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Short Stories: The Lone Witch

Chapter 2: Out of my Mind

By Justin OwneyPublished 3 years ago 16 min read

- Smack! Paris was abruptly awakened by the feeling of the back of her head meeting the hardwood floor. Welp, that’s one way to start off the day, Paris thought to herself as she rubbed the sore spot. Sitting up against the side of her bed, Paris got lost in her thoughts. It had been three months since that recurring dream started to… well recur. The dream first occurred the night of her 15th birthday. Paris found herself standing in endless darkness, with only a dim spotlight as her only source of light. The ground is covered in a shallow layer of water: but the most memorable part of the dream would be the haunting echo of a unionized whisper asking her if she hears something.

They always started like that, and at first, that was all the dream was; an endless black pit. But little by little, the dream would become more in-depth, more pieces would unravel. And more and more she would remember from the dream. The catch was that she would only see as much as the dream would allow her. Then, before Paris could find out what happened next, the dream would just shut down. And just like how they all started the same; they all ended the same way: the ground beneath Paris’s feet would disappear, leaving her falling in complete darkness. Only to wake up abruptly and panicked. The only thing that would change about the end was the time they ended. As she progressed in the dream, the time she would wake up was pushed back, from waking up only an hour after her eyes closed, to waking up only an hour before she was required to get up. This had been going on for three months now, but if Paris’s theory was right, they should end, because she already knew how the dream would end. It would be the same ending as the story Paris’s Aunt Sasha and Uncle Harold used to tell her. A story about a baby who had been saved by the unwavering will of their parent, and the luck of being found by travelers who had stumbled upon them .

~ 🎵 ~ 🎵 ~ 🎵 ~

Paris’s thoughts were interrupted by a piano singing its sorrowful song. Looking up at the clock she sees the time blaring at her - 6:00 .

“Crap.” Paris thought as she groggily stood up with the assistance of her bed, “The bus comes in half an hour, I’ll be late for school if I miss it” She made her way over to the bathroom to evaluate herself.

Paris splashed her face starting her facial routine, her face had freckles clustered along her cheeks, dispersing over the bridge of her nose and that framed the sides of her face, suddenly fading out at her forehead. These freckles popped against the rose-fair skin tone that Paris had.

Caught in a trance after finishing washing her face, Paris took a long look at herself in the mirror. Her eyes had always seemed off, but she couldn’t tell why; they were large hooded-shaped eyes. Her irises were an ocean blue, that shifted on the color spectrum like a mood ring. Having a fiery bronze ring surrounding each of her pupils that never seemed to fade. At times she could swear that these rings would glow, but she’d think better of it, shrugging it off as, ‘just a trick of the light’.

Paris continued on with her routine, her mind wandering back to reality. Brushing out her hair, its natural look slowly fell out of its thick tangled deep reddish-burgundy mane of bed head, back to its usual slight wave, the front locks landing just beyond her shoulders in an angled bob. Heading out of the bathroom to dig through her wardrobe beside her dresser in the front of the room by the door.

Paring a flowing hunter green crop top with her favorite medium blue washed, high-rise jeans, that stopped just before her light gray converse with her white ankle socks peeking out. Rushing for time, she hastily twisted her hair into a messy bun and snatching her Bluetooth headphones off her nightstand, speeding out of the bedroom - grabbing her bag on her way out. Paris rushed past the living room/dining room in a beeline to the kitchen. She couldn’t afford to miss the bus, so after scarfing down her breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, she headed out the door. In such a rush she almost forgot her keys.

As she exited her apartment for the final time, Paris pulled her headphones up and headed out for her stop. The cool breeze cut the humidity of the day, making the walk all the more relaxing as the sun beat down. The small shops and cafes were framed up by the brick apartment buildings and pubs, with the greenery being dotted by street lamps. It was a short, but pleasant walk. With good timing too, just as Paris had reached the bus stop, she could see the bus making its way down the street. Hopping on, Paris took her seat in the back, watching the stop cruise by as the bus pulled away. The bus was usually empty in the morning, with mostly high-schoolers and a few others at this time. Paris leaned her head on the window, enjoying the quietness of the morning. And as the next song began to play in her ears, a wave of calmness washed over her. Her eyelids grew heavy, her mind beginning to wonder. The only thought that came to her was - weird…. I must not have gotten as good of a sleep as I thought I did. The heaviness of her eyelids progressed with the song, her mind drifting farther and farther away, until she was gone.


When Paris’s eyes opened once more, she found herself lying down on the cool ground of a forest. She could tell by the feeling of grass scratching her through her clothes, the sound of leaves rustling and animals stirring, and the biggest tip of all was the overpowering smell of damp dirt and compost that surrounded her. Although that wasn't quite right: staring back at her was a night sky, framed by the tops of dying trees, indicating that she must’ve been in a small clearing within a forest.

Anyone could have mistaken it for the sky belonging to the big island of Hawaii; Its deep midnight blue had a glow to it, as every star gleamed with the help of the moon, turning the sky into more of a deep indigo than a black. But Paris knew better.

The big and little dippers shone prominently as she sat up. A crisp autumn breeze greeting her as she did so. Taking in her surroundings, Paris noticed two things. The first thing she noticed was the blood-red flowers that took up the entirety of the valley. Having golden pollen, adding depths to their color. They seemed to glow in the moonlight, lighting up the entirety of the clearing. The second thing Paris noticed was her attire.

Paris had realized that she was dressed in an off-white Victorian-style nightgown; mid-length with long bell sleeves having ruffles at the ends. This wasn’t her usual style, the gown was something that Jules would wear: Jules being short for Juliette. Juliette was Paris’s best friend and had been since their first day of preschool. She was elegant and serious, but very optimistic. With whimsical fair skin paired with platinum blond hair and amber-red eyes, Jules was truly something out of a fairytale. She had always tried to get Paris to dress up in all sorts of matching dresses and skirts with her, but their styles tended to veer away from each other.

This nightgown was breezy and comfortable but it still felt constricting for some reason. The fabric was loose and breathable, nothing about the dress constricted her movements but she still couldn’t shake the feeling that she was trapped - chained to something, but what? In an attempt to prove her paranoid thoughts wrong, she got to her feet. But instead of calming her nerves.... she felt another feeling creep up. The gut feeling that something was off, became a knot in Paris’s stomach. There was definitely something off, something - someone was watching her, observing from the shadows.

Trying to stay calm, Paris shakily and slowly turned, looking for any sign of something or someone. But no matter how attentive she looked, she found nothing. This, instead of calming the feeling, only added to it. She continued to pivot, but she still found nothing. After the second round of finding nothing the feeling of being watched was unwavering, but it didn’t grow. By the third time ‘round she stopped in her tracks and began to focus on stabilizing her nerves. But just as the knot in her stomach started to unravel, it instantly tightened back up again, tighter than before. With nerves being unhinged and her heart racing at a mile a minute. It was everything she could do to keep her fight or flight instincts from taking over. It was like a boiling stew of distress with chunks of dread and panic thrown in, all heated over the flames of adrenaline, and it was on its way to burning. She tried to calm down but the sudden growth of the feeling left her in a panic. It felt like whatever was watching her was circling her, like prey.

Then she saw it - a pair of auburn eyes shone like the moon in the darkness just beyond the clearing. They were piercing, gleaming with malevolence, with malicious intent. They seemed to hold a grudge against her, but Paris couldn’t imagine why. Then the eyes had a face to them, the body they belonged to emerged from the shadows. It was a large wolf, a really large wolf, like the ones from her dream. But this one was twice the size of those. It was larger than an English mastiff, and could easily overpower her with just a swipe of its paw. Its brown almost black coat shone more brown in the moonlight, while it circled her with a cold curiosity.

Paris’s eyes never left the wolf’s as it slowly closed in, “It shouldn’t be able to hurt me.” she thought to herself, “This is a dream, just a dream.”

The wolf was now right in front of her now, its snout lining up with her throat. Its eyes no longer held an intent to harm her, but they still seem to loathe the sight of her. His gaze felt cold, colder than the frosty fall air that pricked her legs. Then to Paris’s fright, it rushed forward, eyes still cold, while hers filled with terror. The force and weight of the thing sent her down with a thud. Grimace flooding her features at the impact. Paris’s right shoulder had landed on a rock and was now crying out.

Looking up, the wolf was standing over her with a stern look on its face as if that was just to refute her thoughts, could it tell what she was thinking? Was it really going to hurt her in a dream? As if answering her questions, the wolf got off of her with a roll of the eyes. Paris struggled to sit up, with much complaint from her shoulder, but she didn’t know what to do. Whether to attempt to communicate with it or offer a hand. She ended up just staring at it in turmoil on what to do. Paris felt weary of the wolf but the fright she had felt when it lunged at her, was...gone? Paris didn’t know how to describe it but, that feeling from earlier, the one of being tied down to something. She felt that the wolf had something to do with it and that this dream flowed over into reality. Just as the thought entered her mind the icy breeze picked up, swirling around her, taking the blood-red petaled and dying leaves with it. She could barely see the wolf standing aback in frustration, this sudden weather taking it by surprise. The wall of wind only grew denser from there, rising towards the stars, until it seized. With the dense wall of wind gone all that remained was the leaves and petals that drifted to the ground, revealing nothing to be there, leaving the beast all alone.


Paris’s eyes shot open with a sharp breath, Her shoulder throbbed in a dull pain and it worsened as a hand shook it. She calmly lifted her head from the window to look over at the gentle hand shaking her shoulder;

“Oh, so you’ve finally awakened sleeping beauty?” A cheerful smile greeted her with a joking tone, “I was afraid I’d have to break the curse myself.” That remark was awarded with a playful push from Paris.

The person who was shaking her was her friend Demitri. Having beautiful honey skin that most girls would kill for. Paired with green almond-shaped eyes, with a beauty mark under his right one. And his blue-black hair has a slight curl to it. But, His boyish looks don’t match with his tough guy-principal personality, he is strict, stubborn, a serious rule follower, and could take down someone three times his size, but he's outgoing, cheerful, and is the smartest guy Paris knows.

As Paris shifted so that she was sitting upright, Demitri asked, “I see you decided to take a morning ride to commemorate the first official week of summer break?” A smirk rising from his lips.

Paris took a second look at him and noticed he was in his summer uniform; an optional white overcoat with a chartreuse green undershirt with white shorts, Finished off with a personal touch of a shoelace necktie held together in a bow shape by a jade dragon pendant. This summer uniform belonged to the esteemed Dr. Huntsman’s boarding school for all ages K-12, Full of the Exceptional and Exceptionally wealthy, in Demitri’s case both. His parents were always away for business so they put Demetri in an all-year-round boarding school.

Paris leaned back, putting her hands to her forehead, letting out a groan, “I forgot...school ended last Friday…”

Demetri looked over, “And forgot to turn off your alarm?”, embarrassment flushed Paris’s face as she let out another groan. But Demetri wasn’t done, “You would’ve been late anyways with how well you were napping.” He took a quick glance around to check if he was being too loud, “I tried waking you up two stops before your stop but you wouldn’t budge.” He sighed as he shook his head in disapproval; like a parent lecturing their kid, “Must’ve been one good dream you were having.”

Paris tried to think back on what it was she had been dreaming, but she was only left with a wary feeling. She could barely remember the dream she awoke from this morning.

Paris shook her head with a sigh, “I guess it was too, I can’t remember any of it.”

Demitri looked over, ready to change the subject, “I’m guessing you’ve had breakfast already?” He said as he pulled out a paper bag that smelled of cheese, ham, and egg.

“I did,” Paris said, accepting the paper-wrapped breakfast sandwich Demitri offered her, “Scrambled eggs and toast actually, but thanks for the sandwich. Who was it for?” She asked, thinking of all the possibilities. Demitri never really talks about his school life, he even avoids talking about it. But he does talk about his family and the holidays he goes on with them.

He changed the subject once again, “So did your brother have work again?”

Paris’ brother -Vincent: was her guardian at the time because her aunt and uncle didn’t want her to be alone while going to the Arts academy’s boarding school for those gifted in all forms of art whether it was visual, literary, or performing. So they registered Paris’ older brother as her guardian. He wasn’t really Paris’ brother, like how her aunt and uncle weren’t technically, her mother and father, like others, liked to remind her every time they went to holidays or events with anyone other than their tight-knit - yet large family. Paris was the middle child of 5 kids. With the youngest 2 being Finch and Mason; with Mason being in 7th grade while Finch was in 3rd grade; The oldest of them is Vincent was 28 and working as a Nurse in the ER, and Tyler was abroad working towards his dream job of being an architect.

Coming back to reality from her train of thought, she answered, “Yeah, he did, Or I guess does. I must’ve missed the note he left when I was rushing for…” She paused letting out a deep, disappointed sigh, “School…” Shaking her head at the notion.

“Welp, at least it landed you with a second breakfast!” Demitri said with a grin across his face, gesturing towards the breakfast sandwich Paris had yet to take a bite out of, “I got it for you out of habit.” He continued to smile as Paris responded jokingly, “Now I feel bad because I forgot the coffee.” she said, making an exaggerated pouting face, not being able to hold it for long as they both simultaneously burst into laughter.

As the ride continued, so did they. Catting away with each other with grins spread across their faces while they finished their egg and bacon breakfast sandwiches. Not too long after Demitri’s stop came up and since Paris was out of school for fall break, she decided to join him along the rest of the way to the school. Continuing with their conversation about whether or not Aliens would have allergies to pizza and other things.

The night before the last day of fall break Paris was spending the night with her best friend Juliette: but she preferred being called Jules. Jules and Paris had known each other since preschool, and by complete chance too. They both had a field trip at the same place when they first met. They hit it off so well that by the end of the field trip, Jules had managed to sneak to Paris’ preschool so they could hang out more. Giving both her mother and caretakers a heart attack. And ever since then they’ve been like sisters, even if they go to different schools now. Jules was taller than Paris by 2 inches and had this elegant aura about her even with her bubbly personality, it made her seem more like a princess than a queen. Everything about her just said noble, her powdery blond barrel curls reaching her lower back. Her amber eyes glittering like rubies, bringing color to her porcelain skin.

“Are you alright?” Paris heard Jules pipe up worriedly in a very serious tone, “You’ve been staring out the patio door for the past half hour.” her brows knitted at the sentence, hand Paris one of the mugs in her hand. Her flowing plum nightgown glittered in the moonlight in a ghostly manner.

“Y- Yeah, Sorry…” Paris started but she started to trail off again. She was always one to be aware of her surroundings, observing every little detail of them. She snapped back, “I don’t know I’ve had this feeling since this morning after I fell asleep on the bus.” She paused waiting for Jules to acknowledge their earlier conversation with a nod, “It’s just been getting stronger the longer the break goes on…”

Jules worried look never left her as she took a sip of her tea, “What’s the feeling?” she asked worriedly as if she knew what was coming, “I don’t know. It’s like I need to find someone….” Paris said timidly which made Jules worried even more at something out of character, “But I don’t know who or where they are. Like they’re a part of this whole ‘nother world that I know nothing about but exists right next to me.” She continued on, the assertiveness and sureness in her voice rising as she spoke her words. Paris’ gaze dropped down to her mug, her tone becoming very serious and very somber, “What’s happening to me?” she looked back at Jules, the look that Jules gave her was sorrowful like she knew but couldn’t tell her, “ Ever since my birthday, I’ve been seeing things. Hearing things. Dreaming things.” She took a breath and, “ I feel like I’m going crazy” Paris’ mind flashed back to her glowing eyes that she saw in the school bathroom the week before fall break started.

She had gone into the bathroom to cool off, she was hearing things all that day, little whispers that wouldn’t leave her alone, and she was freaking out. The day before she saw multiple balls of light that had turned into a group of teens that could be recognized to have died a long time ago in a fire. They saw that she could see them and disappeared from sight, tormenting her by continuously talking to her, driving her to the brink of a panic attack. Then she snapped, she held her breath as if to will herself to not do anything, “LEAVE ME ALONE!!”, she screamed in her panic, squeezing the edge of the counter before throwing her hands over her ears trying to block out the noise. When she calmed down, things were quiet, and when she saw the crumbled countertops, she instinctively looked at herself in the mirror, as if to ask herself what she had done and that’s when she saw them, the gleaming golden rings around her pupils.

She looked back to Jules in hopes of an answer, “Paris…” she sighed, “There’s so much to tell yo-” she was cut off by the sound of her mom coming out of her room, “Juliette!” she yelled for her. Juliette reluctantly got up from the nest they had made in the living room right before the patio doors, flashing Paris one more sorrowful look before disappearing up the stairs. Leaving Paris alone with her mug of tea, and her thoughts, and the beautiful view of the distant lake the patio looked over.


About the Creator

Justin Owney

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    Justin OwneyWritten by Justin Owney

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