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How are tigers and snake important to nature?

Facts about tigers and snake

By Parveen Baloch Published 3 months ago 4 min read

When we imagine or hear the name tiger, the first thing that comes in our mind is their scary expression and the loud roar. The loud and powerful roar of tiger sometimes paralyzed its preys far before its hunting. Because the roar of tiger can be heard from 3 km. The strength and bravery of tiger is most famous in human being, that's why most of the film's and their heroes are named tiger.

The scientific name of tiger is Panther Tigris. It belongs to the cat family of animals and is also consider the world's biggest cat, too. The history of tiger shows total 8 species of tigers, but its remaining species are only 5. The biggest species of tiger is Siberian tiger and the smallest species is Sumatran tiger. You Will be surprised to know that in years 1900, there were more than one lakh tigers worldwide, but In 2010 their number decreased to 3200 only. The main reason behind this is, the lack of knowledge about the importance of tigers. People hunt tigers to show their bravery that how they can kill such a powerful animal, but nature is given this strong power to tigers for some other reason.

Importance of tigers

1. Tigers are top predators of food chain

Tigers are believed to be the top predator of the food chain, and these top predators are also called apex predators. The role of apex predator is highly important for maintaining the balance of the food chain. Because when tigers hunt their preys in food chain, due to this, their number get maintained, and if they won't kill them, they can reproduce exponentially and the overgrazing of the area effects the natural environment of other animals.

2. Tigers indirectly save agriculture

The wild pig and deer are one of the biggest threats of farmers, because they damage the crops and effect the land of farmers. The leopard and wild dogs feed on pig and deer. Interestingly, this activity is also done by tigers, because tiger occupy the forest area, so the pig and deer don't like to come in tigers territory. That's why they save the farmers crops by staying outside and killing the pigs' deer.

3. Tigers are keystone species

An individual that helps to main the integrity of ecology is called keystone species. And In case of tiger, their eating and habitats pattern provide life to many other animals, because most of the species survival depends on them. If they don't exist, most of the other animals' existence also wouldn't be possible.

Even after having so much importance, still this majestic animal is in danger of extinction. In fact, the Malayan and Sumatran species are believed to be critically endangered. We mostly fantasize tigers in our art and culture, but don't try to understand their importance in nature.

Importance of snake

Snakes are considered one of the most dangerous species of animals. Because their bite can cause severe infection or death of the living individual. That's why when they are seen anywhere, they are mostly killed by people. If they are too much dangerous, then why do they exist in Nature? And If they go extinct, will there be an in balance in environment? 

There are total, 3400 species of snakes worldwide. Snakes are found in a wide variety of color, sizes and types. They can be as small as an earth worm and as long as up to6 meters in length. Most of the snake are egg laying, but there are a few species that gives birth to snake lets or babies of snakes. For example, Russell vipers. The largest species of snake is called reticulated python. It can be 6 meters in length and 112 kg in weight. And the smallest species of snake is called Barbados thread snake. Their maximum length was recorded up to 4.03 inches and their weight is just 0.6 kg.

But Unfortunately, the species of snake is endangered. As amazing as they are by characteristics, as important as they are for the environment as well

1. Snakes help to control pets

The diet of the snake consists of insects, toads, bugs, frogs, and other animals eggs. By eating these creatures, they control the over population of these species and helps to maintain a balance between plants and animals.

2. The food web relies on snake

Snakes perform a dual function in the food web. Snakes are also called masopredator. Basically, snake become both prey and predators in a food web. They feed on insects, bugs, rodents and other small creatures but on the other hand they also become food of eagle, hogs and mangos. Like this, they act as both prey and predators and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

3. Snakes save the farms

The biggest part of snake diet is rodents. The same Rodents that damages a million worth of crops every year. It is believed that the population of rodents is almost equal to that of human population. Snake is the best species to control the population of rodents because they are flexible and can catch rodents from all angles. By eating rodents, snakes help to save farms and crops from damages.

Even after having so much importance, still about 100 species of snake are endangered or critically endangered. There are mainly two reasons behind their population decline. The climate change and habitat lose. The natural habitat of snake is being replaced by roads, building and industries. And they are also killed by people due to superstition and fear. So the important is to make people aware about the importance of snake to save them from being more endangered.


About the Creator

Parveen Baloch

MPhil/Zoology, Freelance writer

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    PBWritten by Parveen Baloch

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