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Spiritual Technology

The Choice Is Yours

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 6 months ago 4 min read
Brightest Blessings

In my journey towards self actualization, where one takes that ever so curious stance, and decides to peer into the rabbit hole, for those who are even braver, they take a walk down the rabbit hole, until it starts to become dark, then they turn back, then we have those, who don't just peer or walk, they run, without fear, into the vastly infinite journey of self discovery.

The walk of shadows is something that is so beautiful in it's design, and the sense of gradual fulfillment you receive, in alignment with growth, as though the two were walking side by side, with you along your journey.

The growth that can be experienced in facing our fears, and learning to adapt with the world that is always changing around us, while keeping our core values, fluid, yet solid, in their foundation, so we can always have the inner strength and sense of stability, necessary to achieve peace in a world, that seems intent on depriving us this simple yet profound concept. In my experience so far, I have learned that when change is on the horizon, even before any obvious signs become present, I begin feeling a sense of shifting, that occurs within my spirit, prior to the changes taking place in an external manner. I have gained the ability through self-reflection, and introspective analysis, to intuitively sense the winds of change, when they are nothing more than a breeze in their inception.

We as a species, are more than what we can see, hear, taste, smell and touch. Many mystics and ancient mystery schools have touched on this topic, the senses that go beyond the five, that we are not so much aware of, but the 5 are those that we are familiar with, and comfortable with. When we begin to experience a greater multitude of senses, beyond those we are used to, it can be a frightening experience, especially at first, until you learn to control them, and harness the energy, that is necessary to utilize them. Do not be afraid of that which is new, instead, seek guidance from the source of these things, the one who created us. When we are dealing with senses, that expand into the realm of the spiritual, we can not always use expressions that we are accustomed to, to fully describe them. Spiritual gifts are a natural part of our evolution, just as singularity is the process of Artificial Intelligence in regards to it's evolution.

As technology advances, it becomes capable of doing some amazing things, however, we as humans are also capable of some even more substantially greater things. Empathy is the ability for one human to feel the emotions of another, and it is my belief that telepathy is the natural evolutionary process that empathy is correlated with. Do not allow your eyes to be shut to that which is truly real, and instead look within and discover what being authentically genuine really means, to you.

At the beginning of my steps towards what I like to term the Ascension Process, I began to notice synchronicities, the onset of these occurrences, were not so substantial in number, at first, but in meaning they were. The ability to recognize this pattern of events which unfold before your eyes, is something that must be experienced in order to fully grasp the depth that such moments contain. The world is always speaking to us, on some level, yet we have learned to block off this portion of us which is used to listening to the whispers of the spirit, and of the natural world, also due in large part to the blares of technology and all of the different forms of energy that it uses to travel and function efficiently, creating a split in purpose, for our species.

It would seem that we are heading in 2 directions, one path contains the natural evolutionary growth of our form, and it is in my opinion, through consciously expanding ones awareness and understanding to a degree, that not only transmutes the reality which one experiences, raising it to higher levels of vibration, and richer in substance than that which we can experience on this dimensional plane, takes us to a dimensional plane, that is referenced in ancient spiritual teachings, but it also gives us an upgraded version of ourselves, as has been referenced in the crystallization of DNA, which in my perception would lead to what is known as immortality, where our cells are no longer susceptible to corruption, hence, aging, and any form of decay are halted.

The other path is one where technology takes center stage, and the spiritual side of life, falls into a state of atrophied, slowly withering, and losing it's strength and capacity to fully engage with the physical form, until after a long enough time passes, it begins to recede into the shadows of the past.

We each have a choice, in where we want our life to go, these two extremes mentioned above are choices that I believe will have revolutionary repercussions, based on which one you take. You can rise, and become what we were meant to become, the sons and daughters of God. Brothers and Sisters of Christ, and Co Creators with Divinity. The path of technology is one that presents substantial problems, that have been made apparent by noteworthy individuals around the world. As we become more narrow sighted and minded, on furthering the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence, we are only going in a direction where we end up replacing ourselves. We should use technology to advance us in the correct manner, and not in a manner that has an eventuality, that is highly likely to end in our demise, or something much worse.

The main point I am trying to make is this, don't get lost in the noise that is so consistent in this world, from the frequency emitted by your smart phone, or the dull hum of some electronic device that may be within your vicinity, take the time to breath, and take stock of life, in all it's beauty, don't allow the fast paced world, deprive you of the present, and the gift that living in this beautiful place, can bring, Peace.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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