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Top 5 Most Broken Overwatch Characters

According to Me, and Some People I Asked

By Gustavo AguilarPublished 6 years ago 6 min read
Feel free not to watch the video, this ties into my opening. 

With the recent release of xQc from the Dallas Fuel, it started reminding me of some of the choice comments he's made from his past live streams. And I will not be discussing the comments he made towards muma's sexuality, nor his false reporting tendencies, or generally the malicious nature his live streams sometimes goes through. Rather, his comments on Mercy being the most broken character in Activison's owned Blizzard entertainment game known as Overwatch. To which I will disagree. One part of an individual's kit can be overpowering at times, but regarding the rest of Mercy equipment; Mercy lacks a greater number of advantages. She poses a slow acting semi-automatic pistol shooting energy projectiles, the ability to fly towards her allies, resurrect an ally with a 30 second cool down (not reset after dying), a healing staff, then can activate her ultimate to fly and slightly buff her other abilities. Not that impressive. However, these characters tool kits are much more powerful and have shifted games too many times. Here are the (in my opinion) the top five most broken Overwatch characters.

Doomfist, the one punch man of Overwatch. Initially, I was stoked to see the reveal of Doomfist. Highly anticipated and without a doubt made a splash when he entered the lore of Overwatch. After finally tweaking some issues he had on beta servers, he was released to the public. Why he is on my list is because I personally hold a grudge against Akande for the Watchpoint: Antarctica catastrophe which left a sole survivor among a team of scientists sent there by Overwatch to study climate change. Though not yet confirmed by Michael Chu, lead writer for Overwatch, I still hold Mr. Ogudimu responsible for the disaster. Along with a personal vendetta. A recent buff that minimized accuracy and charge timing allows Doomfist to use a single charge against enemies with 200 or less health into an instant death situation. Couple that with his uppercut abilities and shotgun for knuckles, not only is he deadly, he can also use his ultimate to escape danger and whip out an entire team of six players. Very powerful, but mostly here because of my disdain for the character

While little is known about the demolitionist known only as Junkrat, what is known is that he is Australian and loves explosives. Coming from the irradiated outback, this lunatic for a cyborg is obsessed with explosions; ranging from the bandoleers of grenades on his chest, the grenade launcher he carries, and the the "rip-tire" he carries on his back. Add some bear traps and concussion mines and we have the one of the deadliest terrorists the Overwatch world has to offer. What makes Junkrat broken is a buff he received last year where his rip tire is not only faster, but he acquired a second concussion mine. This right on the heels of South Korea winning a international tournament for Overwatch, relying on Junkrat to do most of the game pushing and winning techniques that ultimately led to their victory. South Korea showed how powerful Junkrat is and how he is a tier one character that can win games. However, Jeff Kaplan and others at the development team did not see this, gave the buff, and it took until 2018 to reduce the damage and radius of the concussion mine, which is why he is here at number four.

It is a bad sign for a character's development when the creators of said hero were originally half of a completely overpowered whole. What makes it worse was the confession that Jeff Kaplan did when he stated the re-work for scatter arrow following "unforeseen" abuse from the character. Something that has always bothered me about Hanzo was that he violated the rules of sniping warfare. The most famous of this rule is, "If you can see the enemy, they can see you." However, this rule does not apply to Hanzo as his arrows can significantly dip, have an attached wall hack with visuals for your team, and his scatter arrow can kill tanks at full health without even aiming at them. Yes, this is in fact a character that rewards you for not aiming, lining your shots, or even predicting where your opponent will be. Simply miss, and the scatter arrow will do the rest to kill your opponent. It rewards bad players for playing badly and better players for playing poorly, and giving Hanzo the ability to climb walls. Not only that, the hit boxes on these arrows are slightly smaller than a rocket. Add a ultimate that can shoot through walls and have the biggest hit box of any characters ultimate, where you don't even have to see it for it to kill you. Hanzo is bad, but some of the ridiculous things I have seen from Hanzo go even further. From whole arrows redirecting themselves to hit a McCree in the face after missing, to ultimately killing heroes without their knowledge, to simply aiming at someone's feet and killing them with a scatter arrow. Simply disgust is the reaction I get from a Hanzo play of the game.

Genji Shimada: younger brother to Hanzo, and second half to the whole that the character that was once whole. This was so close to being number one, only reason why is because Genji once upon a time received a Nerf. However, he has since been receiving buff after buff with no end in sight. Everything about him is broken; his passive abilities include not only wall climbing but double jumping, something the developers hadn't anticipated to become a problem but has. His two sets of shuriken stars that come in standard linear throwing with no dip, to his shotgun variant with a higher fire rate (each with the damage potential of 70 damage per star). His swift strike which does 50 damage, but automatically regenerates for every confirmed kill Genji receives, making it almost infinite strikes. Then his reflect, oh boy. His reflect throws any projectile form back at your opponents, this including ultimates. Simply the most broken thing I have ever unfortunately witnessed. Finishing with his dragon blades that deal 120 damage per strike, and can hit all its opponents with one slash. Absolutely disgusting, and some of the highest ranked players worldwide often play Genji. In fact, thanks in part to Jeff Kaplan, there has been some data released showing that Genji makes the top ten most played characters on every level of game play. From low tier bronze for life to elitist at the top 500 category. Truly the most broken character in Overwatch history, but thanks to a incredibly loyal and diehard fanbase, which includes Segul (the individual who helped show how everyone can be a Genji main) and Choi Dong Ha who made top 30 in the South Korean scene (the best of the best of Overwatch players around the world) using Genji, it shows how abusable Genji is, and how people blind love for the weeaboo is infinite.

Honorable mentions go to: Roadhog for his hook, but scatter gun dragged him down to the low tier list. Mei for being known as the ice devil, but not great in the team fights. Symetra for her laser gun and turrets but lack of any meta relevance.

Yes, I did say Tracer. What most people do not realize is that Tracer has virtually 299 health, despite her base level health pool being 150. But some backstory, Lena was a member of the original Overwatch team, had a terrible accident that left her trapped in space/time. She came back and broke international laws by participating in clandestine operations. Now what truly makes Tracer number one on my list is that she has never been touched by the Overwatch team since the release of the game. Besides being the poster girl for Overwatch, she is also known for never being touched by developers. So she still has her dual wielding fully automatic pistols that are considered a hit scan (which means she can shoot anyone out of the air), her blink ability which other developers have commented in saying that is an unbalanced game mechanic, and her most powerful move set known as "Recall" which negates any negative effects and regenerates all her health from three seconds prior to the activation. Which is why she has virtually 299 health, that comparable of Bastion. To finish this off; her ultimate is a pulse bomb, the fastest charging ultimate that wipes out whole teams. I and many other struggle with tracer unpredictable behavior on par with Al-Qaeda attack patterns.

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    Gustavo AguilarWritten by Gustavo Aguilar

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