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Vending Machines - Do You Rent or Buy?

The Pros and Cons of owning a workplace vending machine

By Roger DoddsPublished 5 days ago 6 min read

Vending machines have become a common place in workplaces with large workforces, offering a convenient solution for employees to access snacks, beverages, and even meals. As a business owner, the decision to lease or buy vending machines requires careful consideration of several factors. In this article, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of leasing and buying vending machines, specifically focusing on drinks machines, food machines, and combined machines. By exploring these options, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and enhances the experience for your employees.

Leased Vending Machines

Leasing vending machines involves entering into an agreement with a leasing company to rent the machines for a specific period. Below we examine the benefits and drawbacks of leasing for drinks machines, food machines, and combined machines:

Leasing drinks machines offers the following advantages:

  • Lower upfront costs: Leasing allows you to avoid a significant upfront investment, making it an attractive option for businesses with limited capital or those wanting to test the market demand for beverages in their workplace.
  • Maintenance included: Many leasing agreements include maintenance and repair services, ensuring that the drinks machines remain operational and reducing downtime. This saves you the hassle of managing repairs and ensures a consistent supply of beverages for your employees.
  • Upgrading options: Leasing provides the opportunity to upgrade to newer drinks machine models as technology advances and consumer preferences change. This allows you to offer a wider variety of beverages, incorporate innovative features, and meet evolving employee preferences.

However, there are also some limitations to consider when leasing drinks machines:

Restricted customisation: Leased machines often come with limitations on customisation. As the leasing company retains ownership, you may have restrictions on branding the machines with your company logo or customising them to match your workplace aesthetics.

Leasing Food Machines

Leasing food machines presents its own set of advantages and disadvantages:

  • Lower upfront costs: Leasing allows you to minimise the initial investment required for food machines, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to offer food options without significant upfront expenses.
  • Maintenance included: Many leasing agreements cover maintenance and repair services for food machines, ensuring consistent operation and reducing the burden on your staff. This can be particularly valuable for complex machines that require specialised knowledge for maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Flexibility to adapt: Leasing provides the flexibility to adapt to changing food trends and employee preferences. You can upgrade to newer models with improved functionalities or adapt the machine to offer a wider range of food options.

However, there are considerations to bear in mind when leasing food machines:

  • Limited customisation: As with drinks machines, leased food machines may have restrictions on customisation, preventing you from fully aligning the machines with your brand or workplace aesthetics.
  • Specific requirements: Food machines often require additional considerations such as refrigeration, food safety compliance, and cleaning protocols. Ensure that the leasing agreement covers these requirements and that the leasing company can adequately support the maintenance and servicing of food-specific machines.

Leasing Combination Machines

Combined machines that offer both drinks and food options have their own unique considerations for leasing:

  • Comprehensive solution: Leasing a combined machine can provide a convenient all-in-one solution, offering a variety of drinks and food options to cater to diverse employee preferences and needs.
  • Lower upfront costs: Leasing allows you to access a combined machine without a significant upfront investment, making it a viable option for businesses seeking a comprehensive vending solution.
  • Maintenance included: Leasing agreements often include maintenance and repair services for combined machines, ensuring optimal performance and minimising operational disruptions.

However, there are a few drawbacks to consider when leasing combined machines:

  • Customisation limitations: As with drinks and food machines, leasing combined machines may come with restrictions on customisation, limiting your ability to align the machines with your branding and workplace aesthetics.
  • Complexity and maintenance requirements: Combined machines tend to be more complex, with additional components and functionalities. Ensure that the leasing company can adequately support the maintenance and servicing requirements of a combined machine, as they may involve more intricate systems and potential challenges.

Purchased Vending Machines:

Buying vending machines involves purchasing the equipment outright. Let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of buying drinks machines, food machines, and combined machines:

Purchased Drinks Machines

Buying drinks machines offers the following benefits:

  • Ownership and customisation: Buying a drinks machine gives you full ownership, allowing you to customise the machine to align with your branding and workplace aesthetics. This provides an opportunity to enhance your company's image and create a cohesive workplace environment.
  • Lower long-term costs: While the initial investment is higher when buying, owning the drinks machines eliminates ongoing lease payments, resulting in lower long-term costs. This can free up resources that can be allocated to other areas of your business.
  • Flexibility and control: Buying drinks machines provides the freedom to select the specific models and features that best suit your employee preferences and workplace requirements. You have the flexibility to choose different beverage options, adjust pricing, and adapt to changing trends without contractual restrictions.

However, there are some considerations when buying drinks machines:

  • Maintenance responsibilities: As the owner, you are responsible for the maintenance and repair costs of the drinks machines. It is essential to establish a maintenance schedule and build relationships with reliable service providers to ensure smooth operation and minimise downtime.
  • Technological obsolescence: Technology evolves rapidly, and drinks machine features can become outdated over time. Consider the expected lifespan of the machines and evaluate future-proofing strategies to mitigate the risk of technological obsolescence.

Purchased Food Machines

Buying food machines presents its own set of advantages and disadvantages:

  • Ownership and customisation: Buying food machines gives you complete ownership and control, allowing you to fully customise the machines to align with your brand and workplace aesthetics. This enables you to create a cohesive environment and enhance the overall employee experience.
  • Lower long-term costs: While the upfront investment is higher, owning the food machines eliminates ongoing lease payments, reducing long-term costs. This allows you to allocate resources to other critical areas of your business.
  • Flexibility and control: Buying food machines provides the flexibility to choose the specific models, features, and food options that best suit your workplace and employee preferences. You have full control over the menu offerings, pricing, and adjustments to cater to changing trends.

However, there are considerations when buying food machines:

  • Maintenance responsibilities: As the owner, you are responsible for the maintenance and repair costs of the food machines. Establishing a maintenance schedule and partnering with reliable service providers is crucial to ensure optimal machine performance and minimise downtime.
  • Technological obsolescence: Food machine technology evolves, and features may become outdated over time. Consider the expected lifespan of the machines and explore future-proofing strategies to mitigate the risk of technological obsolescence.

Purchased Combined Machines

Buying combined machines offers the following benefits and considerations:

  • Comprehensive ownership: Buying a combined machine provides complete ownership and control over the entire vending solution, offering both drinks and food options. This allows you to customise the machine to align with your brand, workplace aesthetics, and menu offerings.
  • Lower long-term costs: While the upfront investment is higher, owning a combined machine eliminates ongoing lease payments, resulting in lower long-term costs. This frees up resources that can be allocated to other areas of your business.
  • Flexibility and control: Buying a combined machine gives you the flexibility to choose the specific models, features, and food and drink options that best suit your workplace and employee preferences. You have full control over menu offerings, pricing, and adjustments to cater to changing trends.

However, there are a few considerations when buying combined machines:

  • Maintenance responsibilities: As the owner, you are responsible for the maintenance and repair costs of the combined machines. It is crucial to establish a maintenance schedule and partner with reliable service providers to ensure optimal performance and minimise operational disruptions.
  • Technological advancements: Combined machines may have more complex systems and functionalities, which can lead to faster technological advancements and potential obsolescence. Evaluate the expected lifespan of the machines and consider future-proofing strategies to mitigate the risk of technological obsolescence.


When deciding whether to lease or buy vending machines for your business with a large workforce, carefully consider the specific requirements and benefits for drinks machines, food machines, and combined machines. Leasing provides lower upfront costs, maintenance support, and flexibility to upgrade, but may limit customisation options. Buying offers ownership, customisation opportunities, lower long-term costs, and greater flexibility but requires a higher initial investment and maintenance responsibilities.

Evaluate your financial capabilities, operational requirements, and long-term goals to determine the most suitable option for your business. Whether you choose to lease or buy, vending machines can enhance the workplace experience for your employees and contribute to a positive and productive work environment.


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