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The Cave Dwellers of Tharsis

By K. R. King

By Kat KingPublished 23 days ago 6 min read
Made by K. R. King

The Cave Dwellers of Tharsis

K. R. King

Dr. Alex Carter stood at the edge of the Martian pit, their breath fogging the inside of their helmet. The pit, yawning like a mouth ready to swallow them whole, was a perfect circle, its edges smooth and unblemished. It was one of many such pits dotting the landscape of Arsia Mons, an extinct Martian volcano. But this one was different; it was deeper, darker, and exuded an aura of mystery.

"Are you sure about this, Alex?" their second-in-command, Dr. Sarah Lin, asked, her voice crackling over the comm.

"Positive," Alex replied, their eyes never leaving the abyss. "The data from the drones indicate this could be the entrance to an extensive network of lava tubes. If we find a stable section, it could be our sanctuary from the surface radiation and temperature extremes."

Sarah sighed, her skepticism clear even through the distortion of the radio. "Well, let's hope your hunch is right. Because if it isn't, we're going to be very dead, very soon."

The rest of the team—engineer Raj Patel and biologist Emily Zhang—stood ready with their equipment. The mission was simple: explore the depths, map the tunnels, and evaluate their potential as future habitats for Mars colonists.

Descending into the pit was harrowing. Their suits, equipped with thrusters, allowed for a controlled fall, but the darkness seemed to press in from all sides. Alex's heart pounded as they touched down on the uneven floor of the cavern.

"Lights on," they commanded. Beams of light pierced the darkness, revealing a vast underground chamber, its walls glittering with mineral deposits.

"This is incredible," Emily breathed, her eyes wide with wonder. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Focus, team," Alex reminded them. "We have a job to do."

As they moved deeper into the tunnels, the walls began to close in, the air growing colder. Strange rock formations jutted from the ground, some resembling twisted sculptures, others like petrified remains of alien creatures. Emily stopped to examine one, her scientific curiosity piqued.

"These markings," she said, pointing to a series of intricate patterns etched into the rock. "They look... deliberate. Almost like writing."

"Let's not jump to conclusions," Alex cautioned. "But keep recording everything."

Hours passed as they navigated the labyrinthine tunnels. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the hum of their suits and the occasional crackle of static. Raj, ever the optimist, tried to lighten the mood.

"You know, this place would make an excellent setting for a horror movie," he joked.

"Yeah, starring us," Sarah muttered.

Suddenly, a loud rumble echoed through the tunnel, followed by a series of small tremors. The team froze.

"What's happening?" Emily asked, panic creeping into her voice.

"Seismic activity," Alex replied, their mind racing. "We need to find a stable area. Now."

They hurried through the winding passages, the tremors growing stronger. Just as they thought they were safe, the ground beneath them gave way, and they tumbled into a deeper chamber.

Alex groaned as they stood up, their suit's diagnostics flashing warnings. "Everyone okay?"

"Barely," Sarah said, helping Raj to his feet. "Where are we?"

The chamber they had fallen into was different from the others. It was filled with strange, bioluminescent fungi that cast an eerie glow. In the center of the room stood a massive, ancient structure, unlike anything they had seen before.

"What is that?" Raj whispered, awe and fear in his voice.

"I have no idea," Alex replied, approaching the structure cautiously. "But it looks... artificial."

Emily was already scanning the structure with her equipment. "Alex, this is incredible. The readings... this thing is emitting a low-level electromagnetic field. It's almost like a beacon."

"A beacon?" Sarah echoed. "But who—or what—built it?"

Before Alex could respond, the structure began to hum, and the fungi's glow intensified. The air crackled with energy, and a holographic display flickered to life, showing a map of Mars with various points highlighted.

"It's a navigation system," Alex realized. "Whoever built this was using the lava tubes as a transportation network."

"But why?" Raj asked.

"Maybe to escape the surface," Emily suggested. "To survive."

As they pondered the implications, a final, violent tremor shook the chamber. The walls began to crack, and debris rained down.

"Time to go!" Alex shouted. They scrambled to find an exit, their suits straining under the pressure. Just as the chamber was about to collapse, they found a narrow passage leading upwards.

They emerged, battered and exhausted, but alive. As they looked back at the pit, Alex felt a mix of exhilaration and dread. They had discovered something extraordinary, something that could change humanity's future on Mars.

"Let's get this data back to base," they said, determination in their voice. "We've got a lot of work to do."

The team nodded, their faces set with resolve. They had faced the unknown and survived. Now, they were ready to unlock the secrets of Mars.

As they began their journey back to base, Emily's scanner beeped with new data. She glanced down, her eyes widening in shock. "Alex, you need to see this."

Alex took the scanner and froze. The readings indicated life forms—complex, moving life forms—deep within the tunnels they had just escaped.

"Could they still be alive?" Raj asked, voice trembling with a mix of excitement and fear.

Alex stared back into the darkness of the pit, heart racing. "We need to find out."

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled again, more violently this time. The pit's edge began to crumble, and the team struggled to maintain their footing.

"Run!" Alex shouted, as they scrambled away from the collapsing edge.

As they fled, a deafening roar echoed from the depths of the pit. Glancing back, Alex saw shapes emerging from the darkness—shapes that were unmistakably alive and moving with purpose.

"We're not alone," Sarah whispered, fear and awe mingling in her voice.

They reached the safety of their base camp, breathless and shaken. As they sealed the airlock behind them, Alex turned to the team, their eyes filled with a mix of fear and determination.

"This is just the beginning," they said. "We need to prepare. Whatever is down there, it's coming."

The team nodded, the gravity of their discovery sinking in. They had unearthed a hidden world beneath Mars' surface, a world that was waking up—and it was only a matter of time before it made contact.

### Epilogue

Days turned into weeks as the team worked tirelessly to analyze their findings and prepare for the next expedition. The data they had collected revealed astonishing insights into the underground world they had glimpsed.

One evening, as the team gathered around a makeshift table in their base camp, Emily broke the silence. "I've been studying the patterns we recorded in the tunnels. They’re not just decorative; they’re a form of communication."

Raj looked up, intrigued. "Communication? Like a language?"

"Yes," Emily nodded. "And I think I’ve deciphered part of it. They’re warnings—messages about the surface and the dangers it holds."

Sarah's eyes widened. "Warnings? But why? What were they trying to protect themselves from?"

Before Emily could answer, an urgent alarm blared throughout the base. Alex's communicator crackled to life with a message from Mission Control. "Dr. Carter, we’re detecting unusual seismic activity near your location. It’s escalating rapidly."

Alex’s heart raced. "Understood. We’re monitoring the situation."

As the team rushed to their monitoring stations, the ground began to shake violently. The screens displayed a terrifying sight—massive fissures opening up in the landscape, leading directly to their base.

"We need to evacuate!" Sarah shouted.

They grabbed their essential equipment and hurried to the surface vehicles. As they sped away from the base, a colossal eruption burst from the pit they had explored, spewing clouds of dust and debris into the Martian sky.

"Look!" Raj pointed back toward the pit. Through the chaos, they saw shapes moving—dozens of bioluminescent creatures emerging, their eerie glow visible even from a distance.

"They’re coming to the surface," Emily whispered, awe-struck.

Alex's mind raced with questions. Why now? What had triggered this sudden emergence?

As they reached a safe distance, Alex turned to the team, determination etched on their face. "We have to find out what's happening. This changes everything."

The creatures spread out across the landscape, their luminescence creating an otherworldly spectacle against the backdrop of the red planet. The team watched in a mix of fear and fascination, knowing that the world they thought they knew had just become infinitely more complex and mysterious.

"We need to inform Mission Control and start planning our next move," Alex said. "We have a responsibility to understand these beings and the secrets they hold."

As the team prepared to transmit their findings, Alex couldn’t shake the feeling that they were standing on the precipice of a monumental discovery—one that would redefine humanity's understanding of life and survival on Mars forever.

science fiction

About the Creator

Kat King

Change agent. Writer. Actor. Director. Producer.

[Follow] IG @katkinghere + @glass.stars.project | TikTok @katkinghere



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Kat KingWritten by Kat King

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