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B.S.D. Broken, Shattered, Destroyed

Chapter 4 End of Beginning

By D.C. SenjuPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

At three in the morning, a black car with a blank license plate drove down the street slowly before making a stop as its tires kissed the sidewalk. Inside the car, a man with a solid build dressed in combat gear looked over at a black briefcase in the passenger seat. As he opened up the briefcase documents laid in a folder marked in bold red letters saying exterminate. The man began to look through the documents before placing them back in the briefcase. Looking over his shoulder, he went to grab a silver case in the back seat. Speaking to himself, “Not every day your uncle gives you an opportunity that's once of in a lifetime. I complete this task then he'll recruit me to join the kinder organization. Big money will be on the way." he laughed. After getting the silver case he opened it up on his lap. In it presented the mechanics of a pistol waiting to be assembled. "With this nice little gift uncle presented me, ill be sure to clean the portrait of stains. The untouched shine will flourish once again," he said while putting the gun together.

"Awww that sweet glisten of well-polished steel. Smooth touch with a crisp texture finish, time to make Uncle Tod proud and prove my worth," he said while grabbing his mask and coming out of the vehicle. Before closing the car door with a pistol in hand he checked to make sure he had the necessary ammo. Walking over to the house of Mr. Tod he rang the doorbell. "Jimmy, Come here nephew and give your uncle a hug," said Mr. Tod. "Evening to you Uncle Tod. That boy Ridinald here, wouldn’t mind picking on him before I complete the mission." "Oh, you know that boy is always hiding, be lucky to see him downstairs if he doesn’t blend in with the darkness," laughed Mr. Tod. Standing at the door Mr. Tod said "Come in jimmy I got some people that want to meet you." As Jimmy walked in, a room full of people had their eyes locked in on him. "Say hello to all these wonderful people. They are associates of the neighborhood watch society. Everyone may I introduce to you my nephew Jimmy Darnoldson, he's our man of the hour. May I also introduce you to our neighborhood's pastor, come over here Pastor Pent, " said Mr. Tod as he waved pastor pent over.

“So you’re the man who agreed to carry out this task. I’d like to know how do you feel about the new neighbors,” asked pastor Pent. “How I feel?” Asked jimmy. “ I feel it’s a disgrace this neighborhood let stains even near the area. They’re stains that need to be removed. We need to keep the canvas blank,” responded Jimmy. "That’s my boy," added Mr.Tod. "You don’t feel this is a drastic measure being taken? We haven't even met with the neighbor or even had a discussion with them," responded Pastor Pent. After Jimmy put his ski mask on he looked at Pastor Pent. "Well you aren't gonna need to worry about talking to them anymore because they aren't gonna see the next morning pastor," replied Jimmy.

"I wish you the best of luck nephew, I know you'll make me proud," said Mr.Tod. As Jimmy walked away headed for the cash family residence, murmurs began to arrive in Mr. Tod's house. "What if he gets caught," asked an associate. "What happens if he forgets to finish the job and one walks away alive?" asked another associate. As the murmurs became louder a high-pitched whistle noise gained their attention. "Folks why don’t you all relax and sit down, enjoy the feast made for you by my wife Sally. She would hate for all this food to go to waste, we would have no room for it in our fridge," announced Mr. Tod.

As people were getting food placed on their plates, Mr. Tod joined the associates waiting in line. "Now I understand all your anxiousness about the possible outcomes of our event. Let me assure you though my Nephew, bless his kind heart, Jimmy Darnoldson has taken it among himself to get the job done," said Mr. Tod while cutting the line. "See he was a young boy that wanted to be able to better his community, protect his community, and keep everyone safe," said Mr. Tod. As he put his plate out in front of Sally's face. "Food Sally, thank you, " said Mr.Tod not saying a word she slapped the food on his plate with a smile. "Oh, and could you put a slice of butter on the rice, please," asked Mr.Tod. With a smirk on her face, Sally sliced of an eighth of butter in a blink of an eye. "Thank you, I appreciate the food," said Mr.Tod as he walked away.

Heading over to the dinner table Mr. Tod seen an associate sitting at the end edge of the table. As Mr.Tod approached the man, the man said "Hey Mr. Tod your wife Sally's food is really good, she's a really good cook." "That’s an interesting seat you’ve decided to position yourself in, my boy. I like to ask though, did you form an organization to protect this neighborhood from outsiders and those who don’t fit in?" asked Mr. Tod. "No I - If this is about the chair- if you'd like me to I can move," "I like to know, are you the one who decided to come up with a plan and hire a professional to deal with the unwanted?" "Mr. Tod I can get out of the seat," said the man. As he was about to get up from the seat Mr. Tod put his hand on the associate's shoulder and forced him back down into the seat.

People in the room along with pastor pent looked over at the situation unfolding. "I like to know are we gonna make this silly mistake again?" asked Mr. Tod. Shaking his head the man said "N-no M-Mr. Tod". Before the man walked away he went to go pick up his plate "No no, you can leave that there," said Mr. Tod as he smacked the plate on the floor. "Since you like the food so much, now you can go get yourself another plate," said Mr. Tod as he took a seat.

While cutting his food Mr. Tod spoke out loud, "Let me remind everyone those who just came here don’t understand our culture, as a matter of fact, they are a stain to our culture. They don’t fit in with our life. They are an obscure part of a painting they just throw everything off. It may be better if they were never a part of the painting at all. Leave it as a fresh blank canvas to shine."

Outside of the house, Jimmy had made it down to the Cash family house. After picking the lock to get inside a silent alarm was activated. As jimmy walked into the house cameras in the ceiling made an appearance to see who walked in. Upstairs in Ms. Cash's bedroom, Mr. and Ms. Cash were having a discussion when the alarm on their phones went off. "An intruder? You gotta be fucking me. The point of the move was so yall wouldn’t keep experiencing this. Niolan pass me my Smith and Wesson SD40," Mr. Cash asked as he was stretching his body. "You got one in the chamber so you best make it count, just because we moved doesn’t mean we want more legal issues," Mrs. Cash expressed as she went to the draw to get a pistol. "I'll do my best not to kill him, but there's no guarantee," said Mr. Cash while placing his holster on himself. After Ms. Cash handed the pistol over to Mr. Cash she said "Look at your phone does it just show a black screen for all the cameras as well?"

Looking on Mr. Cashs' phone, rewinding the camera footage seconds earlier showed Jimmy covering up the cameras on the last camera available. "This son of a bi-," as Mr. Cash stopped he looked at Ms. Cash and said, "Ima need you to be strong, grab the other Smith and Wesson. Load it up and go wake up the boys and tell Amar to take his little brother away from the house while I go solve this." "Don’t let him walk around unscathed in the house, and good luck," said Ms. Cash. As Ms. Cash headed towards the boys' room, Mr. Cash stopped at the top of the staircase to say a prayer before heading downstairs. "Dear higher power I come to you today for I do not know what is going to happen next, but I ask of you give my strength to my son if I'm no longer able to use it, amen."

fan fiction

About the Creator

D.C. Senju

Plans don't always go as planned, walk through the rain the uncomfortable becomes comfortable.

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    D.C. SenjuWritten by D.C. Senju

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