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Bramayugam Ending Explained: Oscar-Winning Content

Bramayugam Ending Explained

By Ayush VermaPublished 4 months ago 12 min read
Bramayugam Ending Explained

Friends, today we are going to explain the recently released movie Bramayugam, whose story will remind you of masterpieces like Tumbhaad and Kantara. Personally, I found the Bramayugam movie quite amazing. 

Bramayugam Ending Explained

So in the beginning of the story, we see two men named Koran and Thevan who are sitting in the forest and lighting a fire. From their conversation, it is known that both of them have to cross a river together, which they cannot do tonight, so that is why they fall asleep.

In the next scene, Thevan opens his eyes, and Koran is not with him. Then Thevan starts looking around for Koran. Then we see that Koran is attracted to a girl who is very beautiful, and she is not even wearing clothes. Thevan now understands that the girl is a Yakshini who takes people under her control.

Then Thevan tries to bring Koran back to her senses, but Koran does not regain consciousness, after which Thevan runs away from there due to fear of Yakshini. Meanwhile, Koran, seeing the beauty of Yakshini, tries to get intimate with her.

But Yakshini kills Koran and drinks her blood.

The next day, Thevan wanders in the forest, hungry and thirsty, and reaches the river bank to drink water. Then we see that there is a very big waterfall in front, which is not easy to cross.

Now Thevan keeps wandering in the jungle. Then he sees a very old and big mansion in the middle of the jungle. Thevan enters it in search of food and starts eating a coconut kept there because he was very hungry. In the meantime, a man stops Thevan.

After some time, the owner of that mansion, Kodumon Potti, comes there and asks about Thevan. How did he come here? Then Thevan tells Potti that he is a musician who has gotten lost in the forest. And because of hunger, he has come here in search of food.

Now we know that the man who was stopping Thevan from eating the coconut is Kodumon Potti's servant. Potti now asks Thevan to sing a song, and then Thevan sings a song very well, which Potti likes very much, and he likes Thevan. He asks to stay at his house for a few days and rest and eat food.

Here, by looking at the scene between Thevan and Kodumon Potti, we come to know that Kodumon Potti is a Brahmin and Thevan is of lower caste because both Thevan and the servant were standing in front of Potti with their heads bowed, and if we go back to old times, it used to be like this: Brahmins used to become their masters as soon as they saw the lower caste people.

After all this, the servant now shows Thevan his room and explains that he should never go in the south direction because there is danger there and strange noises keep coming here at night. If you want to stay safe here, then you will have to ignore some things; otherwise, you will die. It won't be good for you.

At night, Thevan sings his song to Potti and thanks God that he got food and a place to stay in such a dense forest, due to which Potti gets angry with Thevan and says that I have given you food, so why should you thank God? Well, this is not God's game but your fate, after which Thevan apologizes to Potti for saying what he said wrong because he did not want to upset her.

In the next scene, when Thevan goes towards his room, he sees that the servant is taking food to the room above them, which was quite strange because apart from the three of them, there was no one in that mansion. 

Thevan goes to freshen up, and he sees that a lot of graves have been dug there, which means that a lot of people have been killed and buried there. Due to this, Thevan comes back in fear, then starts hearing strange noises from above, then goes upstairs. When he looks, he finds food kept there, and someone is tied to a chain. As soon as the sound of the chain starts coming to him, Thevan goes to his room and sleeps in fear.

The next day, Thevan sees Kodumon Potti and learns that he has a dice game in which people have to play by staking something, and then Potti asks Thevan to play this game with him. But Thevan takes the dice in his hand and says that he has nothing to bet. Then Potti says that the most important thing you have is your time, on which you can bet. 

After which Potti says that if I lose, then you can leave from here, and if you lose, then you will have to remain as my slave for the whole life. Thevan clearly refuses because he does not want to live in that mansion as anyone's slave for the whole life.

Now Potti asks for dice from Thevan and takes back his hand, due to which the dice from Thevan's hand fall on the game, and Thevan has to play the game even if he does not want to.

Then Kodumon Potti or Thevan plays the game for a long time. During this game, it is revealed that Kodumon Potti is a magician because, at the end of the game, when he is about to lose, he wins the game by doing some magic.

Then Potti starts laughing because, according to the condition, Thevan will now have to live as a slave at her place.

Thevan reaches the kitchen and starts talking to the servant; then the cook tells Thevan that you should never trust Potti; he is a fraud, and you will soon see his real face.

At night, when Potti is eating, he talks about Thevan's mother, hearing which Thevan gets shocked because Thevan had not yet told Potti about his mother. So how did Potti know everything about Thevan's mother?

Then Potti tells Thevan that he was sold like a slab, after which he wandered in the forest and came here, and all these things were true. Looking at this scene, it seemed as though Potti knew everything about Thevan.

Potti asks Thevan, Why was the servant provoking you by talking about me today? Then Thevan says, out of fear, that it is nothing, but Potti does not believe him because he knew that Thevan was lying.

Later, Potti informs Thevan about the cook's behavior, explaining that he had instigated Potti's previous servant in a similar manner. This led to the servant behaving poorly, prompting Potti to have him killed, and his body was discarded in the field behind, like the others. 

Now the servant comes to Potti, and Potti angrily scolds his servant and asks him to bow his head. But they refuse, due to which Potti gets very angry, and everything starts shaking as if there has been an earthquake.

Then Potti puts his hand forward, pulls the servant close to himself from a distance, and starts suffocating him. Then, after torturing them for some time, Potti releases the servant.

Thevan has now realized that Potti is no ordinary person; he possesses some extraordinary power. After mistreating the servant, Potti, Thevan questions his identity when the servant goes to the kitchen after taking a bath. The cook then narrates the tale of Potti: a wise ancestor pleased Mata Varai Devi through devotion, and in return, Mata gave him a magical box containing a vampire named Chathan, who could fulfill all his desires.

Later, Potti's family kept Chathan captive and used to torment him and take out their work, due to which Chathan got upset and told the boss of Potti's family that if he looked inside his mouth, he would see hell. As he looked into Chathan's mouth, Chathan consumed his soul and ate it, after which he killed Kodumon's entire family one by one.

Then later, big astrologers and scholars came, but no one could catch Chathan. Then one day Kodumon Potti himself came to that mansion; since then, Potti has been in this mansion, and who knows, maybe Potti has defeated Chathan.

After that, Thevan secretly sees that Potti is getting intimate with Yakshini. As soon as Yakshini sees Thevan, Thevan immediately goes to his room and sleeps.

The next day, Thevan asks the servant to run away with him, but the servant ignores Thevan. Then Thevan goes to his room and starts packing his stuff, and suddenly Potti comes near Thevan. Thevan now, out of fear, tells Potti that he has to leave from here, but Potti says, How will he go in such rain? But it was not raining outside, and then suddenly it started raining; it seemed everything was under Potti's control.

At night, Potti talks to Thevan, and while talking, Potti was feeling a little angry with Thevan, and whenever this happens, Kodumon kills his servant. After some time, Thevan goes to the servant, and the servant gives liquor to Thevan. Then Thevan tells the servant that his mother had given him an earring, which he wears in his right ear, and his mother will be waiting for him, so he will have to leave quickly, after which Thevan goes to his room and sleeps. 

Looking at all these things, it becomes clear that whoever comes to Kodumon Potti's mansion is not able to remember much about himself and forgets most of the things.

The next day, when Thevan wakes up in the morning, he sees a very scary vampire in front of him, which was probably Chathan, due to which he gets very scared and suddenly his eyes open, which means that Thevan was dreaming.

Thevan sees the cook digging a pit, meaning that he is probably the next one to die, so Thevan runs away from there. As soon as he reaches the gate of the mansion, Thevan starts vomiting blood, after which Thevan comes back in a very bad condition.

Then Potti tells Thevan that no one can leave from here without my permission. If you want to leave from here, then you will have to fall to my feet and beg. Thevan does the same, but Kodumon Potti refuses.

Now Thevan meets the servant, and they take Thevan to the upstairs room, where Thevan sees that Potti's dead body is lying there, meaning the one who is roaming around in the form of Potti is Chathan, and he rules the mansion.

Chathan had till now kept Potti chained in the upper room, and today, finally, Kodumon Potti died in agony, so the servant was digging a pit to bury his dead body. That is, Chathan is a vampire, which is why he has so many senses and can listen to people's conversations even from a distance.

Thevan and the servant bury Potti's body, and then the servant tells Thevan that they have a way to get out of here, which is in the basement of the mansion, where there is a lamp that has not been extinguished till date. If he extinguishes it, then the conditions for Chathan will be reduced, and he can escape from there. The only problem is that the lamp is locked in the basement, and its key is with Chathan, and he is the one who protects that lamp.

Thevan now understands that if he has to escape from here, he will have to find the key.

The next day, Thevan goes to Kodumon Potti and asks him to play a game of dice, and in return, he asks to bet on a key, which is very valuable. Then Potti gets suspicious and hits his waist, meaning that Potti had kept the key there. Then Thevan changes the topic and says that he is talking about the key to her freedom, but Potti refuses Thevan and goes away.

Then Thevan and the servant now plan that they will feed Potti a lot of liquor and meat tonight, due to which he will fall asleep drunk, and then they will steal the key from Chathan and extinguish the lamp.

While Servant is cooking, Chathan comes and grabs him by the throat because he had given Thevan his liquor, or maybe Potti had come to know about Thevan and Servant's plan; we will know later. When the cook apologizes, Potti, aka Chathan, leaves.

Now at night, Thevan sings a song to Potti and makes Potti sleep by giving her meat or alcohol, after which Thevan secretly tries to take out the key from Potti's waist. Just then, Potti suddenly wakes up and grabs Thevan by the neck because Potti already knew about Thevan's plan. Potti now asks Thevan to look inside his mouth so that he can extract his soul and eat it, but suddenly Potti takes steps backwards.

Now we are shown the main twist in the movie, where we come to know that the servant had earlier secretly stolen the key from Potti's waist when Potti had grabbed him by the throat in the kitchen, and the servant knew that Potti listened to all their conversations. That's why he did not say anything to Thevan and planned everything alone.

The servant now goes to the basement and extinguishes the lamp, after which Potti disappears. Then the servant meets Thevan and tells him that this game will start now because they have to imprison Chathan in a box from where he came. Only then will they be able to leave from here, and they will have to do all this before sunrise; otherwise, Chathan's conditions will come back.

The servant tells Thevan that Chathan will now mislead us by telling us different things, but they should not fall for any of his words, after which the servant or Thevan now look for Chathan to catch him. Then Chathan comes in front of them and starts calling the servant a low caste. Then we come to know the truth: the servant is actually Potti's son, who was born out of a relationship with a low-caste girl.

Meaning that the servant has the blood of Brahmin inside him and is a descendant of Potti; after that, the servant, or Thevan, fights with Chathan and injures Chathan by killing him with a knife; then suddenly, Chathan pushes the servant, or Thevan, and disappears.

Now the scene changes, and we see that both the servant and Thevan have separated. On one side, the place where the servant is has started rotating, due to which they are falling and getting injured.

And on one side, the walls of Thevan's room are moving forward to crush him, which Chathan was doing. This makes Thevan very scared, and he starts feeling that he is going to die, but the servant recites some mantra, due to which both Thevan and the servant are saved.

Chathan now tells the servant that I am your father, but they refuse to listen to Chathan's words. The servant, or Thevan, weakens Chathan by killing him with a knife. Then the servant removes the ring from Chathan's hand, after which he burns Chathan, causing the fire to spread throughout the mansion.

Now, after some time, the potti gets completely burned, and we see the actual Chathan, which comes out of the burnt body, and it was looking quite scary. The Chathan starts hiding here and there. And the servant, who had taken the ring from Chathan, starts wearing it so that Chathan can be made master. Then Thevan stops the servant and tells him not to take this power because whenever this power goes to anyone, everything goes wrong.

After that, there is a big fight between the servant and Thevan, and the ring falls from the servant's hand. Now they fight with each other and get injured a lot, then suddenly the whole mansion breaks and collapses.

Then the scene changes, and we see that Thevan is leaving that place, and this time he is not even vomiting blood. After some time, the cook catches Thevan and starts beating him because he wants the ring from Thevan. Then the cook notices that Thevan's earring has now moved to his left ear, and his behavior has also changed a lot.

Then we see that the real Thevan has died buried inside the mansion, meaning that the number two Thevan, who is outside the mansion, is Chathan, who has now assumed the form of Thevan. The servant, fearing for his life, flees from the scene. Soon after, soldiers, likely on a hunting expedition in the forest, shot him. The servant is killed. On the other side, Chathan reaches the river bank and wears the ring, after which the movie ends here.


Guys, watching this movie is a different experience, which you should definitely watch once. The entire movie is black and white, but here you will get a completely different vibe. How did you like this movie? Do tell in the comments.

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About the Creator

Ayush Verma

Nothing is impossible; the world itself says, "I' am possible!" - Audrey Hepburn

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    Ayush VermaWritten by Ayush Verma

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