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I See It, But I Don't Do!

I feel like, ah, I am not myself!

By CosmicClipPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

In the heart of a lush forest, where ancient trees stood tall and proud, a team of ambitious engineers worked diligently on their mission. They were led by a visionary engineer named Ethan, whose relentless pursuit was to find a new source of life for the world. Ignited by his passion for innovation, Ethan was driven to unlock the secrets of nature and harness its power for the betterment of humanity.

On a fateful day, the engineering team set forth to cut down a massive tree, believed to hold the key to their grand ambition. As they labored beneath the towering canopy, little did they know that nature was about to exact its vengeance. With an ominous creak, the tree fell upon them, burying them in its immense weight.

Miraculously, amidst the chaos and destruction, Ethan emerged unscathed, only to find his lungs filled with the pollen released by the fallen tree. Struggling to breathe, he collapsed on the forest floor, unconscious and gasping for air.

Hours later, Ethan found himself in a sterile hospital room, surrounded by beeping machines and the hushed murmurs of medical staff. His lungs had suffered greatly from the pollen exposure, and he was now in a comatose state. As the doctors worked tirelessly to save him, his mind descended into a surreal realm, a vivid dream that felt all too real.

In his dream, Ethan awoke to a world seemingly unchanged. The sun shone brightly through the window, casting warm rays on his face. The room looked exactly as it did in reality, and everything appeared normal. He couldn't fathom that he was caught in an illusion, a hallucination concocted by the dangerous parasite that had invaded his body during the forest incident.

A nurse entered the room, her face familiar yet oddly distant. "Good morning, Mr. Ethan. How are you feeling today?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Ethan, still trapped in the hallucination, replied with a weak smile, "I'm feeling better, thank you."

As the days passed in the dream, Ethan engaged in conversations with friends and family, who all seemed blissfully unaware of the perilous reality surrounding them. They chatted about mundane daily affairs, unaware that their minds were under the influence of the dangerous parasite, just like Ethan's.

Throughout his dream, the sun continued to shine relentlessly, casting its golden glow upon the world. But this sunshine was merely an illusion, a fabrication of the parasite's control over their minds. The reality outside the hospital room was far grimmer – the aftermath of the tree accident had caused widespread destruction, and forest fires raged uncontrollably, sending the country into chaos.

In the dream, the government's efforts to combat the fires only worsened the disaster, as a catastrophic misunderstanding led to the delivery of gunpowder instead of water. The ensuing explosions plunged the country into darkness, and a devastating tsunami soon followed, leaving only one person to survive amidst the ruins – Ethan.

The moment of survival, however, was short-lived, as Ethan found himself waking up once more in the hospital room, gasping for breath. His heart pounded in his chest as he grasped the realization that his entire experience had been a hauntingly vivid dream.

But it didn't end there. As Ethan returned to consciousness, a lingering sense of foreboding enveloped him. The dream had felt so real, so tangible – was there a connection between his vision and the tragic events unfolding in the world outside?

As he recovered, Ethan delved deep into researching the dangerous parasite that had infected his body. To his horror, he discovered that it had already spread to countless others, affecting their perceptions of reality. As the leader of the engineering team, he was haunted by the question – was there another engineer like him, unwittingly causing destruction in the pursuit of a new nature source?

With the parasite's malevolent presence looming over him, Ethan realized that he needed to tread cautiously. He put his planned program on hold, determined to find an alternative solution that would not bring harm to the delicate balance of nature.

As he ventured forward, Ethan wondered if his dreams were a warning, a premonition of the chaos that could ensue if he continued on his current path. The mysteries surrounding the parasite and its true intentions compelled him to question his every decision and action, wary that even his own mind could betray him.

In a world where reality and illusion danced on the razor's edge, Ethan knew that the answers lay hidden within himself. As he embarked on a new journey of self-discovery, he resolved to not only seek a new source of life for humanity but also to understand the harmony between innovation and nature – a quest that could shape the fate of not just his own dreams, but the dreams of an entire world.

He won't stop here. Struggling with one fact to another, he tries to figure out what truly happens. This coma, yes, this coma brought him a dream that seems 90% entered to his nowadays reality that is not supposed to be happening in actuality. His head goes up, asking, "Do I make this? No!! It's not true". While screaming, his head is pointing to one sheet document about his record health. He reads, do you know what he finds?

Yes! The parasites, infects him in actuality! "Gosh, what is this?!!"

Continue ......

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🌟 Unveiling the Unseen: Embark on an Extraordinary Journey 🌟

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    CosmicClipWritten by CosmicClip

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