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His Maid Got Pregnant For Him

The Man Who Impregnated His Maid

By Eyitemi NurainPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
His Maid Got Pregnant For Him
Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

Early in the summer of 1998, Jack stormed out of his house in a boss fashion-like style, "Hey Ava I'm off to work" he told his wife. That is how it has always been for Ava if Jack left off to work, she feels a bit lonely/ Ava have being a college graduate with petty jobs, while her husband had always been the breadwinner of the family, Jack looks back and thought in his mind " I damn hate this job, it takes away a lot of my family time". Jack is a full-time pliot with one of the popular airways in Atlanta, during those times in the old, pilots are overworked and are barely chanced to go for camping with their family, just as everyone else had the oppportunity, Jack didn't, staying away from his wife could only mean one thing, no intimacy between him, and his wife for a long period of time. That's the kind of life the family is adapted to. They had a son called Bright, who seem to be very agile and excelling in school works. It is nighttime, Bright just got back from school, since he is five years old, all he could think was to do his school assignment, play with building blocks and try to build things just like the engineer he aspired to be. However, claps of thunderstorms waved through the window, Bright got scared, one for himself and the other for his dad who flies high above in the sky, since he had been on a plane in their squeezed time last year for their summer camp in Little Diomede Island, he knows how scary the plane could be. "Bright, Bright" his mom called feeling a bit shocked seeing Bright in her matrimonial room, she figured out with her mom instinct what has happened, and she moved him to bed, and Bright didn't sleep until a bed night story about The Spider-Man, his favorite movie before sleep. Ava was a kind hard-working woman despite her lack of a well-paid white-collar job due to she studied anthropology at the university. A lot of museums are not accepting new employees. Ava sells groceries, in a mini grocery store, not too big. But she never gave up her dream of getting a 9-5 paid job or furthering her education, however, this has not been easy for her. Unexpectedly they heard a vibrating shaking bang on the door. Ava and bright screamed "Who is that", who else could it be, they are not expecting a stalker or something. It should be definitely Jack. "I think he's back home," Bright said, with a grim smile of happiness, at least the poor boy could see his DAD again. Jack's company always provides him with a fat jumbo pay, that's enough to set his wife up at the grocery store and send his kid Bright to a good school. There is always a hotel room for Jack to lodge in provided by his company. Jack started narrating his work experience to his wife. Ava always took pity on him due to the fact that he was the breadwinner of the family.

"GROOM, GROOM" that's the notification sound on work over Android like operating system, It was a Saturday everyone was at home except for a few people who still work on Saturdays. Ava received an email on her phone that she had been given a scholarship which she applied for over a year now. She was so excited she told Jack and Her Son she would be traveling to England soon to get her master's done with the best researcher at Harvard University in anthropology, hopefully, that could give her an edge when applying for jobs. The time finally came, Ava have packed her bags full of lady stuff and mom's things. She bade her son farewell with a kiss on his head. It was on a bright Monday morning, Jack haven't traveled yet to his piloting job. As they were giving each other a goodbye message, a night before they had ordered a domestic staff from a website to fill the vacuum of chores Ava always do for Bright and to keep the home clean. Jack wasn't the type of person that does the cleaning, in fact, he hated all forms of cleaning, he always hires a professional to get things done for him. A few days after Ava left, the domestic staffing company sent a female staff to work as a maid, she gets paid $1000 a month, Jack could afford he is a rich dude from his pilot job. He earns almost 10 times that a month as a pilot. This maid was a busty person, her name was Sophia, and she had several experiences taking care of kids as a nanny. This fateful morning, she was cleaning the table, while Jack was passing by the living room. "Hi Sophia," Jack said to the maid and smiled seductively before he made his way out to chill with his friends. Sophia exposing features keep arising in his mind. He kept on dreaming of her. He came back on a Tuesday, leaving Sophia and Bright in the house, what a reckless life a father could live. He came back home drunk and saw Sophia using the vacuum cleaner while Bright was at school. Under the influence of Alcohol, he quickly grabbed her backside, then boom the rest was history. He successfully made out with Sophia, and while she couldn't resist, one is that she was too weak to fight back both emotionally and physically. Jack and Sophia kept behaving as if nothing happened while keeping Bright on the dark side without being suspicious of his cheating dad. Jack began to notice the symptoms of pregnancy since he wasn't new to the game anymore. He knew Sophia was pregnant, he had impregnated the made without any sort of protection, while he was making out with her. He however did not forget to blame himself as a cheater. He knew his wife didn't cheat on him during his tours as a pilot, despite being away from home. He felt remorse however, it was too late that did have been done. Jack keeps on thinking about his life, what if his wife found out, he had once discussed this with the made, and she said she could not allow abortion, as her doctors have warned her previously against getting another abortion done to her ovaries. This saddens jack as he kept on contemplating suicide, he also thought of killing Sophia, but he could not get the nerve, and he swallowed hard in a deep wallowing of regrets. After some few months, Ava decided to come home, back to her family she thought she would meet them happily, so she sent a fax message to Jack on their home machine about her coming home. Jack couldn't just take all this. He felt like exploding, he checked his fax with deep regret, He saw his company mail, he has to resume duty soon, while his wife would be back home for a few months, she would definitely discover the pregnant maid. Since the domestic staff company does not rotate their staff once assigned a place of work.

If you were in Jack's shoes, what would you do? Remember this is a true-life story I wrapped up as fiction. The original source of this issue is actually on a forum. What advice would you give jack, comment below, and do not forget to subscribe, and tip if you enjoy this work.

Here is the link to the forum real life story, this happened of recent lol.

You can read up on my next article here:


About the Creator

Eyitemi Nurain

I am a Web Developer and a UX designer, a Content Writer and Social Media Manager, and a bug bounty hunter.

You can also find me on Medium for more mind blowing stories,

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    Eyitemi NurainWritten by Eyitemi Nurain

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