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Karen and Helen

A sexual story about two women

By Carol TownendPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Karen and Helen
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Karen sat on her couch quizzing herself. She had boyfriends in the past, but now she found herself deeply attracted to her roommate Helen. She was completely frustrated with it! Every time Helen walked into the room she found herself watching her, taking in her beautiful body, her lustful breasts, and her beautiful legs. Damn! Even her legs were perfect. She wasn't one of those women who obsessed over exercise and being slim; she was an average-size female with plenty to touch on her, and Oh my! Karen really wanted that tonight. Karen was athletic, she had a little weight on her, but she was happy about that. She enjoyed her food, and she always told Helen 'food was the source of life, put on the planet to be enjoyed.' Tonight, she was planning to ask Helen out, and she was nervous because she wasn't sure how Helen would react to that.

Helen arrived home from work. She was really mad with her boss, the arsehole had asked her out today making claims that he was in love with her. She felt it was too unprofessional for him to do that. Besides, they did work together, and she really didn't like him in that way. She had tried telling him, but he decided they could keep it a secret. He didn't even bother acknowledging the fact she had said no to him, and she was fuming. She slammed the door shut, and headed straight to the shower. She just wanted to wash the thoughts out of her mind, and right off her body. She wasn't in the mood for talking to Karen yet, so she didn't bother entering the lounge. She headed straight to the bathroom instead, and let the hot steam from the shower work on her, detoxing her body and soul.

Karen had heard the door slam so she knew that Helen was home. She also knew that something was wrong because Helen usually had coffee with her before her shower. Karen left her to have her shower in peace, she knew better than to disturb Helen after a bad day. Instead, she headed to the kitchen and poured Helen a steaming mug of hot chocolate in her favorite cup, she knew that always worked after a bad day.

After spending a whole hour washing her anger away, Helen decided that she was going to have a pyjama night cuddled up on her bed with a warm drink. She didn't feel like food tonight, she just wanted to have her drink then sleep. Suddenly she started crying, the bastard! she had worked at Sullivan's for 5 years, and she was one of the best workers there. How could her boss do this to her? She punched her pillows out of annoyance. Helen had heard her sobbing, and she hated when Karen was upset. It was very rare to see her like this and, she knew something was terribly wrong. Helen usually came in smiling after work, so what the hell had upset her so much? Karen took her hot chocolate to her but decided to save the questioning for later, as she felt that it would be better to let Helen calm down first. She walked into the room and put the hot chocolate on a table at the side of the bed, but then she saw that Helen's eyes were red.

"Helen, what's wrong?" Karen asked, putting a comforting arm around her friend. She was alarmed, as she had never seen her friend so upset.

Helen just shook her head to signal that she wasn't ready to talk about it yet. She thanked Karen for the hot chocolate and simply let her friend hold her. Karen was special to Helen, she had been by her side for the last 7 years; they supported each other through thick and thin, and they were very close. Helen didn't know how Karen would handle the fact that her own boss had asked her out. Helen wasn't into males in that way; she was emotionally and sexually attracted to females, in fact, she was attracted to Karen though she wanted to keep it a secret through fear of ruining her friendship. She could smell Karen's Ralph Lauren Perfume, she was wearing Romance and Helen loved that smell. To Karen's surprise, Helen snuggled into her deeper.

It took Helen a whole night to calm down. She had fallen asleep on the bed, cuddled up to Karen last night, and she had woken with a very strong urge to have sex with her! Helen shrugged it off, she quickly got out of bed and dressed to try and avoid her urge. Karen had a very short silky nightdress on that showed off her beautiful breasts, shoulders, and legs. It took a lot of resilience on Helen's part to stop herself from jumping her! Quicker than lightning, she headed to the bathroom to wash and brush her teeth and headed straight into the kitchen for coffee, it was all she could do to stop herself.

Karen waltzed into the kitchen still in her nightdress.

"Good morning Helen. Are you feeling better?" She asked her friend

Helen apologized for last night and explained what an arsehole her boss had been. She was on the verge of quitting her job. If it wasn't for the need to pay bills, she would; but if she did that, they would both struggle. Karen had a small-time job in the off-licence around the corner from where they lived, though her wage wasn't enough to pay everything. Karen listened with empathy, paying attention to every word Helen said while trying hard not to be distracted by the beauty that was in front of her! She pushed a wisp of long dark hair away from her friend's gorgeous blue eyes and gave her a hug. Finally, she spoke.

"Don't quit because of that jerk! Kick his arse and show him that you won't tolerate it. No means no, period! He should know better, being your boss."

Karen was mad, but she knew how to stay calm in circumstances like these. She looked deep into her friend's eyes, then continued,

"You are worth the weight of gold. Make him respect you, if he values you for your work with the company then he will!"

Helen nodded. She knew that Karen was right. She didn't really want to go to work today, but the idiot would dock her wages if she didn't turn up. She decided Karen's advice was good, and she was going to stand up to him. After all, if she lost her job today there were more companies out there that would take her on in no time with her expertise and typing speed. There was no way she was going to let him pull her down!

Helen got changed for work straight after her chat and coffee with Karen. She was still fuming, and she was going to confront that twat of a boss of hers without holding anything back. She had had enough of him. She didn't tell Karen the whole story; last week he had squeezed her arse and tried touching her breasts. She almost hit him, and right now, she wished that she had.


Helen got into work at ten past nine. She stormed through reception and straight into her Boss's office.

"Good day, sexy." Her boss greeted her as she stormed into the room. Helen gave him her fiercest look, right now the worst thing he could do was compliment her, especially using that word 'sexy.' Who the fuck did he think he was, a fucking porn star! The very thought made her want to vomit.

"Can I have a word?" She asked him, not bothering to refer to him by his name. No! the bastard didn't deserve that!

"Well, your in my office, and the name is Mr. Smithson," the boss replied firmly.

"I don't care what your name is, but if you dare come on to me again, I'll have your name all over social media before you know it." Helen spat at him.

"I was coming on to you?! You fucking walk in here in a short skirt, tarted up, and expect me not to!" Smithson snarled at her.

Helen grabbed hold of him by the scruff of his neck and pinned him to the table. Smithson was stunned, he couldn't say a word.

"Would you like me to go to the fucking police, and slam your name all over the papers as well as social media? I will tell them about the male office pervert who thinks he is god's gift to women. Oh and just for the record, I am into women, not fucking men." Helen pushed him deeper into the table and walked out.

"One other thing, stuff your stupid job up to your fucking butt, I don't need it!" She shouted at him, walking out of the door."

Helen was smirking when she got out of that cocky bastard's office. She was thrilled with herself for standing up to him. She was glad to see the end of him, although she really wanted to cut his dick right off, she wasn't going to land herself with a jail sentence over him.


Helen was buzzing when she walked through the door of her comfy flat. She was whistling a T.A.T.U. song called 'All the things she said.' She couldn't wait to see Karen and tell her what she had done.

She found Karen stretched out on the couch wearing a cami-top and a slinky pair of shorts. She had tied her hair back with a rose band, and her make-up was lush. She looked mouth-watering gorgeous, and Helen could barely control herself!

"Can we have a chat?" Helen asked Karen nervously.

Karen replied with "Bed sounds better."

At that moment, Helen realized what Karen was hinting at. She replied

"I think I'm in love with you."

Karen was stumped, she had to think carefully about her words, she had been planning on telling Helen how she felt, but she wasn't sure Helen was serious.

"Helen, it's ok. You don't have to...." Karen started, but Helen interrupted her.

"Don't have to what? Wait another year until I'm ready to tell you how I feel?"

Karen just looked at her, desperation and temptation took over and she leaned over and kissed her.

Helen had been waiting for this moment. She had hidden her feelings for too long. Had she known that Karen had been feeling this way, she might have said something sooner. She took Karen's top straight off her and immediately started licking her nipples. She moved her hands slowly down her curves and then slipped her knickers off with her fingers. Karen let out a soft moan while massaging Helen's beautiful breasts. Helen then slipped her fingers onto Karen's clit massaging her until she came, while Helen did the same thing back. They were both steaming, and Helen decided to be playful. She opened up a tub of Vanilla Icecream and put a spoonful on Karen's beautiful soft clit. She massaged it in, then licked it off. That sent Karen over the edge, and she was soaking and desperate to come, but she wasn't going to come again until Helen came with her. She held off until Helen had finished, completely breathless. She then rolled Helen over and did the same thing with the ice cream. The two of them were moaning louder now, and they were both ready to come. They massaged each other's clit at the same time, coming ecstatically and in chorus with each other.

They were both shattered after their sex session, so they took themselves off to bed together, falling asleep wrapped in each other's arms. Karen smiled, this was the best night she had ever had, and she was determined to never let Helen go.


About the Creator

Carol Townend

Fiction, Horror, Sex, Love, Mental Health, Children's fiction and more. You'll find many stories in my profile. I don't believe in sticking with one Niche! I write, but I also read a lot too.

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    Carol TownendWritten by Carol Townend

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