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Ten Tips For Witchcraft Beginners

How To Start Your Practice

By Jessica BuggPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo courtesy of Unsplash

My First Experience with Wicca and Witchcraft

My study of witchcraft and Wiccan began at a young age around middle school. It was taboo AF to even mention reading about something like that in Southern Baptist Kentucky.

A group of my friends and I even had found a book about Wicca which we took to school to share between us that was later taken from us by a school administrator. Funny, the other kids could carry New Testaments and hand them out to everyone on the campus, but we were admonished for even just reading about another belief system.

It wasn’t that administrator that influenced me to set aside the study of witchcraft (I will be using Wicca and witchcraft interchangeably when referring to my own experiences but please acknowledge Wicca and witchcraft, although related are two very different disciplines) it was more the capriciousness that comes with being an adolescent girl.

But one thing I knew for certain. There HAD to be something very real and/or threatening for that admin to have reacted so strongly to a book.

I put aside my study of witchcraft and focused on other things and religions for a few, well, many years.

Until I Met Devin

Devin and I met through cheer. We couldn’t have come from more different backgrounds. He lived in Colorado was a fabulous drag queen oh and a witch. As our friendship blossomed, I began asking Devin about his practices and even had him do spells on my behalf.

I think eventually I asked for too many witchy things because one day, Devin was like, you know you can be a witch too, right?

No, I did not. But I was down. Devin took me under his wing, and I saw my entire life transformed. Maybe it became different because of my newfound mindset? Or maybe some of the spells really did work? Whichever it is, I have continued to learn under Devin and have my own studies and practices I observe.

As humans become more conscious, more people are finding truth in more than one religious practice. Wicca and witchcraft are two of the most stigmatized by Western culture and history.

It can be difficult for someone wishing to learn to even find reliable resources. So after watching a video by Ella Harrison on YouTube (recommended to me by Devin, and I highly recommend checking out her videos for those who wish to learn more), I decided to compile a top ten list for beginners based on her teachings of Wicca and witchcraft. Here we go:

Top Ten Tips For Beginner Witches:

1) Read. A lot.

There are tons of resources online and in print covering witchcraft, Wiccan, and Pagan practices. Begin by just reading and see what resonates with you. Reading will provide you with a foundational starting point, historical perspective, and it can show you the different paths you can choose in your practice.

2) Take Good Notes

You will use these to reference what you are learning and beginning to understand, but there is an even more important reason to do this . . .

So you can begin compiling your very own

Book of Shadows

In the most basic sense, this is like a journal and recipe book combined into one for practicing witches. Everyone is unique, and the contents will vary depending on the practices of the witch. What I choose to include in mine may not resonate with you, and vice versa.

3) Pace Yourself

Don’t get overwhelmed with all of the information and sources you are coming across. The study of witchcraft can take more than a couple of lifetimes (no pun intended). There is no time limit on your learning and understanding. Be patient with yourself.

4) Join A Community For Mentorship

Ella recommends finding a local group, but especially in certain areas of the country and world, there may not be one readily available. Enter the global community of social media.

There are many groups you can join on Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit that can help you link up with other practitioners who can provide guidance and suggestions to you.

5) Understand The Difference Between Witchcraft and Wicca

Wicca is an organized religion with a set of core values, beliefs, and best practices. Witchcraft, on the other hand, is more individualized. This is a very rudimentary and basic explanation.

6) Protect Yourself

Protection comes in physical, mental, and spiritual forms. And a good principle to implement:

It is easier to protect than it is to cleanse.

You will want to establish boundaries that ensure your safety while practicing. You may have the best of intentions, but others may not. And sometimes, those without good intentions don’t even realize what they are doing.

7) Tools Are An Extra Not A Necessity

Ella frequently states that you do not have to have the fanciest things, especially when starting out. You can

  • Use what you have
  • Make your own
  • Recycle items
  • Find items at antique or thrift stores
  • Or if all else fails, use your hands and your mind

8) You Can Substitute A White Candle For Any Other Candle Color

Ideally, you will have an entire rainbow of candles, but for those starting out, you may just have what is on hand. Many spells, intentions, rituals, and incantations specify a particular color candle.

Example: Devin taught me an abundance and prosperity spell that required a green candle. Except I couldn’t find any. We were able to sub a white one for the time being, and it has been effective.

When it doubt, white it out.

9) Practice Meditation, Mindfulness, Visualization, and Intuition

By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you not only impact your witchcraft, you impact your mindset, which is an important part of every major religion or belief system.

Meditation, in particular, is vital for spellcraft as you must be in a certain state of mind to achieve results in a desired amount of time.

Intuition will guide you through your practice and be helpful for warnings and insight.

Visualization cannot be emphasized enough as many spells require visualization and clear visualization at that in order to be effective.

10) Spells Should Not Be Your First Option

Spells should not be used as a crutch or shortcut option for your life. If you are sick, go to a doctor. If you are having trouble with someone in your life, attempt constructive communication. You can not rely on spells as some easy way out.

Bonus Advice From Ella

Spells take time to work.

You are a witch even if you don’t practice daily.

Wicca, in particular, is based on a connection with nature.

That concludes our intro tips for beginner witches.

Note From The Author:

And somewhere, ladies and gentleman, Chuck Stallard, that school admin is adding me to a prayer list in the middle of nowhere.


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    Jessica BuggWritten by Jessica Bugg

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