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An Alien's Guide to Handjobs

Chapter Two: One Bottle of Elementium, Coming Up

By Davi MaiPublished 9 months ago 9 min read

Here's Chapter One if you haven't read it...

Chapter Two: One Bottle of Elementium Coming Right up

Sarah woke in horror. At twenty-four years old, she still remembered a college hazing. This reminded her of that torment, but felt crueller. Someone had stripped her clothes off— even her panties; and they’d shackled her to a table, legs and arms spread. Desperate for help, her head throbbed with the world’s worst migraine. Clasping and unclasping her hands, she tried to clear it. Where was that guy, Tony? What the hell happened? Had he kidnapped her? Was this all a hallucination? And who had shaved all her hair off?

When the giant lizard walked into the room, Sarah nearly wet herself in fright. She screamed.

The lizard clamped two hands up to its head and took a step back, until Sarah ran out of breath and stopped screaming.

Cynathox unblocked her ear ducts. They make so much noise!

Sarah could do nothing but shiver in fear and wrench her arms and feet around, as the three-eyed lizard peered between her legs. That it was not human did nothing to quell her acute embarrassment at having her private parts so exposed. But embarrassment was secondary to terror. She tried hard not to pee. Somehow, that would signal she was more scared than she had ever been in her life— and she did not want to accept that.

“Miss? Is that you?” Tony’s voice echoed around the white walls of her room. The lizard’s face snapped up from inspecting Sarah’s bald crotch. Its three eyes blinked as it slithered from the room.

Tony had also woken with a massive headache. He took some time to realise he was naked and shackled to a table, arms and legs spread wide. While he had hoped to end up naked today, with the hot blonde hitchhiking chick, this was not how he imagined it.

No amount of struggling would break the metal bands that encircled his wrists and ankles. The brightly lit ceiling hurt his eyes. He closed them for some reprieve while his brain tried to work out what on earth was happening. When he opened them again, he looked into a green reptilian face with a huge central eye, blinking a vertical iris. Two smaller eyes on either side blinked in unison. Tony recoiled in horror, though with nowhere to recoil to. His stomach churned, and he tasted bile. A scream echoed through his mind, but such was his terror, he could not vocalise it. Another part of his mind tried to reassure him it must be a nightmare.

The reptile walked around the table. Shiny scales coated the exterior and four arms extended out from its torso. Lifting his head, Tony saw a long tail protruding from the rear and sliding across the floor behind it. The creature seemed to have some kind of tablet in two of its hands. It was now peering down at his junk.

Tony noticed that someone had shaved him bare. This seemed like a random observation to make amid fear and panic. He moved the back of his head on the table. No hair there either; somehow, it made everything worse. Then the lizard creature made hissing noises into the tablet— that did not help.


Cynathox observed the balled slug as it woke and she added to her notes. With all the hair lasered off it, the features and dimensions were easier to measure. She could have ripped the elementium right off and thrown the rest of the body into the airlock, but her research suggested that this thing could produce an almost endless supply. The rare substance appeared to perform a function in their reproductive cycle. She hissed in disgust. That was also the reason she’d ordered Zerkhox teleport the other, ball-less, creature back to the ship. Something told her that she needed both.


“Ye… yes, it’s me. Oh my god, what is happening? Help me, please!” Sarah yelled.

“I can’t, I’m… stuck. A lizard thing was here, be careful!”

“It was here with me too! I’m so scared.”

Cynathox recorded the irritating noises with the diagnostic tablet. They had similar patterns to intercepted broadcasts from the planet. She left the slugs and hurried back to her lab.

Tony and Sarah, strangers just a few hours ago, tried to console themselves through the wall.

Sometime later, the lizard creature reappeared in Tony’s room. It leaned over him with a device, and for a second Tony thought it would chop his head off. Two webbed hands fixed the device— a collar— around his neck. The hissing sounds coming from the lizard’s scaly mouth emanated from the collar in perfect English, albeit with a robotic tone.

“You. Slug-thing. Make ‘rich element’. Yes.”

The software had informed Cynathox there was no direct translation for elementium, but it had found a close alternative with “rich element”.

Tony felt relief at hearing English, even if it made little sense. The relief was short-lived, however, when claws extended from the lizards’ hands. One of them poked his right testicle.

“You. Make rich element!” The voice shouted from the collar.

Sarah shouted back through the wall. “Dude, what’s going on? Is someone else there? Can they help us?”

“I’m not sure. The huge lizard is back in here. I think it’s given me a translation device, but it’s not making any sense.”

Commanding the slug to produce elementium yielded no results for Cynathox. She stalked from the room.

Tony heard another scream from Sarah and some metallic noises. And then the lizard appeared with his hitchhiker. It pushed her roughly towards the table. Sarah collapsed over Tony’s chest, sobbing.

“Shush, it’s okay. We’ll figure this out, just don’t upset it.”

The collar around Tony’s neck made a series of hissing and squelching noises. The lizard cocked its head and listened, before making hissing and squelching noises of its own.

The robotic voice boomed from the collar a second later.

“You. Slugs! Do your mating. Produce fine element from balls! Now!”

Tony and Sarah stared at each other.

Sarah spoke first. “I think it wants us to, to... have sex?”

More hissing, then, “Yes. Sex! Do Sex! Make me element. Lots.”

And with that it gave Sarah a sharp whack on her bare ass. Its claws scratched across both cheeks.

“Ow! That hurt!” She sobbed again.

“Hey!” Tony yelled. “Don’t you touch her!”

The lizard glared at him, blinking its central eye and baring its claws. “Sex. Element. Now!”

“Okay! Sarah, I think we better. Maybe it will let us go after?”

Sarah sniffed and tried to put on a brave face. They warned me about hitchhiking, but no one mentioned being abducted by lizard people and forced to have sex with strangers.

She clambered up onto the table.

The lizard moved closer, tablet in hand, to make observations.

Tony didn’t appear very willing to Sarah. She was grateful for that. This clearly wasn’t some kind of elaborate hoax to trick her into sex. He looked as terrified as she was.

Sarah straddled him. She wondered what she looked like, with a cue-ball head and eyes red from crying. Looking down she noticed her boobs shone with a light coating of sweat. The smoothness of her belly was uninterrupted by any hair between her legs. A strange thought occurred to her amidst the fear— that she’d never been able to shave her pussy that closely on her own.

Tony was shaved too, and his flaccid penis looked ridiculous, in the bright overhead lights.

Reaching down, Sarah took him in her hand and stroked.

The lizard moved to the side of the table.

Tony stiffened in Sarah’s hand. She smiled.

“Close your eyes. I need to… do something, and it’s too embarrassing.”

The collar translated the words into the lizard's tongue, and it blinked in bemusement.

Tony, face flushed, closed his eyes and tried to imagine it was just the two of them. They had made it to a hotel and hooked up. He almost believed it for a second.

Sarah moved her other hand down and rubbed herself. Guys might get a hard-on easily, but she could not move from abject terror to arousal so quickly. She tried not to look at the lizard watching her as she masturbated. It was too horrifying and too surreal.

When she felt she was wet enough, she spoke. “You ready?”

Not waiting for an answer, Sarah moved her legs further up the table until she was over his erection. She spread herself open with two fingers and lowered onto him.

Tony could not help but join the lizard in watching. The sight of their anatomy joining helped him maintain the erection.

Sarah threw her head back— forgetting the lizard for a moment— and moaned. She sank further onto his length. It filled her completely. A warmth emanated from deep inside her core and dissolved any remaining fear. Whatever happened, she had been able to make love one last time. She pushed her knees against the table to move herself up before sinking down again.

Tony groaned as he watched and enjoyed Sarah’s warm body around his. He could not do much to help, other than try to lift his hips in time with her. She set up a steady, slow rhythm for them and he knew it would not be long before he came.

The horrible lizard-beast spoiled the moment. Its face still inches from where Tony penetrated Sarah. It hissed and spat. The collar obliged with a translation.

“Good, yes. I think fine element comes after this. Probably goes inside ball-less one. I will scrape it out.”

Sarah stopped mid-length.

“What? No!” She yelped at the lizard.

It replied with venom in its hissing. Even though the collar could not translate the tone, Sarah shrank back in fear.

“Yes, I will get the element! Either from the balls or from inside you!”

Sarah figured everything out in an instant. She thought of a suggestion that might save any “scraping” and addressed the lizard. “I can get you the ‘element’ as you call it.”

The collar hissed. The lizard contemplated. “You show!” it demanded, but then added, “no wait!” and hurried out the door.

Sarah lifted herself off. “This is gross, but I think it wants your semen.”

“You’re kidding?”

“No, I’m not. And I do not particularly want those claws up inside me trying to scrape it out. But if I jerk you off, maybe it will let us go?”

Tony had no choice. Manacled as he was to the table.

The lizard returned with what looked like a drink bottle.

I hope it doesn’t think he can fill that. Sarah thought to herself, but decided not to say it out loud. Best not antagonise the creature.

The lizard placed the bottle between Tony’s legs and stood at the other side of the table, looking on.

Tony was wilting now, but it only took a few strokes of Sarah’s hand to bring him erect again. One hand slid up and down his shaft. Her other hand cupped his balls, fingers kneading them.

Even with the lizard studying her hand job skills, and Tony no longer within her, Sarah was still turned on. His length felt rock hard in one hand, and his balls tight and heavy in the other. Feeling rather wanton at the thought, she wished he could come inside her, and not in a stupid bottle. But the consequences of doing that did not bear thinking about.

“You have to let him stand up,” she told the lizard, “I can’t get it all in the bottle this way.”

After a few seconds it seemed the lizard understood. It tapped the tablet and the manacles holding Tony snapped open. The lizard bared its claws in a warning. Sarah understood— try anything and she’d be sliced apart.

Tony strained to sit up on the table.

Sarah put a hand on his arm and helped him stand. The lizard moved to their side of the table.

“I must see,” it hissed.

Sarah was tired of being bossed around. “Okay, then you can help,” she said, and handed the bottle to the lizard. “Hold this in front of his...penis. When I say so, you move it closer, so the end of his penis goes inside. Okay?”

After a pause for the translation, the lizard nodded. A forked tongue slipped from its mouth and licked its scaly lips.

Sarah stood beside Tony and jerked him off. Bending down, she reached a hand under his ass to play with his balls from behind. When his hips twitched, she rubbed the head of his dick with the pad of her thumb. Recognising the tell-tale signs, she held her thumb in place.

“Now!” she told the lizard, and its clawed hand moved the bottle over Tony’s dick.

“Oh, wow, yes!” he groaned, as he came into the bottle. The built-up arousal from the shaven fuck with Sarah, followed by her expert hand job, pulsed out of him.

The lizard’s central eye gleamed with delight. But as Tony’s ejaculation abated, it squinted menacingly.

“More!” it growled.


About the Creator

Davi Mai

Short story writer. Fantasy, sci-fi, transgressive. I lack a filter but try to make stuff fun.

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Comments (1)

  • Jojo9 months ago

    Hey, you should read this one-shot:

Davi MaiWritten by Davi Mai

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