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Dinner, Chapter 10

The Deck

By Mercedes ChanttooPublished 2 months ago 13 min read

Emma prepared a cocktail, a concoction of sparkling citrus and vodka that she knew Lyra favoured. "Here, try this," she said, handing Lyra a glass filled with the vibrant, icy mixture. Lyra took a sip, then found herself taking another and another—each one easier and deeper than the last.

"Whoa there," Emma chuckled, her voice light but observant. "Easy, tiger. Let’s make that last a bit longer." She quickly mixed another drink, topping off her own before leading Lyra onto the sun-dappled deck.

The veranda was decked with luxurious outdoor furniture and shaded by an expansive umbrella over the hot tub, promising relaxation. "It’s been ages since our last summer get-together with the girls," Emma mused, prompting a half-hearted shrug from Lyra.

Following Emma's lead, Lyra stepped onto the deck, her steps slightly unsteady. Her formal work attire felt overly restrictive compared to the casual atmosphere of the deck.

They settled on the plush couch, with Emma placing her drink on a nearby table. The calm atmosphere, with its subtle breeze, contrasted starkly with the intensity of what she’d seen inside. As they sat, the intimate setting and Emma's scant attire—that lacy bra and daringly short skirt—heightened Lyra's awareness of her own vulnerability.

Emma noticed Lyra's discomfort, her body language closed off and gaze averted. Moving closer, she began to ease the tension in Lyra’s shoulders with gentle strokes. "You seem to be holding a lot back," she murmured, her voice a soothing blend of warmth and concern.

Lyra exhaled a shaky breath, feeling the warmth of Emma's hands penetrate deeper than mere touch. With her eyes closed, the world condensed to just the comforting pressure of Emma's hands. Under Emma’s care, her discomfort slowly started to dissolve into a backdrop of safety and acceptance.

As Emma's hands paused on Lyra’s shoulders, she whispered, "Let me help you with this." Lyra nodded, her movements tentative but trusting. She allowed Emma to gently slide the blazer off her shoulders. The fabric whispered as it passed her arms, leaving a cool trail on her skin that contrasted with the warmth of Emma’s touch.

The blazer fell beside the couch, forgotten. Feeling lighter, Lyra reached for her drink again, taking a long, deep gulp.

Emma’s hands rested on Lyra’s shoulders, her breath a gentle whisper, "You're not alone in this, LyLy. Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m right here."

Lyra’s shoulders stiffened as she clasped her glass tightly. Her gaze drifted, focusing on a knot in the wood of the deck, as she battled the surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She appreciated Emma's assurance, but part of her resisted, fearful of exposing her vulnerabilities.

Emma continued the gentle massage, her presence comforting without further words. Minutes passed in silence, punctuated only by the rustle of leaves and distant bird calls. Gradually, Lyra's muscles relaxed under Emma's skilled fingers, mirroring the subtle emotional shift she felt.

Finally, Lyra exhaled a long breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding. "Em," she began, her voice still guarded but softer now, "it's just been really hard at home. Mike and I... we're not connecting like we used to."

Encouraged by Lyra's tentative admission, Emma gently probed, "What happened last night, LyLy? You can tell me."

Lyra hesitated, her expression clouded with discomfort. She reached for her cocktail, draining the glass in one long, desperate gulp.

Seeing her friend finish her drink quickly, Emma offered a soft chuckle, her tone both light and attentive. "Let me freshen that up for you," she suggested, rising gracefully from her seat to fetch more drinks. Lyra watched her move inside—she was so confident, even the way she moved, no wonder she had such a perfect relationship with Tom.

Emma returned, balancing two glasses and a bottle of Cava. "Let's switch it up a bit," Emma announced, topping off the glasses with sparkling wine. "A bit of bubbly might lift the spirits in these... complex situations."

Lyra took a few generous sips, feeling the bubbles tickle her throat and slightly lighten her mood. Emma settled beside her again, resuming her comforting touches with purpose.

"Alright," Emma said, sensing a slight easing in Lyra's tension. "Just take a deep breath, close your eyes, and talk to me. What's been going on with Mike?"

Lyra complied, her eyelids fluttering shut as she inhaled deeply, guided by Emma's soothing voice. "Last night was just... awful, Em. I felt so used, so empty afterwards. It's like he doesn't see me anymore, just... what he needs from me."

Emma's hands paused on Lyra's shoulders, then resumed with a gentler pressure, comforting and deliberate. "That sounds really tough, sweetie. Do you want to share more?"

Lyra's voice caught as she struggled with her emotions. "It's like... he doesn't even try to connect, not really. It's all about him, his needs, and I'm just there."

Giving Lyra space to continue, Emma leaned back slightly, her expression encouraging yet non-intrusive. "You're safe here, LyLy. Let it all out. If you can’t tell me just yet, ask me."

The silence stretched on, Emma watched Lyra closely, waiting for her to gather her thoughts.

After a long pause, Lyra opened her eyes, looking directly at Emma with a mix of curiosity and desperation. "Jenna told me that you helped her and Astra. What did you do?"

Emma raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Oh, really? And what saucy details did Jenna reveal?"

Lyra's eyes widened slightly, her words merging together. "She didn't get into details. Just mentioned that you helped them somehow. Did you do... something with them?"

Emma laughed softly, shaking her head in a manner that was both dismissive and affectionate. "LyLy, you have quite the imagination. No, I didn’t get involved in the way you’re thinking."

Lyra blinked, taken aback, and then laughed nervously. “Emma, I didn’t mean anything like that,” she exclaimed, her tone a mix of surprise and more than a hint of curiosity.

“Relax,” Emma reassured, her voice calm and soothing. “Jenna and Astra had some challenges, and I helped them find ways to better understand each other's special needs and desires. It's more about communication and less about... well, the physical stuff you’re imagining.”

Lyra’s curiosity deepened, her face slightly flushed with interest. "But what do you mean by 'special needs'? Like..." She paused, lowering her voice to a whisper, "do you mean sex?"

“Lyra, that’s enough,” Emma chided, her voice still warm but firm. “If you’re really interested, maybe talk to Jenna directly. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind sharing more with you.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” Lyra mumbled, her cheeks colouring with embarrassment.

Emma’s hands moved from Lyra’s shoulders down to wrap around her waist, pulling her friend into a comforting embrace. She kissed Lyra gently on the cheek, her voice filled with warmth and a hint of playful scolding, "There’s no need to apologise, dirty girl. We all have our curiosities. And maybe the bubbly’s loosening our lips a bit too."

Lyra leaned into the embrace, her earlier tension easing slightly under Emma's patient touch. “Sorry, Em. It’s just that everything seems so complicated right now. I wish things were simpler.”

Emma smiled softly, her arms tightening around Lyra in a supportive squeeze. "Life’s rarely simple, but that’s why we have friends and a little bubbly to help smooth the way. And remember, I'm here to help you navigate, just like I did for Jenna and Astra. We'll figure this out together."

Lyra's eyes widened as Emma spoke, the initial spark of shock slowly dissolving into a soft glow of realisation. A tentative smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, a silent, budding acknowledgment of new possibilities. "And you think you could help me?"

Emma smiled warmly, her eyes filled with understanding and compassion. "Of course, Lyra. We all have our own journey to self-discovery. And sometimes, it helps to have a friend to guide us along the way."

"Em," Lyra whispered, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "I'm not sure what I'd do without you. But I still don’t know where to begin?"

Noticing that the couch still held too many constraints for Lyra, Emma suggested a change. "How about we move this to the hot tub? A warm soak might just be what we need," Emma proposed, her voice hopeful. “Come on, help me get it ready.” The suggestion wasn’t just about physical relaxation but a subtle nudge for Lyra to wash away the emotional barriers she clung to.

Together, they worked on removing the cover from the hot tub. Once it was off, Emma stepped in, and sat on the edge with her legs dangling in the warm water. She reached out to Lyra, grabbing her friend's hands, coaxing her closer with a playful tug. The steam from the hot tub enveloped them, carrying a gentle heat that promised relaxation. Lyra, however, looked like a deer caught in headlights, hesitating at the edge of the tub.

"I haven't got my bikini," she protested weakly, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Emma dismissed her concern with a casual wave of her hand, her feet playfully splashing in the water. "Don't worry about it. I'm getting in like this, Barbarella-style, hardly a bikini, right?" She gestured to her skimpy attire that was more tease than cover. "You can get in with your bra and panties. Come on, strip down. It’s just us here."

Lyra's eyes welled up with tears, the vulnerability evident in her posture. Emma, noticing her friend's distress, softened her tone, flipped her legs out of the tub and pulled Lyra gently until she was standing between legs.

"What's the matter, LyLy?" Emma asked tenderly, her hands resting reassuringly on Lyra's hips.

Lyra whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of the water, "I think I have a stain in my panties... from watching you and Tom earlier."

Emma responded with a gentle laugh, aiming to lighten the mood, "Babe, what you saw was really hot. If I was watching I’d be completely the same. But remember, it's just the two of us here, and you know I don’t judge." She gave Lyra a reassuring squeeze on her hips. “And once you get in, everything will be wet, and there’ll be nothing to see."

Encouraged by Emma's relaxed and accepting demeanour, Lyra hesitated for a moment before reaching for the buttons of her blouse. Her fingers fumbled slightly, so Emma gently took over, her hands deftly assisting with the small, tricky fastenings. As the last button slipped free, Lyra shrugged the blouse off her shoulders, letting it fall away.

Then, with a playful grin, Lyra unzipped her skirt and wriggled out of it with a flourish. "Woohoo!" she exclaimed as she tossed it onto the sofa, her voice carrying a mix of relief and exhilaration. The skirt landed in a soft heap beside her blouse.

While retrieving their drinks, she glanced down at the visible stain on her light-coloured panties and looked towards Emma, but her gaze was warm and understanding, not fixated on the mark but rather on Lyra's face, offering silent support.

Emma gracefully removed her bra, tossing it towards the couch with a carefree air. The small garment landed softly on the plush cushions, joining Lyra's discarded garments. Now wearing only her tiny skirt, Emma gently guided Lyra into the water, her hands touching her waist, easing her down into the steaming tub.

The heat enveloped Lyra immediately, the soothing warmth seeping into her muscles, loosening the knots of tension. Emma's hands didn't leave Lyra; instead, they continued to move in slow, comforting strokes along her back, helping her friend relax deeper into the embrace of the hot water.

"See? Isn’t this better?" Emma murmured, her lips close to Lyra’s ear, making her shiver—not from cold, but from the intimate closeness and the steam that seemed to carry Emma’s words like a secret meant only for her.

Lyra nodded, her body relaxing as the warmth and Emma's touch unwound her. The initial discomfort about her appearance faded away, overshadowed by the emotional warmth that surrounded her. Emma smiled, pleased to see her friend beginning to unwind, and leaned back slightly, her eyes soft and inviting.

With a gentle smile, Emma said, "You know, there's nothing wrong with embracing your femininity and treating yourself to some nice lingerie. It can make you feel more confident and sexy, even when no one else is around to see it."

Lyra blushed, looking down in the swirling water at her unassuming undergarments. "I never really thought about it, I guess. I've always just gone for comfort.."

Emma nodded, understandingly. "I get that, but sometimes it's nice to mix things up and wear something that makes you feel special. It doesn't have to be anything revealing or over the top – just something that makes you feel good about yourself. You’re a babe, LyLy, remember how knock-dead gorgeous you were at the restaurant a few weeks back? You can live a little..."

Lyra considered Emma's words, her expression thoughtful. "I've never really thought about lingerie as something that could make me feel more confident. I've always seen it as something for other people's benefit, not my own."

Emma smiled warmly. "Exactly, LyLy. It's about feeling good in your own skin and embracing your own desires. And who knows? Maybe wearing something that makes you feel sexy will help you reconnect with Mike and bring some of that passion back into your relationship."

Lyra's eyes filled simultaneously with gratitude and hint of dampness, her voice quivering as she spoke. "But I just don't know where to start. I sound like a swipe-message on repeat. I feel so lost and disconnected from him. And after what happened earlier know, watching you, I can't help but compare our relationship to yours."

Emma gave Lyra's hand another gentle squeeze. "I understand, LyLy. But remember, every relationship is different, and everyone has their own journey to self-discovery. What works for Tom and me might not work for you and Mike, and that's okay. The important thing is to find what feels right for the two of you."

Emma took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving Lyra's. "You know, sometimes, it's hard to find the words. So, let's try something different. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine you're in a place where you feel safe and comfortable. What do you see?"

Lyra hesitated for a moment before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She described a serene beach, with soft sand and the sound of waves lapping against the shore. Emma listened attentively, encouraging Lyra to focus on the details of her mental sanctuary.

As Lyra became more relaxed, Emma gently steered the conversation back towards her relationship with Mike. Sensing Lyra's growing comfort, Emma subtly shifted her position, wrapping her legs around Lyra and drawing closer. The intimate contact caused Lyra to become acutely aware of Emma's bare skin and the soft brush of her breasts against her own body.

Emma's voice was soft and soothing. "Now, imagine Mike is there with you on the beach. What do you want to tell him? What do you wish he knew about how you're feeling?"

The close proximity of Emma's body, combined with her gentle encouragement, helped Lyra to open up further. She took on a voice meant to represent Mike, saying, "Oh, you're really wet. I suppose that's because of my hot body. Well, flip over so I can fuck you properly." Tears immediately started to stream down her face as she spoke, her voice trembling with emotion.

Emma tightened her legs around Lyra, offering comfort and support. She leaned in closer and tenderly kissed away Lyra's tears, her lips brushing softly against her friend's cheek. "Fuck me, we need to work on Mike's manners.” After a pause of several seconds, she asked “Babe, do you like being found 'hot'?"

Lyra nodded, sniffling. "Yes, but not as an object for his use. I want him to see me as a person, with my own needs and wants."

"You have your own desires too," Emma said soothingly, her legs still wrapped around Lyra. "What do you want him to do?"

Lyra's voice was barely above a whisper. "Kiss me, look at me, tell me how much he loves being with me."

"And what does he do?" Emma prompted.

"He flips me over and shoves it in," Lyra replied, her voice breaking.

Emma's expression softened, her eyes filled with understanding. "Does he carry around a jerry can of lube?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Lyra shook her head. "No.. yes.. No, I mean no, I'm not at the beach. Yesterday, at home, I was.. wet because I played with, you know, Ms. Strapless."

"Oh, Lyra, that sounds interesting!" Emma exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Lyra shook her head, tears still falling. "No, it didn't work properly."

Emma's tone was gentle and understanding. "Babe, it worked enough to have Mike.. slip in without having to 'warm you up.' That's hardly not working?"

Lyra's voice was barely audible. "But it wasn't what I wanted. No it was what I wanted, just not like that."

Emma nodded, acknowledging her friend's feelings. She kissed away another tear that rolled down Lyra's cheek. "I know, baby. Did you feel anything? Did you enjoy anything at all?"

Lyra hesitated before admitting, "I.. I played with myself while he.. You know.."

Emma interrupted gently, "Babe, you owned it, you thought about you." She paused, her voice soft but probing. "But was there anything about being with Mike that you wanted? Anything at all?"

Lyra sighed, her voice filled with longing. "I wanted him to be gentle, to touch me, to make me feel desired. But he was too quick, and then he rolled off and went to sleep."

Emma tightened her legs around Lyra once more, offering comfort and support. "It's okay, LyLy. This is all part of the process. We'll figure out a way for you to communicate your needs and desires to Mike, so you can both enjoy a more fulfilling and passionate relationship. It's going to take time, but I'm here for you every step of the way."


About the Creator

Mercedes Chanttoo

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