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Do Aphrodisiacs Work?

While the effects of aphrodisiacs haven’t been scientifically proven, their psychological effects still get the job done.

By Lizzie BoudoirPublished 8 years ago 6 min read

I made the mistake of reading up on so-called aphrodisiacs, or love potions, after eating a hearty lunch. The portions that gullible people have downed in an attempt to increase sexual prowess would turn innards. Or perhaps you would refer a concoction of dead bees tossed in a bottle with a little liquid, sealed, left to disintegrate for a couple of months, and then shaken well and swallowed. Or would you be tempted by a serving of powdered partridge brains? If I had to drink those mixtures I would be crawling into a sick bed instead of a love bed. Most of the world must agree with me, for these ancient brews have fallen out of favor. Fear not though, mother nature has not let you down, aphrodisiacs abound.

Not all of the aphrodisiacs that men and women have taken over the centuries have been revolting. Some, such as special creams and oils, you didn’t have to eat at all, you just rubbed them on the appropriate organ. For some, these stirred the sexual juices, for others, they simply improved skin texture.

Everyday Foods as Aphrodisiacs

Photo by Ben Fink

Other aphrodisiacs have been downright delectable, like oysters, artichokes, caviar, honey, chocolate, eggs, avocados, raw or rare beef, mushrooms, truffles, and lobster. Delicious foods for all, aphrodisiacs for some. Does it seem unusual that such fine cuisine is scientifically an aphrodisiac? Perhaps not. Perhaps sitting across the table from a man who does not hesitate to order the most expensive gourmet delights is the aphrodisiac. Or is it the fine establishments with their impeccable menus that create the right environment for sexual stimulation? Those legends about the magic properties of various foods may not be scientifically proven, but there is no doubt of their correlation. While I’m disillusioning you, I might as well add a few more categories to the list of items that aren’t quite aphrodisiacs, but have definitive correlations to increased sexual drive, like roots, herbs, and vitamins.

There is a surprising number of people who really believe that ginseng, damiana, aposte, myrtle, and burdcock will make you sexier. I’m afraid if it does, it’s a purely psychological response, as none of these roots and herbs have the power to stir you physically. However, there is a good deal to be said for a nice placebo effect. It doesn’t really matter why you feel sexier, what science has proven is that if you feel sexier, you will be sexier. And nothing gets the blood flowing like being attracted to yourself as well as your partner. A placebo can be an actual aphrodisiac if your brain is habitualized to believe it.

Vitamins and Libido

Photo by Ben Fink

Now about vitamins and sex. The great vitamin controversy rages one. While there had been research done with cattle showing that vitamin E helps to be better breeders, there was no proof that the bull enjoyed it more or had experienced any sexual stimulation. Go ahead and try 100 international units a day if you wish. It won’t harm you and, if you get any results, let me know. Hordes of people began taking vitamin E a couple of years ago when a magazine article touted it as a sexual stimulant. Of the people I personally know who went on the vitamin E fad, no one reported any increased sexuality. However, the fact that you’re willing to go out and buy something to increase sexuality shows a dedication to improving your sex life, which in and of itself can act as an aphrodisiac.

I asked a nutritionist and several doctors about the rumor that para-aminobenzoic acid, called PABA for obvious reasons, is an aphrodisiac. The doctors all pooh-poohed it, although they admitted they hadn’t tried this little-known B vitamin. The nutritionist wouldn’t say if he had used PABA as an aphrodisiac or not, but he did state that while PABA didn’t work for women, there was a possibility that, taken in the right dosages, PABA might have an aphrodisiac effect on men. But before you get too interested, remember that no laboratory or field tests have run to prove or disprove it and some nutritionists feel that PABA, taken in large amounts, can cause a deficiency of other B vitamins. However, just because a doctor says there is no proof something will work does not mean that there’s proof that it won’t. In fact, it usually means there is absolutely no proof it doesn’t work, otherwise the doctor would cite the evidence of its ineffectiveness. Therefore, PABA, if taken in moderation, may be a good place to start if you’re looking for something to boost your libido. Even if it doesn’t work from a scientific perspective, there’s always a chance it will work psychologically, as we discussed before.

Vitamin C is supposed to give rabbits increased sexual stamina, but again, there is no evidence that vitamin C is anything more than a necessary booster of good health in the human. Again, this doesn’t mean there is proof that it doesn’t work, either. And vitamin C is nothing but helpful even if it doesn’t increase sex drive, so why not give it a try? Scientifically, your libido is directly correlated to your health. In that respect, vitamins and any other supplement that balances your body’s needs eventually enhance sexual prowess.

Love is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac

Photo by Ben Fink

Here are a few more. Pomegranates, ambergris, poppy seeds, and nutmeg will not turn you on sexually, and I guess by now everyone knows that Spanish Fly is not an aphrodisiac but a horrible drug that can cause one of the most torturous sensations in this world, and that is love. Love, in fact, is the ultimate aphrodisiac. No chemistry lab will ever be able to duplicate the wondrous effect his look, his voice, and his caress have on your body.

So forget about science or witchcraft coming up with wonder mix that will set your glands on fire and concentrate on teaching your body to respond naturally. Once you have trained on how to be a sensuous woman, you won’t need any artificial stimulants. However, we have learned a few things from the endless experiments of the aphrodisiac hounds that you should keep in mind. For instance, alcohol, taken in small quantities, can be an effective relaxing agent for a man who is still tense and mentally relieving a rough business day. It can also take your mind off of the act of sex itself and keep you more in tune with the physical sensations, leading to more powerful orgasms. I won’t even get started on the intriguing debate as to marijuana’s effect on your libido.

What not to eat is as important as what to eat when it comes to honing a sexual appetite. The wise woman knows to feed a man a high protein and low carbohydrate dinner if she wants a good sexual performance from him that night. If she stuffs him with macaroni, bread, potatoes, rich sauces, and cake at seven, he will be snoring in front of the TV by nine and maybe dead with a coronary by ten. Most of the so-called aphrodisiacs in the food category, like oysters, asparagus, mushrooms, and lobster are high energy, low calorie foods. If you pop them into his gullet for dinner, he may not turn into a sex fiend, but after a stack of oysters, he’ll still have room and appetite for you. It stands to reason that, perhaps, our definition of an aphrodisiac has become too narrowed. What we need to look for are foods that won’t quash a preexisting sexual appetite as much as ones that will increase a failing libido. When looking for an establishment for a romantic night out, seek one that has a menu with some of the items discussed here. Whether or not they feed your libido, they will positively contribute to a quality evening together, which should in and of itself prepare you for lovemaking. Making sure the restaurant has a bar can’t hurt, either.

Another effective love inducer for the tired, draggy man is sleep. When he staggers in from work, make him take a hot bath, give him a gentle massage, and then let him sleep for half an hour. When he wakes up, he will be ready to handle you most improperly. This is why many men crave sex first thing in the morning. But the best way of all to keep your sex life at aphrodisiac level is to find a man worth loving, who feels the same way about you, and then guard and work hard to deepen the love you feel for each other. So become a sensuous woman and you’ll never find yourself desperately swallowing a dose of mashed lizards or decomposed bees to make you feel sexy. He will be able to make you feel that way just by touching you.


About the Creator

Lizzie Boudoir

Thrice married, in love once, overly romantic, and hypersexual.

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    Lizzie BoudoirWritten by Lizzie Boudoir

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