signature should contain a reliable record, which includes the name of the signer and the date/time/location where the signature was made.

Legal Framework

Understanding the legal framework is essential to using electronic signatures. The Electronic Signatures in Global & National Commerce Act in the US, or the eIDAS Regulation in the European Union, or even the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures are all laws that regulate their use.

The law and regulations:

• The legal framework for electronic signatures

• Outlining the requirements for validity and enforcement.

• Determining their status within various contexts.

Authentication and Security

The operation of electronic signatures is heavily dependent on technology. This technology must be protected against unwarranted modification or access by using biometric data authentication or passwords that confirm the identity of the signer.


To remain valid and enforceable, electronic signatures must be accurately recorded. It is important to keep a clear record of all the steps involved in signing a document, including the person who signed it, the date/time, any authentication measures, and any proof supporting the signature.

Security risks of electronic signatures

In recent years, electronic signatures have been used to sign documents electronically more and more often. They are convenient and efficient. As with any technology, there are security risks associated with electronic signatures that must be taken into consideration to ensure the integrity and authenticity of signed documents. We will explore these risks in more detail.

Fraudulent Signatures

Fraudulent signatures are one of the main security risks that electronic signatures pose. Electronic signatures are dependent on technology to function, so any weaknesses in the technology can be exploited to gain an unfair advantage. Hackers could gain access to digital signatures of users or gain access to electronic signature devices without consent.

Malware Attacks

The vulnerability of electronic signatures to malware, such as viruses and worms and trojans, which infiltrate signature systems, compromises the security of signed documents. Malware can compromise signature-free system completely, leading to signature theft, data modification or unauthorised access.

Lacking Encryption

Lack of encryption is another security concern associated with electronic signatures. Encryption encodes data to prevent unintended access by hackers and other malicious actors. They might try to intercept and modify signatures and documents that they signed without the proper protection and encoding. To prevent hackers from intercepting and altering electronic signatures without adequate protection, they should be encoded.

Privacy of Data

Lack of privacy is another major security concern with electronic signature systems. Electronic signature systems store and collect personal information such as names, addresses and signatures. These must be protected against theft or misuse by malicious actors.

Human Error

Electronic signatures are still vulnerable to human error. Accidental mistakes like accidentally clicking on phishing email links or sending signed documents to a wrong recipient are common. Intentional actions such as sharing your electronic signature with unauthorized individuals can also compromise electronic signings.

Conclusion: The Future of Electronic Signatures

Electronic signatures changed the way we sign documents for ever. Electronic signatures are faster, cheaper, and more time-saving than traditional paper signatures. They also reduce security risks compared to paper counterparts. Electronic signatures are widely used across all industries, despite their shortcomings.

Electronic signatures can have a profound impact on businesses, governments and individuals. Here are some of the potential consequences of using electronic signings:

• Businesses Electronic Signatures have many advantages including improved efficiency, reduced costs and quicker turnaround times. Businesses can use electronic signing to speed up the signing process and sign documents, such as contracts, invoices and agreements.

• Governments Electronic Signatures can increase efficiency in government processes, reduce paperwork and speed up access to services by citizens. Electronic signatures are used by governments for a variety of purposes. Signing contracts, filing tax returns and submitting license applications are a few.

• Individuals Electronic Signatures provide more convenient service. Individuals can sign documents like rental agreements, insurance policy and loan applications anywhere they have internet connectivity. This saves time and effort when signing documents. Electronic signatures, like anything else, have their potential downsides, such as security vulnerabilities that may be associated with when making an esignature process.


About the Creator

Umesh Palshikar

Umesh Palshikar digital marketing specialist and He works for many brands in US UAE ,UK. Apart from this, He provides consultancy for Tech and SaaS to small and medium enterprise to grow their business online.

[email protected]

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    Umesh PalshikarWritten by Umesh Palshikar

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