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Human Rights

This is A Message To Everyone

By Dannielle NelsonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The Divine can be seen in everything.

Disclaimer: This is a philosophical piece of writing designed to engage people in thinking, it is not intended to tell anyone what to believe. It was not written to make anyone question their reality. This is a subject that I am passionate about, and I write in a no nonsense manner here. If you do not vibe with the concepts of this writing, then do not engage with it. If it touched you in a positive way, I encourage you to show your support in whatever way you see fit. Thank you beforehand for taking the time to engage with me on a controversial topic.

What do you really have to fear?

What is holding you back from being your best self?

What do you know about yourself that has guided you to be who you are today?

I bet the answers to those questions are rooted in what makes you strong.

I can guarantee that they have kept you alive.

What if I told you that you have nothing to fear, literally, and without pretense of any kind?

What if you believed with every inch of your soul that you made an impact on the world just by being you?

What if I suggested that the thing that holds you back is one choice away from the most empowering moment of your life?

It is the great many what ifs in this world that have created miracles and moved mountains. When others doubted small changes to the machinery of our thinking, still others explored the full scope of possibility within the infinite realm of creation.

Those thinkers brought you a piece of their soul, and the world could not help but to immortalize it for the impactful contribution it served to all of humanity. Maybe not in their lifetime perhaps, or even within the same century... But I assure you, those contributions, when stacked end to end encompass all of our human experience in the most glorious ways.

It is the thinkers and the nonconformists who make history. This is not to say that you must be a martyr, or an extremist. On the contrary... You must be unapologetically you with such strong conviction that you become truly UNSTOPPABLE in your pursuit to fully embrace yourself. This requires courage. It requires faith. It requires that you show up and do the work each and every day until you have achieved that which you seek. A Definiteness of Purpose. That is what cannot be taken from your spirit even when your body has been beaten, burned and abused, you cannot ever be broken unless you give up.

And I do not mean to call upon small minded dreams that fade with an era or a generation. I say, go ALL IN. For it is your internal dedication to this unwavering goal for yourself that will shape humanity in the most profound ways.

You may not see it, as the human mind is a weaver of lies and deceptions when we give in to temporary notions like identity and self. You may be blind to your purpose now, but if you would know your divine right to be fully yourself in the glory of that absolute perfection... You would never again believe the fantasy that the mind tries to weave in order to keep you from the simplest truth.

You matter. You are whole. You are worthy with no prerequisites. You are Divine in every sense of the word. And I'm not speaking of "God" in the personification that has become so popular in our day and age. I am speaking of the Oneness that some call God for lack of a better word… it is the ALL.

And the word has been so bastardized that you no longer recognize it as your birthright! You have been spoon fed into believing your brokenness as the sum of all your worth. You have been intentionally fooled into thinking along lines that imprison you so that you are paralyzed against the very thing that would set you free.

This personal attack on your soul has left you battered and suffering in a world that thrives on you being in this half state of living.

For if you were to rise up now, shedding the belief structures that have placed locks on the very core of your being, you would be free.

You think the way is hard because you have been told to believe this. You think that you must suffer because you deserve to. You think that you do not matter because you live in a society that no longer values life on any level, especially when you stand against the system that used it's mutated keys to lock your mind.

You each have Divine keys that have been given to you by a higher source. That source does not dish out judgement on your character. We are all the villain and the angel in someone's story, we are the pupil and the teacher, the lover and the aggrieved. The highest judgement is YOUR OWN GUILT. It is the source of your suffering. There are no external sources that can make us suffer in any greater ways than our own mind.

Consciousness is not your mind. Consciousness is where the soul lives, not the heart… the heart and the brain are beating pieces of meat that run this incredible machine called the human body that we were gifted at conception as a means of navigating this miraculous world. But it is not YOU as you have been told to believe.

Some call this life heaven, others call it hell. It is absolutely only, and unequivocally, what YOU make of it. The experiences you gather shape it. That is the gift of free will in which we are all predestined to live out within the structure of our lifetimes. This freewill to make our life whatever we choose is the highest power we have. But we have given it away for a sense of security that has securely superimposed a prison over your unlimited self. This perceived cage is a powerful force, yes. But you. You, miraculous creatures… are more powerful than any other force in the Universe. Do you know why? Because you were made to be!

Don't believe me? Think of a friend and they will call you within days. Intuition tells you not to ride the bus that morning… and you find out on the evening news that it was in an accident. You are cleaning your room and find $20.00 in the pocket of your jacket that you had forgotten months ago, right when you needed it most.

Your consciousness is connected to the very fabric of the Universe. You are made up of every piece and part of a whole, that Science has yet to map… and you, as insignificant as you might feel… must rise up and be unapologetically you each and every moment you can. That is your best. It is called anarchy, chaos, the unknown and the void. It is hope and surrender and sheer will. This is your rebellion, and that is all you have to give. Everything else is an illusion. Everything.


About the Creator

Dannielle Nelson

I have no taboo subjects. Buckle up & prepare for the journey! From Steampunk, reality, mental health, poetry, & eclectic philosophy. Enjoy.

I have 2 Websites where other works can be read.

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    Dannielle NelsonWritten by Dannielle Nelson

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