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Philosophy: the Essential Analysis

I: Knowledge

By Eliander BlackPublished 7 years ago 22 min read

Knowledge is the first principle. Man exists as mind. To found one’s principles upon any other axiom denies personal existence. The self-awareness of the individual provides the essential absolute necessary for any comprehension of the nature of existence. Mind is the knower. The nature of knowledge is the definition of cognitive awareness. Definition is founded upon the principles of reason. The binary nature of definition provides a framework for the comprehension of reality. Any given bit of knowledge must be either affirmed or denied, and it cannot exist simultaneously affirmed and denied. The affirmation or denial of any proposed idea is considered a single Knowledge. The accumulation of knowledges in the mind is the awareness of our existence. We live in a world of ideas, each an abstract conception in and of itself defined by logic into a coherent superstructure structure of consummate sentience. Experience, however, is ultimately subjective. Due to the self-defining nature of knowledge, this does not mean it is untrue, but that the very premise of true and false are contained in the mind as human conceptions. You may speak gibberish, and you may build a house of straw, but one will soon find that it is becoming to model one’s definitions after the objective reality instead of demanding nature to bow down to your dictionary. In that knowledge is a matter of subjective experience, knowledge has no basis in objective reality. One can assume a house to be made of oak, but if so, then this house of oak was swept away on a gentle breeze. The physical matter of which the house was composed has no name outside of the mind of the knower, but the principles of weight and tensile strength will remain objective. The external world is an unknowable postulate from the vantage point of the human mind. All active stimulus is but the sensation of the brain; the reality of this sensation can neither be affirmed nor denied; only accepted or rejected as a knowledge. Not even the brain can truly be affirmed nor denied as real, but that the thoughts of sensory awareness are manifest. Thought is the substance of the mind, and the basis of knowledge. Definition applied to thought is idea. The nature of our sensory existence is the foundation of our belief in an external reality. We see the world and we hear it and when we eat it we taste it and feel it going into our bodies—but then we wake up and it was actually quite a dream, and certainly that which is dreamed is not a reality. However, in that the faculties of sense continue to operate even in states of unreal consciousness, the senses alone cannot provide the evidence for an external reality. It becomes necessary for us to observe a moment of silence for all the dead solipsists.

Red is red. All that you see are three arbitrary points on a seamless field of electromagnetic radiation. The eye is a triumvirate unity of three types of receptor cells working in unison to form a coherent representation of the spectrum of visible light. True color is the stimulation of these photoreceptor cells, and the representation thereof in the mind as image. As these cells are threefold in nature, there can only exist three colors, all other colors being but admixtures of these. All colors beyond the visible spectrum cannot be considered colors, but only undefined wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Elsewise, microwave energy and radio waves would be considered a color. The nature of these photoreceptor cells are of three varieties. The first and foremost to be mentioned detects light of a red nature. The sensation of red is somewhat arbitrary, although the presence light in the corresponding vibrational frequency is not. This is the virtual dichotomy of personal and objective sensation. The wavelengths of red light vibrate at the lowest frequency of visible light. The sense of sight, however, exists on an incredibly high frequency altogether, and the total spectrum of visible light is but a miniscule sliver of the total spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. The highest frequency of universal energy man can naturally perceive is of indigo or violet light. The color purple is the admixture of red and blue. Purple is by no means the same color as violet. Color exists on a linear scale of vibrational frequency, color wheels be damned. Purple provides a perfect paradox as it is the result of combining the highest with the lowest frequencies of visible light, creating a new color which exists neither above the visible spectrum of light nor below, but only in the mind of the perceiver. The brightest and most active photoreceptor cells detect a range of light that we call Chartreuse. These central cells, the middle child of the three true primary colors, forms the medium of visual sensation. All color will be a form of this chartreuse with various amounts of indigo or red. This trichromatic system of visual processing enables us to register any amount of light within the visible range in respect to the central frequency of chartreuse. Without this central absolute, all light would be the admixture of the indigo and red receptor cells and would thus be purple. Light in a state without chartreuse is an unrealistic ideal. All colors will reveal traces of yellow in an actualized state. Indeed, all color could be said to be forms of yellow. The very idea that one photoreceptor cell could be stimulated without crossing into the territory of yellow light is measured as an absolute value against an infinite value, or the mathematical formula of [0.000…1 to 99.999…9] as the line between red and yellow light is but a fixed point in a seamless scale. Please disagree. It is to be noted that the three traditional primary colors of red, yellow and blue are the primary states of reflected light. By combining the complete spectrum of colored pigments brown is achieved, whereas the complete spectrum of true visible light is the consummation of light itself without deviation in spectrum. Complete white light. Herein lies the thesis that any sensation is but the absence of complete sensation.

Image is the composite form of color. Color is the alphabet by which the visual cortex composes image. Color is vision, and vision in turn is image. Vision is the total collective perception of image. Image is an exclusive principle. A panoramic view of a sunset is an image and the visage of a lover is an image and a green equilateral triangle is an image. Vision, on the other hand, cannot be so defined. An image is a composite form awaiting a definition. Upon definition, an image becomes and object of knowledge. Sight itself is the cognitive awareness of image. Sight is the sensational faculty of visual knowledge in the human mind. To see is to become aware of a visual image and to acknowledge it as a fact or as the denial of a fact. Hereby is the sense of sight resolved as an act of knowledge. Likewise the faculty of imagination is the self-stimulus of sensation. The case of visual imagination is most palpable, although there is, of course, auditory imagination, gustatory imagination, and even tactile imagination. Sensory experience can be duplicated and experienced independently of the external senses. This does provide an excellent basis for the independent existence of the mind. The role of the imagination is to be noted in the various disciplines of mysticism, where it is commonly referred to as the diaphone. This compound term includes both the sensation of the visual imagination and the physical imagination, which is held to be synonymous. This principle holds within the idea that all forms of sensational experience are but the veil surrounding the inner truth of absolute being. The role of the imagination in transcendental visions suggests that the mind can be influenced by forces other than the physical stimulus of the senses. The nature of such visions is said to be beyond the scope and understanding of the beholder and is usually attributed to some higher being or principle. It is to be noted, however, that the very nature of physical sensation is inherently ineffable to the human mind. Life itself is transcendental. The presence of sensational experience cannot be created independently by the mind. The mind is able to receive, transform and duplicate basic stimulations, but it cannot conceive of novel thought forms. Color provides the most excellent example, wherein it is oft considered impossible to imagine a color that does not exist within the visual spectrum. Those who are born blind are incapable of imagining vision; those who lose their sight retain the ability to imagine in image. The power of the mind in manifesting sensation cannot be understated. Most everyone has experienced dreamscapes in which the surroundings were indistinguishable from reality. This is because our subjective experience exists within the mind. The mind which creates the dream world is the mind that creates our physical and personal reality. In both cases, your surroundings are the product of mental processes. No matter where you go, you are only moving through your hippocampus. You must transcend your visual cortex. The brain is the great enemy between you and reality.

Enough has been said pertaining to the faculty of sight. The traditional five senses upon which our conscious awareness is founded upon exist independently of one another in various regions of the brain. Touch, sound, and sight are all processed by different cognitive organs which process information and render it into tangible sensation. Although the senses seem to form a cohesive reality, it is important to remember that each exists isolated from the other as a consummate whole. Touch is not a single sense. Touch is a collection of contact-based senses that have as their primary form of stimulation the surface of the skin. What is commonly considered to be touch is actually further separated into the sensation of heat and the lack of heat, presence of pressure and presence of pain. The stimulation of touch occurs on a material level. Touch is the interaction between physical matter and the body. Direct contact provides the basis of tactile sensation, exciting the nerve endings residing in the epidermis. Due to the all-encompassing nature of the material world, the sensory receptor for material sensation is by far the largest, encapsulating the entire body. The nervous system is the essence of the living organism. The brain is the organ of life. Life is conscious experience, and the neural pathways are the currents of sensation. The spinal cord is a direct extension of the brain and the primary pathway for bioelectric energy. The spine fills the body with life. The experience of tactile sensation is texture. Texture is the culmination of nervous stimulation as a comprehensive form in the mind. The cold, sleek surface of glass is a texture, the pain inflicted by a hive of wasps is texture. The pleasure of sexual stimulation is also a texture. Note that texture is a compound phenomenon. It is not the mere excitation of a nerve ending, but the culmination of a multitude of nerve endings of various forms excited simultaneously. An object may be both hot and wet. Physical sensation is not an exclusively external phenomenon, but can be internal as well. Sickness, pain, and pleasure all occur within the body. The same principles hold true as to the definition and experience of internal sensations, although the experience of texture is much more generalized and basic. Many internal organs are only capable of feeling a few forms of sensation; the stomach, for example, is capable only of feeling hunger, satisfaction, and pain. There are a few other specialized forms of sensory awareness that fall under the category of touch pertaining to the internal organs. These are related to their specific functions. As previously mentioned, the stomach alone possesses the sense of hunger; respiratory rate is a sense exclusive to the lungs, and of course, the liver is the only organ capable of divination. All sensational stimulus of the body composes the manifest form of feeling in the mind. Feeling transcends texture and sense as the emotional perception of sensational experience. Feeling exists on a psychological level.

Sound is the energy of the vibrational motion of airwaves. Air is a medium composed of multiple gases in which the human organism lives. It is invisible, odorless and tasteless and as such provides him with little evidence of its existence beyond the texture of the wind. Oxygen, a primary component of the air in which we reside, is the primary agent in oxidation, in which matter is converted to energy. Herein lies the essential doctrine of the living fire, in that all life is burning to death. I digress. As the air is an elemental medium of the external world, our sensory perception of that state is imperative to the formation of our knowledge of existence. Hearing is the perception of sound. Sound exists on a molecular level, wherein the motion of the air produces ripples of kinetic energy which vibrate at various frequencies. Sound occurs on a higher plane of frequency than all senses except sight. The energy of a sound wave is received by the ear, and the nature of the frequency of that energy is processed by the auditory nerve. The perception of sound in the mind is hearing. Hearing is a faculty of knowledge, in that the nature of the sound wave is experienced as a subjective phenomenon. The essential factor of a sound wave is its vibrational frequency, which is experienced as pitch. There are not multiple types of sound; the variety of auditory sensations arise from hearing multiple frequencies of sound simultaneously as a compound perception. Music is the art of ordering sounds in measured frequency. As the concept of order exists as a faculty of mental definition, music exists as the auditory stimulation of the comprehensive faculties of the mind on the basis of logical frequency. Music is an exercise of knowledge. Speech is the verbal expression of idea through sound. The entire concept of speech takes place not on a physical plane, but on a mental plane composed of knowledge. The essential medium of speech is language, which is the sum collection of words defined by a collective people. Communication exists upon the interaction between two individual consciousnesses, or in the case of self-communication, two individual parts of a whole consciousness. Whereas speech is a faculty of language, communication exists as a universal exchange of all forms of idea. Animals are able to communicate to one another through sensory means, although with notably less articulation than the human being. The animal’s dictionary contains one entry: “Hey!” The accumulation of sensational knowledge through hearing is more often a matter of communication than observation. Though sound is an important sense in maintaining awareness of one’s surroundings, most auditory stimulation is processed as undefined sensory experience. Undefined sound is noise. Noise itself is not knowledge. Sensory excitation without logical definition or comprehension is unconscious stimulation and does not exist in a subjective sense. Defined noise, such as white noise, is a defined knowledge and therefore not a form of the noise principle.

Taste is chemical analysis. An apple has an objective chemical composition, wherein it is composed of starches and sugars, but it has no objective flavor. Sugar, starches and the chemical composition of the apple exist objectively, but flavor itself exists in the mind of the observer as a conscious experience. As long as the apple remains uneaten, it will never be expressed in terms of taste. The tongue is a porous organ covered in a multitude of taste receptors. When the tongue becomes soaked in a liquefied substance, the taste receptors analyze the chemical composition of the object into different tastes. Sweetness is the measure of sugar in an object, while sourness is the acidity of the substance. The tongue also measures the amount of salt. Bitterness constitutes a wide range of chemical stimulations of different compounds. The bitterness of coffee is not the same bitterness as quinine. Umami is not an actual taste, but a flavor. Flavor is the compound experience of taste stimulations as a comprehensive whole. The flavor of an object is the collective total of individual tastes. The flavor of an apple, for example, is primarily sweet, but the complex nature of its chemical composition will form a composite flavor unique to the apple. The gustatory cortex processes the multiplicity of tastes into a singular sensation of flavor, which is in turn experienced by the mind as an object of knowledge. Though the nature of a flavor may be hard to define at times, the exact nature of it exists as an independent idea defined in self-affirming terms. An apple tastes like an apple. Likewise, the sense of scent is a faculty of molecular analysis. Whereas taste processes the molecular composition of liquids, the sense of smell detects the presence of airborne molecules. Specialized nerve endings in the nose’s mucosal lining carry a menagerie of different types of sensory receptors, each one specialized to detect a different molecule. An odor is any molecule detectable by the olfactory receptors. The nose is capable of detecting hundreds of unique odors. An odor is not a subjective experience, but a physical object. Silver nitrate is an odor. Odors stimulate the olfactory receptors by binding to the nerve endings, where the molecules are dismantled, processed and then reassembled. The resulting information is immediately sent to the olfactory cortex as the sensation of scent. Due to the position of the olfactory cortex in the brain, the sense of smell is associated with long-term memory and subconscious experience. The sense of smell has traditionally been regarded as the most subtle and essential of the senses, despite its relatively undeveloped state in man. In some languages, the word for spirit is synonymous with smell. Scent is the sensation of olfactory stimulation. Though the natures of these scents are extensive and varied, the awareness of their sensations are none the less subjective. The collective total of individual scents comprises a single smell. Smell is the experience of the sensations of scent by the mind.

The five traditional senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and feeling form the bulk of our sensory awareness. All sensation is organic. There are a few other subtle senses, but these are generally experienced subconsciously. Equilibrium is the sensation of balance. As a sensory organ, the cochlea is a chamber filled with fluid in the inner ear. Changes in the state of this fluid are experienced as the sensation of balance. Proprioception is the sense of the position of self. The body can sense changes in oxygenation and chemical balance. Our perception of the external universe is limited by the extent of our sensory capabilities. Although the human organism is incapable of seeing ultraviolet light, the bee can see electromagnetic frequencies beyond the limits of our perception. Other creatures, such as turtles and bats, are able to see infrared light. Note that echolocation, though terribly spatial, is no more than the advanced development of hearing—but surely do many animals hear frequencies above and beyond the register of human hearing. The human olfactory sense utilizes hundreds of unique odor receptors, whereas a hound or a falcon can sense millions of different chemical molecules. Try to comprehend that butterflies have ten thousand eyes. Know thy futility. Not only in that the animal kingdom experiences the sensation of perception to a greater degree than man, but that certain creatures are endowed with alternative sensory capabilities unique to their kinds. The implications of alternative senses to consciousness implies that the experience of certain animals encapsulates a wider degree of reality than man’s finite experience. Although certainly, the higher realms of logic and idea remain out of their grasp. Sharks possess the faculty of electric stimulation. The ampullae of Lorenzini are an infamous network of electroreceptors unique to certain types of fishes, most notably the cartilaginous species of the ocean. Sharks are able to detect electrical fields in water through the stimulation of these ampullae. Bioelectric energy of is the basis of all life and sharks are able to feel the heartbeat and muscular twitches of potential prey, even when buried beneath the sand. This electric sensation is powerful enough for the shark to sense its global position in relation to the earth’s magnetic current. Birds are also able to sense the magnetic field of the earth. The consciousness of this global positioning is a sensation unknowable to man. He won’t even stop to ask for directions. Many creatures other than birds, such as bees and whales, utilize this magnetic field to orient themselves during migration. Most fishes also possess a single nervous stripe that runs down the length of their body known as a lateral line. This lateral line detects faint changes in water pressure, in that a fish is capable of feeling its surroundings and external motions without contact. The nature of this sense is but the spatial extension of an advanced form of touch. The relevance of specialized senses in animals is the comparative awareness of sensory experience. In that the egotistical species of man denies the animal consciousness I cannot consent. Consciousness is sense and all sense is biological. Moreover, the animal seems to possess sensational consciousness to a much higher degree than man.

Sensation is the underlying basis of knowledge. What is there to know but that which there is? No, but the mathematical principles of logic and idea can be understood as knowledge independent of the senses. These knowledges, however, have no physical basis. Sensation is the direct object of knowledge. Extrasensory knowledge is that knowledge attained by means of supplementary senses. Man walks through this world with a cane. A pH strip may be used to gauge the acidity of a substance without tasting it, and a Geiger counter can detect radioactive particles undetectable to the senses. Extrasensory perception—please do not confuse this with ESP—is the second-hand accumulation of information through sensory tools. The physical senses granted to man are terribly inadequate in the endeavor of universal understanding. We are capable only of experiencing a handful of material states and energy frequencies, oblivious to the universe that spins around us. Our knowledge of the universe is terribly anthropic. Knowledge itself is a futile endeavor without objective basis. The flatness of the earth or what time your wife came home last night cannot be affirmed or denied without the absolute definition of time and space, both of which are beyond human comprehension. To test the conditions of such universal constants is impossible, as we exist within the constraints of our set conditions. To test the nature of our sensory perceptions to affirm or deny them as facts of knowledge is science. Science is the endeavor of cataloguing sensory data to form a compound and absolute knowledge of reality. The conditions of our existence, however, are dictated by the confines of human constants which cannot be assumed to be universal in nature; of life and love and death. We measure data in terms of spatial distances, time and energy—attributes which cannot be assumed to have objective existence in reality. Science has no absolute foundation. It is a mass accumulation of affirmed knowledges built upon one another with no bottom and countless turrets of arbitrary information. All facts of science are relative to one another as co-existing tenets, all marked with an omnipotent "If." Surely science is theory. But in that knowledge exists independently, so do the definition of facts. It is just as true to state that the photon is a wave of energy as it is to say that soy sauce is the pinnacle of human achievement. Our collective wealth of knowledge exists as the compilation of all sciences. Due to the analytical nature of knowledge, the world of scientific endeavor is constantly expanded by the conception of new ideas. Better mousetraps and better lab mice. Science is man’s attempt to understand the universe, and the prize of his genius is the realization of invention. But assuredly the value of the cell phone is purely subjective. Technology is the practical application of knowledge. The advancement of a civilization is gauged by the quality of its technology. The fruit of the great tree of human knowledge is the invention of technology. The trunk is the essential knowledge of consciousness, rising into the heavens. The roots are the logical foundation of human reason, and the great limbs are the many arts of specialized sciences.

Specialized science is the direct extension of human knowledge into specific perimeters of observation. Through the means of experiment and perception, the natural sciences attempt to define the nature of reality into definite terms. The essential form of natural science is the science of physics. Physics has as its subject the knowledge of the external universe. Philosophically, the external universe is a theory. However, the conditions of sensory stimulation can be defined systematically through the analysis of experimentation. This is the basis of physical science. The dichotomy between practical knowledge and objective reality can be demonstrated analogically by the comparison between Newtonian physics and special relativity. Newton’s equations defining the laws of gravity and energy were held as universal constants as they provided practical results in physical application. Their objective values, however, did not accurately define the nature of energy or gravity. The absolute nature of universal constants defy the limits of mathematical conventions and number, number being a faculty of human reason. Einstein understood the limitations of mathematics to a degree, and as such he supplemented the value of absolute number for variable relationships. The special theory of relativity defines physical constants in relative terms, providing an adaptable template for the quantification of universal forces. As an absolute value, the theory of relativity uses the speed of light. A photon is a particle of light with no mass. As such, the photon cannot be truly considered a particle, but a quantified measure of energy. As a fundamental principle of the measurement of energy, the photon provides an absolute reference point. Light is a form of energy; the nature of energy is self-defined by its own perimeters in much the same way that the definition of any phenomenon is. The speed of light is the speed of light. Energy is energy, and a lampshade is a lampshade. Our anthropic perception of reality regards energy to be an absolute expression of universal principle, but this is within the confines of a linear perception of temporal space. Within the confines of our anthropic existence, the limitations of our sensory perceptions are explored and designated as physical laws, Science continually discovers new forms of universal awareness to redefine the confines of our existence, testing the boundaries of sensory relationships in an attempt to know something inherently unquantifiable by the human brain. The objective reality of the universe is not an object of knowledge. There; I said it. The scientific endeavor to scratch away the human scab covering the nature of reality is the analysis of the inscription of the seals of Thanos. The scientific endeavor is the highest ideal. The nature of objective reality cannot be put into subjective terms, no matter how objective those subjective terms may be, the primary paradox of this relationship is the capabilities of the human brain as an organ of conditional perceptions. Universal principles must be expressed as terms of mental stimulations arising from the brain centers.

The mind is the experience of thoughts as a cohesive entity. The brain is the thinker of thoughts. The relationship of the brain and mind is the perception and creation of thought sensation. The nature of reality is assumed by the nature of the brain functions. That thoughts are experienced by the mind is objectively true, but all thoughts are subjective experiences in and of themselves. The existence of the brain is a subjective fact experienced by the mind from the brain. The world is the brain. Psychology is the science of mental phenomenon. All phenomena is mental phenomenon. The study of the brain as a physical organ in the conception of awareness has as its premise the biological function of sensory experience. The implications of this doctrine in the determination of free will are to be considered. Behavioral science is the study of mental reaction to sensory stimulus. The illusion of choice exists in a causal relationship between psychological inclination and biological response. I did because I would. The principle of cause and effect holds true even in the complicated environment of psychological conditioning. The brain as a personal organ of sensational consciousness is experienced by the mind as a prisoner held hostage. The mind is forced to endure the experience of human birth, life, and death helplessly from its independent position as an observer. Through this temporal experience, the mind remains as a passive absolute unchanged by the many fluctuating sensations of the brain organism. Emotion is a psychological sensation experienced by the mind as the generalized state of the mental environment. Due to the complex nature of the psychological environment, emotional responses are difficult to predict in causal relationship. As the primary factors of emotional response are the chemical sensations of neurotransmitters, emotion can be surmised as the sum total of chemical reactions in the brain. Happiness is the experience of such chemicals presences as dopamine and serotonin in the brain. As the nature of happiness varies in different settings, so do the functions of the various chemicals we describe as positive in the psyche. The brain is a dopamine addict. Our conditional responses are dictated by our relationship to the chemicals of happiness. Delayed gratification and abstinence are those complicated psychological reactions arising from our intellectual conditioning. Sit, boy. Memory is the record of mental experience by the brain. This forms the basis of our temporal world. The mind is an absolute observer unaffected by time. As such, sensation is perceived as an individual moment. The conditions of this experience are stimulated by the brain and the set circumstances recorded as a memory. The retention of objects of knowledge is the essential working of memory by which we build up our collective world of sensational definitions. The brain works within the confines of time. It processes present stimulations and retains previous sensations as a form of spatial reasoning. In that the experience of the brain is the direct stimulation of causal relationships, the brain cannot remember the future. The collective entity of memories is the personal self or soul.

The brain is an organ of knowledge. Reality can only be experienced as sensational knowledge. All ideas exist within the brain. Intellect is the faculty of logical reasoning. Logic is not a biological principle; it is the condition of reality. The knowledge of logic is genius. The brain comprehends logic on a binary level, affirming or denying definition of idea. This is the manifestation of the world. Intellect is a mental capacity, whereas logic is an absolute. The interaction between intellect and logic is the mental operation of reason. Reason exists in the brain as a biological function. Angular gyrus. The nature of logic exists beyond the capacity of human intellect. Knowledge is expressed in terms of human reason. Man stands between two planes. Beneath his right foot is the foundation of physical sensation, and on his left is the realm of logical idea. Knowledge is the bridge between these two worlds and the basis of objective existence.


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Eliander Black

yeah but if this platform would just let me do what I want for two damn minutes

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    Eliander BlackWritten by Eliander Black

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