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Love is Part VI

The Vivacious Vixens: Valentines Day Edition šŸŒ¹

By LOVE IS SERIES . šŸŒ¹Published 2 years ago ā€¢ Updated about a year ago ā€¢ 14 min read
šŸŽ¶Vixen- MiguelšŸŽ¶

ā€œShe is both, hell fire and holy water. And the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her.ā€

ā€• Sneha Pal


šŸŽ¶ Our Attempt - Mar šŸŽ¶

Iā€™m a show stopper thatā€™s for sure. A bit mischievous as well. I have expensive taste . A total dare devil and a charmer . Itā€™s been that way and a lot of my spark has very little to do with my flesh. My sensuality and beauty is derived from within and it shows. Iā€™ve never had the biggest boobs or most curvaceous figure. Still. . . all eyes are always on me. Itā€™ll always be that way when youā€™re a goddess and of ancient royalty.

I am fully aware of my sensual nature. I know that most things about me give off specs of sex appeal . Intentionally or unintentionally. Whether itā€™s the melodic tone of my sweet voice or the way my hips sway with a swiftness when I walk, dance or express myself. From my smile to my genuine joy and laughter. My kindness and compassionate nature is what really makes me sexy. I love that my energy is felt wherever I go. My uniqueness is seen and gawked at. I enjoy knowing that I can have any and everything I want without having to do much to get it. I trust my feminine nature and when I am relaxed and conciously aware of how my feminity works, I simply attract what I desire. Being a woman is a privilege that I donā€™t take lightly.

Self-Care for me is puting my phone on DND and making a passionate playlist to make love to myself while manifesting money, creative endeavors and peace for the entire collective. Hot baths with essential oils and Epsom salts is so cliche but always my go to routine. Eucalyptus, Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, and Patchouli are my favorites. Other times self-care is buying a decent amount of herbal medicine to smoke and some good food. When I really want to treat myself Iā€™ll buy a candle or a journal . Two things Iā€™d prefer to never live without .

I have a tendency to be overly flirtatious. Iā€™m a Leo. I just believe in innocent and playful dialogue. Iā€™m infamous for vulgarity or coming off as unrefined. Iā€™d be lying if I said Iā€™m working on it. I say what I feel and Iā€™m not afraid to make people with prude-like energy uncomfortable. Risque is an understatement.

Iā€™ve battled with accepting all aspects of who I am out of fear of judgment. Social media has become a weird place for me now. What I post gives people the impression that they have a false sense of closeness to me. People who watch me believe they have a true understanding of who I am, what I do and how I feel.

Iā€™m well known for pushing the envelope on social media considering my love for bare skin and controversial topics. Some people may think that Iā€™m easy . I get that. Itā€™s all apart of the master plan. You can lookā€¦ but you can never touch. See the thing is , Iā€™m a story teller. An actor/entertainer of sorts . Itā€™s my purpose to create fantasies and scenarios . What seems to be an act of me dishing out my dirty laundry and busting it wide open for the world to see, is really me expressing different parts of myself while still living a life in the real world no one knows anything about.

Iā€™m the woman who is labled as easy and untamed when, in all actuality, I am unobtainable and inaccessible . The woman you crave and desire , but can never have or claim. Iā€™m unreachable. Now stick that in your juice box and suck it .

šŸŽ¶The Power of Love - Celine Dion šŸŽ¶

Choosing myself is the greatest form of self-love. I over pour , over explain and over complicate so much in life that Iā€™ve just learned to finally say ā€œfuck that shitā€. Truly. Setting boundaries is vital. I no longer say yes when I really mean no . Respect is major to me . You donā€™t have to love me, but you will respect me. I live by that.

I exit connections silently these days. To keep my peace and power. In the past, I always believed I could fix everything and everyone until I realized that everyone needs to learn in their own way and that we are all operating with the set of tools weā€™ve been handed. Thatā€™s why I had to cut people out of my life! Too many people are only focused on utilizing the tools they have or have been given. Me? Iā€™m gonna go stock up on some new and more updated tools and an entirely new tool box. We move differently over here.

I no longer do the same thing expecting different results. Insanity and I have never been on the same scale for long. Self-love is choosing yourself. When itā€™s hard and when itā€™s uncomfortable. No one is capable of loving me the way I love myself and I no longer expect anyone to. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m a knockout. I bring myself to the table.

Angelina Jolie was my first role model. The roles she played in GIA and Girl Interrupted were my very first impressions of what being a rebellious beautiful badass looked like first hand and I wanted to embody that same energy. Angelina just has this way about her. Naturally plump lips. Slender and long but fleshy and full in all the right places. Captivating eyes. Sheā€™s a mystery. I would watch all of her movies and interviews & then Iā€™d pretend to be Angelina in my spare time. Mimicking her hand gestures and her tone of voice. She inspires me to be sexy but to also be unfuckwittable.

My last heartbreak was more of a final breakthrough for me. I find myself swaying in and out of third party dynamics . Itā€™s a generational thing. I suppose the women in my family donā€™t feel worthy enough to have husbands and boyfriends of their own or happy homes in general.

Iā€™ve mastered the art of being a unicorn. There was a point in time where I even believed that I wasnā€™t meant to experience a love of my own in this lifetime. It felt as if my purpose was to just come into already established relationships to either shake things up to wake them up to the changes they needed to make to face the reality of their dynamic or to help them heal and deepen the love theyā€™ve already established . Then Iā€™m off on my own again once the thrill dies down.

Through my last relationship I learned that it is possible to love and be in love with more than one person at once. In fact, it is beautiful to experience. I see the expansion that comes with polygamy. The balance that can be cultivated. The bliss of the sexual heights that can be reached between 3 people that are truly open to expansive love and not just the idea of it. I learned that my heart is my superpower and that falling in love with me is easy simply because of how easily I fall in love.

The reflections in third party relationships become greater. The success is tripled. The lessons learned to elevate the soul are expedited. But when itā€™s ugly , it can get dark. The insecurities, doubt, lack of communication, resentment, jealousy, lies and deception can take an innocent situation and morph it into a painful wound that canā€™t be tended to with sweet words, gifts or a bunch of Iā€™m sorryā€™s.

Iā€™m aware that my lack of commitment plays a factor in this cycle . When Iā€™m with a man I crave a woman . When Iā€™m with a woman, I miss having closeness with masculine energy. It is already written that the greatest love for me to experience in this life isnā€™t with just one person. Perhaps not even just two.

God. If you want me to have 3 husbands and 4 wives then just say that.

Love is vital during this time of collective expansion and integration . Love is looking in the mirror and being honest with all that you are. If you canā€™t be honest with yourself it is faulty to seek honesty and truth from others . Love is what we all crave . Love is what raises children and keeps familyā€™s together. Love is the center . Love is totality.

GODDESS DIVINE ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„

šŸŽ¶In women we trust-Tanerelle šŸŽ¶

This phase of my life is my selfish phase. I hope this phase never goes away since I am having so much fun getting to know and love myself more and more each day.

My mindset makes me powerful. My body, my confidence, the way I carry myself. The way I treat others and see beauty in them makes me the powerful woman I am today. Iā€™ve always had fire, Iā€™ve always been great. I wish for others to see the same in them.

Self love means everything to me. It means what you bring into the room, it means how you love others. It means how you SEE others and how you want them to see themselves. It means bringing others up with you. It means showing OTHERS how to love themselves.

I find self pleasure to be a huge form of self care for me. Itā€™s incredibly liberating and freeing and reminds me how amazing it is to feel and be a woman. I am incredibly grateful for my body and learning to love it more.

Iā€™m using my feminine energy to help women see the beauty in themselves. If I can make a woman built like me feel beautiful, Iā€™ve done my job. I wish to bring all women up to their full potential and see in themselves what I see in myself. I wish for them all to know they can run the fucking world and know how much power they have.

People are drawn to my confidence. I love meeting new people and filling my positive energy in the room. I love lifting women up so they know they are loved and beautiful.

I love my skin the most. Freckles are a reflection of the night sky, Iā€™m honored to show their reflection.

šŸŽ¶Villian- K/DašŸŽ¶

My last heartbreak is something I learned to no longer dwell on, but I will say that I learned itā€™s much more fun to bite back when someone hurts you. Iā€™m not a woman you mess with. I am the villian when no one is watching.

I needed to forgive myself, for not seeing the goddess that was inside me before. Sheā€™s always been there, I forgave myself for thinking any lower of the woman inside me.

Some advice I would give to my younger self about love, ā€œyou are everything lovely about this world, love yourself first then love others, lift others up with youā€.

Love is self inflicted. Love is learned. Love is inside everyone, letting it out is the hardest part. Loving yourself is the greatest love youā€™ll ever learn.


šŸŽ¶ Starlight - Jai wolf šŸŽ¶

I love that I have a strong resolve to be eclectic. I have a genuine idea of who I am and where Iā€™m going. I shamelessly express myself. I have a want for perpetual drive.

I admire Zoe Deschanel. She is quirky and inspirational. I wish to embody her drive.

My father broke my heart when he disowned me. I strived so hard to make him proud just for him to look me in the eyes and wish me away. Nothing else has compared. I fought to make more of myself regardless. In doing so I learned I can overcome any obstacle.

I need to forgive myself for holding onto so many things I didnā€™t need to. I am learning to be less concerned about what other people think of me after choices I made to better myself.

šŸŽ¶Electric - Alina Baraz ft. KhalidšŸŽ¶

Self love is constant evolution. To never stop growing. I love working with other women to empower them and myself. Self-care leads to a better quality of care for others.

I enjoy having a warm soak with a bath bomb. I put my ears just below the surface of the water while calming music plays.

Love is the vastness of the universe in my small corner of the world.


šŸŽ¶Energy - Tyla Jane šŸŽ¶

I am a goal driven mom who is stepping into her independence and her sexy skin .

Is it bad to say my truth is still in writing? So much newness has been surrounding me that I am not sure who is what and what is where and why! I know Iā€™m an entrepreneur. A sexy millionaire who is happy being a provider and a free spirit! I'm passionate, caring and empathic. I'm a talker. I'm a learner who is striving to discover the highest version of myself.

Iā€˜m a dancer and a singer. A model and millionaire. A freak and an entrepreneur! I'm a lover not a fighter. I'm a cry baby and a gangsta. Gemini shit. It really depends on the twin that's out at the time. Often times I'm a southern bell with the highest amounts of class. Sometimes I'm a seductive diva who wants to take over the world. I'm the sexiest gal in town! A lover and the "perfect wife and mom". I'm a little bit of everything ! Good and a whole lot of everything bad (but bad in a good way)

Heartbreak. What happened? I don't even know how to answer that! I saw a man who made me want to be better but in the process we both lost ourselves trying to be what the other one had requested and instead of loving ourselves and growing as a team, we neglected ourselves and in return turmoiled our relationship! Lost respect and trust for one another. Tore each other down instead of lifting each other up. How have I healed? I haven't. But I'm damn sure in the process. I'm learning to relearn who I am and what I want. And I've learned you can't fill somebody else's cup when yours is empty. Don't change who you are for anybody. Grow with and together with that someone opposed to growing into what they want. Yā€™all are a team but also still individuals!

šŸŽ¶Stan - 6lack šŸŽ¶

I set boundaries with others and do what makes you me feel good. Gained the ability to say no! To stop playing captain save-a-hoe and start playing captain save my own ass and prioritize my goals and my dreams. To stop allowing my future to be guided by temporary feelings and clouded judgement from those surrounding me.

I have a flirtatious attitude. I'm kind and caring yet fierce! My walk . My talk. The air I breathe. My confidence! I embrace what it is I like and who I want to be! I'm authentic and people feel safe when in my presence. Iā€™m judgement free and a safe place for anyone in need.

I am breaking generational curses. Teaching other woman to stand up for themselves and be confident! Showing women that investing in yourself is worth more than gold. Showing women it's okay to be who and what you want and sometimes forcing things to stay is the very reason your life is stagnant and lifeless.

Love and relationships donā€™t always go hand in hand. Know where the lines are drawn. Embrace the sexual side but protect your energy. Have fun! Work hard. Never back down and prioritize YOU! Love with all you have but be aware of those who are undeserving. Embrace your baddest self! Your truest, most authentic self.

Love is a feeling that is safe & warm. It's like the ability to be 100% free and vulnerable in every way. Embracing who you are while growing with an individual. It's a mutual respect and trust. Love is like a safety net in life that you find in someone else that you never knew you needed! Whether it be in a partner or a friend. It's like a missing piece of a puzzle that you had no clue was missing.


šŸŽ¶Ride it - CiarašŸŽ¶

I am the Goddess of Temptation. This version of self embodies both light and dark feminine energy that Iā€™ve been channeling. Balance is key and at times Iā€™ve struggled and still do, but both light and darkness are embedded into our DNA. Without these two key ingredients there wouldnā€™t be a me. Iā€™m learning to embody all sides of me and how to embrace them as well. This allows me to embrace both sides of me and love them completely with no judgement involved. Allowing all parts of me to shine and not giving a fuck about what others have portrayed me to be. The alluring goddess in me allows me to truly bask in myself to grow and boost my confidence, as well as reassuring myself that I am truly DIVINE.

My intuition makes me powerful. At times I struggled with trusting my gut feelings but it never steered me wrong once. My intuition is so strong at times I start to have deja vu . I love that my intuitive skills have grown so strong because it helps me with connecting to my tribe. I no longer fall into repeating cycles of chaos, depression, and heartbreak because I listen closely to what downloads Iā€™m receiving from my guides and higher self.

Seduction is another attribute that makes me powerful, channeling my sexiness allows me to bask in my light and dark femininity. Using this allows me to feel powerful when connecting with others because of how captivating I can be to get them to do what I want.

When no one is watching me, my inner child truly shines the most. Iā€™m witty, goofy, loving, curious, and just filled with so much energy. I will say there are many attributes about me so I tend to bounce from wall to wall. I bask In my rawest form , peeling back all the layers of my self, loving each and every part of them. No one can judge me when no one is looking and most of the time I say fuck whoā€™s watching ! Iā€™m going to always and forever be me. The soft spoken, loving, generous, caring little girl that Iā€™ve always been.

Self-love means to love every layer and aspect of self. Not letting opinions or perspectives of others affect you because they do not truly know you. It is pouring into your cup and letting it overflow into others so youā€™re not worried about depleting yourself for anyone.

Self love is standing strong for yourself and trusting your intuition so that you can blossom! Not letting anyone take your dignity away from you. Letting yourself shine so bright no one can dim your flame. It is loving yourself & others unconditionally. It is allowing yourself to be fed the poison that people have to offer then returning it with love and delight.

I utilize my feminine/sensual nature to cause a shift in my community by creating all natural and organic feminine/skin care products for women and men. This allows the community to know that itā€™s okay to use herbs and organic things on our bodies to allow our skin to be healthy. Big corporations are only worried about the financial aspect of things and what people consume. I want to help people, specifically women, know that itā€™s okay to care for your yoni. Doing womb healing is necessary to heal the trauma our wombs have been through. My idea for creating products for my divine goddesses turned into a passion I have that I can expand into so much more.

Bringing women together, centering womb care as their main priority to live a healthy life as well as having a community to resonate with. Potentially finding your tribe and going back to old ancient practices. My main focus is allowing women to know that Mother Nature provides everything that we need in order to live. My goal is to bring women together releasing and healing past trauma through the bond of caring for our heavenly portal of life.

People are drawn to my charismatic ways because my aura broadcasts geniality. No matter what, Iā€™m always open to people and very welcoming. My mysterious ways also intrigue people by making them want to learn more about me and what I can provide or teach them. This also takes play into my sexiness, seductiveness, and sexuality. The maturity and rawness I provide captivates them. Alluring them to want to know more about me and where I come from.

I need to stop being so hard on myself. I can be my biggest enemy at times and it can be hard to come out of that energy. I have to remember that Iā€™m that bitch and exude the confidence of just that. People come for a reason and go like the seasons, but me? I will forever stay and it will forever be that way, nobody can ever tell me differently or make me feel less than. Letting people see my purest self will help me become the best version of self. Giving my inner child the most fulfilled feeling there is.

Iā€™m a spring baby so I thrive in the warmth, water and greenery. It speaks volumes while attracting me to be one with it. Nature is my home and makes me feel whole . Itā€™s like the sun knows exactly what to do to allow the stress to release from my body. Meditation in nature helps me receive intuitive downloads from my ancestors and guides, reconstructing everything in my body to walk in my truest/highest form. Taking a shower and washing all the negative energy allows me to release all the pain Iā€™ve endured (donā€™t be afraid to cry either). It aids as a cleanser for me to restart and let my emotions bypass. My last and favorite ritual is taking time to use my singing bowl and tarot cards. Itā€™s fun to have the tools god provides you. It gives a little nudge of faith or a spiritual perspective of what needs to be done in order for you to take the necessary steps towards the path of enlightenment. These tools are not necessary though. We are powerful individuals so all you have to start out with is simply yourself, an open heart and mind.

It is okay to be the authentic version of yourself, allowing others to see the good, bad, and ugly sides of you. Uncovering all masks and basking in the beauty of self. Telling people to fuck off for judging you for being you. My truth is what sets me free! No one will ever know you like you know yourself. Itā€™s necessary to be fully comfortable with everything about you. Every aspect of self needs to be loved and nurtured like plants need to watered. Never give up on yourself because everyone shines in some way. Grasp onto passion giving yourself your all.

Self- care and self healing has always started with taking the time to put my self first and everyone else on hold. Gathering my emotions and just reflecting on them as well has been a great healing experience for me. Self-care is a needed ritual to keep yourself on a ongoing path of love and healing, and what my practice consists of is simply doing the things I love. Recently, self care has been putting my passions first and really channeling my creative side. My practices include painting, drawing, making handmade soaps and products for my feminine business, and traveling. There is no right or wrong in your own journey of self care and healing and thatā€™s what makes it so unique, you simply do what it is YOU LOVE.

My last heartbreak took a toll on me but I learned how to channel my compassionate side during this experience and truly putting my heart on my sleeve. In my last relationship I battled a lot of trauma with myself and my significant other. We had a roller coaster ride of emotions running through both of us and at first the flame of our love was so high until it came to an end.

I felt like I was battling a never ending cycle of insecurities, high emotions, and past trauma from last relationships. The man I shared my love with was sharing his love with another woman leaving me to feel as if I was in a love triangle. There was no honesty in the relationship and if there was, the truth was twisted until It couldnā€™t be anymore. As a highly intuitive woman, I felt as if I was going crazy! One side of me wanted to believe and stay with him and the other side of me couldnā€™t bare to even look at him. The relationship was built off of facades and it came tumbling down like the tower card in tarot.

My advice to my inner child about love and intimacy would have to be not to rush things, and to love self first. As a child I always wondered why people treated me differently and why no one liked me. This made me long for the feeling of love and intimacy. I want my inner child to know that I will always be here for her and will do anything to put a smile on her face. Love and intimacy will come and the trauma youā€™ve endured as a child is okay. Donā€˜t allow it to cloud your horizon and block you from what youā€™re deserving of. Inner child you are beautiful, soft spoken, creative, divine, bubbly, and curious. I will always love you for keeping a smile on your face even though youā€™ve been put through a lot of pain with love. Never give up on being you, youā€™re perfect.

On my journey of love , I came to the realization that someone was draining me and sucking the literal life out of me. When I came out of the high of love it clicked for me. He wasnā€™t the one for me and all of this needed to happen for me to grow into my higher self. In relationships they are mirrors. The people that surround you are merely a reflection of your deepest self. They surround you for a reason whether itā€™s good, bad, or unexplainable. It allows us to take a good glimpse at ourselves and uncover what it is that is affecting you in this way and how to truly change. Transmuting the pain into a gain. I wouldnā€™t say I regret my past relationship because it made me face myself, my fears, my insecurities, and some of my deepest emotions.

I love how big my heart is. I care about the ones I love so much and always see the potential in everyone. No matter what has been done to me, I still hold the power to be open hearted and understanding. Iā€™m happy to be in a place of genuine love because it was never easy for me to be this open to people. In the past I struggled with holding grudges and not giving people chances, now I love people for who they are no matter how they treat me. Iā€™ve learned to wear my heart on my sleeve but also how to be weary of people who donā€™t deserve my love. How to release when someone isnā€™t truly giving me what it is I deserve but still loving them from a distance. I love how the past doesnā€™t hold me as a prisoner anymore.

In order for me to reclaim my power I need to forgive the negative attributes of the relationships I created in the past. Reflecting and forgiving myself and them for the mistakes that happened. The trauma endured from the pain Iā€™ve been through can finally be released whenever I please although the fear of letting go of these memories haunts me. I allow peace to flow through my body in order to heal. Compassion needs to come into play when letting every aspect of myself know that itā€™s okay to let this pain go.

It is okay for me to forgive myself and others for the pain that weā€™ve all endured during our experiences, this pain no longer serves us in our journey. Compassion for the mistakes and outbursts are necessary in order to truly heal. I have to remember to be soft and delicate with myself. Putting myself first and loving myself unconditionally will forever allow me to spread my story and have a positive influence in this world. Truth will set myself up for a beautiful journey of healing, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment.

Love to me is the feeling of truly being able to be yourself around someone and not being judged for it. Allowing yourself to show every layer and not being shunned by your significant other for your mistakes and past. Love is a flame that canā€™t be burned out. It is passion that canā€™t be blocked by the shade. Love is stability and security so you never have to worry about what will happened on both ends of the relationship, knowing that whatever happens to the two of you, youā€™ll both know things will be alright as long as you have one another. If youā€™d asked my inner child sheā€™d say that love is like a fairy tale. The passion is so strong between the significant others that the love could never die. That person is the yin to your yang, the air to your lungs, and the half to your whole. Love is a plethora of things but one thing I do know is love is unconditional.

Author & Curator of Love Is:

Trashae Bradley: IG:Theethereal_empress Facebook:Shae Layaneseā€™ Email:[email protected]

Photographer: Jarrod Peterson IG : therealjarrodp Facebook: Jarrod Peterson

Photographer : Victoria Rose Marie Facebook: Victoria Rose Marie IG:@rosemariephotographyboudoirkc


Leslie Hacker: Instagram: @lesliehacker13

Jessica Fisher : Instagram: @unicorn_moments_photography

Kayla Short : Instagram: @KayKay.Maree

Aniya : Instagram: @ajahsessence


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