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Shit's Happening

And it's messing with us

By Joe LucaPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
Top Story - July 2023
Pixabay Image - by geralt

I was first made aware of this in 1978, in San Francisco. I was driving behind an old Ford Pickup and this piece of wisdom was pasted to the back bumper.

I thought it was funny.

Now I don’t.

Shit doesn’t just happen. It’s made.

Carefully. Gleefully. Without rhyme or reason and often just for the fucking hell of it.

Shit is universal. It’s measurable. Finite. It comes in various shapes, sizes, and modes of distribution.

It’s directed at others by both men and women - and in this way, it is fair and equitable.

Otherwise, it sucks.

It’s mean. Nasty and ill-tempered and it’s blind as a bat because it just doesn’t care.

But what is it?

What it is about shit that wreaks havoc upon us all?

Where did it come from and why is it still here?

Because I am absolutely sure I saw those words written in Latin on the walls somewhere in Pompei, amongst the ashes and memories of those who died a horrible death because of Vesuvius.

And that is shit happening in its most primitive form.

I am certain I read it in ancient texts from the Greeks and Sumerians and scrawled somewhere in the Vedic Hymns.

It was there then, is here now and Lord have Mercy will be here tomorrow.

But what the fuck is it?

It’s bad juju. It’s bad days and bad tempers and selfish acts of violence and an indiscriminate absence of common sense and compassion.

It’s not opening the door for another. It’s letting men harass women without coming to their defense.

It’s children going without breakfast.

It’s cheating on your wife or husband.

It’s not picking up dog shit in your neighbor’s yard - the one their children play in.

Or it’s not saying good morning to someone who needs it because you’re too busy, too important, and too focused on doing the real work in this society to bother.

Shit happens because it doesn’t start out looking that way. It looks like everyday stuff. Like what a preacher would do or say or what Mother Teresa did on her days off.

It’s normal looking and innocuous. Like your grandmother’s shoes or whiskers on a cat.

Shit begins life as nothing much. As too little to bother with and then becomes something wicked or repugnant.

Like shrimp chow mein left out next to the dumpster for six days.

Shit is indifference.

It’s cowardice dressed in trendy clothes and Gucci kicks.

Apathy when seeing the same thing over and over again.

It’s violence on TV and in video games that’s totally okay because it doesn’t hurt anyone.

Missing your mother’s birthday because you had to work, play or pretend you were studying for finals but were actually getting it on with your neighbor’s wife in her RV.

Shit doesn’t just happen.

It’s put there. Brought over in expensive bags and dumped.

Left on the curb, thrown out of car windows. Said to your child because your boss pissed you off.

Written on a Post-it and stuck to someone’s windshield because they parked too close to your Tesla.

Shouted into a phone. Whispered to a fearful little fourth-grader. Not taken back when you had the chance.

Fuck the bumper sticks and T-shirts it’s written on. That’s just marketing. Like: I Brake for no apparent reason.

It’s funny for a minute, then it’s gone.

But shit remains. It’s like Plutonium with a half-life of 12,000 years.

It sticks to your clothes, your shoes, and your soul and doesn’t come off easily. Even NASA couldn’t deal with it.

The remedy for Shit is not to make it.

Listen more. Talk less. Be kind. Be generous. Say, thank you. Greet someone you’ve never met who’s taller, shorter, richer than you, or homeless.

And if the urge to dish it out is creeping up inside you, with that maniacal voice whispering in your ear, tell it to piss off.

Shit doesn’t just happen.

It’s always been created. We shouldn’t expect it coming over the hill. Dropping down from on high. Or stuffed into our mailbox on the Fourth of July.

And if it’s marching in front of the local clinic, protesting whatever is trending, or whatever someone got their knickers in a twist over and now feels the need to let everyone, everywhere know about it, keep walking past it.

At the end of the day, any day, shit is nearby waiting to strike. Ignore it. Look away. Do something nice instead.

Will shit ever stop happening?

Probably not, but it’s all relative.

Like global warming, plastic bottles, and fast-food restaurants.

If we can reduce it by 10%, maybe even 20%, that’s a lot.

And if shit stops happening as often and people can stop looking over their shoulders wondering when it’s going to strike - then they’ll have more time for themselves and the planet.

And have some time left over to do nothing and actually enjoy it.

Shit, in its most basic form, is what’s left after everything good is taken out of it. It’s not worth holding on to. Let it pass - which is exactly what it does naturally.

Mother Nature’s got it covered.


About the Creator

Joe Luca

Writing is meant to be shared, so if you have a moment come visit, open a page and begin. Let me know what you like, what makes you laugh, what made you cry - just a little. And when you're done, tell a friend. Thanks and have a great day.

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Comments (18)

  • real Jema6 months ago

    Nice article. Let's subscribe to each other

  • Big Dreams8 months ago

    And you have to be dragged through the shit of spiritual growth in order to fully recognise it. Only then will you start to project a more humane attitude towards the world and those around you. Until then, it is just recycled over an dover again, like real shit is recycled by mother nature into our next serving of green beans or brocoli.

  • Sewuese Hambe11 months ago

    Nice one.

  • Hi we are featuring your excellent Top Story in our Community Adventure Thread in The Vocal Social Society on Facebook and would love for you to join us there

  • Rui Alves11 months ago

    In the end Mother Nature knows best. Congrats on your top story.

  • Congratulations on your Top Story💖💯🎉🎉

  • Caring. Plain and simple..... I noticed too, after a motorbike crash early in the am hours in Las Vegas, 9 people were standing at a nearby bus station, not one person came over to help. More than blood that spilled over my body, I was saddened by the people who have lost a sense of human decency. When we lose the ability to be decent to others and are only consumed by our networth or our external temporary beauty, we have lost. How do we recover, it starts with a simple hello and a brief conversation of angles, no motivations, just friendliness.

  • Can't have said it better myself. Congratulations on your Top Story!

  • Babs Iverson12 months ago

    Spectacular simply spectacular!!! Loved it!!!❤️❤️💕 Congratulations on Top Story too!!!🥰

  • Gerald Holmes12 months ago

    Very well said. You had me laughing out loud. Congrats on a well deserved Top Story.

  • Cathy holmes12 months ago

    Oh, this I great shit. Congrats on the TS.

  • Dana Crandell12 months ago

    This delivers an important message with subtly entertaining style. Literary genius.

  • Oneg In The Arctic12 months ago

    This said it all: “Shit, in its most basic form, is what’s left after everything good is taken out of it. It’s not worth holding on to. Let it pass - which is exactly what it does naturally.” Well written and engaging! And sometimes, ya just gotta yell, “shit!”

  • Morgana Miller12 months ago

    Ah but to ignore the shit is to deny the participatory shit-making part in all of us that actually gleefully co-creates shit. We are all shit-makers! Let us not bypass. :) Funnily, I’ve been in a shit-storm period where most of the shit happening is not at all the direct result of someone being shitty. It begs the question, how much is my suppressed desire for shit happening factoring into this shit creation? I don’t think we should ignore the shit, I think we should love and accept the shit—for it has always, does always, and will always happen.

  • Judey Kalchik 12 months ago

    Not only was this a word to the wise, it was a way with words: This here? It's amazing: "It’s normal looking and innocuous. Like your grandmother’s shoes or whiskers on a cat."

  • Rob Angeli12 months ago

    Amen! Excellent piece.

  • D. ALEXANDRA PORTER12 months ago

    The remedy is not to make it. I love that! 👏👏👏

Joe LucaWritten by Joe Luca

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