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10 Tribes Who Could Make The Most Dangerous People On Earth Look Like Wimps

Hidden Facts

By Mogomotsi MoremiPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

Tribal violence is a severe problem in many parts of the world mostly in Africa. In fact, there are several tribes that have been known for committing acts of violence against other tribes over territorial disputes or religious differences. These include the Maasai, Kamba and Samburu in Kenya; the Fulani in Nigeria; and the Mbuti Pygmies in the Congo Basin area.

Here are the top 10 most dangerous tribes in Africa and around the world

1. Maasai Mara Tribe:

The Maasai Mara tribe, also known as the Great Rift Valley tribe, lives in the northwestern part of Kenya and is one of Africa's most famous tribes. The Maasai people are known for their bravery and skill with spears, but they can also be ruthless when it comes to protecting their land. They have a reputation for being fierce warriors who will stop at nothing to protect their land from outsiders. However, there are some positive aspects of their culture as well. The Maasai people tend to be very friendly and welcoming to visitors who want to see some of the amazing wildlife found in this area.

2. Samburu Tribe:

The Samburu tribe is located in northeastern Kenya and is one of Africa's largest groups of indigenous people with an estimated population of 1 million people living there today [world bank]. The Samburu tribe is an ethnic group that lives in the Samburu, Pokot and Marakwet Districts of Kenya. The tribe is renowned for its cattle-herding skills and is one of the most important tribes in Kenya.

The Samburu people have a history dating back to around 500 BC. They were among the first tribes to migrate out of central Africa and they settled around Lake Baringo before moving further south. The Samburu are thought to have been converted from Christian to Islam by Sheikh Abdullah bin Masood al-Yemeni, who was an Islamic missionary from Yemen who came to Kenya in 1836 and stayed for several years before returning home.

The Samburu are known as one of the best cattle-herding tribes in Africa; they are also known as ‘the lords of cattle’ due to their expertise in raising cattle on grasslands. The majority of their income comes from cattle sales and sales of meat, milk and hides.

They are known for their bravery at war and their skill with spears, bows and arrows [source]. Because they live so close together, Samburu tribesman sometimes get into fights over resources.

3. The Bakossi

The Bakossi are one of the most dangerous tribes in Africa. They live in the central and northern parts of Cameroon, near the border with Nigeria. They are hunters and gatherers who have been living in this area for over four hundred years. The Bakossi do not have a written language, but they do have a system of oral literature that is passed down from one generation to another.

The Bakossi are not very well known outside of Cameroon, although they are mentioned in textbooks and taught in some schools as an example of how people used to live in Africa before colonial rule. In fact, there is hardly any information about them available on the internet, which makes it difficult for travellers or students wanting to learn more about them.

The Bakossi people are hunters and gatherers who live in the dense rainforest in the middle reaches of the Sanaga River. They were originally part of a larger group called "Maa" before breaking off into small tribes that lived near each other but were still able to go their own ways when necessary (as they still do today). The Bakossi people believe that they were created by God himself after he made man out of mud; however, they were not given souls

In the past, they were engaged in a bloody conflict with their neighbours, the Fulbe, but now they have settled down and are trying to integrate into the national society. However, there is still a lot of tension between them and other tribes in their area.

4. The Dani

This tribe is located in the eastern part of Cameroon and has been fighting for several decades against government troops who were trying to control their land. They are well-armed and dangerous people whom no one wants to mess with. The Dani tribe has been able to survive by living off of the land, hunting and fishing for food, growing crops for themselves and trading with other tribes in order to get what they need. They also use many types of medicinal plants from the jungle to help them with their health issues and heal wounds from hunting or fighting with other tribes.

The Dani tribe also makes a lot of money by selling their crafts and other items made from wood that they find in the jungle such as canoes, spears, bows and arrows etcetera. Their main source of income comes from selling these items but they also make money by killing animals for food so that others can eat as well which is another way that they earn money through trade with other tribes who need meat or skins or other things like these.

5. The Fulbe

The Fulbe are a sub-group of the Mande, who live in the Casamance region of western Senegal. They are known for their craftsmanship and intricate metalwork.

The Fulbe tribe and their livelihood practices

The Fulbe people are one of many ethnic groups in Senegal with similar traditions and lifestyles. They are a highly-skilled metalworking tribe that produces beautiful jewellery, musical instruments and other objects from copper, brass, silver and gold. Their traditional artefacts have been used as historical evidence by anthropologists who have studied them over many years.

The Fulbe people have a rich oral history of their ancestors and how they came to live in the Casamance region of western Senegal. The Fulbe word for ‘land’ is fula which means ‘place where man lives or ‘people who live in a place (Bourdieu). Their ancestors were from West Africa – Ghana to be exact – and migrated to West Africa over 2000 years ago (Bourdieu).

There is no written record of how the Fulbe tribes came to settle in this area but there are oral histories that tell us they began moving westwards around 1500 AD (Bourdieu). They settled near Lake.

The Fulbe have been fighting against other tribes for centuries. They are very strong fighters who use lots of firearms and modern weapons such as rocket launchers and mortars against their enemies when necessary.

6 . The Dagara

The Dagara tribe is a tribe that lives in the dry savanna and forest regions of West Africa. They are mostly found in Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin. The Dagara have a very interesting way of living that no other tribe has been known to do.

The Dagara people live in small villages which are made up of their kinsmen who all belong to the same clan. All these clans live together in harmony and share one common language called Dagara. Their houses are made up of mud bricks which are packed together with grasses, leaves and branches. The roofs are made out of dried banana leaves or palm fronds which they tie together with vines and twine (Friedman).

The Dagara tribe is well known for their cultivation of yams, sweet potatoes and maize (corn), as well as their hunting skills. They also practice animal husbandry by keeping dogs, goats, chickens and pigs at home (Friedman).

Dagara women are highly respected by men because they do not own any property; they do not have any rights over land or herdsmen; they cannot divorce their husbands nor can they hire another man’s services like men can do (Friedman).

This tribe have fought against other tribes over land disputes or simply because they just want to be left alone by other people around them. The Dagara are among some of the most warlike people you will ever meet in your life.

7. The Fulani

The tribe is located primarily in Nigeria but also has members who live in other African countries like Mali and Burkina Faso. They make up about 30 per cent of Nigeria’s population, according to the World Bank, and have been living there for centuries without much conflict with other groups around them until recently when Boko Haram started targeting them more aggressively than any other group in Northern Nigeria. As a result of Boko Haram’s attacks on their villages, many Fulani people have fled abroad where they continue to experience discrimination from local populations due to their cultural practices like polygamy (having multiple wives).

8. The Mbuti Pygmies Tribe

A small group of people living in the rainforest of Congo, Africa. They are one of the few remaining tribes who still live as they did thousands of years ago. The tribe has been known to practice several dangerous practices that have led to their extinction in modern times.

The Mbuti Pygmies Tribe have been known to hunt with poisoned arrows and spears, however, they also paint themselves and their children with poisonous plants such as Umbrella tree sap and poison dart frogs.

The tribe believes that these poisons give them strength and courage during fights with other tribes or animals. They also believe that these poisons protect them from harm by giving them an edge over others in battle or hunting for food.

This dangerous practice has led to many deaths among members of the tribe and has led to the extinction of many species within their territory including rare animals like gorillas, chimpanzees and elephants which are now extinct due to overhunting by outsiders such as poachers who want their skins for profit.

9. Blue Kapuas Tribe

The Blue Kapuas people practice headhunting which has been done since time immemorial by them. They worship nature as their gods and believe that animals have souls too as humans do. They have been known to be dangerous and violent people, who are known for their cannibalism. Their society is organized around a matrilineal system, where women inherit property from their mothers and pass it on to their daughters.

The male members of the tribe also have ownership of property that they can use as long as they live with them. The men also have power over women, making them subject to their fathers or husbands at all times. They are also known for having a type of marriage called "sanggah" wherein only the bride is allowed to leave her husband's house until she gives birth to her baby. If she wants to leave him, he must give her permission first.

These tribesmen are also known for practising circumcision by cutting off part of their penis. This practice has been deemed illegal by the government but still continues in certain parts of West Kalimantan because people believe it makes them stronger and more virile while they are still young boys growing up in these tribesmen's society

10. Konyak Tribe

The Konyak tribe is one of the most dangerous tribes in India. They are known for their piracy, human trafficking and drug smuggling.

The Konyak tribe is spread over three different states: Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh. They are also known as the Modh bibi (daughter of the hill) tribe. The Konyak people speak a unique language called Konya Telugu, which is not related to any other language in the world.

They have been living in these places since time immemorial and have developed their own culture with all its traditions, customs and beliefs.

The Konyak community has been facing many problems due to their primitive lifestyle which has led them to commit many crimes against the law of the land. They are famous for their barbaric practices such as kidnapping children from villages and selling them off to foreign countries where they work as slaves or domestic servants in homes across continents.

As a society, we value and respect those who have been physically, mentally and emotionally tested. Athletes who prove themselves in the face of extreme physical danger and pain are often venerated as heroes, whereas people like our tribal ancestors are viewed with a mixture of contempt, pity and mystery. Respect is not something we give out freely to those who haven't fought it out for it—and yet, when we look at the lives of tribal people around the world, we see a way of life that seems so free, so uncomplicated and so peaceful that even the most westernized among us can hardly comprehend how they were able to achieve it. Is there something we can learn from these societies that are not just healthier than ours (which is debatable), but also more peaceful and secure? The answer is yes. If we open our eyes to possibilities outside of our day-to-day existence, and if we choose to believe that humans can be better than we are now, I believe that not only will our overall quality of life improve but our character will be strengthened by the end of it. There are places in this world where people have achieved peace without violence; tribes where extended families live together in harmony with one another; and communities where.


About the Creator

Mogomotsi Moremi

Author and entrepreneur

Telling stories, one word at a time. Bringing worlds to life through my books and articles. #WriterLife #NeverGiveUp #business

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    Mogomotsi MoremiWritten by Mogomotsi Moremi

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