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Helpful Delivery Driver

Angels on Earth

By DSPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
Helpful Delivery Driver
Photo by George Gvasalia on Unsplash

My name is Leon. I am a 38 year old man who is blind. I am good looking according to my friends and I have a rather large staff that has a mind all its own. I live on my own and depend on a few services that help me out to manage a living. My local grocery has always delivered to me everything I needed.

I was on my porch waiting on my weekly order.

A soft gentle voice spoke up and said " Are you Mr. Leon ?"

I replied " Yes I am, are you from the grocery store miss? "

The voice said " I am Amy, I just started on the registers this week. Mark the regular delivery guy is on vacation and the boss asked me to bring this over for you. He explained the circumstances and I am happy to help you out."

I said " Thank you so much Amy. If you could just put everything on this cart for me I can do the rest. I appreciate the service very much and I have your tip waiting on the kitchen table. "

Amy made a few trips and had the cart fully loaded. She said " You are ready Leon. Let me help you put it away. "

Amy put my hand on her shoulder and she started walking into my home. She was shorter than me from the height my hand rested on her shoulders. She seemed to move with purpose and rather quickly through the home.

Amy went through the items and I had her put them where I keep them so I could find them. It would be the first time anyone has actually helped me put away the groceries.

Amy asked " Would you mind If I looked at something else, I want to see your manhood hard and I would be very gracious, and I will not leave it that way I assure you ?"

I replied " That is a very personal item Amy, I do know that you are at least 21 to work there at the store so your age is fine, but why would you want to do that ?

Amy replied in a very low soft voice " I peeked up your shorts when I was putting away your cleaners and noticed that even though you have on underwear and big shorts, your member is packing quite a bulge in your shorts and I have only had rather average size men. "

I laughed and said " Oh curiosity then, sure let us go into the bedroom as my assistant will be here soon to drop off today's work and pick up last night's work. "

She walked into the bedroom and stripped off my shorts and underwear. She lay me in the middle of the bed and started by grabbing me with her hand. She massaged me with it a few minutes, moving the other hand up with it. She must of lowered her mouth on to my shaft as my whole head and shaft was extremely warm and I felt her tongue flicking my head of my shaft.

She worked at me for a good five minutes, licking every inch of my shaft. She would pop me in and out of her lips. She would bury me deep into her throat and I could feel her start to gag as she hit bottom. My staff was extremely hard and throbbing when she lifted off me.

Amy said " You are quite huge Leon and I enjoy the sight of your manhood, it stirs so much in me I can not control myself. May I try and ride you with my love machine baby ?"

I said " You may try, but do not hurt yourself honey, I do not wish to hurt you with it ok, if it is too much I understand alright. "

Amy replied " Yes Leon, I understand and I will be careful with you and me both."

I could feel Amy stand on the bed and bounce around some. I felt her slim legs straddle my mid section as a very hot wet love machine was resting on my head of my shaft. She grabbed me with a hand and started rubbing herself with it getting it wet. I felt some extreme pressure as she was trying to fit me into her very small, tight wet hole.

Attempt after attempt was made and she could not make it past the head of my shaft. I felt her hand rest on my chest. Her other hand took my shaft in hand and she tried one more time. Still it did not make it in.

I felt some more bouncing on the bed and then my shaft was engulfed by her mouth. She sucked me in with each up stroke, and buried me deeper and deeper with every down stroke. She kept her pace and I unleashed an explosion that would make a construction worker blush. She kept pace and swallowed every drop.

She lay her head next to my shaft and I could feel her tongue licking the base where some juices had escaped her mouth. My shaft was still spilling my juices when I heard the front door close.

I heard Trina, my assistant make her way through the house to the bedroom.

Trina said, standing next to the bed " It is about time you used that monster, you have been needing to get laid for a long while babe. "

I set up in bed and so did Amy. I said " Trina please describe Amy to me my dear. "

Trina said " She is very slim, with long red hair. A very nice set of breasts with very hard nipples at the moment. Her bush is neatly trimmed into a heart shape on her cute monkey. Small in size, I'd say four foot something. A very cute and now blushing face. I would guess her to be 29 or 30 years old."

I replied " Thank you Trina, but you forgot to add a very tight love monkey, she could not get me into it. "

Trina spoke up " Leon looking at the size of you I would have problems getting that thing inside of me and I have had two kids darling. "

Amy giggling said " You two have never, I mean ever ?"

Trina answered " No Amy we have never, it was not for lack of trying on my part though, he always said he was hard to please and did not want to hurt me. "

Amy was stroking my still erect shaft and said "Well I was not able to get him in this time, but I am not giving up so easily. Leon I am going to be visiting more often now and I will fit you into my monkey. Maybe Trina can help us out if she would enjoy it, looks like you need at least two women to calm your loving down. "

Trina giggled and said " Yes Leon, that is our next project, you are so far ahead at work you deserve a break and some rest and relax time. "

We all lay there the rest of the day talking. Trina and Amy each took turns stroking me off several times as we lay in bed just getting to know each other.


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