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Balzaq's Bawdy Beam Brawl

Alien Brain Sex / Weird Hardcore Adult

By Made in DNAPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Balzaq's Bawdy Beam Brawl
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

For lovers of the truly weird and Chuck Tingle.


Lasfire licked at Balzaq's head. Moments earlier, an alien chick had been licking his balls. The change in venue wasn't to his liking.

"It's the Raging Rectal RotoBots," he growled, pounding fist into an open palm. He scrunched his face in anger as it was obviously the only part of him getting screwed today.

When the RotoBots had blown the door to his space station quarters, he had tried to pull his alien lover over the side of the bed with him, but her body had been vaporized before he could. The only part of her left was her head. Lucky that, because her lips were still wrapped around his dick.

With a disappointed sigh, he looked over at her; her eyes were still half-open in an expression of ecstasy, and her succulent, full-lips curved space around them as they pursed their last. And then, "Baaaaallgzaaaaxz..."

With a startled scream, Balzaq jumped up and dodged fire as he ran for the cover of large walk-in closet, yanking the head along with him, unable to escape her postmortem death-suck.

"Baaaalasszzlx…" The head spoke again, grimaced, and then spit his dick out. "Balzaq, quick, pick me up and fuck my brains out!"

Balzaq made to kick the talking head away but she bit down on his big toe until he cried "Uncle!" in-between shots at the scrapyard rejects on their snail-pace approach.

"Listen to me! I'm not dead. I've just reached a hired pain of ecesis–"

Balzaq kicked out at the head again which sent her pinballing across the room. The RotoBots fired wildly at her to no effect.

"Stop kicking me, you asshole, and listen!" She screamed. "As long as my neurons are firing, I am a weapon!"

That caught the ex-military man's attention. "Well, why didn't you say so?" ZAP ZAP! "What do I have to do to 'operate' you?"

"You've got to be smooth." The corpseless head smiled. "And you need a rock hard cock!" Leaping at him, the head dodged robot lasfire and Balzaq's limpwrist girly-scream-battle-hands to land in his crotch. Attaching herself to his dick, she vacuum-sucked his thick, meaty manhood back into action.

Unable to resist, Balzaq ground his molars as alien teeth scraped the underside of his shaft in a bonafide boner bid. He was back in good standing in no time flat.

"Haha!" he screamed and stood, firing into the group of geargrinders crowded in the doorway of his bedroom. "Suck on this, you junkyard jagoffs!"

Lasfire ripped across the room in all directions in a cacophony of explosions, Wilhelm Screams, and bawdy baud-rate pleas for mercy. But no matter how many Balzaq shot, a steady, endless stream of RotoBots waited to replace the fallen.

"Noph, yuuf cockgsugger! Pig meup!"

Amid the lasfire, Balzaq pulled the alien woman's head from his cock and brought her up to look her in the eye.

"Fuck my brains out!"

"What?" A look of consternation passed over Balzaq's face.

"Turn me around, part my hair, and shove your dick in!"

He cocked his head to the side, started to say something, but decided not to fight it. Turning her head around, he parted her hair and found a gaping vagina-shaped hole directly into the alien girl's brain matter. Slick with sexual wet, it resembled a knotted mass of pink. Ridged and tangled for pleasure, it looked mighty inviting. His dick throbbed in anticipation.

Tossing caution to the wind, he slammed his dick deep within her and held on to her ears for dear life as a massive build-up of power formed around her mouth. He screamed as a thick beam of white lanced out to destroy the RotoBots.

"Fuck me, that's brilliant!"

With a whoop, he ran out into the station corridor, disintegrating robots left and right. Blasting his way to the robot staging and command area, he jumped upon a conveniently placed crate, he placed his hands on his hips, stood erect, and gave a wolfish grin before thousands of RotoBots.

"You're doom is at hand, you tin gits!" and began a victory grind-and-cum jig. "I'll destroy you with a whip of my hip, a grind of my groin, and thrust of–"

"No!" The alien chick head screamed. "You'll activ–"

The space station exploded in a hellish, puckered fireball.

To be continued…


About the Creator

Made in DNA

The not-yet bestselling, non-award winning author of work you haven't read yet!

Work spans various genres -- scifi, weird, non-fiction, life in Japan.

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Comments (1)

  • Madoka Mori2 years ago

    Brilliant. Marking you down for not calling it 'How to get Ahead in Life," but marking you UP for the phrase "bonafide boner bid."

Made in DNAWritten by Made in DNA

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