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B.S.D. Broken Shattered Destroyed

Chapter 2 Welcome to the Family

By D.C. SenjuPublished 3 years ago 13 min read

After leaving the nursing club room, Amar had left campus with his headphones plugged in. He began to walk towards the bus stop located on the outer layer of the Major city. By the time Amar was halfway over the bridge leading out to the city, his bus had pulled up to the stop. With haste, Amar ran toward the bus shouting. "Ayye Aye Aye, hold the bus. Hold the bus!" "Five more seconds and I would've left your ass at that bridge." said the bus driver before closing the door behind him. "Aww damn, you would've left my cute ass behind?" "Tch, Boy go take a seat." said the bus driver with a smirk on her face. Walking through the bus Amar could smell the faint push of cigarettes, mixed cologne, and B.O. As he reached the back of the bus to take a seat he placed his hoodie on and drifted to sleep.

The bus began to drive down the main road away from the Major city. Driving past the houses bit by bit mansions with fields turned to suburban houses with lawns. From suburban houses with lawns to houses with patches of green leading to the concrete jungle. Before heading into the concrete jungle with ghost brick houses Amar had woken up. "Aww fuck, I almost did it again," said Amar as he was pressing down hard on the yellow stop line to get off at the next stop. Hopping off the bus Amar cut through a side street then headed towards a building called "The Theater", where a bouncer was waiting outside the front entrance.

As Amar got closer to the theater the bouncer noticed him and confronted him. "State your business or keep it pushing sketchy," said the bouncer. "I'm going into the theater," said Amar. "Show me your license or you ain't going nowhere." "Yo who are you to be pressing me? Move out my way I'm going in," said Amar as he began to walk past the bouncer. The bouncer placed his hand on Amar's chest and shoved him back. "Get the fuck outta here kid, before things become physical." "So you really not going to let me in. Ight bet, guess you like the taste of wall," said Amar as he took out his headphones and put down his backpack. "Guess I'm going to have to beat a kid's ass today. Gonna teach you some manners, punk bitch." Amar lunged at the bouncer. To protect himself the bouncer put his hands up with his fist clenched. Amar did a feint jab then motioned a rear hook. The bouncer bobbed to the right to dodge while loading up his left arm to throw a hook of his own when "Bap!" Amar had delivered a lead uppercut to the chin. "Ugh! Dam bra-" before the bouncer could finish his sentence Amar delivered a rear back leg kick to the bouncer's chest. "Oof!" As the bouncer was gliding backward, Amar quick-stepped toward him raising his lead leg and drop kicked the bouncer in his chest. "Tuuh!" the bouncer fell back, with his back against the wall of "The Theater" slumped over unable to comprehend what just happened.

As Amar got closer to the slumped bouncer another bouncer was walking out of the theater. "What the fuck is going on out here?" Shouted the bouncer while he was rubbing his eyes. Upon first glance, he saw the new recruit on the side of the building with Amar walking towards him. "Whats up Ahn Ten" said Amar. "Mr. Cash, he's a new recruit, so please don't break him too much." replied Ahn Ten "Why didn't yall confirm with him to make sure he knew all the rules before yall had him standing outside the front?" asked Amar. "He was working with a vet last night, they were going over all the rules. Then something was going on in the back of the club and a shoot-out broke out. The vet got shot and was sent straight to the hospital. The shoot-out involved some jackass and his crew." "Who took care of it?" asked Amar. "Of course the boss did, she had a little assistance from some girl who had red hair." Explained Ahn Ten. "Dam I'm guessing the club is a mess, huh, that's why yall got that Dodo in the front while yall fix her up. Actually, has he received his nickname yet?" "No, Mr. Cash." Amar walked over to the bouncer who laid on the floor unconscious. Gave two slaps to the bouncer's face and said "Hey Dodo go inside and go clean yourself up, you looking pretty tired. Welcome to The Theater."

Inside The Theater, piles of broken furniture were stacked in the middle of the floor. Along with broken glass and bullet case shells. The walls held bullets as if it was their children. "What the fuck?" shouted Amar. "Yes I know Mr. Cash, a lot of work needs to get done before we re-open, after that goofy came through." expressed the Bouncer. "I know things get out of hand sometimes, but it never went this far. Auntie usually puts a stop to it right away, cause she doesn't like having to clean up. Was she drunk?" "I'm not going to say if she was, but she was seen with at least nine bottles of wine that night." " Shake my head." sighed Amar.

Walking towards the boss's room, Amar heard crying coming from the room on the left. As he looked at the door about to reach out to see who it is J. Jay opened the boss's door for him to walk into the room. "What up J. Jay, how you doing?" asked Amar. "Still standing tall, till I fall," replied J. Jay. "I see that stone brick exterior stays up to date," mumbled Amar as he walked into the room. In the room there was a large desk with a chair back facing him, J. Jay walked over to the individual in the chair "Bella Amar is here," said J. Jay. Taking off her headphones auntie Rena stood up in excitement. "Hello, nephew, ready to report into work!?" "Yes ma'am, and good afternoon auntie." Replied Amar. "Sorry, you have to come to The Theater when she's not at her best she had a little debacle with some dumbasses." "I understand auntie. Ahn Ten explained that to me earlier," replied Amar.

"Auntie when are you gonna let me work in an actual restaurant instead of the strip club?" Amar asked. "Why work in a restaurant with asshole customers who only wanna impress the other. When you can work here with interesting customers, and always be surrounded by women?" replied Auntie. "Putting Sous chef of The Theater strip club isn't gonna get me a lot of looks for a new job," replied Amar. As Amar went to go change into his kitchen clothes in aunties closet, sounds of drained tears were poking through the wall. "Auntie is everything alright? I been hearing crying from next door before I walked into your office," asked Amar. "Awwwe, are you worried about the lady next door? Do you wanna get to know her?" "Ight I didn't even say all that. I know what it feels like to be in that ocean I just don't want them to get lost in there." "Don't worry your gonna be an ambassador to navigate her thoughts. You'll meet her soon," replied Auntie Rena. "Don't be making plans for my time, please. The last thing ima need is to fix someone else while I fix myself. That ain't slight work. Also, I've met that new bouncer. Dodo didn't know I'm allowed to walk into The Theater regardless if it's night or daytime, so we had a little discussion." "Just don't be breaking my employees, please. Not a lot of people can handle the requirements for this job," replied Auntie Rena.

"I shall do my best, but no guarantees," said Amar as he walked out of Aunties room. "Hey J. Jay, could you do me a favor," asked Auntie Rena. " What's good?" "Could you keep a close eye on Amar? I feel Like his energy is going a little off," replied Auntie Rena. "Yeah I got you, I'll watch Lil homie. Ima still go on that mission though, the one with L. Jay. " "Are you two trying to have another guy's trip and leave me with all the work," replied Auntie Rena. With his hands up J. Jay said "Wait, it wasn't on purpose!" as he burst with laughter. "Fuck yall, ima get you and L. Jay," replied Auntie Rena.

Making his way into the kitchen Amar looked around to check to see if the coast was clear. Within seconds of walking through the kitchen door. He received a dropkick to the chest and fell out of the kitchen. "What's going on nephew, haven't seen you since your last shift. How you feeling?" asked Uncle L. Jay. "Slowly getting up from the ground." Responded Amar. "Oh, you didn't pass out this time. Guess these lessons is starting to pay off. " As Uncle began to Laugh Amar added on "What lessons?" " You take martial art classes, don't you? So if this was a real-life situation you would've gotten dropped. Who knows what'll happen to you. Speed up your reaction time." "Ight bet. That won't happen next time!" replied Amar. "You been saying that since you turned 15. I don't know what be in the clouds, but keep your eyes open on the ground. Make your decisions faster. You can close your eyes in clouds when you feel safe." said Uncle L. Jay. "Man not everybody got an uncle, 30 years older than them that moves like he's 25, beating on them." "The fact I can beat on you at this age is the view you should be looking at," said Uncle L. Jay as he tossed Amar his bandana. "Oh shit, I was looking for that! Where did you find it?" asked Amar. " I didn't find it. I stole it from you, like I said you be lacking. Now come on, help me cook for our people fixing up The Theater."

As Uncle L. Jay was teaching Amar how to cook in the kitchen. They later passed out dishes of food to the people fixing up The Theater. After the last person left the dining area. Amar began to explain his situation involving the Dean, plus what his potential consequences would be, to Uncle L. Jay. " Dam, sound like your dean needs some love in her life, she may be a bitter bitch." chuckled Uncle L. Jay. "Not funny. What should I do" Chuckled Amar? "People say act nicer. However, you can wave, doesn't mean you're guaranteed a wave back. Just keep being you. Doesn't sound like your hurting anyone just educating. Sometimes people don't like to acknowledge education because it may say things they don't like so they don't wanna hear it. I would suggest teaching those who are interested in the thought of Psychology. Leave those who don't want to. Let them venture out alone." "Ight bet," replied Amar. As Amar looked at the time it was cutting close for him to get to his martial arts class. "Hey, Uncle I'll talk to you later. I gotta get ready to get my ass handed to me, again," muttered Amar. "You sure can take hits. You sure you not one of them submissive, whack me harder, people sense you always getting your ass beat." Amar looked back at his uncle and smirked "Aye a beautiful woman be dangerous, so I go to."

Over on the training floor of the martial arts studio. Amar was coming close to the end of his training before heading home.

Jab, Jab, right elbow, left knee, cross, roundhouse

Amar was dripping sweat through his shirt, headband, and mask. After training Amar laid out on the floor dripping in sweat. "Oooh, my back. Alright teach, I still need to be able to walk to school tomorrow morning," said Amar. "You'll be fine, just walk it off and drink some of your tea and go to sleep. Probably be walking better than you do now." Replied Sensei Rose. " Daaam that's crazy!" " What's crazy, is if you got the energy to move your mouth you must have the energy to move your body. Go hurry up and change," replied Sensei Rose. "Tch, You got that," mumbled Amar. As Amar got up he walked into the bathroom to go change. Coming from the front door was Jasmine with keys. "Mom I got the keys to drop Amar off!" shouted Jasmine. "Just because I'm getting older every day doesn't mean I'm losing hearing every day. Well I probably might be, with how loud you be yelling," said Sensei Rose following it up with laughter. While rolling her eyes, "Have fun driving him home," replied Jasmine. After placing the keys down on a table Jasmine was making her way out of the room. "You know he's a pretty good kid. He's a type you should be searching for," said Sensei Rose. Jasmine paused. "Why do you keep doing this." "There's gonna come a time when your gonna need someone to push you further in life, but also is gonna want to protect you." "Mom I will be fine," added Jasmine. As Sensei Rose went to go hang up her coat she picked up her walking stick and walked towards Jasmine. "For how long, because I won't always be here." "Hush" replied Jasmine. "You have plenty of time, don't sell yourself short."

Coming back out of the bathroom Was Amar dressed in his sweatsuit. "Hey, Sensei are you ready to drive?" "Sure give me a couple -" Before she can finish her sentence her body collapsed underneath her. "Sensei are you alright!" " Mom!" Sitting on the floor Sensei responded. "Don't you two worry I just wanted to take a seat on the floor real quick. Jasmine tea, can you drop Amar off home. Pretty please?" asked Sensei Rose as she gave her puppy dog eyes. "Ugh, fine," replied Jasmine as she helped her mother up, to let her sit on a bench. "Ight Sensei Rose till next time. Don't over-exert yourself there's still a lot more I can learn from you." Commented Amar. "I'll be waiting patiently when you're ready," replied Sensei Rose. As Amar and Jasmine were walking to the front door ready to leave jasmine grabbed her coat and looked back at her mom. "Ight mom, ill see you later." "Drive safe. If you find grass in the car it's not mine, but don't touch it, and leave it there. Thank you." "Ooh kay, if you say so," said Jasmine rolling her eyes before heading out the front door.

With nighttime warming up getting ready to hit its prime, music became background noise as Jasmine and Amar were heading towards Amar's house. "Hey you feeling alright after the whole incident at the future nurses club," asked Jasmine. "Yeah I'm good that's nothing. I have worse things on my mind like heads not coming out to me with the truth," replied Amar as he looked over his shoulder. Feeling the weight on her chest jasmine replied "Who told you?" "No one did, I guessed and you confirmed" replied Amar. Silence crawled back into the car for a couple of moments as the two continued their drive.

"Amar will you hear me out?" asked Jasmine. Amar looked out the window of the car and replied "I mean I don't have much an option unless I wanna walk the rest of the way home." "See this is what I keep talking about. Why is everything a joke to you, like cant you be serious for 30 minutes!" shouted Jasmine. *Sigh* "I've told you, I can't help it it's just the way I am." "I know," replied Jasmine "That's why I couldn't choose you." "Haha damn, ain't life crazy," chuckled Amar. As Amar looked up at the stars, Jasmine looked over at him for a brief moment before focusing back on the road. "Amar I can't take you seriously. I don't know if you're being serious or clowning around? Do you understand how that makes me feel? The fact of I don't know if you even took us seriously?" "You know we're still children," replied Amar. "Boy, you are not 10. you about to graduate high school!" "I'm not talking about physically." expressed Amar. As they were discussing in the car they came close to the front of the house. "Alright but I've already explained to you I cant help my responses. It's who I am. You know what, do you. Go reach for what you want." replied Amar. As they reached the front of the house Jasmine stopped the car abruptly. "Just get out Amar." "Don't worry I'm picking up the speed." After closing the door behind him Jasmine drove off.

Watching the car drive off Amar told himself "Life has an interesting sense of humor. People say they want you for you, then want you to change parts of you for them to like you. That ain't a reason for me to act out because of one joke I don't like." As Amar got closer walking to the front door it sprang open. "Good evening to you too Mr. Money man. Thought you were gonna fall asleep at your aunts again. Was motivating myself to go drive and get you." said Mr. Cash "There's someone we'd like you to meet Amar." responded Mrs. Cash. As both parents moved from the middle of the doorway to allow Amar in. Behind them stood a little boy. With excitement, Mrs. Cash shouted, "You're a big brother now!"


About the Creator

D.C. Senju

Plans don't always go as planned, walk through the rain the uncomfortable becomes comfortable.

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    D.C. SenjuWritten by D.C. Senju

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