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Two Shakes of a Tail

This Pilot is based on an actual Manga/Yaoi I am writing.

By stephanie borgesPublished about a year ago 11 min read
Two Shakes of a Tail
Photo by Francesca Saraco on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This Pilot is based on an actual Manga/Yaoi I am writing. It is rated 17+ Due to sexual context, adult language, and nudity.

Logline: Sometimes, shaking your tail more than twice can help you get out of a tight squeeze. Meet Noiba, full-time tech support by day and backup escort at The Hidden Gem by night. And some nights are crazier than others...

Synopsis: We are introduced to Noiba, who looks like a human at first but is actually a were-rabbit. Noiba can change his form from human to were-rabbit at will. He is the protagonist of his story and will be narrating the events that take place; he explains that his kind and other mythical creatures have existed, but the human government kept it secret.

Noiba talks about his home and job; he was born and raised in a legal brothel that also happens to be a resort and shopping center, where he clarifies that he and all other were-rabbits and nagas are not sex slaves. All who work at the legal brother are regular staff.

Noiba is a part-time escort and full-time tech support. But Moonlights as a hacker, only steals information about sales and events from nearby resorts to get a couple of steps ahead.


Page one from my Manga/Yaoi work in progress


INT. NOIBA'S DORM - DAY NOIBA (28), Strawberry blonde slim, wearing jeans, and a black shirt walks in and sits on the bed.

NOIBA Hi there, I'm Noiba. Wanna hear a funny story about revenge and finding my dream job? Just a heads-up before you start reading my story, I want to let you know this is an adult story so I will be very detailed; there will be sex and a whole lot of profanity. Sit back and enjoy my story with a cup of coffee. But first...Let's start with what I am; I am a were-rabbit, basically half-human, half-rabbit. Noiba is showing his form.

NOIBA (CONT'D) The rabbit parts in my were-rabbit form are my long ears, my fluffy tail, my long hind rabbit legs covered in fur up to my knee caps, and fur on my forearms. The rest of me looks human. I can change my form from were-rabbit to human at will. I'm slim, I'm strawberry blonde with some blue streaks on my hair-yeah, I'm that weird-I even did some streaks on my tail. My eyes are a light golden brown. I am not the only were-rabbit; there are thousands of us, both male and female. There are nagas also.

INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Jinx and Anti are posing in their human form and then changing into their naga form.

NOIBA (V.O.) In case you didn't know what a naga is, it is a sapient where the top half of its body looks human, and the lower part below the torso is a snake. Just like my best friend, Lala.


INT. NOIBA'S DORM - DAY LALA (25) A female naga has a model look, came in Thin long red hair, changing from her Naga form to her human form. Standing next to Noiba and others were-rabbits.

NOIBA She is a naga that works with me and the other were-rabbits. The nagas and the were-rabbits came from another realm fifty years ago, where all mythical creatures are real. Harpies, mermaids, centaurs, you name it.

EXT. PARTS UNKNOWN - NIGHT The human government shakes hands with both a were rabbit and a naga.

NOIBA (V.O.) The human government kept our world a secret. Until one day, an agreement was forged, my kind and the nagas wanted to be the first to interact with humans.

INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT A were-rabbit and naga having sex.

NOIBA (V.O.) So Were-Rabbits and Naga start dating and bedding humans. The first were-rabbits and nagas that had intercourse with humans and couldn't change their forms. The ones that can change their forms at will are the were-rabbits or nagas that were born that have either a human mom or dad. A good example: my mom is a were-rabbit...

INT. NOIBA'S PARENT'S HOME - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT JUBALEE, 57, Noiba's mother, walks enter and takes a seat on this couch.

NOIBA (V.O.) My mom is a were-rabbit. in for this description and my dad is human. Jubalee sits right next to a man with Noiba's face hidden.

This is his father.

NOIBA (V.O.) My dad is human. So, I can change my form. But my mother can't.

EXT. THE HIDDEN GEM - DAY The brothel has more of a beach and rainforest theme, with so many balconies and assorted trees. All the guest hotel rooms look like a large condo community with little shops.

NOIBA (V.O.) I live in southern California; I am twenty-eight years old. We see guests coming out of their rooms filled with laughter.

NOIBA (V.O.) I was born and raised in the country in a brothel, yes, that's a right, a brothel. It's called The Hidden Gem. No, I'm not a sex slave. No, I am not being held against my will. Yes, I work there, not just as a host/sex escort, I am also the tech support department head.

INT. THE HIDDEN GEM - HALLWAY - DAY The hallway is spacious There are paintings of countryside and rainforest hanging on the walls. Noiba is wearing a host outfit A fancy white shirt black dress pants, flip flops then switch into regular clothes with a small laptop that is a surface pro.

EXT. THE HIDDEN GEM - DAY We see shops, parlors for messages, and salons. And other businesses.

NOIBA (V.O.) The brothel is more of a resort and small community. Not everyone who works or lives here can choose to leave the resort and work somewhere else or stay. And not everyone is a host/sex escort, some are gardeners, cooks, or work as staff at the resort. We see about five were rabbits, two males, and three females, and five Naga, one male, and four females. They are all doing different jobs.

INT. THE HIDDEN GEM - MISTY OFFICE The office has a modern Japanese theme. With a large desk that also serves as a meeting table. There is a woman sitting at the desk wearing what looks like a black business dress attire with a hint of dominatrix and she is in her early forties, short, and kind of has that hip mom look. This is the headmistress, her name is Misty and she is human.

NOIBA (V.O.) That human you see over there, her name is Misty. She is the headmistress.

INT. THE HIDDEN GEM - DAY Misty is greeting everyone, and everyone smiles when they see Misty.

NOIBA (V.O.) But we call her mom because she treats everyone like one of her children. And she is very professional in this business, she makes sure we are all happy, healthy, and safe.

MISTY (smiling) Hello everyone! Welcome!

NOIBA (V.O.) Misty doesn't treat the brothel as a resort but as a professional business. She makes sure everyone who works for her has a salary, and benefits, and if we want to get an education, we can learn from home.

Typing on a computer

INT. NOIBA'S DORM - NIGHT Noiba is typing away on his computer.

NOIBA (V.O.) I kind of act like a hacker, but I don't steal money or identities. I hack into other resorts' primary computer systems to see how they are doing in their daily reports, prices, and what is in their hidden agendas.

NOIBA'S COMPUTER SCREEN: -- We see Noiba hacking into "The Red Dragons Resort and Spa" and "The Rivals Casino Resort" Daily reports, prices, and agenda reports.

NOIBA (V.O.) I might consider getting a degree since I'm great at computers.

INT. THE HIDDEN GEM - MISTY OFFICE - MORNING Noiba enters and sits at Misty's desk across from her. He hands the information to Misty via flash drive.

NOIBA (V.O.) Misty and I use that information to get an advantage on the other resorts and get more clients to come to the brothel. The two main resorts that are so close to the brothel are a casino and a spa. However, those two are rivals.

Nobia gets up and turns to the bubble that appears in front of him.

NOIBA (V.O.) There are bubbles on Noiba's right side showing the two hotels. And the owners of the hotels. They are all run by male nagas, and they will do anything to make the other look bad.

INT. THE RED DRAGONS RESORT AND SPA - OFFICE - DAY Jinx and Anti are going over their reports.

NOIBA (V.O.) Jinx and Anti own the spa resort called The Red Dragons, and both are naga, and just like me, they can change their form from naga to a human at will. Both are dirty blondes, with ice-blue eyes,

Anti stands alone.

NOIBA(V.O.) Anti wears glasses. I don't know why, the lenses aren't even prescription.

Now, Jinx stands alone.

NOIBA(V.O.) Jinx is Anti's younger brother by two years. His hair is a bit longer. They are kind of hot.

Suddenly, we see Lucario and Theodore enter the office.

NOIBA (V.O.) Lucario and Theodore are also naga and just like Jinx and Anti they can change their form.

INT. THE HIDDEN GEM - SHOWROOM Looks like a five-star restaurant but all the sex escorts/hosts are displayed, and tablets are used as a menu to see the profile of the sex escort/host.

Jinx and Anti roam around the brothel.

NOIBA (V.O.) Jinx and Anti are regulars at the brothel, so we know what they want every month; they order two male were rabbits so they can each have some fun.

Noiba meets up with both Jinx and Anti.

NOIBA(V.O.) However, this time, due to everyone getting booked, I got assigned to them, and they had to share me. It was terrible for them but good for me. I'm usually the backup when no one else is available. So, this was the first time I met Jinx and Anti when they came to the brothel as guests.

NOIBA (V.O.) (CONT'D) So, here is where my story begins...

INT. THE HIDDEN GEM - NOIBA'S ROOM Noiba is going through some files when he hears a knock at his door.

NOIBA Come on in.

HENRY The booker (37) Human Brunette geek-like, enters the room.

HENRY I know you're busy with Misty's project, but you got booked with the owners of The Red Dragons Resort and Spa just now, and they are in one of our luxury suites.

NOIBA (V.O.) Just a little FYI, we have four luxury suites...

INT. SUITE ONE - DAY This suite calling bed, and a mini bar, with a great view of the country.

NOIBA (V.O.) Suite one is our essential with a calking size bed and a mini bar. It has a great view of the country.

INT. SUITE TWO - NIGHT This one has two rooms.

NOIBA (V.O.) Suite two is just like our essential, but with two rooms, one to sleep the other to get easy punishment.

INT. SUITE THREE - EVENING A small house-type with a kitchen, a mini bar, and a jacuzzi.

NOIBA (V.O.) Suite three is a small house with a kitchen, a mini bar, and a jacuzzi.

INT. SUITE FOUR - NIGHT This last suite has a two-bedroom. We see a chef on staff, a mini bar, a jacuzzi, and some adult toys.

NOIBA (V.O.) Suite four is our royalty suite; it has two bedrooms, and each has its own large bed that can be used for sleep or pleasure. You get your chef, a mini bar, a jacuzzi, and a minimum of ten adult toys.


INT. THE HIDDEN GEM - NOIBA'S ROOM Noiba waiting on Henry's answer.

NOIBA Which suite?

HENRY Number four and they want you for two nights. (Has a smirk on his face.)

NOIBA I take it they know about the full moon and double for both?

HENRY That's why they want you for two nights. (While handing Noiba the key card.) They want a were-rabbit, and yes they paid double.

NOIBA (V.O.) I think I forgot to mention that during a full moon we were-rabbits get horny as fuck, and we have been known to be the best at sex, especially during the full moon.

INT. THE HIDDEN GEM - HALLWAY - EVENING Noiba knocks on suite number four wearing casual clothes and carrying a fruit and cheese platter.

NOIBA (V.O.) I was at the door in my casual clothes. I was carrying a fruit and cheese platter.

Anti opens the door and sees Noiba.

ANTI Well, hello there.

NOIBA I believe you were expecting me. May I come in?

INT. SUITE NUMBER FOUR - CONTINUOUS Noiba enters. The room is white with many types of artwork on the wall and had many thick railings so, nagas can get comfortable.

NOIBA (V.O.) That's the traditional greeting that a host/sex export has to say when entering the room to "play" with the guest.

Jinx changes into his Naga form.

JINX Oh my, you are gorgeous.

NOIBA (V.O.) I'll be honest these two were looking at me as if I was a snack. So, whatever those two did I mimicked them.

NOIBA My name is Noiba. I'll be entertaining you. You two are quite handsome, let's have some fun. Noiba begins to change into his were-rabbit form.

NOIBA (V.O.) I began to strip and changed into my were-rabbit form. I left on my banana hammock to get them excited, and I wiggled my tail in front of them.

Both Jinx and Anti get excited.

Anti wraps his tail around Noiba's leg, Jinx wraps his tail around Noiba's waist and pulls Noiba into his coils, as both starts to bind Noiba. Jinx places Noiba on his pelvis, getting Noiba in a position to have sex with him. Jinx spreads Noiba's legs and ties him as a submissive. Noiba is on his hands and knees; Noiba didn't mind he has so much experience doing this kind of thing that he just takes it.

Page eight from my Manga/Yaoi work in progress

But Anti is not having it.

ANTI Jinx, what the hell? I get to fuck him first!

While grabbing Noiba.

JINX Say what?

Jinx and Anti started arguing and slapping each other.

NOIBA (V.O.) I was naked on the floor, eating the fruit and cheese platter. Seeing these two fighting was way better than cable.

JINX I will personally fuck you up, Anti. You think because you're older, you get first dibs! Jinx is pulling Anti's hair.

ANTI Ouch, you fucker!


About the Creator

stephanie borges

I've been writing off and on for years; I write short stories, scripts, and blogs. I can't think of anything more relaxing than writing. I also do graphic design.

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    stephanie borgesWritten by stephanie borges

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