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The Island Haunted by Dolls

The world's largest collection of haunted dolls

By TestPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

There are thousands of creepy mutilated and decapitated dolls covered in cobwebs and insects and they're found on Mexico's island of the dolls or La Isla de las municas some Guinness World Records titles have backstories that are just so compelling we have to share it this is one of these great cases where the story is so interesting and intriguing that we had to put it in the book it's one of my favorite records and the man who started this Macabre Shrine Don Julian Santana Barrera located south of Mexico City within a vast network of canals the tiny Island houses thousands of broken dolls hanging from virtually every tree and Bush The Collection began when a hermit called Don Julian Santana Barrera moved there during the 1950s claimed that he was haunted by the ghost of a young girl who drowned in one of the canals surrounding the island.

The guy who found the body who owned the island testified that he had heard this young girl somehow beyond the grave screaming I want my doll I want my doll and sure enough he found near the body a doll which he then hung up on a tree as if to make an offering to this poor young girl's spirit Legend has it that she had tragically become entangled in the water lilies in the canal and reports vary as to whether Don Julian actually found her body or if she drowned many many years earlier whatever the case he became obsessed by her and haunted by her and then he discovered more and more dolls were appealing on his Island suspended from trees and not just dolls with just dolls heads dull body parts and so over the years he built up this really creepy looking Forest of dolls.

Some of them there I think to try and appease the spirit of this young girl and perhaps other young people who died as a memory to them when his crops failed he built a shrine to try to appease her placing dolls around the island tried to calm her Restless Spirit he became so obsessed with collecting them he spent every single day scouring rubbish dumps and fishing in the canals for old discarded dolls Don Julian met his own death in 2001 close to the spot where the girl had died some say he drowned like her others say he had a heart attack and that her spirit finally claimed him.

The island of the Dolls is now a tourist attraction and locals claim that at night the dolls come to life animated by the spirits of the Dead they say the dolls call whisper move their limbs and turn their heads of their own accord hoping to lure the unwary to a watery death in the Island's canals so to appease them every visitor should offer a gift as soon as they set foot on the island fear of dolls is known as pediophobia and it's considered to be due to the lack of Animation in the doll's faces it's all down to their blank but lifelike stairs you don't have to be pedophobic though to find the island of the Dolls a very creepy place not only is it full of decapitated and dismembered dolls.

It's also home to many many spiders it does for children which used to be such an automatic kind of gift the ones which were prize and most expensive are really rather horrific even today that as if they're completely lifeless and when you're not looking they're going to move slightly and all that sort of stuff and to us they look horrific with their glazy dresses and waxy horrid faces it's like there's a big balloon of horror in the mind which can be tapped into by a different stimuli and Dolls is one of them they do have a horror in them I I think they do it's of course impossible to prove if the dolls themselves are haunted we're not saying ghosts unnecessarily are real and that they're possessing these plastic bodies but as claimed haunted dolls that certainly has the largest collection we've ever seen.


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