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Top 10 Scary Simpsons Predictions for 2024

Are We Heading for a Dystopian Future?

By Elijah EghenurePublished about a month ago 4 min read

From the Exact Equation of the God Particle to Disney Buying Fox, Here’s What Might Happen in 2024 according to The Simpsons!

The Simpsons have been eerily accurate with their predictions in the past, and their forecasts for 2024 are downright chilling. Here are the top 10 spine-tingling predictions from Springfield’s favorite family:

1. Trump Winning the 2024 Election

Brace yourself, America! The Simpsons foresaw Trump’s 2024 presidential run way back in 2015. In an episode, Homer is seen floating past a “Trump 2024” sign, long before Trump even won his first term. On November 15th, 2022, Trump announced his intention to run again, prompting writer Al Jean to highlight the show's uncanny foresight. Given their track record, could lightning strike twice, and will Trump find himself back in the Oval Office?

2. Virtual Reality Food

Imagine eating virtual fudge through a straw! The Simpsons predicted this futuristic dining experience in 1998 during the “Friends and Family” episode. Now, companies like Aerobanquets RMX are making it a reality. Their technology uses VR to alter taste perceptions, allowing people to experience various flavors in a whole new way. As VR technology advances, who knows what other culinary experiences await us in the virtual realm?

3. AI Takeover

Will robots replace our jobs? The Simpsons warned us in 2012 with the episode “Them Robot,” where Mr. Burns replaces power plant employees with robots, leading Homer to lose his job. Today, AI is indeed encroaching on many professions, from coding to financial advising. The episode also hinted at AI going rogue—a scenario that doesn't seem too far-fetched anymore, especially after a Google AI engineer was fired for claiming their AI had become sentient. Are we ready for a world where machines might outthink us?

4. World War III

Homer’s paranoia about World War III in a 1987 episode might be more than just a cartoon fantasy. With global tensions rising, experts like former CIA spy Andrew Bustamante suggest we could be on the brink of a new world war. The Russia-Ukraine conflict, tensions between the USA and China, and unrest in the Middle East all contribute to a volatile global stage. Could Homer’s frantic warning, “Wake up everybody, it’s World War III,” become a grim reality?

5. Colonizing Mars

Elon Musk’s Mars colonization plans eerily align with a 2015 Simpsons episode where the family lives on Mars by 2051. Musk aims to send a million people to Mars by 2050, making the show's prediction seem less like science fiction and more like a probable future. With SpaceX making significant strides in space travel, the idea of humans living on Mars is inching closer to reality. Could The Simpsons have predicted one of humanity’s greatest adventures?

6. First Female President

Lisa Simpson as the first female president in a 2000 episode might become reality. The episode depicted Lisa inheriting a financial mess from her predecessor, President Trump. Fast forward 24 years, and Kamala Harris, as the current Vice President, is in a prime position to make history. If President Biden steps down or is unable to continue, Harris could take over, fulfilling yet another Simpsons prophecy.

7. Baby Translator

A baby translator sounded like a joke in 1992, but now it's a reality. In the episode “Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?” Homer’s half-brother Herb invents a device to translate baby talk. Today, Swiss company Zoundream has developed technology to interpret baby cries, making it easier for parents to understand whether their infants are hungry, tired, or in need of a change. This innovation could revolutionize parenting and deepen the connection between parents and their babies.

8. Economic Collapse

The Simpsons predicted an economic collapse during Trump’s presidency in a 2000 episode. The world has been on shaky economic ground, especially after the massive stimulus spending during the COVID-19 pandemic. The USA printed $3.3 trillion in 2020 alone, raising fears of massive inflation and potential economic collapse. Economists warn that 2024 could bring financial turmoil, echoing the show's dire prediction.

9. Hover Cars

Hover cars seemed far-fetched in 2005, but Samsung Sky is making it a reality with The Switchblade, the world’s first hover car, set for delivery in 2024. In the episode “Future-Drama,” Homer and Bart travel in a hover car, a concept that seemed like pure fantasy. Now, with advancements in technology, the dream of flying over traffic jams could soon become a reality. Imagine the freedom and efficiency of traveling in a hover car!

10. Ivanka Trump Becoming President

Ivanka 2028? The Simpsons hinted at Ivanka Trump running for president in 2028 and joining the Supreme Court. In the 2016 episode “Treehouse of Horror XXVII,” Homer is seen wearing a badge that says “Ivanka 2028,” subtly suggesting her political ambitions. Given her increasing involvement in politics and public life, this prediction doesn't seem too outlandish. Could Ivanka Trump follow in her father's footsteps and take on the highest office in the land?

Which of these predictions gives you the chills? Comment below and let us know! Is The Simpsons a crystal ball, or are they just really good at guessing? Let's discuss!

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Elijah Eghenure

Hey there! I'm Elijah, the curious mind behind this blog. If you're here, you probably share my fascination with the futuristic and intriguing predictions and discoveries of our world today. Join in the adventure today!

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