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How 9/11 Attack was Executed!

How did Mohammad Atta execute the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11?

By Zayn Published about a year ago 8 min read

September 11, 2001 began like any other day. But by 10 o'clock, this day had turned into the most dangerous terrorist attack in the history of the world and the worst attack on America after Pearl Harbor.

When two planes came and hit the two towers of New York's World Trade Center, 2606 people were killed in this attack.

Another 206 people were killed in the attack on the Pentagon and 40 more in the foiled hijacking attempt in Pennsylvania. The names of a total of 2983 people who sacrificed their lives in these attacks are recorded in the 9/11 Memorial built in New York.

This was not the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. In the year 1993 i.e. eight years 102 minutes ago, six people were also killed in the attack.

In the famous book 'The Only Plane in the Sky the Oral History of 9/11', Garrett M. Graff writes, "More than 3000 children lost their parents in the attacks on 9/11. About 100 of these children They were those who were born several months after the attacks and who never got a chance to see their fathers. Irrespective of numbers, the attacks killed almost every living American living in America that day, and around the world. affected the lives of millions of citizens of the U.S. who heard the heartwarming news on the news."

He writes, "The shock of that incident has still not disappeared from the memory of every American. This incident took place in what was considered the safest place in the world."

Ata Mohammed's Will

At four in the morning on September 11, 2001, in room 233 of the Comfort Inn Hotel in Portland, Maine, Mohammed Atta woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he called his colleague Abdul Aziz Al Omari, who was staying in the same hotel. Then he stood under the shower and started taking a bath. He wore his blue shirt and black pants. Then he opened his will on his laptop which he had written in April, 1996.

Two things were a bit strange about the will. Martin Amis writes in his book 'The Second Plane', "Ata wrote in her will, I want people not to make noise at my funeral, because God wants that there should be complete silence on such an occasion. The person who bathes my body after death should wear gloves and should not touch my private parts. I also do not want a pregnant woman or a person who is not clean to say goodbye to me."

None of these instructions could be carried out as no one bade him a final farewell, nor did anyone bathe him or touch his private parts.

William Arkin, author of On That Day the Definitive Time Line, writes, "At 5:33 am Ata and her companion checked out. The room bill was paid with Ata's Visa debit card. withdrawing money from ATMs, eating pizza and shopping at Walmart. The FBI believes Ata also took a tour of the World Trade Center in her car that same day."

Nothing came out of the metal detector

After checking out of the hotel, Atta and her companion, Abdulaziz Al Omari, boarded a blue Nissan Altima they had rented and reached the airport parking lot within seven minutes. While entering the parking there, the airport security took his picture. Ata and her companion were checked for security at 5.45 am.

Ata had a black shoulder bag in her hand and Amari had a camera or camcorder like thing in her hand which she was holding with both hands. The metal detector did not find anything from them.

William Arkin writes, "At exactly six o'clock Ata and her companion boarded US Airways flight number 5930. There were only 8 passengers in that aircraft with a capacity of 19 passengers. Ata was given a seat in row number 9. She and Al Omari was the last passenger to board the plane. Within 45 minutes, he reached Boston Logan International Airport, where he was to board AA flight number 11 to Los Angeles. In addition to 81 passengers, nine crew were also on board. The 767 Boeing aircraft was cleared for take-off at 7:59.

As a child, Ata was very shy and submissive.

Ata was born on September 1, 1968 in Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt. His family and friends say that he was very shy in his childhood.

In a September 30, 2001 article in Time magazine titled 'Ata's Odyssey', John Cloud writes, "Ata's father says that as a child she was fond of playing chess and hated violent sports. She was 5 feet 7 in height. inches and was so lean that his father used to call him 'Bulbul'."

"After earning a bachelor's degree in architectural engineering from Cairo University, he went to Hamburg, Germany, for further studies. From the mid-90s, Atta began missing his university frequently for long periods of time. The reason given was that he had gone to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj. When he returned, he had kept a beard."

German intelligence sources believe that during this time Ata had come in contact with people involved in terrorist activities.

Flight training

Terry McDormet writes in his book 'Perfect Soldiers Who Were Where They Did It', "After returning from disappearance, Ata applied for a new passport even though her old one had not yet expired. It was common to do this because by destroying the old passport, they wanted to erase the evidence of where they had gone.

On June 3, 2000, he arrived in Newark from Prague on a six-month tourist visa, and within a month, along with some of his teammates, began taking flight training from Huffman Aviation International in Venice.

For this four-month training, all of them together gave about 40 thousand dollars to Huffman. On December 21, 2000, Ata and his partner Al Shehhi got their pilot's license.

John Cloud wrote in Time magazine, "10 days before September 11, money was transferred twice to Ata's account." I went in. Ata was the only one of the three who did not drink alcohol. Instead, he was constantly drinking cranberry juice."

Flight attendant informed on the phone that the plane was hijacked

When AA 11 flight went up, he followed the instructions of Boston Air Route Traffic Control for the next few minutes, but after 8.13 minutes when Ata and his companions took control of the plane, he stopped obeying their instructions.

William Arkin writes, "As reported by eyewitnesses, Ata used a knife and violence to control the pilot. At 8:18 a.m., flight attendant Betty Ong called the American Airlines Southeast Reservation Center to report a hijacking threat." Expressed. She told that she is making this call while sitting on the jump seat at the back of the plane. This phone call of the daughter lasted for 25 minutes. She told that there is no response to her message from the cockpit and 9B seat in business class Daniel Levin, sitting on the floor, has been stabbed."

Levin served in the Israeli army for a few years. It is estimated that he must have tried to stop the hijacker sitting in front of him but he did not know that there was another hijacker sitting behind him.

Ong also told that the person sitting on seat 10B is currently inside the cockpit. At 8:26, the plane suddenly made an angle of 100 degrees and turned towards New York City. Flight attendant Ong reported that the plane was sometimes going up and sometimes down.

The plane hit the North Tower at 8:46

William Arkin continues, "Meanwhile, Mohammad Atta, sitting in the pilot's seat, tried to address the passengers through the plane's intercom system. But he pressed the wrong button. So his message was heard in the control room below. Ong continued Meanwhile, Sweeney, another flight attendant, reports that the plane is going down rapidly, reporting that there is a misconception that there is a medical emergency in first class, so the plane will be brought down. Used to be."

"Meanwhile flight attendant Sweeney said, the plane is coming down fast. I can see water. Buildings are also visible. After a while she said again, 'Oh my God we have come down so much.' Then a very loud noise was heard and the phone contact with the American operation center was lost.

"At exactly 8:46 a.m., AA flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99. The approximately 10,000 gallons of jet fuel on board spilled into the offices of the firms Fred Alger Management and Marsh & Magellan on those floors."

Fire all around

At that time the chief of the New York Fire Department was standing near Joseph Pfeiffer. He later told Garrett M. Graff, author of The Only Plane in the Sky, "You don't hear the planes because of the tall buildings in Manhattan. But as the plane hit the North Tower there was a loud bang." We all looked up. We all, clenching our teeth, saw that the plane had hit the tower."

At the same time, Sergeant Mike McGovern, working in the New York Police Department, also heard the explosion.

He radioed, "A 767 has just hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center."

As soon as Police Chief Joe Esposito heard the message, he asked Sergeant McGovern, "How do you know that plane was a 767?"

McGovern replied, "I've been a pilot before."

Gene Potter of Bank of America sitting on the 81st floor was shocked so hard that he fell from his chair. He later said that "the whole building started shaking badly and smoke filled everywhere."

On the 90th floor, Richard Aiken, a consultant with PASS Consulting Group, recalled, "I looked over my left shoulder to see a man of Asian descent sprinting toward me. He looked like he had been deep-fried." . His arms were outstretched and his skin was hanging like seaweed. He collapsed between my legs, crying 'Help me, help me.' He died there. Then I saw that my entire shirt Was drenched in blood."

Another plane also hit

17 minutes later at 9:30 p.m. another hijacked plane, Flight 175, hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Within 1 hour 42 minutes both the 110 floor high buildings collapsed.

Another plane struck the west end of the Pentagon, causing a portion of the building to collapse. An attempt was also made to hijack United Airlines flight number 93 but the passengers on board foiled that attempt. At 10:30, that plane crashed in Pennsylvania and all the people on board were killed.

Smoke was seen rising from space

At that time US President George Bush was in Florida. When he got this information, he immediately expressed his intention to reach the capital Washington. At that time, his security advisor Kondaliza Rice, who was present in the White House, advised him to stay where he is.

At that time, American astronaut Frank Culbertson was the only American who was not on this earth but in space. On September 11, the uninformed contacted Flight Sergeant Steve Hart on Earth to ask if all was well there.

Hart replied, "Not a good day for the earth."

At that time the International Space Station was passing over Canada. Commander Frank Culberton later wrote, "After a while I passed 400 kilometers above New York City, I saw a clear black smoke rising from there. When I zoomed in my camera, I found that the whole Manhattan was filled with smoke. The second tower collapsed before my eyes. It was horrifying to see my country being attacked."

"When I passed over America for the second time, I found that American airspace was completely quiet. All planes had been asked to land. Not a single plane was in the air except one."

This plane was Air Force One in which President Bush was aboard and he was heading towards Washington DC against the advice of his advisors.


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