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The Precious Nordic Bilberry: Nature's Antioxidant Treasure

A Glimpse into the World of Bilberry Harvesting and Preservation

By Anu Preethi Danila DPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Explore the remarkable journey of the Nordic bilberry, a tiny berry with extraordinary antioxidants, from the pristine forests of Finland to global health markets.

In the idyllic Nordic landscapes of Finland, a remarkable natural treasure thrives—the bilberry. This diminutive berry, brimming with antioxidants, has captivated the health food industry worldwide. Join us on a journey through the verdant forests and intricate processes that make bilberries so prized.

Bilberries: Nature's Antioxidant Powerhouses

Tucked away in Nordic forests, bilberries hold a secret—four times the antioxidants of common blueberries. These sweet purple gems are coveted for their exceptional nutritional value, fetching prices up to 34 times that of blueberries.

The Fragile Beauty of Bilberries

Bilberries are fragile; their nutritional value begins to wane after just two days off the bush. This fragility necessitates meticulous handling and preservation techniques. In Finland, companies invest considerable effort to sort and freeze these berries at precise temperatures.

The Bilberry Harvest in Finland

Nordic countries are blessed with wild bilberries, and in Finland, they are known as "mustaccat" or blueberries. These berries are distinct from cultivated blueberries due to their intense flavor and nutritional potency.

The Delicate Art of Bilberry Picking

Bilberries grow close to the ground and cannot be cultivated, requiring them to be harvested by hand. Pickers use specialized rakes designed to collect berries without disturbing the bushes. The uneven forest terrain, coupled with persistent mosquitoes, presents challenges for these skilled harvesters.

Seasonal Workers from Afar

To meet the demand during bilberry season, Finnish farms rely on seasonal laborers. Many of these workers are Thai rice farmers who migrate to Finland during the bilberry harvest season. It's a harmonious match, as the bilberry season coincides with Thailand's monsoon season, providing an alternative source of income for these skilled individuals.

Nature's Influence on Size and Flavor

The size and flavor of bilberries are profoundly affected by climate conditions. Rainfall and temperature fluctuations during the growing season play a pivotal role in determining the berry's size and sweetness. Mother Nature's hand is evident in every berry.

From Forest to Freezer: A Race Against Time

Once picked, bilberries embark on a rapid journey to preservation. These delicate berries must be kept at ultra-low temperatures to maintain their freshness. From the forest, they proceed to processing facilities, where they are frozen at -40 degrees Celsius for two days.

Handling Fragile Berries

Processing bilberries requires great care. Machines are adapted to handle these delicate berries, including a specialized machine designed to remove stems without damaging the fruit. Even a slight rise in temperature could compromise the berries' quality, making it paramount to maintain freezing conditions at every stage.

The Global Rise of Bilberries

The popularity of Nordic bilberries is surging, particularly in Asia, where they are consumed in the form of supplements and juices. These tiny berries, enriched by the region's unique climate, boast high levels of antioxidants, particularly anthocyanin, responsible for their deep color.

Nature's Treasure in Demand

While bilberries have been associated with various health claims, their exceptional nutritional content is undeniable. From vision enhancement to cognitive support, these berries have captured the attention of health enthusiasts worldwide. The demand for Nordic bilberries continues to soar, with exports tripling in value within a decade.

The Bilberry's Environmental Oasis

Finland's forests are a sanctuary for bilberries and the epitome of sustainable harvesting. Finnish people hold nature in deep reverence and demonstrate their respect by responsibly foraging for bilberries and preserving the delicate forest ecosystem.

A Luxury in Abundance

With an estimated 500 million kilograms of bilberries growing annually in Finnish forests, there is no shortage of this natural bounty. Anyone can partake in this luxury, picking bilberries without a license and even selling them tax-free at local markets—a testament to Finland's commitment to nurturing its natural heritage.


About the Creator

Anu Preethi Danila D

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    Anu Preethi Danila DWritten by Anu Preethi Danila D

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