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The Space Pebble Purchase

A short story about an intergalactic war

By Thomas TerryPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
The Space Pebble Purchase
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

It's not every day you get the opportunity to buy something so unique and rare you didn't even know it existed. This is exactly what happened one summer day and the whole reason for me to tell you this story. This story is about a guy named Jimmy. It was an ordinary Friday afternoon for Jimmy and he was casually wandering around his local pawn shop seeing if there were any cool deals. He was a sucker for old unique collectible items and spent a few hours every week going through pawnshops to see if there was anything cool he could snag. This week seemed like it was going to be a disappointment, nothing seemed to stand out to Jimmy and it looked like he was going to have to go home empty-handed. Just as he was about to leave the final store he planned on visiting that day something odd caught his eye.

It was a tiny stone with a weird sparkle in the center. Why it caught his eye he has no clue. There really wasn't anything special to it but it seemed to be calling to him and drawing him in. It felt like this stone was screaming at him to purchase it. It needed to be in his life and wouldn't be quiet until he had purchased it. He went up to the guy at the cash register and asked him what this rock was and how much it was going for. The guy took a look and chuckled to himself, "why would you want to buy this? It appears to be just a silly stone, I have no clue how it got in here." Jimmy replied to the guy, "I don't know why I want it but just tell me how much and I will buy it." The two men agreed-upon $10 for the stone and Jimmy excitedly left the store whistling to himself.

That night Jimmy awoke from a night of deep sleep to a weird noise coming from his closet. He crept quietly over and creaked the door open slowly. That's when he saw a green figure hunched over in the corner of his closet. Jimmy's heart began to beat faster and faster. He wasn't one to believe in aliens but he saw what he saw and even through the doubts he was having he knew this could only mean one thing. The fear of what he was seeing was drowned out by the anger he felt when he realized this thing was looking at his stone. The one he felt so attached to. All fear was lost and Jimmy began to scream at the alien to get out. It slowly turned towards him and in perfect English said, “I will only leave with what’s mine.” Jimmy lunged at the green thing standing in his closet and tackled it to the ground. The words of pure anger were pouring out of both of them. For some reason, both this man and the alien were consumed by possessing this stone. Neither seemed to know what it was or why they needed it but there was going to be war and the winner would keep the prize. The alien tired of the fighting ran out the door but before he vanished and turned and in an evil laugh said to Jimmy, “I will bring my friends back for you, you will end.”

The fear that had fled Jimmy now began to return he had to tell someone about what was coming but no-one would believe him. Except he knew a few guys who were UFO enthusiasts. Yes, they were a bit wacky but maybe they could help. He gathered them all together to prepare for this war that was surely going to happen over this stupid stone he had bought.

“Jimmy”, “Jimmy, wake up”, “You are having a nightmare.” Jimmy sat up bolt right at a start to see his mother shaking him frantically. “That must of been some dream”, she said when he finally woke up. “You were screaming and are drenched in sweat!” Relief poured over Jimmy as he realized everything was just a dream. He looked over at his clock which read 7:55 and his heart dropped when he saw it, sitting beside his clock was that small little rock with a slight sparkle in the center.

science fiction

About the Creator

Thomas Terry

Hello, I like using poetry and music to help connect people and find the meaning of life. We all have our own unique stories and I want to share mine to hopefully inspire you to share yours!

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    Thomas TerryWritten by Thomas Terry

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