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Superstar Threesome

A straight up fantasy

By Tim Ellerbe IIPublished 5 years ago 12 min read

We all left the concert stage with huge grins on our faces. The crowd had loved us, but that was to be expected when your boss was the celebrated Star. I should not have even been there, but her keyboardist was a friend of mine and he’d gotten sick and called in a last minute favor. I’d been happy to oblige, since I knew most of the Star’s songs anyway. At that moment, the celebrity powerhouse was standing backstage with several bigwigs who were gushing over her, just as they were paid to do. I gave high fives and handshakes to several of the band members and accepted with humbleness, their sincere compliments. Many of them headed to the green room where the post concert banquet was no doubt awaiting us.

I nodded at the engineer and said thank you as I did to every engineer after every show I’d ever done. He gave me a salute and also headed to the green room. I turned to scan the backstage area and abruptly ran smack dab into the Star herself. And by ran into, I mean I ran into her literally, nearly knocking her down. My hand reached out to grab her waist and steady her.

“Hey, I’m sorry.”

She laughed her well known laugh as she righted herself.

“No problem,” she said. “James, right?”

“That’s right,” I said. “Are you okay?”

She waved a hand dismissively.

“I’m fine. I take worse hits than that during my show.” She glanced in the direction of the stage. “You were really good out there,” she said. “Lincoln was right to call you in. You got dope skills.”

For the first time I noticed how damn beautiful she was. Her perfect face, full lips and brown eyes were amazing. And her wardrobe did not hide much of her sexy figure, most notably, her ample cleavage. I found myself fantasizing about burying my face between her breasts, but as luck would have it, someone brought me out of my fantasy by tapping me on the shoulder. I turned to see who it was and found it was my girlfriend, whom I’d initially been looking for. She looked equally sexy. She was slim and petite, fair skinned and often got mistaken for a twenty-something even though she was in her mid thirties. I thought she was a goddess and treated her like one.

“Hey Babe,” I greeted her with a deep kiss. “Did you enjoy the show?”

“I did,” she answered as she threw a look at the Star. She then looked at me and cleared her throat.

“What?” I began. “Oh yeah. Cardi, this is my girlfriend Marie. Marie? Cardi B.”

The two shook hands and didn’t immediately release each other.

“James is a fantastic musician,” Cardi gushed. “You must be very proud.” Her hold on Marie’s hand lingered, I noticed.

“Yes, I am,” Marie answered. “He is, ahh... very good with his fingers.”

The two women laughed loudly at that and Cardi finally let Marie’s hand go.

“Your girlfriend is charming, James. Thank you for introducing us. Are you two headed for the green room?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m just going to head back to the hotel and…” I stopped. Realizing that maybe I shouldn’t divulge how Marie and I normally celebrated after big shows.

“And?” Cardi asked.

Marie threw her a knowing look and Cardi giggled. “I see. Grown folks activity, huh?”

I shrugged and Marie just did a quick sexy dance.

“Well I was about to head back myself,” Cardi said. “I want some real food and I need to get out of these clothes. What say you guys ride back with me in the limo?”

“Are you sure?” I asked. “We wouldn’t want to impose. We could grab an Uber.”

“An Uber? Boy, what you think that limo is for?” She spun on her heel and walked off, her bodyguard just a step behind her.

“Come on,” she said. “Roll with me.”

Marie and I looked at each other a moment before following Cardi down the long hallway.

Marie leaned into me conspiratorially. “God, I wanna fuck that woman.”

“I know,” I replied. “You tell me at least six times a day.”

“Well don’t sit her next to me or I might lose my shit.”

I grinned. “She’s my boss, M. I seriously doubt this is anything more than a ride to the hotel. Relax.”

When we got outside, Cardi was already in the limo truck with the door ajar, waiting for us. Her bodyguard was standing beside the door with his hands folded in front of him.

“Cinque, you ride up front. I’ll be good back here.”

Cinque nodded and waited until Marie and I had taken seats in the back before closing the limo door behind us.

Cardi was sitting with her back to the driver which left plenty of room on the wraparound seat for both Marie and I. I slid to my left closer to Cardi and Marie scooted behind me.

Cardi had taken off one of her heels and was in the process of taking off the second.

“So,” she began. “You two’ve been dating how long?”

“Two years,” I answered.

“Where’d you meet?”

“At Lollapalooza, of all places,” I said.

Cardi raised an eyebrow. “So you’re a rocker too?”

I laughed softly. “Not so much anymore. It’s way too loud. I prefer soul music. The beat takes precedence.”

Cardi nodded and threw a suspiciously seductive look at Marie. “Yes. Rhythm is everything.”

“I totally agree,” I say.

“So Marie. That dance you did back there? You a real dancer or just a closet twerker?”

Cinque laughed softly from the front seat and Cardi turned to look over her shoulder.

“What? You know I love a good dancer. Don’t forget that’s how I got started in all this mess.”

Marie leaned towards me and rested her elbow on my knee.

“Yes, I can dance. Twerkin, Hustlin, The Jit. I can do it all.”

“Really? Cardi asked. “I’d love to see that.”

Marie moved a bit closer to me, which put her nearer to Cardi. “Is that so?”

“Yes,” Cardi replied as she licked her lips. “How about now?”

Marie sat back abruptly and looked around. “In here? There’s not much room.”

“Oh there’s plenty of room,” the Star replied. She turned to Cinque again.

“Cinque, take the scenic route, won’t you?”

“Sure thing B.”

Cardi turned back to us and reached down to find the switch that separated the front seat from the rear of the vehicle. I watched as the blackened divider went up slowly until it connected with the ceiling. Cardi pressed another button and a seductive track by DJ Chaud began to play over the impressive speaker system.

Cardi gestured at the floor. “Come on Marie. Dance for me.”

Marie looked at me and I gave her a why not look as I waved towards the floor.

She stood up and removed her waist length jacket and tossed it on the seat behind her. I looked back and forth between her and Cardi and wondered exactly how I ever ended up in a high priced limo with two of the most beautiful women on the planet. Oh yeah. Talent. I was talented. That was it. I snapped out of my childish reverie and watched as my incredibly sexy girlfriend began to sway to the music with her eyes closed. Slowly, she moved, her hips swaying to the beat, her arms reaching up until she could place her hands in her hair, her fingers splayed. She rolled her neck around slowly as she found and then became one with the music.

I loved watching her dance. She was magical on any dance floor. Cardi must have thought the same thing, because the next thing I knew, she was up out of her seat and dancing slowly beside Marie.


And closer.

Marie must have felt Cardi’s nearness because her eyes opened abruptly. She didn’t startle or anything. She just moved a bit closer to my boss for the night. The two of them seemingly shared the same rhythms. It was quite arousing to watch the two of them tantalize each other and occasionally me with their eyes. One last time Cardi looked back at me before she took Marie’s face gently in her hands and kissed her firmly on the mouth. As I expected, Marie did not protest, but gave herself to the kiss fully. Her hands ran across Cardi’s back and down to her ass, pulling the Star closer.

I could not believe what I was seeing. Marie had been fantasizing about Cardi for so long that this seemed surreal. When the call came for me to do the gig, it had been Marie who said I had better take it under threat of death. I was going to anyway, but she had just wanted to meet the object of her lust in person. And now here she was engaged in a very intimate liplock with her idol.

Cardi reached between them and began to unbutton Marie’s blouse. When she was done, Marie shrugged out of it and Cardi placed the blouse on the seat. Marie reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. It fell away and she threw that on the seat too. My girlfriend was in no way busty, but she had very beautiful breasts with large areola and dark chocolate nipples. Cardi obviously shared my attraction to Marie’s chest. She bent down and took one of Marie’s breasts into her mouth. I watched as the breast disappeared between Cardi’s beautiful lips. She sucked hungrily as Marie moaned her pleasure. Cardi alternated between the two breasts, giving each equal attentiveness. Marie arched her back again and again as her arousal came to a crescendo. She pushed Cardi away enough to meet her eyes.

“Take off your clothes,” she ordered the Star.

Cardi grinned. “You sure you’re ready for this?”

Marie didn’t miss a beat.

“I’ve been ready to taste you since the day you came on the scene. And speaking of cum.”

Cardi raised an eyebrow, but obediently began to take her clothes off. When she was completely naked, Marie walked around her slowly, drinking in the sight of Cardi’s generous curves. When she was standing behind Cardi, she reached around and cupped her large breasts and squeezed them firmly while kissing Cardi on the back of her neck. Cardi’s eyes closed and she leaned back against Marie, enjoying the sensations.

The Star moaned and gasped as Marie sent her body into full arousal. I could see Cardi’s pussy lips getting noticeably wet and my dick began to get even harder than it had been. But this was Cardi’s party. She turned around and placed her hands on Marie’s shoulders, guiding her down to the seat. Marie leaned back so her leggings could be removed by the Star. Once they were off, Cardi kneeled down between Marie’s legs and pulled her close to the edge of the seat, all the while gazing at my girlfriend’s neatly shaved pussy.

Marie placed her hand on the back of Cardi’s head and pulled her closer to heaven.

Cardi’s face disappeared between Marie’s legs and I heard my lover gasp as Cardi’s mouth covered her clit. Marie’s moans were accentuated by the hungry sucking and slurping by Cardi on that juicy pussy.

The Star came up for air and placed two fingers inside of Marie and began to finger fuck her rapidly. The sound of her hand slapping against Marie’s flesh aroused me even further and I wanted in. I stood and unzipped my pants, letting them drop around my ankles. I stepped out of them and moved towards the pair. Laying down on the floor of the limo, I positioned myself beneath Cardi and pulled her towards me so I could taste her. She adjusted her legs so that she could continue finger fucking Marie while I feasted on her wetness. She momentarily removed her fingers from inside Marie and shoved them in my mouth.

“Suck your girlfriend’s pussy juice,” she commanded. I did as I was told. She was my boss after all. The blending of their juices had my dick throbbing. Cardi looked back at my manhood and smiled.

“What do you wanna do with all of that?”

Marie sat up until she was face to face with Cardi again. She kissed her passionately while feverishly massaging her own clit. I resumed licking and sucking Cardi’s sweet pussy.

“Let him fuck you,” Marie ordered. “Fuck that big black ass dick. I want to watch my man fuck you from the back.”

Marie leaned back on the seat again and practically pulled the Star into her lap. The pair resumed kissing as I stood and positioned myself behind Cardi. Her ass was perfectly round and inviting. I spread her ass cheeks and marveled at her fat pussy lips from that angle. My dick was practically begging me to enter her so I obliged. Placing the head at the entrance to her pussy, I pushed in slowly. I was not small and didn’t want to hurt her, but she had other plans. Bracing herself against the seat, she threw her ass back at me forcefully and my engorged dick was buried inside of her. She let out a wail of pure pleasure mixed with pain and I hoped beyond hope that Cinque didn’t pull over, come back here and start shooting. He didn’t, which was great because the Star’s pussy felt great. There was Marie kissing Cardi as if she were starving and there I was pounding into her pussy as hard as I could. The sound of our bodies slapping together was music to all of our ears. More so were Cardi’s pleadings.

“Fuck me harder. Please fuck me harder! I’m about to cum all over your dick!”

“Look at me,” Marie ordered her. “Look at me and don’t cum yet. That’s mine, you hear?”

“I hear you baby,” the Star told her. “I hear youuuuu!!”

Meanwhile I had Cardi’s hips in a death grip and I knew I was close myself. Marie locked eyes with me. “Don’t you cum either dammit!”

I nodded.

Before me, Cardi announced that she was very close.


Marie struggled free and told me to stop fucking.

She was beneath the Star in a second, sucking away at Cardi’s throbbing clit. Her hands gripped Cardi’s ass much as mine had moments earlier. Cardi’s hands were themselves, gripping the seat and riding the hell out of Marie’s mouth. Her creamy thighs began to shake uncontrollably as she came violently from Marie’s expert tongue lashing.

I was watching the whole orgasm unfold while standing back stroking my meat. Now I was ready. Marie knelt before me then and opened her pretty mouth nice and wide. She knew what I wanted and needed. I shoved my dick in her mouth and she sucked me greedily. When I came, she just kept right on sucking as my hot juice flowed down her waiting throat. When my climax had subsided enough, I feel back on the seat next to Cardi. I thought it was all over, but the Star leaned back and looked at Marie.

“Come’ over here and cum for me, my sexy Dancer.”

Marie stood up and came to where we were sitting and straddled Cardi’s face. The Star’s mouth and tongue explored Marie’s deepest secrets and got her to spout the most obscene words and sounds. Things I had not heard in our two years together. My girlfriend rode Cardi’s face faster and faster, her slippery pussy fully soaked Cardi’s mouth and chin. Suddenly, she froze in place, grabbed two handfuls of Cardi’s hair and came so fucking hard that I could feel the intense vibrations rock the entire limo. Then we were all laid out across the seat, a hot and sweaty wet mess.

The vehicle came to a stop and Cinque’s voice came over the intercom. We’re at the hotel B,”

The Star pushed the answer button overhead.

“Great Cinque. Have some room service sent to my room for three. We’ll all be up shortly.”

“You got it B. you got it.”

For more great stories, check out my new book Encounters, available exclusively on and check out my website



About the Creator

Tim Ellerbe II

I am a Musician, Author and Artist. Find out more on my website

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    Tim Ellerbe IIWritten by Tim Ellerbe II

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