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The Woman with the Food Fetish

Richard finally figured it out.

By Brandi PaynePublished 5 years ago 3 min read

One day while out in the park, Richard spotted a gorgeous woman visiting a hot dog vendor’s cart. She was amazing looking and he was very intrigued. He watched her from a distance as she ordered a hot dog and a drink. Once she collected her food, Richard watched as she wandered over to a nearby bench to sit.

It was a gorgeous day and the sun felt so good to be out in. Richard was visiting the park because it was such a nice day. The kids were outside in the park playing, dogs were running with their masters, and all Richard could do was stare at this woman sitting on a bench.

He finally got enough courage to go over and introduce himself. After he spoke his name, she just looked up at him and told him her name was Natalie. He politely asked if he could join her on the bench where she said “yes.” He sat down, but still kept his distance from her so that she wouldn’t think of him as some kind of stalker or anything.

He struck up a casual conversation as he watched her enjoy that hot dog. It looked like she really was because she did a lot of moaning as she took bites from it. He kept talking while it seemed that she was ignoring him, but he finally waited until she finished the hot dog before trying to start over with his conversation.

As he began speaking to her, she started looking around the area as if she were looking for someone. He asked her if she was alright, or if she was waiting for someone? It seemed like she still ignored him until he snapped his fingers getting her attention.

She stopped looking around and then looked directly at him with a smile. She asked Richard if he noticed any food cart vendors around and he began looking. He spotted one across the way from where they were sitting and pointed it out to her and then she excused herself and told him that she would be right back. She then got up and walked quickly towards the vendor.

When she came back, Richard saw that she had a large banana split in her hand and was diving her spoon into it. Again, every bite made her moan out as if it was the last thing on Earth or that she hadn’t eaten in quite some time. He couldn’t believe the way she was behaving with her food, but in a kinky way it was turning him on.

He began asking her questions pertaining to her ice cream and found out that she answered every one. So, if it pertained to her food, she was very talkative, but anything else forget it. He sat and watched her devour every single drop and spoonful of that banana split before tossing it in the trash.

She seemed to be a very fun person while eating and he thoroughly enjoyed watching her eat. She was a thin woman with an insatiable appetite. She sat for a few minutes more after her ice cream before stating that she was going to go home and stood up. Richard felt rejected now that she was going home, but as she walked away, she stopped and turned around asking him if he was going to go with her?

He looked up with a concerned look, but then took the hint and quickly stood up to follow her. They both walked back to her place, but on the way, she was buying food from almost every establishment. He had no knowledge or idea why she was buying all this food, so he just went along with it.

When they reached her place, they went inside, and she sat on her couch with all the food she had bought on the way home. She asked him to sit while she began eating. Again, the moaning happened, and he turned to watch her. She was closing her eyes with every bite like she was savoring its flavor, but instead, it seemed like she was having an orgasm with each bite.

Next thing Richard knew, she was taking her dress off and then her panties. She was becoming aroused with every bite of food. She ripped open Richards shirts and rubbed chocolate ice cream by the handful on his chest and began licking it off.

Richard finally figured it out that this woman had a food fetish. You know what happened from this point on, so use your imagination to see where all that food went.


About the Creator

Brandi Payne

I'm a forty-eight-year-old woman who became a published author back in 2016. I write fiction and nonfiction in many different genre. I love to write and tell stories to the world and hope that everyone enjoys them.

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    Brandi PayneWritten by Brandi Payne

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