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Dinner, Chapter 13

The Treacle

By Mercedes ChanttooPublished about a month ago 13 min read

Lyra arrived back on the deck, swaying slightly with each step. Her attempt to appear nonchalant was betrayed by the hint of a mischievous grin playing on her lips. She held up a bottle of cava in one hand, the bubbles inside catching the light of the setting sun. "Oh, look what I found!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with a playful slur.

Then, with a twinkle in her eye, she brandished 'little Tom' in her other hand. "And someone's been a naughty girl," she declared, waving the vibrator in the air. "Someone forgot it on the side, in the bathroom... ooo... sexy." Her attempt to sound scandalised was undercut by her giggles, and she nearly lost her balance as she tried to strike a pose.

Emma, lounging comfortably in the hot tub, chuckled at the sight. "Okay, babe, that's very nice. Now put it down and get in. All very funny," she said, her tone affectionate but firm. She reached out to take the bottle from Lyra, who handed it over with a flourish.

Not missing a beat, Vix added her own playful commentary. "The big girls' pool is topless now," she announced, earning her a playful pinch from Emma.

"Oops, I forgot," Lyra said, tossing the vibrator to the couch with a carefree flick of her wrist. As the cork popped and the sparkling wine frothed over the rim, Lyra was still fumbling with the clasp of her bra, her fingers not quite cooperating.

Seeing her struggle, Vix got out of the tub and moved to help. "That's okay, let me help. So we can all enjoy your cute little treasures," she said, her voice a mix of teasing and tenderness. She deftly unclasped the bra, letting it fall to the deck as she offered a hand to Lyra.

With Vix's assistance, Lyra stepped into the hot tub with her right leg, the warm water a welcome contrast to the cool evening air. She couldn't help but giggle as she looked at Vix's naked body, her own self-consciousness momentarily forgotten. "Oh, I also forgot to take off my panties," she said, her voice a mix of embarrassment and amusement.

"Babe, that's not necessary," Emma interjected, her tone gentle but insistent.

"It's the rules," Lyra insisted, her determination bolstered by a combination of tipsiness and a desire to fit in. With one leg in the tub and the other still on the deck, she awkwardly tried to shimmy out of her panties, her movements hindered by both her diminished control and the precarious position.

"Let me help," Vix offered again, but this time Emma intervened, giving Vix's shapely bum a firm smack. "Vix, stop it. Come on, LyLy, just get in now." The playful scolding brought a big smile to Vix's face as she sank back into the water.

Lyra finally managed to get both legs into the tub, her cheeks flushed not just from the wine, but from the warmth and the company of her friends. "But I am a big girl," she protested softly, more to herself than anyone else.

"Yes, you are, and you're just a tiny little bit wasted," Emma replied, her voice full of affection as she refilled everyone's glass. The bubbles from the cava mingled with the steam rising from the water, creating a festive atmosphere.

As Lyra glanced at Emma's and Vix’s chests, a familiar pang of insecurity hit her. She sighed, trying to push away the thoughts that always seemed to surface in moments like these. “My boobs aren't as big as yours,” she muttered, unable to hide the envy in her voice.

"We're not in competition, and your boobs are perfectly fine," Emma said firmly, her tone brooking no argument. "Let's settle down a little. Okay, ladies, are we ready to get sticky?"

The declaration was met with a chorus of laughter and a resounding "Woohoo!" from Lyra. The three friends settled into the hot tub, their laughter and playful banter echoing into the night.

After a final check that everyone was ready, Emma reached out to a discrete control panel on the side. "Here goes, it'll take about five minutes, just relax and let it happen," she said, her fingers dancing over the touchscreen. The water around them began to change, thickening gradually. It was a subtle transformation at first, almost imperceptible, but soon the texture became denser, enveloping their bodies in a syrupy embrace.

The temperature seemed to wrap around them more snugly, a comforting heat that seeped into their muscles. The treacle continued to thicken around them, creating an intense, viscous embrace that clung to their skin. The sweet, molasses-like scent enveloped them, adding an unexpected layer of sensory delight. Vix, ever the adventurous one, pushed at the surface of the thickening liquid. A small wave formed and moved slowly across the pool, its progress almost hypnotic. Lyra squealed in delight but calmed down by the time the slow-motion wave reached her, her squeaks turning into quiet giggles.

Vix let out a deep, satisfied moan. "Now that's what I'm talking about," she said, her voice low and content.

Lyra, always the cautious one, felt a need to share her concern. "Watch out it doesn't get in your special place," she warned, demonstrating by squeezing her legs together tightly.

Emma, ever the voice of reason, reassured her. "Take it easy, LyLy. It's completely harmless," she said, her hand gently patting Lyra's knee under the thickening liquid.

Vix, on the other hand, found Lyra's caution amusing. "Shhh," she said with a grin, "that's the best bit."

For a while, all three women fell silent. The intense heat and the enveloping treacle created a cocoon of warmth and relaxation. Emma and Vix remained completely still, their bodies floating slightly in the dense liquid, while Lyra couldn't resist playing around. She lifted her hand out of the treacle, watching in fascination as it dripped off slowly, each drop hanging in suspension before finally falling back into the pool. The unique properties of the thickened water captivated her; it flowed slowly when she moved gently, but resisted her movements when she applied more force, creating a playful tension that she found endlessly entertaining.

Breaking the silence, Vix turned to Emma with a mischievous look. "Have you tried the Jelly mode with the wobble function?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

Lyra, still relatively new to these experiences, shook her head. "No, I haven't," she admitted, her curiosity piqued.

Vix couldn't resist a little tease. "Of course you haven't," she said with a playful smirk, prompting Lyra to stick out her tongue in response.

Emma, sensing the growing excitement but wanting to maintain a semblance of order, raised her hand for attention. "Alright, everyone, chill unless you want to be punished," she said, her authoritative tone softened by the laughter that followed. "I haven't tried Jelly mode, but I have a very good idea what it means. If Vix wants to do that, she'd have to come back another time and have a solo soak."

Vix pouted in mock disappointment. "Aww, come on, Emma," she pleaded, but Emma remained firm.

"Not gonna happen tonight," Emma said, her tone final but kind. Lyra, still trying to catch up with the conversation, looked between her friends, her confusion evident.

As the treacle continued to work its magic, the three women settled into a comfortable rhythm. Emma leaned back, her eyes half-closed, savouring the moment. Vix, ever the instigator, found herself surprisingly content just to float and enjoy the sensations. And Lyra, her initial nervousness dissipating, found joy in the simple act of exploring the treacle's unique properties.

Just as the soak was reaching its peak of relaxation, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered by the sudden flicker of a holographic projection above the hot tub. Tom's face appeared, his expression urgent, breaking the spell of tranquillity. Lyra gasped, instinctively trying to cover her breasts. Her urgent movements caused the treacle to thicken significantly and thus slow her down. The treacle was in reality opaque and obscured her breasts in any case.

Tom's voice was filled with concern. "Mike's on his way, and he doesn't seem to be in a good mood. I'll try to intercept him at the main house, but be prepared."

A sense of urgency broke the spell of relaxation, at least for Emma and Lyra. The two women scrambled out of the hot tub, the treacle melting away from their bodies, leaving their skin smooth and soft. They each grabbed a fluffy gown, wrapping themselves quickly. Lyra, quite drunk, didn't notice that one of her breasts was still exposed. Emma, ever the caretaker, gently adjusted Lyra's gown to cover her properly. Vid stayed in the tub, waiting for a show.

Moments later, they saw Mike and Tom on the path. Mike's footsteps grew louder as he approached, his face a mask of frustration. He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as if trying to control his anger, before bursting onto the deck. "Lyra, why didn't you call?" he demanded, his voice rough with anger.

Lyra, swaying slightly and slurring her words, tried to counter. "You can always look at your Swipe," she said.

Mike's expression darkened. "That's not the point, Lyra!" he snapped.

Sensing the tension escalating, Tom stepped in, his voice calm and soothing. "Mike, let's all take a breath. They're just having a girls' night. I wasn’t invited either."

But Mike was too agitated to be easily pacified. "This isn't about their girls' night. It's about Lyra not giving a damn about anyone but herself," he retorted, his frustration boiling over.

Emma, trying to maintain peace, raised her voice slightly. "Mike, that's enough. Talk to us directly instead of mansplaining to Tom. Everyone’s entitled to some time with their friends."

The unexpected firmness in Emma's voice made Mike pause. He took a deep breath, his anger deflating slightly. "Lyra, do you want to come home?" he asked, his tone softening.

Lyra, unable to hide her intoxicated state, nodded. "Yesh," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mike walked over to Lyra, taking her hand, and led her, slightly unsteady on her feet, back toward the main house and the waiting autoride. Emma turned back to the hot tub where Vix was still luxuriating in the treacle. The warm glow of the outdoor lights played off the shimmering surface, highlighting Vix's relaxed demeanour.

“Was that it?” Vix asked. “I was expecting Lake House!” Vix’s disappointment that things hadn’t escalated was written all over her face.

Emma, completely ignoring her, "Are you planning on turning into a treacle mermaid tonight, or are you coming out at some point?" Emma’s voice was teasing, her voice light and playful, immediately diffusing Vix’s need for drama.

Vix laughed, the sound echoing softly in the night air. "I might just become part of the decor at this rate. Mind if I crash here tonight?" she asked, already knowing the answer but enjoying the formalities.

"Of course, you know you're always welcome," Emma responded warmly. "You know where everything is. Just make yourself at home."

Vix's smile widened. "Thanks, Em. Oh, and I might give that jelly mode a try — you know, for Lyra science."

Emma chuckled, shaking her head. "Just make sure to give us a full report tomorrow. I expect detailed notes on your... findings."

Vix added with a mischievous grin, “Well, why don’t the two of you get in with me, so we can explore together?”

Tom, who had been quietly observing the exchange, said with a grin, "No, that’s OK Vix. Just make sure those findings are comprehensive. We’re all eager to learn."

Emma and Tom turned to follow the path taken by Lyra and Mike. They walked hand in hand, the gravel crunching under their feet as they approached the main house. From the steps, they waved goodbye to the departing autoride, the vehicle's lights fading into the night.

Once the car was out of sight, Emma turned to Tom, her expression softening. "I'm really proud of you, you know," she said sincerely. "You handled that situation with Mike beautifully. It could have gone south quickly, but you kept it calm."

Tom smiled, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Well, I had a good teacher," he replied, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

Emma leaned closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I think a certain someone deserves a reward. I’ll just make a quick visit to the little girls' room, and then I expect to see you upstairs."

As they moved inside the house, Tom’s curiosity got the better of him. He turned to Emma, his brow furrowed slightly. "I noticed 'little Tom' back at the garden house," he said. "Why was he out there?"

Emma glanced at him, a mischievous glint in her eye. "If you keep that up, your reward will revert to the punishment from earlier for only making Barbarella come once," she warned.

She dropped her robe to reveal she was still only in her short metallic skirt. Tom's eyes widened as he took in the sight. "You might be a little tipsy, but you're steaming hot," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

Emma pushed him towards the stairs, a playful smirk on her face. "I'm going make sure big Tom stands to attention for having such naughty thoughts, I’ll be up in a minute," she whispered, her tone both teasing and promising.

Tom’s response was a playful smirk. "I’ll be waiting," he said, his words full of anticipation.

As the autoride glided through the city, Lyra's drunken haze amplified her desires. She turned to Mike, her eyes heavy with lust, and whispered, "I need you." Despite his earlier anger and indifference, Mike didn't hesitate a moment as Lyra fumbled for his zipper.

Lyra, her movements clumsy and unsteady, climbed onto his lap. Mike, growing impatient, couldn't wait for her to figure out what she was doing in her drunken haze, and helped her. He lifted up his hips, slipping his jeans down to his knees, and freeing his rapidly hardening cock from the confines of his boxers. Lyra, feeling the heat of his arousal, pulled her panties to one side, exposing her pussy to him.

She began to grind against him, her body shaking with the effort. The dressing gown slipped from her shoulders, opening to reveal her tits to him, and at the same time restricting The movement of her arms. The autoride's smooth motion only added to the sensation, the rhythm of the vehicle matching their own. Despite the discomfort of her dryness, Lyra continued to move, her pussy lips rubbing against the underside of Mike's cock. Mike's hands gripped her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh as he tried to control her.

But Lyra was relentless. She rocked against him, her body desperate. With a low groan, the head of his cock pressing against her entrance, Mike's cock finally slid between her pussy lips. Lyra let out a sigh of relief, her body stilling for a moment before she began to move again, her movements slower and more deliberate. Mike's left hand moved up to cup Lyra's breast.

As the mechanical interaction between their bodies continued, Lyra's mind was clouded with alcohol and she struggled to focus on the sensation. Mike, on the other hand, was fully present, his body tensing as he approached his climax.

Lyra, her own body straining, leaned down and tried to kiss him, her tongue haphazardly tracing a line across his face and lips. She freed her arm from the confines of the gown, and pushed Mike's hand away from the nipple he was manipulating. The picture of Emma swatting Tom hands from her perfect boobs flashed through Lyra's mind. She leaned back, using her freed hand and pushed his face to one side, slurring he couldn't look at her.

Mike's breath became ragged, his hips bucking up to meet Lyra's. With a low groan, he came, his cock pulsing inside of Lyra as he filled her with his cum. Lyra was not satisfied, insisting that it was too soon. She climbed off of him, her body still shaking with desire, and took his now-softening cock into her mouth, trying to reanimate it between her lips and tongue.

Mike was bemused, Lyra had never taken him in her mouth before, he wondered if she would do it again, at a time it was more likely to succeed. His body was spent and he let out a weary sigh. He knew that this was not the intimate, passionate encounter that Lyra had been constantly moaning about recently, but he was still too fired up to care. He let her continue, his thoughts drifting away from the present moment.

By the time arrived home, Mike looked at Lyra, now deeply asleep, her head in his lap. He looked at her half naked body, smiling as he thought of having satisfied her. It would be good to get Lyra to try to give him a blow job again, he mused, a pity she didn't seem to understand the mechanics of it all, but he'd teach her.

He shimmied out from under her pulling up his jeans. Stepping out of the autoride, he took a deep breath of the cool night air. The tension of the evening began to ebb away, replaced by his post-coital feeling. He could let her deal with everything in the morning. For now, he needed to rest. With one last look at Lyra, peacefully asleep in the autoride, Mike turned and walked towards their home, the night's events replaying in his mind.


About the Creator

Mercedes Chanttoo

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    MCWritten by Mercedes Chanttoo

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