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Special person

1. The men in this street can be said to be the most beautiful in K city. When gathering, if they happen to see a black American Ford slowly crawling out of a 10-story building, the front has a sign of Hô Ten My. Vy always looked at each other in a daze and talked.

By Ken aquariumsPublished 5 days ago 14 min read

As usual, he was a handsome military major and wondered:

- I heard he's a doctor, so why is he so rich? Send both sons to study in the US and Australia!

He is skinny and usually only drinks a pint of beer divided into two servings. After the first time, he put down the jar, pouted but admired:

- I heard that both guys have green cards and nationality of the host country because they are both scientists. The wife spends 6 months with the older boy and 6 months with the younger boy. From Australia to America.

The guy with a bald forehead, seemed to be the youngest in the group, always doubting:

- Every time I sit with Mr. He and ask him where he goes so often, like other people he seems to be proud of his curiosity, but on the other hand, he is interested in hearing me ask so he says it out loud and doesn't hide it. What do you do at home? Go out to find fun. There's nothing better than being lucky enough to meet a baby one day and be happy.

- That means playing with girls, right? Damn, Mr. He is at least approximately 70 years old, right?

Even though he was short and short, he heard the bald man speak many times, but each time he couldn't help but be surprised and mutter. As for the bald man, he tried to look proud when he showed he knew about Mr. He's private things. He rewound the tape again and narrated:

- Mr. He openly said that he was very fond of girls. He also said he would try to find a child, give him a child so that when he died, he would have an incense burner, but for his two children in the West, each of them would probably have a black plastic mourning piece stuck on his lapel for a few days and then thrown away. but no worship or graves.

Every time he mentioned this, the former major's expression of concern remained unchanged. After a moment of silence, this man said thoughtfully:

- I don't know who said it, but for someone like Mr. He to say that, I can't believe it.

After this sentence he always lowered his voice and mumbled his thoughts.

- One time I went into Mr. He's house and saw a photo of him with a very large leader, next to the photo hanging a photocopy of a diploma from a world organization that recognized Mr. He as a world celebrity. Thinking like that, this man must definitely be an important figure, not a mediocre one. Just think about it, how can normal people have such activities?

- Right, right. The skinny man chimed in. His house has milk in the morning, coffee in the evening, everything is genuine American and Australian.

- The thing is, our people are over there.

- Every half a month he goes to the mountains to buy and bring back pigs, chickens, and clean vegetables. He is very afraid of domestic food and drinks, even in supermarkets. Mr. He said, even if he's hungry, he won't eat instant noodles.

- He is truly a special person.

The men on the same street as He, each one of them widened their eyes, mumbled, and confusedly affirmed.


The world may think He is a difficult person to understand, a special person, an abnormal person, but I know he is just like millions of people on this earth. Simply because I studied with him since high school.

Since American planes fiercely attacked my hometown, high schools in the inner city were ordered to evacuate to suburban schools. My personality and He's are not very similar. I love all sports, He loves nothing but talking nonsense all day without getting bored or tired.

Yet no matter how bad the world was, he and I became close friends. Later, the two of them went to higher education and followed two different professions, so they went their separate ways, both in terms of profession and place of residence. I work in journalism and writing, and He pursues a medical career. I stay in the countryside city. The system struggled step by step to bring the whole family to K and planned to live there for the rest of their lives.

Yet in those two-thirds of our lives, fate still sometimes brought us together. Then at the end of their lives, when the two guys had been together for more than a decade, they would be together again after a few months, sometimes for half a month, sometimes for a few or three days.

When we met again, looking at my friend's family background, I can confirm that He is just a successful man in making money, raising his children for education, and building a career and assets that no other man has. Every man dreams. Even when He revealed his crazy and delusional qualities, I only considered that his promiscuous and boastful nature, the older he got, the more it appeared.

For me, System is free to think and style himself, no matter how much he dresses, but I don't think he is truly an outstanding talent. Even though he once pulled out a certificate written in messy English clearly stating that the governor of Lai Cung He newspaper was recognized as a world celebrity.

There is no project in the system that will shock this country and then spread to the whole world. He is simply a highly skilled doctor who courageously left his position as head of the internal medicine department of a prestigious hospital in K city and set up a private medical facility to make a living. Then, also with boldness and somewhat recklessness, even though he had no expertise in cosmetic surgery, He dared to rush into that lucrative but extremely dangerous field to practice.

Who would have thought he would be successful? When He started to gain some reputation for cosmetic surgery, I really admired him. He is truly talented, knows how to smell the times, the needs of ladies, so in the midst of a bustling, crowded city with all kinds of cleverness and deception... nearly 30 years ago, He became cosmetic doctor. It seems like her butt is worth a thousand dollars.

Even though he did not publicly display the signboard, He's customers kept quietly coming in droves. Even with that skillful way of making money, to me, He is still just a talented, resourceful, and decisive person, not a world celebrity.

But one time, He suddenly called me and said he was going to Hanoi to meet a leader. According to He, this person wanted to consult with him about the macro policy of health care and people's livelihood. I nodded in admiration, and when I looked at the photo of him taken with that leader in a close and intimate position, I began to wonder if my friend was really a silent celebrity. talent? As for me, because I'm so familiar with you, I don't recognize the qualities of a genius. Then...

At the end of that year, I had the opportunity to go to K city, where He was residing. As soon as I received my phone call, System rushed:

- Just wait at the airport, I'll bring a car to pick you up. Luckily, my great bear is in America looking after the children for my eldest son and his wife.

When I got in the car. The system begins to speak:

- My son just bought this car in its entirety in America and shipped it to me. Ford Lincoln, not a regular car. So when you get in and out of the car, you have to close the car door enough, don't slam it hard like a cheap car.

Did you just eat bread? Monkey mother, like a woman. But okay. When you eat, collect it in a plastic bag, don't let the crumbs fall on the mattress or car floor. Those things create mold that spreads to the car cushion, and stinks. You see, the original scent of the car wafts up and is very pleasant.

- Do not worry.

- You are truly a writer. Really delicate. Damn, a lot of people I told you like that are narcissistic, so do you have a dog? This luxury car is almost three and a half billion, not shit. My house now is also a hotel. My car and house are almost unique in this city.

- You're a celebrity.

Hearing what I said, He laughed loudly, then lowered his voice:

- Come to my house, take a room to rest. In the afternoon, my friend and I got in the car for a trip. Find a girl and invite her out for fun. Two is better. Hehe. Okay?

- I don't...

- Nothing, I'm not used to it or don't like it... You're stupid, leave me alone! After seven decades, the reason I am like this is not only because I eat and drink only foreign foods and good brands, but the main thing is that I can pair up with young girls. The younger the better, do you understand?

- Truly a celebrity.

- Story. If you keep praising me, you won't be able to stop praising me for a whole year. But why is it like that, do you know?

- It's a number.

He laughed loudly, let go of one hand and patted his swollen thigh:

- Number. Of course. But this is the talented guy's number. If I wasn't talented, I would have fallen off the horse a long time ago. Let me tell you. I wonder if that's the case?


- Damn it! When I first graduated from school, I was miserable and miserable. Not even three years into the job, he immediately fell in love with his wife and children. But you know, back then, we were together for years and were only good at hugging and kissing, and any cheater would only dare to make small advances. Over here, my wife is here now. The family is really kind, as for looks, you know. The hospital's second-best beauty queen, no matter how much I flirted with her, she lay on her back.

I'm a smart guy, I know the consequences of everything I do. But that day, I couldn't forget everything. Suddenly, the mother opened her father's stomach. Had to get married.

Just after getting married, she took a job in the Central region. Monkey master father. And that hospital is famous for being the biggest in the province. I think if it stays in one place, it won't grow. Do you see me thinking about having my period? It must be said that he is a genius, only twenty-five years old to have such a great vision. I still think, by all means, I will transfer to a famous hospital in K, get a good job and bring my wife and children there.

Thinking is one thing, but how to change it is another. The hospital I work at in that province is nearly 1,000 kilometers away from home, and a newly graduated doctor like me doesn't know anyone I can ask for help.

But do you know, look at my middle, look closely. A fortune teller told me that only one person in my life would be out of two million people. Support from noble people. Awesome!

That time I was in the emergency room of a patient. The old man looked old at first glance, perhaps because he was thin and because his skin was pale and pale. In my opinion, it's because of living for a long time in a harsh climate and lacking food and drink. Now that I have the conditions, I over-nutrition, while my body can't stand it, so I get sick.

I play recklessly and advise the old man to take a dose of nutrients so that his body can gradually adapt. I didn't expect this old man to listen to me. After I recovered, he admired me very much, complimented me, said I was a good doctor. So if anyone in his family is sick, he calls me to come get examined and treated...

Gradually, he saw me as a younger brother, so much so that he told me that if he didn't have a wife, he would marry his wife's sister, who is a high school principal, to me. That's it. Later, while temporarily treating this man's wife's rheumatism, I expressed my wish. As soon as he heard it, he immediately said:

- I thought you needed something big. That's easy.

While listening attentively, I asked:

- What is his name?

- Shut up and let me remember. It's been so long that I've forgotten his father, I only remember this father working in the forest. That's right, activities in the forest were fought during times of war, so peace was the first and second biggest thing in that province.

System was stunned as if remembering.

- Did you know? After saying that, the man said, you are a plain doctor without any title or achievements, so it's a bit difficult. But it's okay... I figured it out. He applied for a transfer to the hospital. Your ability is good, but the main thing is that I will write in the application you send to the K City Organizing Committee that "you have worked with me for a while".

I immediately asked, "What activity?" I am afraid". He kept saying: This guy, the Head of the Organizing Committee, is my best friend from the inside. Just seeing my signature will place you anywhere you want to work. Maybe it even gives you a standard house.

Speaking of this, He burst into laughter for a long time and then concluded:

- Damn it, my life is like this now thanks to the idle note of that powerful patient. "He worked with me for a while." Hi hi hi...


That day was a day off, I was sitting at my desk, preparing to write, when the phone rang excitedly. I picked up the phone and immediately recognized the urgent, slightly annoyed voice of He - he was impatient when his phone calls were put on hold for a long time:

- What are you doing without holding the phone? What do you want to do to throw away his father? Come here now.

- Where are you now?

- Take a taxi to come quickly, I'll pay.

- But where are you?

- This guy. Ah forgot. Take out a pen and paper to write it down and give it to the taxi driver. My Long Hotel, 323 Street 417. Damn, it's all names, but even the streets are numbered. Scat. I wait.

As soon as I said the guest needed to see me, the receptionist said:

- Yes. I know. You are my guest renting room 24, please come up.

Before the bell rang in room 24, System's voice rang out:

- Come in. I've seen you already.

Entering the room, I saw He sitting back in the recliner, his eyes glaring as if I had just caused him something unpleasant.

- I have to rent this special room for security. I don't hide anything from you. I brought all the important papers here for her to see. Well, you'll see, at most, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, she'll either find it or beg me to go back inside.

- What's so terrible? Is she back?

He opened the refrigerator, pulled out a bottle of Chilean wine, poured out two glasses, he gave me a glass, then without saying anything he poured the glass of wine into his neck, then said loudly:

- Damn it. I asked if this hotel had American wine, they said no. But still demanding four stars. Sit. Drink for now. Then when I go out to eat later, I have to find a good American wine to drink.

- Slow down. But what documents?

- The red books of the houses, the plots of land, all the savings books, and the cash in the safe have been cleaned out. When she runs out of money, she has to scream.

- But what about daily hotel fees?

- You don't understand your mother at all. That's why my wife is stupid. When she got crazy, she fired her younger brother to work as a hotel security guard for me, then had her stay at the hotel.

- What's wrong? Is something wrong?

System poured and drank another glass of wine quickly, then spoke in a half-irritable, half-mocking tone.

- She came back unexpectedly and caught me flirting with the girl in room 22 right next to yours the day I moved in. I have to say she's amazing, I've never met such a woman. 28 years old, one child. White, smooth skin. Love is amazing. Even a coward like you would fall in love at first sight. She loves me dearly and promised to give birth to a child for me. I told her that if the DNA test was correct, I would give her a piece of land in the suburbs and money to build a house.

- Your wife caught you in the act like that, that's so gay.

He stood up and walked back and forth in front of me:

- But she's stupid. Who in the world would call the ward officials to come in and take her away and lock her up in the ward?

I timidly said:

- She was so angry.

- Luckily, the guys in my ward often give me money and sometimes invite me to drink beer, so they respect me and intend to make peace. One guy even said "after all, he is a special person because he has worked...".

- Maybe that's why you escaped?

- If I had escaped, I wouldn't have had to play tricks here. You know? As soon as she heard that, she got angry and jumped up and down like a baby. "What? Is he special or is he special about women? What activities with anyone... I tell you the truth, that's just a scam. Let me tell you...".

As soon as she said that, I was so scared that I had to quickly shove the money into the group leader's hand, blinking at him to find an excuse to withdraw. Fortunately, the wards were also very smart, so they jumped in immediately. Are you lucky to say that, but if you don't use money to silence the wards, your true identity will be revealed. If you expose yourself like that, no one will still admire you. My wife is so stupid... Damn it!

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About the Creator

Ken aquariums

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (1)

  • Kabir Khan4 days ago

    Excellent words

 Ken aquariumsWritten by Ken aquariums

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