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What Happens When You Die?

The Light Beyond This Life

By Sophia HayesPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Death comes for us all, but what lies beyond remains a mystery. When Ana's grandmother collapsed tending the garden one sunny afternoon, the end arrived swiftly. In her grief, Ana found herself contemplating the unfathomable - what becomes of us after the last breath?

At the funeral, Father Thomas spoke of heaven's eternal splendor awaiting Nana's virtuous soul. Ana pictured Nana strolling celestial gardens more radiant than any on earth. The thought brought some comfort, though Ana retained her pragmatic doubts about the afterlife.

That night, Ana tossed and turned, wrestling with existential questions usually kept at bay. Did Nana's essence live on? Did darkness swallow you whole at death? Ana needed to know if her Nana's vibrancy survived beyond the grave.

Exhausted, she finally slipped into slumber. Finding herself floating in infinite blackness, Ana felt neither body nor thought. Was this oblivion the true fate that awaited us all? The void terrified and chilled her.

Then a pinprick of light penetrated the darkness, beckoning Ana closer. Moving through the vast emptiness, she flew into the glowing portal. Blinding white light enveloped her.

When her vision adjusted, Ana found herself strolling down a country lane beside her grandmother. Nana looked radiant, free from the frailness that had overtaken her earthly body. She turned to Ana with a beneficent smile.

They wandered together through scenes from Nana's history - her childhood home, the bakery where she first learned to bake, the cottage she shared for decades with Ana's late grandfather. Along the way, Nana reminisced happily about treasured memories from her full life.

Ana delighted in Nana's vivid spirit but soon felt troubled. "This is only my imagination," she said, saddened to realize she wasn't truly with her grandmother.

Nana squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I'm always here" she said, placing a hand softly over Ana's heart. "Death cannot separate our souls."

The vision began to dissolve, and Ana cried out, not ready to lose Nana again. But she heard her grandmother's voice whisper, "Look for me in the laughter of childhood, the beauty of nature, and quiet moments when your heart whispers my name."

Ana awoke with tears streaming down her cheeks. The mystical dream had felt more real than waking life. Gazing out her window at the rising sun, Ana knew in her heart that her Nana lived on in spirit.

Over time, Ana found solace retelling the dream. Some skeptics dismissed it as a subconscious fantasy. But to Ana, the transcendent encounter had fortified her belief in a luminous life beyond.

She noticed her grandmother's enduring presence in the world - in loving memories, acts of kindness, the way a grandchild's grin resembled Nana's own. Nana had promised Ana would find her in the fabric of life, and she did.

At times, Ana still mourned her grandmother deeply. But the light she discovered in that mystical place between dreaming and wakefulness never faded. It reminded Ana that death was not the end.

Nana's glowing spirit endured in the smile of a stranger, the wisdom of a tree, the warmth of the rising sun on Ana's face. She carried her grandmother in her heart, until one day they would embrace again beyond earthly bounds. The cycle would continue, illuminated by the light of lives well-lived.

Ana was comforted knowing that when her own time came to depart this life, she too would walk again in that eternal glow - the light beckoning within.


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Sophia Hayes

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    Sophia HayesWritten by Sophia Hayes

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