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Heavy Hearts (p1)

Kyla Wagner is a 30-year-old plus-sized woman who has never been in a serious relationship. Her self-esteem and past experiences with bullying make her reluctant to leave her comfort zone. When 32-year-old Owen Burkwell, an athletic and devilishly handsome high school P.E. coach, takes interest in her, she has a night of passion with him she'll never forget. Is this love or just a one-night-stand?

By CD TurnerPublished 3 months ago 15 min read
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Kyla Wagner sipped at her drink at the bar as her friends talked around her. She was uncomfortable on the bar stool which was designed for thinner people with smaller buttocks. The sleeveless top her friend, Amira, had convinced her to wear was making her self-conscious, knowing that her big arms and underarm fat was on display. She swept her long brunette hair over her shoulders, wanting to disappear entirely.

At her ripe age of 30, she had tried every known diet imaginable and taken pill after pill. She went on regular walks with her dogs and tried to eat healthily. Even her drink tonight was a light beer. For all her efforts, she expected it to payoff, but her body seemed resistant to change. She hated going to doctors, knowing they were going to tell her the same thing. "Lose weight, quit eating carbs, quit eating sugar, quit drinking soda..." She was beginning to become desperate enough to consider surgical intervention.

She told herself she wanted to be healthy, but supermodels and actresses weren't commended for how healthy they were. She would never be a supermodel, but she wanted to look in the mirror and like what she saw. She wanted to be social and active. Most of all, she wanted a lover.

She knew she wasn't going to end up with an 8-packed, 6'5 Adonis. Such expectations were only achievable by petit blonde bombshells who wore tight yoga pants and sports bras everywhere she went. She didn't care about height or dad bods, she just wanted to share her life, her apartment, and especially her bed with someone.

She stared into the dissolving froth in her glass, wondering why she agreed to come out tonight. Her coworker, Marna, had begged Kyla to join them for a girls' night and Kyla had problems saying no.

Kyla didn't expect to be hit on tonight. Her friends were, who were slender and curvy, but not as big as she was. She couldn't deny her jealousy of their bodies which seemed flawless, not an ounce of fat in sight. She became more and more depressed as the night continued. Marna was having an animated discussion with some blond, blue-eyed beefcake about hiking trips she'd been on. Amira laughed heartily as a tall, dark, and handsome man told her stories about his job as a fitness trainer.

On her third beer, Kyla decided to call it a night. She was retrieving her phone from her purse to order an Uber when a stranger filled the vacated bar stool next to her. She cast a glance at him and then found herself unable to look away.

He had dark hair, the fringe swept over his forehead in a fan of tendrils. His eyes were mousey brown and crinkled from his smile, a smile punctuated by dimples. Five o'clock shadow dusted his lower face and jaw and Kyla found herself wondering what it would feel like against her own face.

"Hello. I'm Owen." he introduced himself. "I've been nervously watching you like a creep. Thought I'd take a shot and talk to you. If that's too much, just turn me away. I won't take it personally."

Kyla was immediately skeptical. She examined the other tables in the bar, looking for the group of snickering guys that put him up to this, dared him to go ask out the fat girl.

"I'm Kyla." she told him, still suspicious.

"Kyla." he repeated and she ignored the caress of his voice on her name that made her heart quicken. "That's a pretty name. Fits you, because you're a pretty woman."

She blushed, but still looked around her cautiously. Amira and Marna were watching her surreptitiously (and failing.)

"Did my friends put you up to this?" Kyla asked wearily, gesturing toward them.

His eyebrows rose in confusion. "No. I don't know those women. I've only had eyes for you tonight."

Kyla wasn't used to flirting. The couple of times it happened in high school turned out to be a joke and it hurt her more than she let show. She'd been too terrified of rejection to put herself out there. Even her father told her she would find it hard to get a man while being heavy.

"So, Kyla...where do you work?" Owen asked.

Kyla swirled her beer around her glass. "At a clerk office. I do data entry. Not my dream job, but I'm trying to get my Bachelor's in software engineering."

"Thinking of being a programmer?" he wondered, sipping from his own beer glass.

"Something like that." she answered briefly. "What do you do?"

"I teach P.E. at Carver High."

Kyla made a face and Owen laughed.

"Sorry, it's just all I remember about P.E. was the hyperactive boys goofing around." she explained.

Kyla also recalled the locker rooms where she changed out in the bathroom stall to avoid eyes on her. She envied the girls who weren't embarrassed about their bodies, all stripping off in front of each other, throwing bottles and cans of perfume and deodorant back and forth. But she wasn't going to mention that to Owen.

"It's a tough job. I also coach the soccer team in the spring." he commented.

"I played soccer in middle school." Kyla mumbled, not knowing why she was admitting this.

"Oh, really? What position did you play?" he asked curiously.

"I honestly don't remember. My dad forced me to join, he was friends with the coach. I kind of hated it."

Kyla found it easy to talk to Owen, probably due to the alcohol. For some reason, he captivated her, how he seemed to look at her with genuine interest. Men hardly gave her a second glance, so to still have this man's attention intrigued her.

"P.E. and sports were really awkward, huh? I hated it when I was a kid, too." he said.

Kyla couldn't hide her disbelief, looking over his built shoulders and fit physique. Owen noticed her eyes looking him over.

"I wasn't always muscular. When I was 12, I was a scrawny kid with bad acne, I weighed only 70 lbs soaking wet."

"I...don't relate. Obviously." Kyra said awkwardly, her cheeks flaring in embarrassment. "I've always been big. Too big."

She wanted to melt into the floor. Why couldn't she just shut up about her insecurities? Amira once told her confidence was sexy, but that's easy for her to say, being a long-legged, hourglass-shaped smoke show.

"Whoever said you were too big was right. You were too big for them to handle. And they weren't big enough to be worth your time." he said simply. "I'd like a chance to prove my worth."

His eyes were dilated, simmering like melting chocolate.

Kyla should say no. She hardly knew this man. This was the type of scenario that usually ended in a homicide case shown on Dateline. But the way he looked at her, the legitimate desire in his eyes made her throb down below.

"Okay." Kyla nearly whispered.

Owen's smile brightened and he took Kyla's hand off her beer glass and kissed it.

"Your place or mine?" he asked.


Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit.

The mantra repeated in her head as the Uber driver stopped in front of her apartment building. She got out of the car with Owen at her heels. She gulped as he towered over her. She was only 5'4 and he was right at 6 ft.

"You sure you're good with this?" Owen asked tenderly. "We could just exchange numbers and text for a while."

Kyla's heart thudded against her ribcage. "I want this."

He smiled down at her, reaching a hand up to caress her face. She walked forward, suddenly obsessing over her clothes. The sleeveless shirt was slipping further down, revealing dangerous amounts of cleavage. Her shapewear under her jeans was squeezing the life out of her ass. She was about to get naked. What if once she's all revealed to him, he changed his mind? She didn't think she could take the shame.

She was back at her apartment door before she realized it. She unlocked her door and allowed Owen inside. Her apartment was small, only one bedroom and one bath with a meager living room and a tiny kitchen. Her dogs, Mindy and Max, excitedly sniffed Owen and he gave them tentative pets. Mindy was a German Shepherd and Border Collie mix and Max was a Weimaraner. Kyla had dedicated a lot of time to training them and made her daily walks far more enjoyable. Kyla gave them each a fresh rawhide bone while she crated them for the night.

"My bedroom's right through here." Kyla said nervously. "I'm gonna...take a quick shower."

"One moment, please?" Owen asked.

Kyla looked at him as he came closer. Very close. So close, she could feel his breath on her face. He had eaten some mints recently. He gently held her face in his palms, angling his head down to press his lips onto hers. The kiss was chaste at first but slowly became frenzied as she melted against him. A small gasp escaped as his tongue begged to play with hers. She acquiesced, the taste of beer and mint filling her mouth.

She'd never been kissed like this before. The closest she ever got was Bryson Fielding back in 10th grade. She misread signals and thought he wanted to kiss her.

"Whoa...I like you and all, Kyla. But not like that." he had dismissed her.

"Why not?" Kyla asked, deeply embarrassed.

"You're just..." he looked her over, definitely eyeing her plump body in disgust, "not my type is all."

Owen's lips parted from hers too soon. He grinned salaciously down at her, his own cheeks reddened, pupils blown wide, taking over the brown.

"Something to think about in the shower." he offered with a dark chuckle.

Reluctantly, she went into the bathroom. Did she even pick out an outfit to wear? She didn't own lingerie. She took a quick shower, all too aware of her chubby stomach and flabby thighs. She washed off the sweat of the day, making sure she cleaned between her legs. She sulked miserably at her fat legs. They weren't slender and smooth like Marna's. They were chunky and pebbled with visible hair follicles.

How could he want this? I don't even want this.

Afterward, she dried off and put on a robe. Maybe she wasn't in a good headspace for this. But she was so tired of being lonely and endlessly horny. She would take what she could get. She came out of the bathroom and nearly choked on her tongue at the magnificent sight on her bed.

He had undressed to his boxers, all his tanned skin and muscles on display. The front of his boxers was bulging and Kyla couldn't believe it. Was that for her? Did he get hard because of her?

He smiled sweetly, sitting on the side of the bed.

"Hope it's not too presumptuous, but I've brought a strip of condoms." he told me, pulling them out from under him. "You okay?"

Kyla felt like she had to be honest. He was so gentle and sweet. She hoped he would stay that way.

"I've...never done this before." she confessed, tugging her robe closed.

"You mean one-night stands?" he asked.

"I" Kyla admitted, her voice tapering down to an embarrassed whisper.

"You're a virgin?" he asked incredulously.

Kyla couldn't believe how dense he was.

"Is that so hard to believe?!" she nearly yelled. "I'm fat! Men don't like fat women."

He wasn't angry. He seemed almost pitying. Kyla wasn't sure which was worse.

"What arrogant, dickbrained asshole told you that?" he asked, taking her hands in his.

Kyla blushed beet red as the first tear slid down her cheek.

"My dad. Boys at school." Kyla answered thickly. "Society."

"I'm so sorry they told you all those lies. Because they are lies. Because when I look at you, I see a big beautiful woman who should be loved." Owen claimed, kissing her hands. "Come on...let me see you..."

Kyla slowly opened the robe, revealing more and more of herself. She expected horror to darken his face but the more skin she showed, the harder he breathed. The robe fell to the ground and Owen took her in with greedy eyes. Kyla's breath caught in her throat as he started palming his cock through his boxers which grew bigger with each stroke.

"Lay down...let me take care of you." he insisted, his voice laced with pure sin.

Kyla shivered, but not from the cold. She joined him in bed, lying next to him. His body rolled over hers and she moaned at the feeling of his hot, muscled torso against her bare skin. The bulge of his erection nestled between her thighs, his slight movements against her center releasing a torrent of arousal.

"Gonna take this slowly...stop me at any time if you need to." Owen requested.

Kyla was too aroused to speak. Owen's lips attacked hers, his teeth nipping at the sensitive flesh. He kissed down her neck, sucking on the skin, definitely leaving marks. His kisses trailed down her collarbone and up the swell of her breast. Her breasts were big like the rest of her and she had to get specifically fitted bras made. Owen worshipped her breasts, taking each in his hands and crushing his face between them. Kyla giggled as he motorboated her.

"I love your fucking beautiful." he said reverently.

He sucked a nipple into his mouth and Kyla mewled at the sensation. He licked and sucked at one nipple while playing with the other, thumb revolving around the areola. Kyla moaned wantonly, the pleasure seeming to head straight to her pussy, making her clit throb.

He continued his journey south and Kyla's nerves resurfaced. She knew what he was about to do. She was shy about this part of herself. She knew her pussy didn't resemble the pictures of female anatomy. She thought her labia was too large. Boys in high school would make jokes about "roast-beef pussies" and she wasn't sure whether the insinuation that it was about fat girls, slutty girls, or both.

" to me." Owen begged. "Is this still a green light? I need to know."

"I'm parts don't look like they should." Kyla muttered shamefully.

"Have you had surgery down here?" Owen wondered.

"No, it's just...ugly and hairy."

"Kyla..." Owen started gently. "No woman's parts are the perfect, airbrushed, photoshopped types seen in magazines. I don't expect you to have a perfect pornstar pussy."

Kyla took a deep breath and allowed her thighs to part. Owen stared down between her legs. Rather than recoiling, he unconsciously licked his lips. His fingers dipped into her folds. She gasped as he spread her lower lips.

"So wet...your pussy's beautiful like the rest of you." Owen said simply, like it was a fact. "And I want nothing more than to bury my face in it right now. Please? Let me have the honor?"

Never in her life would she have thought a man would beg to eat her out. Kyla nodded and Owen's head immediately dipped down. At the first touch of his tongue, she thought she would burst into flames. He licked her from opening to clit, flicking his tongue against the tight bundle of nerves. A wild yell of pleasure burst from Kyla's throat as he feasted between her legs.

"Goddamn, you taste amazing." he grunted against her wet flesh. "Gonna make you come, sweet girl."

He sucked her clit into his mouth and Kyla couldn't stop the stream of swears and cries out to God as her body keened. Her pelvis bucked upwards, grinding herself against his mouth, desperate for his wicked, talented tongue. The pleasure increased in intensity, blooming from her lower belly, up her spine. When it peaked, she fell apart, gripping her bedsheets as the massive orgasm rocketed through her body.

While she was coming down from her high, he took off his boxers. Kyla glanced down at his cock with sudden apprehension.

"Oh,'re huge." Kyla commented.

"Which is why I wanna ask...are you intact?" he wondered.

Kyla blushed. "No, I've...used toys before."

He waggled his eyebrows, making her laugh. "Bet that's a sight to see."

Kyla bit her lip as she examined his dick. She had nothing to compare it to but it was less intimidating the more she looked.

"Can I--?" she motioned with her hand.

"Be my guest." he responded with a smirk.

She lightly gripped his cock, making him illicit a small moan. She expected roughness but felt only skin, his rigidity like steel encased in velvet. She thumbed over the veins of his shaft, intrigued when the tip of his cock leaked pre-cum.

She wanted to taste him.

She angled herself on the bed where her head was right at his crotch.

"Oh, you don't need to do that right now..." Owen said, though the twitch of his cock told a different story.

Kyla tried her best at a sultry look. "I want to. You did it for me."

She'd only watched a couple of videos out of curiosity. She wasn't about to deep-throat him like the hardcore videos, but she read up on how to give blowjobs.

"I am clean, by the way. Though if you want to use a condom, I won't be offended." he told her.

"I trust you." Kyla said, and she did.

She kissed the tip of his cock and he sighed in pleasure. Kyla pressed kisses down his glans, his shaft, and down to his balls. His skin tasted earthy, like men's body wash but also a hint of musky sweetness. She licked a stripe from his scrotum to the tip. Owen's whole body responded, the moan rumbling deep in his chest. He laid back, head on one arm, watching Kyla as she continued licking his shaft. Pre-cum erupted and she got her first taste of his essence. It was salty but was like a concentrated taste of his skin.

Kyla never thought she would like doing this, but Owen made some of the most delicious sounds she had ever heard in her life. She took his tip into her mouth, sucking and swirling her tongue around him.

"Fucking have angel lips, sweet girl." he groaned. "You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth."

Kyla's body was on fire again at his praise. She wrapped her hand around the inches she couldn't fit in her mouth. She pushed and pulled him through her lips and fist. He was fighting his body's urge to thrust, his abdominal muscles undulating before her. Owen's eyes were rolling, his thighs were trembling as she pleasured him. It was incredibly arousing, having this much power over him.

"I'm so close..." Owen moaned. "You gonna swallow, sweet girl?"

Kyla nodded while working him feverishly.

"Oh, fuck...I'm gonna come down your throat...think you can drink every drop, baby?" he asked.

Kyla nodded once more, his filthy talk turning her on even more. His moans crescendoed louder and louder. Finally, his thighs flexed and his balls contracted as he unloaded into her mouth, crying out from his orgasm. Kyla swallowed every bit she could, licking up the drops she missed.

He breathed heavily as she laid back down beside him, quite proud of herself. She got up to brush her teeth, but he dragged her back down.

"Oh, I'm not done with you, yet." he promised, kissing her full on the mouth, despite his cum still being on her mouth. "Give me ten minutes and I'll fuck you senseless."

And true to his word, rolled over her once more with a new erection, this time encased in latex.

"Still gonna take it slow at first." Owen assured her. "Just keep breathing."

He fit his pelvis between her legs, angling his cock against her entrance. Gently, ever so gently, he entered her and Kyla stared at him in wonder as he stretched her open. He was bigger than her vibrator, so there was some initial discomfort.

"Jeeesus, you're tight..." Owen commented. "You feel so fucking good."

When he moved, the discomfort quickly faded and Kyla gasped at the incredible blooming pleasure his cock was igniting.

"Ohhhhh...sweet girl. Your pussy is amazing..." he moaned, kissing her lips.

His thrusts increased in tempo and Kyla clutched onto his shoulders as he fucked her in earnest. She knew what all the songs, films, and dirty music videos were about now. His pelvis smacked against her belly loudly as he pistoned faster and faster between her legs.

"Shit...are you close? Don't know if I can..." Owen tapered off into a moan.

His hand ventured down below her belly in search of her clit. Kyla cried out as the outstanding pleasure climbed higher and higher until it went over the peak, sending quaking, rapturous contractions of ecstasy through her body. As she came back to Earth, Owen hit his climax as well, swearing as he emptied into the condom.

Kyla was floating high on a sex hormone cocktail and didn't feel Owen leave the bed. She knew from various sex advice columns that she should get up to pee, but she couldn't feel her legs just yet. Owen returned to the bed.

"Can I stay here tonight?" he asked.

"You can stay forever..." Kyla mumbled dreamily.

He chuckled softly. "Let's hope so. Good night, Kyla."


About the Creator

CD Turner

I write stories and articles. Sometimes they're good.

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    CD TurnerWritten by CD Turner

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