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10 Strange Supervillain Weaknesses In Comics

Sometimes, a hero needs to think outside the box to save the day

By Isa NanPublished 12 months ago 13 min read
Image: Marvel

In the world of comics, even the mightiest beings have some kind of weakness. After all, if a character was completely invincible and guaranteed to win every battle they fight, it wouldn’t make for a very compelling story.

Be it do-gooders or evil-doers, everyone has an Achilles Heel. Whether it be a physical weakness or some kind of personality flaw, there is always a chink in the armour that can be exploited. In some cases however, that weakness isn’t always the most obvious or logical.

Not everyone has their version of Kryptonite.

In this list, we will take a look at 10 of the strangest weaknesses possessed by some of comics’ most reviled villains. If anything, they create some pretty interesting ways for the heroes to save the day.

#10. Red Hulk: Overheating

While The Red Hulk’s anger increases his body’s heat, his body is unable to cool itself down. This leaves him vulnerable to overheating which forces him to revert back to a human form. Image: Marvel

General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross had spent a good portion of his military career going after The Incredible Hulk and his alter ego, Bruce Banner. As his search raged on, duty soon gave way to obsession and Ross soon became the very thing he despised, The Red Hulk.

Despite the transformation, the resilient soldier carried on with his vendetta and ironically, proved to be a far better Hulk than Bruce Banner ever was. Created by a mixture of the Gamma Rays that turned Banner into the original Hulk and cosmic rays, Ross was always able to control his transformation and could switch back and forth between forms at will.

Aside from the freedom and intelligence that Banner often lacked as The Hulk, The Red Hulk had the power to heal from any injury, could absorb other forms of energy and most prominently, had various heat related powers. While Banner’s Green Hulk becomes stronger as he gets angrier, The Red Hulk’s body becomes hotter the more he is filled with rage.

While this allows him to pack an extra punch, melt the hardest of objects and even shoot heat beams from his eyes, this ability is also Ross’ biggest weakness. Although The Red Hulk’s body is able to produce heat, it does not have the ability to cool him down at the same time. Thus, if it gets too hot, The Red Hulk’s heat will be dangerous even to him.

If Ross becomes overheated, his body will forcefully revert back to its human form and leave him unable to transform into The Red Hulk for an extended period of time. Thus, while fighting Banner’s Green Hulk usually boils down to a contest of brute strength, a bout with Thunderbolt Ross’ Red Hulk will require wit and stamina. One will require the brains to push Ross to his emotional breaking point and simultaneously have the brawn to outlast him until he overheats.

#9. Ultraman: Addiction To Kryptonite

While Krptonite severely weakens Superman, it greatly enhances Ultraman’s strength. So much so that he has developed a crippling addiction to it and has become completely dependent on Kryptonite. Image: DC

While Kryptonite is known far and wide as being Superman’s biggest weakness, it serves as the source of strength for his evil doppelgänger, Ultraman. Portrayed as either an antimatter version of The Man of Steel or an evil Kryptonian from a different universe, Ultraman is essentially Superman’s polar opposite.

Everything that makes Superman weak gives Ultraman his powers. Everything from his powers of flight to his super-strength (or Ultra Strength as he calls it) is powered by the very same green rock that brings Superman to his knees. Thus, while The Man of Steel does his best to avoid Kryptonite, the leader of the Crime Syndicate of America is on a never ending search for it.

Ultraman’s thirst for Kryptonite is nothing short of an addiction. On numerous occasions, he has even snorted it like a drug and the “high” he gets from it comes in the form of increased power. However, like any addict, Ultraman’s drug of choice would also prove to be his undoing.

Due to his addiction to Kryptonite, he has become purely dependent on it to function and even suffers from weakness and withdrawal if he does not get his fix. His over reliance on the green rock has also caused him to become sloppy in battle, neglecting his training and failing to protect himself against other natural weaknesses like his aversion to a yellow sun. In fact, if Ultraman consumes too much Kryptonite, he can suffer an overdose and become incapacitated.

Fellow villain Lex Luthor has even taken advantage of this addiction in order to beat this Superman-esque threat. Exposing the crippling effects of Ultraman’s Kryptonite addiction and his cowardly nature, Ultraman proves that raw power alone isn’t worth anything without hard work and a sharp mind.

#8. Sandman: Isolating His Core Particle

Ever since he fell into a particle radiator, Flint Marko has become a living grain of sand capable of controlling other particles of sand around him. If that main particle is isolated, The Sandman will be unable to do anything. Image: Marvel

One of Spiderman’s most enduring foes, Flint Marko became The Sandman after falling into a particle radiator which essentially turns him into a living mound of sand. Although able to retain a human appearance, Marko’s molecular structure is anything but normal and he possesses all the physical qualities of sand.

With his full-control over said material, The Sandman can alter his size and weight depending on the amount of sand present in an area. He is also able to morph his body parts into various weapons and is invulnerable to most physical attacks. Like actual sand, Marko’s body will turn to glass when exposed to extreme heat. Although initially a weakness, he has learnt to control his glass-like state and can comfortably stay in that form until he reverts to his usual self.

Most notably, The Sandman is extremely difficult to contain. Marko is able to disintegrate and reassemble his body at will. In the right climate, he can even transform into a full-on sandstorm, allowing him to incapacitate foes and escape the scene at the same time. Even cement and water are only able to temporarily restrain him and he can never be tied down for any considerable length of time. That was until Spiderman discovered a very strange weakness of his.

Contrary to popular belief, the human-like body that Sandman possesses is not his true form. In fact, the consciousness of Flint Marko is now restricted to only a single particle of sand. It is this sole grain of sand that controls all of Marko’s abilities and allows him to use other particles of sand around him to maintain his usual appearance. Thus, if this single particle of sand can be identified and isolated in a sand-free environment, Flint Marko will be left completely helpless.

#7. Deathstroke: Love Of His Family

Although generally portrayed as a cold-blooded killer and consummate professional, Deathstroke has a soft spot for his family and puts them above any mission. Image: DC

One of the most memorable mercenary type characters in the history of comics, Deathstroke has served as an influence to many iconic characters from later generations. After all, without Slade Wilson, there would not be a Wade Wilson, better known as Deadpool.

Unlike the comedic, loudmouth that parodies him, Deathstroke is cool, collected and driven to accomplish whatever task he is given by any means necessary. A decorated soldier with extensive experience in combat and assassination, Slade was chosen to be experimented on and was granted physical and mental enhancements to his already imposing skills.

An equal mix of strength, focus and intelligence, Deathstroke is essentially the perfect hitman. While he is arguably not as evil as other villains, Deathstroke is driven by money and a streak of perfectionism that motivates him to complete his assignments. Considering the fact that he’s always being hired by some sort of bad guy, he has become an antagonist in his own right.

Despite his generally cold demeanour and ugly line of work, Deathstroke is not without humanity. While he is by no means the ideal father or husband, Slade loves his family dearly and cannot bear to harm them. In certain continuities, the reason he lost his eye was because he refused to fight back after his wife tried to shoot him in the face.

When reminded of his children and the tragedies that befell them, the usually level-headed mercenary loses all focus and motivation. His guilt and love often drive his concentration away from the fight and at times, he just refuses to carry on any longer. In fact, Slade can be persuaded to abandon a mission or even side with the heroes just by the very mention of family.

It goes to show that even a character as gritty as Deathstroke the Terminator is not without a softer side. As time has gone on, Slade himself realises this weakness but knows that nothing can be done about it.

#6. Absorbing Man: Automatic Absorption

While The Absorbing Man has the power to take on the properties of any material he absorbs, he cannot control what he absorbs as he is forced to become any material that he comes in close contact with. Image: Marvel

Primarily an enemy of Thor, Carl “Crusher” Creel was a petty criminal who obtained superpowers by drinking a magical potion made by Loki. Becoming The Absorbing Man, Creel’s powers are pretty self-explanatory: He can absorb whatever he touches and can take on the physical properties of whatever materials he absorbs.

This has made him extremely durable and very resistant to all manner of attack. If Creel is shot, he will automatically absorb the material of the bullet and become impervious to it. In fact, Creel’s powers are not limited only to solids. He has absorbed magic, mythical weapons and even whole planets. With enough focus, Creel is also able to transform into a previously absorbed material and can combine the properties of various materials he has absorbed in the past.

However, Creel’s powers are also his biggest weakness. Unlike other characters who can control what they absorb or when they do it, Crusher Creel does not have this ability and is forced to absorb the properties of any material he comes into contact with. If any object is thrown at Creel’s general direction, he will absorb it whether he wants to or not.

This has usually allowed various heroes to outsmart the brutish Creel and at times, it is The Absorbing Man himself who becomes a victim of his own powers. On one occasion, Creel inadvertently absorbed water and almost lost his sanity after being unable to maintain a physical body.

Never the most intelligent villain, Creel once literally became cocaine after accidentally absorbing the drug after trying to ingest it. Ironically, The Absorbing Man himself would end up being the one absorbed after being snorted by various people. This led them to inadvertently obtaining absorbing powers until Creel was able to put himself back together. It goes to show that even god-like powers aren’t free of weaknesses.

#5. Vandal Savage: Intestinal Cancer

An immortal, Vandal Savage’s body is able to repair itself on a cellular level to restore him to the same condition as he was when he first achieved immortality. As he was suffering from cancer at the time, Savage is unable to kill the cancer cells from his body as they too have become unable to die. Image: DC

One of the longest lived entities in DC lore, the supervillain known as Vandal Savage started off as some sort of caveman or neanderthal who achieved immortality after being exposed to an alien meteorite. Having lived since the very dawn of humanity, Savage has amassed literal centuries of knowledge and has an unprecedented understanding of combat, society and the human psyche as a whole.

Over the years, Savage was revealed to have ruled over various civilisations and is in fact the true identity of various historical figures such as Alexander The Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and Ivan the Terrible among many others. Savage’s long life has also made him a master tactician who knows that he can outlive any foe he cannot beat outright.

Savage’s immortality has also changed over the years. At first, the villain’s immortality only prevented him from dying of disease or old age. However in recent incarnations, Savage’s body is able to regenerate from any injury and restore him to the same form that he was when he first discovered the meteorite. While this basically stops him from ever being killed, it also prevents any positive augmentations to his body.

It was revealed that at the time of discovering the meteorite, Savage was suffering from intestinal cancer, a fact he was unaware of until centuries later. The disease often causes him great pain and leaves him incapacitated for certain periods of time. Due to the nature of his immortality, treatment has no effect on Savage’s condition and the disease will live on forever inside him as does Savage himself.

#4. Rhino: Bad Coordination

Due to a lack of intelligence and poor physical coordination, the powerful Rhino is never able to fight at full force as he change directions when charging at a foe. Image: Marvel

Primarily an enemy of Spiderman, Aleksi Systevich was a Russian thug who underwent all manner of experiments in order to become the supervillain known as Rhino. Through a mixture of drugs and exposure to Gamma Rays, Systevich’s strength, speed and stamina were enhanced to superhuman levels.

On top of the enhancements to his body, Systevich was also given a special rhino suit. Made from a special polymer, Rhino’s suit is resistant to physical damage and extreme temperature, providing a second layer of durability to the already strong Rhino. The suit’s horn is also capable of piercing steel and the entire suit is permanently bound to Systevich’s skin.

However, despite The Rhino’s insane strength and resistance, he isn’t the smartest villain out there. On top of that, Systevich’s hulking physique makes it difficult for him to coordinate his movements. While The Rhino’s extremely destructive charge may be the most powerful move in his arsenal, Systevich’s poor coordination makes it extremely easy to dodge. Once The Rhino begins charging he can only go in a single direction and thus, can be easily outsmarted.

Even when Systevich becomes aware of this and chooses to switch to a close range combat style, he is already severely handicapped. Without his strongest move, The Rhino is rarely able to fight at full strength and due to his lack of intelligence, can be easily outmanoeuvred by a smarter foe. Perhaps the people experimenting on him should have found a way to increase his intelligence as well.

#3. Mr Mxyzptlk: Saying His Name Backwards

While among Superman’s most powerful opponents, Mr. Mxyzptlk is more of a mischievous prankster than a serious threat whom Superman can often trick into saying his own name backwards due to his gullible nature. Image: DC

Hailing from the fifth dimension Mr Mxyzptlk (or Mxy for short) is an imp not bound to the laws of physics and can essentially warp reality to his will. Primarily an enemy of Superman, Mxy is one of the Man of Steel’s most powerful villains. However, Mxy is more mischievous than evil and prefers using his vast powers simply to annoy or inconvenience Superman.

With his reality bending powers, Mxy is immortal, unable to be harmed and can change the fabric of space and time with just a thought. This makes it impossible for any hero to face him in a head on fight as he can easily win. The only way to beat Mxy is to have him say his own name backwards.

This will banish the imp back to his home world for at least 90 days and undo the effects of any of his powers throughout the rest of reality. Fortunately, Mxy is very gullible and can be tricked into saying his name backwards in a variety of ways. It is also possible to send him back to the fifth dimension by playing a recording of him saying his name backwards.

Mxy is also very sensitive and can leave on his own accord if he feels embarrassed or bored. However, he can never be truly permanently erased. So, all it takes is just a sharp enough mind and a little patience to get rid of this annoying imp every time he shows up to pull pranks on the world. Unlike other villains who wish to conquer the world or destroy the heroes, Mr Mxyzptlk will not stop until he gets Superman to see the funny side of life.

#2. The Riddler: Cannot Tell A Lie

The Riddler’s entire modus operandi revolves around solving puzzles that although very difficult are not impossible to solve. This stems from Edward Nygma’s inability to tell a lie. Image: DC

One of Batman’s most enduring foes, The Riddler has never been a physically imposing villain. However, his twisted puzzles and cunning intellect have made him more than a match for the Dark Knight. Although clearly insane, Edward Nygma is often recognised as Gotham City’s most intelligent evil-doer.

The Riddler’s puzzles are extremely difficult to solve and can confuse or mislead those trying to crack them. Thus, it usually takes a hero of great intelligence or excellent deductive reasoning to figure out these challenging puzzles. However, as confusing as they are, all of The Riddler’s puzzles can be solved and are not made to deceive the person trying to solve them.

This is because The Riddler is unable to tell lies. Depending on the continuity, Edward Nygma’s compulsion to always tell the truth stems from either an extremely narcissistic personality, where he cannot resist the urge to reveal his involvement in any crime or from childhood trauma. As a child, Nygma was beaten by his father after being caught using deceit to win a competition. He soon rationalised that it was ok to mislead people provided that what he said was truthful, covering up his inability to lie by giving vague, cryptic answers in the form of riddles.

In a world where most villains are dishonest compulsive liars, The Riddler’s obsession with the truth provides a refreshing reversal of a long-held trope. It goes to show that an honest man is not always a good man.

#1. Thanos: Feeling Unworthy Of Power

Despite his near god-like powers and the occasional victory over the heroes, Thanos believes deep down that he is not worthy of such power, thus he always sub-consciously creates opportunities for others to take this power from him. Image: Marvel

Closing off this list, we have one of the most iconic supervillains in recent history. The Mad Titan himself, Thanos has proven to be one of the Marvel Universe’s most powerful foes. A genocidal despot obsessed with wiping out half the universe, no hero ever has an easy time beating Thanos. More often than not, it is the Titan who comes out on top.

Be it on the big screen or in the comics, Thanos has been able to defeat Marvel’s entire roster of heroes and other godlike entities. He has also acquired the powers of various powerful objects such as the Infinity Gauntlet and the Cosmic Cube. Whether to impress the living embodiment of Death or to bring balance to the universe, Thanos usually comes very close to achieving his goals or is successful but has his actions undone in some way by the heroes.

It turns out that the reason for these close calls and multiple defeats are Thanos’ own feelings of inadequacy. Stemming from a sad childhood where his own mother tried to kill him due to his ugliness, the initially pacifist Thanos was driven to madness after being bullied all his life. Despite this however, Adam Warlock reveals to Thanos himself that he never got over these feelings from his youth.

So, every time Thanos obtains god-like power or seemingly achieves his goals, he subconsciously creates a way for the heroes to defeat him in order to rid himself of the power he feels unworthy to wield. While these traits have definitely been played down in the MCU, they serve as a foundational aspect of Thanos’ overall character in the comics and explain why he tends to enjoy living a quiet life as a farmer when not up to one of his genocidal schemes.

Well that does it for this list! If you made it this far let me thank you for taking the time to read this exceptionally long one. Personally, it was very enjoyable to compile a list of some of the more unique weaknesses that supervillains have. It goes to show that the battle between good and evil is always more creative than just a straight up fist fight.

If you know of any other examples, do let me know in the comments. I love hearing back! I will soon get to work on a similar list featuring superheroes instead, so stay tuned for that. Until then, take care!


About the Creator

Isa Nan

Written accounts of life, death and everything in between

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